Like "wtf just happened" and "ok note to self don't separate hands from grunts to the point of them glitching out or we're all going to die good to know"
@@theenderdestruction2362 I think they were in the building outside of the window in the room the soldat got murdered in. It could be possible that they were indeed spying on the scientists, watching what they were doing.
They were like: Deimos: Hey, let's go invade that buildi- * the wacky experiment thing happens * Deimos: oh... Sanford: Yeah let's uh... Not... Do that. Deimos: Yeah.. Deimos: I mean.. Technically it was pretty much invaded already. Sanford: Yeah, F*** that.
- Hey ever noticed how our hands do not connect to our body and yet we can control them anyways? -'re right.....that's crazy... _Breaks reality_
I find it interesting that this confirms that the characters in this universe genuinely look and function that way and it's not just an animation style
One day, on Krinkels' Curious Cat page, someone asked him what stops a grunt from extending the distance between their body and their hands. Krinkels responded with the answer of "pain," the question, and question of possibilities, persisted, and was probably here before this day. Today, this video was uploaded.
@@TrickyJebus they have no mouth and yet they must scream. this is their version of screaming in true agony I imagine. going turbo eldritch abomination.
its like the pain was programmed to stop them from distancing there limbs from the main body, and in the chance it was forced it destroyed everyone who was part of the attempt as punishment for there action.
I love how Madness series is always so connected to coding, is like if everyone was a character coded into the world, and if you mess with the character's physics, weird things can happen in the world
There Merceneries That Is Trying To Destroy A Cloning Project Called Project Nexus While Trying To Find OutThe Employers While Also Following A Guy Called Hank Who Is Getting Targetted By Litteral Thousands Of Super Soldier Clones Also Being Targetted By A God, A Black Red Fire Guy And A Clown Which All Has Powers Of A God And Getting Ressurected By The Same Clown And Also Being Put In A Dark Dimension Where The Fabric Of Reality Dosent Exist. So I Think Thats A Over Reaction Calling It "Damn, That's Crazy" Why Did I Take The Time To Make Dis Comment It Took Me Almost Half A Hour ;-;
Well, Deimos and 2BDamned fuck with the natural order on the daily to bring Hank back, don't think he would be that surprised. If anything, if it weren't for viewing himself as a "hero" he'd probably would've done an experiment like this.
Seeing how lively the character movements are despite being simple, seeing scrapeface just walk in a straight line without any movement is genuinely scary.
I like to think that there was supposed to be a really detailed walking animation but the software broke and krinkles was like "Fuck it, that'd how it walks now."
@@gregalt3405 “Hey guys, so today, we will be separating our hands from our body! Pretty crazy! But before we get into the video i NEED to warn you guys to not try this at home! anyways, let’s begin!”
i thought that was literally what the improbability drive was? the sheriff pressing that button literally was the cause of everything in Nevada going batshit crazy
Well he did refer to this as the last of the "quirky plot device episodes" so if we're to get anything from that, it looks like the AAHW are very, very, VERY soon to turn up the heat.
This means the madness combat characters are self aware about their animation style because they considered having detached floating hands something worth experimenting around
I just really like the fact it adds to the horror. Imagine being out late at night, and suddenly you get tackled by a Grey being with bloodied hands and a scraped-off face. I bet that'll leave mental and physical scars. That is if you manage to survive.
Ok, so idk what to think about the hands anymore. They're "attached" to their bodies, but they can move infinite distances away from the body, but there are also hands that are attacked, like hank's? I'm... least to say very confused
@@Fufstruck98910 They can move infinitely away from the body, but it's confirmed by krinkels on his curiouscat that it would be excruciating if they tried that.
Lesson learned: Never take a Madness character's hands too far from them, unless you want to create a living creepypasta and kill everyone on the building you are in
IIRC, a while ago, Krinkels did say on his Curious Cat that Madness characters have wildly different bodies than humans, and that their flesh feels like clay. Just a fun fact
@@Xhawk777 hence when you see mag agents, they usually intend self harm first to most likely put themselves back together (from super strong straps to literal 5' nails to "stitch" them together) NOW THE QUESTION STANDS; are mag agents just a bunch of grunts being literally mushed together?
@@maximnikolaev6627 nope, project nexus 2 is going to give a detailed explanation of how to build a MAG, torture is a special case he most likely is a AAHW dissenter that got MAGnified and was then used as a unit in their ranks
Fun fact: The sedan at 2:27 is the same sedan from the start of madness combat 9. This confirms that this episode takes place between 7.5 and 9 since Sanford and Deimos are notified that hank is dead in 7.5 and the sedan they used to get to him is in this episode. Interesting, right?
This is somehow the only Madness Combat animation that actually makes me uncomfortable, I don't think pain and agony are enough to describe what that poor guy went through
something about being used to Krinkels' constant shaky/spaztic movement and then suddenly seeing a stiff linear movement from him is unsettling, made even more so with the given context behind this scene
You can see the code while the hands are grinding against the box, this is not just a stylistic thing, that code is the very thing their reality is made of
It's a good think MC characters usually don't make sounds. Do you imagine the SCREAMS of agony that guy must've been doing if he could talk? or if we could hear him That kind if thing if what gives chills to the toughest of warriors
Imagine hearing “SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP PLEASE IT HURTS HELP HELP ME GOD HELP ME EVERYTHING HURTS HELP PLEASE” following multiple screams coming from a mouth that is not moving attached to a ripped apart face attached to a body that is gliding towards you
actually scrapeface does make a sound here! right before it cheese grates itself into the floor, it makes a weird screech. i completely agree though i couldn't handle this series if they actually spoke
Essentially, a Grunt is hardwired to having their body as close to them at all times. When they reach their limit though ( i.e. 1:14 ), that "hardwired code" gets corrupted, and glitches everything else. This is probably why the Grunt starts to brutally scrape their face off, and later, kill themselves entirely and destroy the whole building. Their code is broken, and *nothing* is able to stop that.
welcome to the reality bender club, we got: dude who jumped in a pool of gasoline and lit a ciggarate jesus on coke the windows XP clown and now, introducing, the guy who looked the cheat codes up
Oh god, probably the creepiest thing Kirnkles has ever uploaded. So if the hands are enough of a distance away from the body they become a sperate being and because the further away the hands are away from the body the more painful it is so the body must destroy itself as a consequence. The dude probably died at 1:08, however in order for the hands to move it needs a vessel so it likely calls out to the now dead body. But the hands becoming a separate entity violates many laws of the Madness universe so it gains access to the hard code of the universe and can do some pretty crazy things making this new entity extremely powerful but short-lived as the World auto-corrects any violations, the hands' existence being one of them.
Even if he died the physics broke. His hands started to break the world so he started lagging. Also he started to bump and hit every object because of this.
an armless grunt just twitching and floating around and the level objective would be to keep running since no amount of bullets or punching is gonna take down a glitched grunt
@@justsomeplantcells- I mean, that's just like using a .50 Browning Machine Gun Anti-material rifle without a stock. it hurst both the one using and the one aimed at
Let me try to break down what happened here from a psuedo-scientific perspective. As we all know, people in the Madness world seem to have floating hands - previously, we considered this merely Krinkels' art style, however, this confirms that everything about Madness characters is *exactly* how it appears in the animation. The hands are actually floating detached from their bodies, suggesting a bizarre and alien physiology. How the connection between hands and bodies works is unknown. By trapping someone's hands and floating them away from the body, both hand and body start to break reality, glitching everything around them. They're not *meant* to be separate. Separation does seem to create a wound - there's an initial blood splatter inside the hand-box, and they seem to spread more blood around when they rub against surfaces - but it only seems to effect the hands; the same sort of splatter is not seen on the body. The hands seem most interested in returning to the general vicinity of the body, but the body... appears to attempt what can only be described as a disturbing and bizarre suicide, grinding its face off on the walls until all that's left is a red smear. This attempted suicide fails - it seems the body cannot self-terminate at this stage. When the hands return, it seems to go completely feral, attacking anything in the vicinity while reality breaks around it. Only after the people responsible for the experiment are dead (the two scientists who forced the Grunt to participate) does the affected host finally succeed in suicide. This is only achieved by essentially grinding itself down into nothing. Then, to top it all off, the entire building proceeds to self-destruct as well, splitting in half before the bottom half appears to disappear. Perhaps, due to being the site of such a reality-breaking event, this was done as a "purge" of sorts, removing evidence that the experiment occurred. Overall, it seems as though separating one's hands from their body is an incredibly painful, and not to mention extremely dangerous procedure that will invariably result in the creation of an ungodly abomination and the deaths of everyone around it.
@@z00m_is_next auditor probably would just turn him self into a shadow to avoid it happening, but if it would happen... um he would be more powerful than ever.
Its movements are horrifying, it just glides, doesn’t even move like a normal grunt. It just glides. Edit: Sheesh, most comments I ever got for just a simple opinion. Thanks I guess.
Just think, the only reason why this looks so freakish, is that Krinkels's normal animation style is so lifelike. We're so used to the high level of quality that when it is intentionally removed, it's jarring.
Scientist: "What would happen if we separated a person's hands from their being?" The no-longer Euclidian state of Nevada: "So you have chosen....death."
This is by far my favourite episode, its much more horror themed than the rest, the implications and animation are horrifying, and even the music glitching adds to the 4th wall break Also deimos at the end is such a mood
"Pain cannot be removed from the equation..." "A simple answer, for an incredibly big question, since we noticed that stretching our arms further would produce unbearable pain in our body, and cause us to withdraw our hand almost instantly, we have been looking for a way to "remove" the pain of the "equation"....but what if instead of removing it...we had to extend it..... take it beyond its capacity. I don´t have the answer to this question, but in order to solve this unknown in our strange world, today we will carry out..." *An experiment.*
And no one heard from him again and this idea was filed under *'horrible ideas no one should ever attempt again, ever, under any circumstances, this includes you'*
Now i wonder if the Improbability Drives would be considered a SCP by themselves. I mean, it's obvious that in the hands of Tricky, Auditor or Jebus they would be SCP, also i think that Dedmos it's strange enough to be considered a SCP by himself, and i doubt that the inifinite revives of Hank are something natural,considering that he died in chapter 2 and sheriff turn on the Improbability Drive in Chapter 3... That means Hank was inmortal from the very beginning? I don't know but holy crap if he is.
@@robertz.5199 the SCP foundation would just contain the hole damn state of Nevada and the AAHW Aldo thats kinda useless as this is considered a normal thing in madness combat.. Oh and the world is already fuqed. The sun came to life and got killed.
@@samuelsgaming1407 i agree,the scp foundation would probably make nevada from madness combat as keter+ class which is guarded by everything they can use.
In the madness universe things are always quick and painless no agony or pain just shots and slashes but here you see a grunt for the first time in pure utter true pain suffering and the hands clawing on the floor to be saved and returned to the body only to bleed in the process
I know someone already answered, but... It's because with other deaths in madness, it's mindless. It might be brutal, it might look painful, but you're desensitized because no emphasis is put on the death. Here, you can feel the agony the grunt feels. His hands bleed as they try clawing their way out of the box, and more focus is put on the grunt's experience rather than the ones doing the harm to him.
Question: What happens when a grunt's hands are separated? Answer (My Take): The grunt's body will attempt to reunite with the body, possibly causing severe damage in the process. The system will start detecting unusual physical movement, and immediately start sending counter-measures to the movement. This usually fails and causes the grunt to move at slow yet unbreakable speeds, suddenly increase in speed incredibly, gravitational shifting and severe visual glitching. The grunt will die 1 minute after their hands are separated, but the corpse will continue to bug out. This continues for several days until it is finally erased.
what im getting from this is that if one entity's limbs gets too far away from its body, the universe tries to put it back together. probably because they're not meant to be that far away from any given entity, even if they dont have "full" limbs. however since the limbs are enclosed in a space where it cannot return, some overflow code stuff happens that breaks reality.
another theory is that there's a "force" applied onto the hands of madness characters, preventing them from extendo-reaching onto anything and only g iving them a certain reach. if you abuse this force, by let's say, dragging the hands in an enclosed box to another area, the force starts getting really mad and tries to put the hands back into the intended reach, which breaks reality
HOW TO FLY: Step 1: Become a Madness Combat character (It is reccomended to be a vendor). Step 2: Raise one of your hands and push it away from your body with another hand. (Not too far away, though). Step 3: Now you can fly in the direction you chose to push your hand in. U MAD?
So answers: If a grunt's hands gets too far from it's body, the reality about him begins breaking down, and eventually results in an explosion large enough to reduce a building to rubble. *You do not want to be around if that happens.*
@@Vertux Because it's literally breaking the "physics engine" of the world. You can see it with the section where the hands are in the box alone. That's literal code references to an inverse Kinematic system that checks for the distances of the hands. And then tries to bring them back within a certain amount. So all the errors caused by it breaking what's probably math.F clamps basically breaks the reality and causes this shit where it attempts to bring the hands back into range by any means.
@@tanktheta Ok for you all reading this, basically it fucks up the code that keeps the arm normally attached to the models so it's glitching the world up.
I love that cute little fist pump and high five the engineers in the beginning did. Goes to show some spirit can be maintained in the darkest crevices of Nevada.
*Has a machine that can break several laws of physics* Madness universe: ok "Hey lets see what happens if we separate someone's body and hands" Madness universe: STOP YOU VIOLATED THE LAW
POV: making a npc in a horror game. you end up making scrapeface due to the fact he leviates towards anyone😂 Edit: basically you didnt animate the npc yet.
The way the normal lively Madness music cuts out upon the reveal of Scrapeface is so fucking disturbing, and so fitting. He defies the laws of the world, its rules, everything. He is a completely bastardization of the fragile reality they live in, and it's represented clearly. He is simultaneously in control of the situation, quite possibly the strongest entity to ever exist by virtue of defying these laws, and yet, it's suffering is endless. It has no control over itself, its powers, it simply wants revenge, and to end its own agony. Fucking terrifying.
"It's very painful" "THE PAIN IS NECESSARY. IT CANNOT BE REMOVED FROM "THE EQUATION"" Damn. Now I think that the Improbability Drive acts like a game engine. If some simple laws are broken, it can create horrible abominations.
yeah that happens totally Madness Combat Universe possibly Take away float Hands from Grunts very Painful become Fablic of Reality but lacking Powers caused Glitches Surrounding.
@@rissmebesce71 the series is self aware, it acknowledges that it exists on a computer and even uses that to further the plot (portable improbability device = console) (not sure what jesus's halo/ keystone fragment represents)
I love how this confirms it isn't just the artsyle, the characters are literally built like that Scrapeface is the tragic, glitched product of his own reality
This makes, like, the second Goddamn time they've done this! YOU FRICKEN FRICKS!!!! When will you learn?! *WHEN WILL YOU LEARN?!?!?!* *That your actions have CONSEUQUENCES!!!!!*
That is something that had always fascinated me with this series, sure the action is really fun to watch, but it's more impressive when you see so much emotion and personality in characters who are literally faceless and speechless.
@@indigohued1221 well Standford kind of does, he has a mouth, but no eyes, (if you don't count the glasses), I think Jebus was really the only exception to this.
I have many things to say about this. 1: Oh lawd he back! 2: This strongly supports my theory that the hands use some sort of magnetic field or something. 3: It is good day for Deimos to be NOT DEAD
I would also like to remind you that although this episode is canon, we do not know WHEN this episode takes place. These bits and pieces have NO set place in time at first, and only have clues as to when it happens. Most people are placing this before Ep9.
People saying this is scary even though I found it funny how I keep thinking that at 1:36, Krinkels just got tired of animating and decided to have the grunt just G L I D E
Oh so that is why everyone found that creepy. Well, that doesn't shock me because the whole madness serie is based by the blood, breaking reality and some bugs.
The Question : What if you separate Arms and Body? Serious answer : Separating Arms and Body too far away causes mass Matrix errors,resulting in terrible mutations and glitching of arms host,usually causing reality damage and host getting abnormal abilities,including flight,super strength,ability to survive nearly deadly injuries,ability to glitch/damage reality by itself and functioning normally even with huge% of body parts destroyed. The only cons of such experiment is mass damage near experiment zone and Subject getting completely insane and loosing control. Basically,it's a TERRIBLE idea to separate body and arms
Notice how after the hands "detach" from the body, they always move the space by gliding toward a direction? This could possibly be because the hands no longer have a living parent actor. What this means is that the body is considered an actor and that the hands can only move in the local space; The hands require the body to move in order to traverse the world space. If the hands are detached from the local space, the body and hands become two separate entities. Since pain can't be removed from the equation, the body must make up for it by destroying itself. As the hand entities remain alive, they lack a parent actor to move them around, and may only traverse the area using world space inputs (shown as gliding). Although the body is dead, the local space can still be used by the hands. As long as they remain in the local space, they are able to move freely and smoothly but must carry the body with them (possibly by reattachment) to continue doing so.
@@shingolarge most likely when they start to bleed? Or at least around that time. I believe also that Tricky is the only one that can stretch his arms the longest without alot of pain being implemented into him.
@@daminatornp1739 The hand has obtained so much pain that the body died and the hands temporarily take over with glitchy side-effects, before exploding mad physics...
Lets be honest, Madness is basically psychological horror at this point.
Yeah between this, madness 11, and the dedmos series, things are getting pretty horrifying
*Yes, that's what "madness" means...*
the name *madness* explains it self , thats why i like it
@@originalpurple3105 same
@Vixy Skunk i was really scared with the madness collection , but when it came up , it wad really brutal for me ( and i guess a lot people )
You know, when he was stuck on the ceiling, I’d thought he’d start guttering around and would start making gmod prop noises
He,.. kinda did…. Sort of, I mean if a good prop was a body with realistic physics then he definitely did.
Somebody edit that.
@@ArjunTheRageGuy your wish has been granted
thats is exactly what happend when i did it
@@Hazardiacal Thanks, very cool👍
How to rip hands off a Madness character:
1. You can't
0. Don't
@@AdmiralChimp -1. If you do, pray for your soul
-2. You can do it but its temporary, and if you do see step -1
~~You can with heads though~~
1. You shouldn’t
I just like how, despite being expressionless, Deimos and Sanford are clearly thinking “Yeah, let’s NEVER go there.”
Like "wtf just happened" and "ok note to self don't separate hands from grunts to the point of them glitching out or we're all going to die good to know"
@@theenderdestruction2362 I think they were in the building outside of the window in the room the soldat got murdered in. It could be possible that they were indeed spying on the scientists, watching what they were doing.
"Hey, how should we invade that buildi-"
"Uuuh... Mission accomplished?"
They were like:
Deimos: Hey, let's go invade that buildi-
* the wacky experiment thing happens *
Deimos: oh...
Sanford: Yeah let's uh... Not... Do that.
Deimos: Yeah..
Deimos: I mean.. Technically it was pretty much invaded already.
Sanford: Yeah, F*** that.
if he wouldve lived he wouldve been the god of madness combats reality
- Hey ever noticed how our hands do not connect to our body and yet we can control them anyways?
-'re right.....that's crazy...
_Breaks reality_
For MC characters its absolutely normal, that crazy only us, *non-Nevada* people.
@@БруноБуччелати-н6б **Italy intensifies**
maybe some questions *shouldn’t* be answered....
I find it interesting that this confirms that the characters in this universe genuinely look and function that way and it's not just an animation style
Yeah this video itself just answers a lot of questions about that biology
Tow 100th likes a day oh boy
@@DigitalAlexN but it leaves so many more, like what the hell just happened?
@@PuppetMasteronVHS science?
@@DigitalAlexN more like math+physics+pain
One day, on Krinkels' Curious Cat page, someone asked him what stops a grunt from extending the distance between their body and their hands. Krinkels responded with the answer of "pain," the question, and question of possibilities, persisted, and was probably here before this day.
Today, this video was uploaded.
I dont exactly call whatever happened here just pain you know?
@@TrickyJebus Hard to express pain on a still body with no facial expression and no hands.
@@TrickyJebus they have no mouth and yet they must scream. this is their version of screaming in true agony I imagine. going turbo eldritch abomination.
its like the pain was programmed to stop them from distancing there limbs from the main body, and in the chance it was forced it destroyed everyone who was part of the attempt as punishment for there action.
imagine what painless grunt can do
I love how Madness series is always so connected to coding, is like if everyone was a character coded into the world, and if you mess with the character's physics, weird things can happen in the world
Well... In MPN we discover something interesting.
@@spyghettighetti3066 Which one, the Classic version or the Steam one?
@@AvengerofWarcraft Steam
@@spyghettighetti3066 the arena mode endings?
@@spyghettighetti3066 what do we discover and whats mpn im clueless
*shatters the pre-existing laws of your own crafted universe*
“Damn, that’s crazy”
_Deimos give off the; "Nigga that's crazy but, I don't remember askin'." Sorta vibes._
There Merceneries That Is Trying To Destroy A Cloning Project Called Project Nexus While Trying To Find OutThe Employers While Also Following A Guy Called Hank Who Is Getting Targetted By Litteral Thousands Of Super Soldier Clones Also Being Targetted By A God, A Black Red Fire Guy And A Clown Which All Has Powers Of A God And Getting Ressurected By The Same Clown And Also Being Put In A Dark Dimension Where The Fabric Of Reality Dosent Exist. So I Think Thats A Over Reaction Calling It "Damn, That's Crazy"
Why Did I Take The Time To Make Dis Comment It Took Me Almost Half A Hour ;-;
Well, Deimos and 2BDamned fuck with the natural order on the daily to bring Hank back, don't think he would be that surprised. If anything, if it weren't for viewing himself as a "hero" he'd probably would've done an experiment like this.
cool gamer Maybe Just Stop CAPALISZING EVERY WORD
Seeing how lively the character movements are despite being simple, seeing scrapeface just walk in a straight line without any movement is genuinely scary.
Olá joaozinho123 eu sei que esse já foi seu nome em algum lugar
I like to think that there was supposed to be a really detailed walking animation but the software broke and krinkles was like "Fuck it, that'd how it walks now."
Lol outro br
@@Vinicius-C. garai parece o meu nome só que o meu é jaozinho013
@@joaog-gameplays4685 eu previ isso
Elevators must be such a safety hazard in the madness universe
@Bolt verse Without a doubt a shit ton of grunts would be trying to become a scrapeface for some internet points
@@gregalt3405 “Hey guys, so today, we will be separating our hands from our body! Pretty crazy! But before we get into the video i NEED to warn you guys to not try this at home! anyways, let’s begin!”
1337 agent accidentally traps his hands on the first floor
@@FredFeIIa "Before we start, this video is sponsored by RAID SHADOW LEGENDS-"
I like the subtle shaking of the soldat after witnessing what happened to the engineer
Even the almost fearless Soldat is spooked by a broken being such as Scrapeface
his hands shuddering and stuff makes this so much more scary knowing that soldats are basically super humans
@@Dipshit298 Nobody in AAHW is capable of fear. Therefore soldat was not scared but more of pissed off
@@Orange-l8tReminds me of the agent who tried to flee up the ladder as Hank looked at him right after slaying 3 men with a chainsaw
@@gestalt7529 either wanted to get better weapon or was g02 with actual s3lf
its nice to see a in-universe physics engine distortion, i love to see a story where ragdoll abuse and sequence breaking is a story element.
Hear hear
i thought that was literally what the improbability drive was? the sheriff pressing that button literally was the cause of everything in Nevada going batshit crazy
I just like too see krinkles being active again and being the man that feeds me my insanity
@@GDRunny The Improbability Drive is more akin to hacking than glitching. It fucks reality yes, but it's alot more controlled.
Well he did refer to this as the last of the "quirky plot device episodes" so if we're to get anything from that, it looks like the AAHW are very, very, VERY soon to turn up the heat.
This means the madness combat characters are self aware about their animation style because they considered having detached floating hands something worth experimenting around
@Crossfire Im guessing most grunts were super confused when they saw mag hank
NombreGenerico777 If you go to his CuriousCat page and do a bit of scrolling I'm sure you'll find it
That's all they've ever known so testing the strength of "how far can you push it?" normal to them
not really, they dont consider it "animation style" its just studying how their bodies work
That's normal for them
Krinkles should totally go further with these handy experiments.
They are not handy. They will *never* be handy. Never do any more of these types of experiments.
Handy, I see what y did there
100% handy
Handy Manny
everyone else moving: *very smooth walking*
scrapeface: *proceeds to float with no movement at all*
I just really like the fact it adds to the horror. Imagine being out late at night, and suddenly you get tackled by a Grey being with bloodied hands and a scraped-off face. I bet that'll leave mental and physical scars.
That is if you manage to survive.
*S l i d e*
Press V to noclip
_gmod lol moment_
We call that creative mode up here in the sticks
*Oh So that's how Hands Work in the Madness Combat Universe...*
I have further questions that probably shouldn't be answered.
Legit I was thinking the same thing.
Best way to break the universe, apart of Incompatibility Drives
Ok, so idk what to think about the hands anymore. They're "attached" to their bodies, but they can move infinite distances away from the body, but there are also hands that are attacked, like hank's? I'm... least to say very confused
@@Fufstruck98910 They can move infinitely away from the body, but it's confirmed by krinkels on his curiouscat that it would be excruciating if they tried that.
The question: What happens if you separate the arms and body?
The answer: Do not
Moral of the story: Don't get your hands In a box
Glitch comes to kill everyone
@Genonize amogus: this Is fine
Imma do it anyway
Why are you in every fandom I look?
Engineer: "If I pulled those off, would you die?"
Grunt: "It would be extremely painful..."
Engineer: "You're a big guy."
Grunt: "...For you."
@@RegoXera Of course~!
@@DiggerDeeper01 Well, congratulations!
@@devgru5293 what's the next step of your master plan?
"Trashing this facility" (horrific glitching)
If Project Nexus had anti-piracy measures, it would be this guy. He would probably follow you around with no animations & insta-kill you on touch.
It is worth noting that the Nexus 2 project actually has measures to combat piracy (sorry for my English)
Yo youre onto something
Just seeing one of the grunts sliding towards you in a permanently increasing speed would be terrifying
Just the thought of it makes me scared@@ellsanti6171
That would be both hilarious and horrifying lmao
Lesson learned: Never take a Madness character's hands too far from them, unless you want to create a living creepypasta and kill everyone on the building you are in
actually maybe to give hank a challenge they could make a room full of like at least 5 of those
@@furkitu8811 nah man they would just break hank
*evil laugh itensifies*
@@furkitu8811 no. he would literally just die
And kill the building
IIRC, a while ago, Krinkels did say on his Curious Cat that Madness characters have wildly different bodies than humans, and that their flesh feels like clay. Just a fun fact
@@Xhawk777 hence when you see mag agents, they usually intend self harm first to most likely put themselves back together (from super strong straps to literal 5' nails to "stitch" them together) NOW THE QUESTION STANDS; are mag agents just a bunch of grunts being literally mushed together?
@@maximnikolaev6627 nope, project nexus 2 is going to give a detailed explanation of how to build a MAG, torture is a special case he most likely is a AAHW dissenter that got MAGnified and was then used as a unit in their ranks
@@Xhawk777 so would it be murder then if your not killing a human but rather a clay like being?
Where have you seen a human with no face?
I find it terrifying the fact that everything is so well animated
But when the guy get back his hands
He just float without movement
imagine it in real life
a person with a disfigured face floats towards you
@@mikadosannoji553 then starts glitching everything
yeah its meant to showcase how glitchy he is, he can't even animate properly
I think that was put there to show how the experiment kind of screwed with reality, causing him to float motionlessly.
@@mikadosannoji553 V I B E C H E C K E D
Fun fact: The sedan at 2:27 is the same sedan from the start of madness combat 9. This confirms that this episode takes place between 7.5 and 9 since Sanford and Deimos are notified that hank is dead in 7.5 and the sedan they used to get to him is in this episode. Interesting, right?
since 9 takes place right as 8 is ending I'd say it's more like the 8.5 of madness
@@protongamin4544 ok Krinkels
@@protongamin4544 8.5 it is
Any day is automatically a good day when Krinkels uploads
Agreed, mate.
Agreed... Or for me its night. I am not getting much sleep thanks to some pain in my private parts. Hopefully it wont be anything too bad.
change day to week maybe month then we have an agreement.
@@mrzipper0509 sorry to hear. Hope you end up just fine
This is somehow the only Madness Combat animation that actually makes me uncomfortable, I don't think pain and agony are enough to describe what that poor guy went through
Yeah poor guy had his hands ripped off
he literally shattered the fabric of reality. his existence was cursed.
same!! It felt soo weird I feel like I wanna vomit, It's soo weird to think about what they felt during that experiment
@[REDACTED] where did you find this information
“you do not break reality”
“reality breaks YOU”
In mother russia..
I fear no man
*looks at hands*
But those things they scare me
SCRAPEFACE vs TRICKY scrapeface wins lol
Hank: What happens if you separate my arm and my body?
Deimos and Sanford: *DON'T-*
How make cut the hand why my hand is flying
No hank kills everyone in 000000.1 sec
@@erdista You want to say in 000000000000000000000000000000000.000000.0001
God damn it, hank
What arm?
Deimos:Should we tell hank about this?
Sanford:Definetly not.
to keep hank safe
Hank : wait you can do that?
*a minute later*
Hank : *glitches the fuck out of Auditor*
@@Ray-qb2cj lol imagine if this was the strategy to kill the auditor.
The problem is that hank has an arm, and only one hand may not be enough
@Snot Dragger didn’t he get it back later in mc11
1:39 the easiest thing krinkels has animated in years
And the scariest
The most easiest scene but creepy as hell
Imagine a guy using noclip, cheats or hack then you just saw a guy flies towards you with a knife just jumpscares in front
something about being used to Krinkels' constant shaky/spaztic movement and then suddenly seeing a stiff linear movement from him is unsettling, made even more so with the given context behind this scene
@@jahandahan7490 so true, actually startled me when he started gliding over.
You can see the code while the hands are grinding against the box, this is not just a stylistic thing, that code is the very thing their reality is made of
so canonically speaking
this is madness 8.5 right?
Yeah prob
how come official Gabriel Barsh's reply has only 53 likes and 3 comments ._.
Gabriel spotted
I thought it was an animation style I didn't know they actually function like this
Well there a different type of human
@@cursedstatue7332 grunt
@@MrEggBoi well kind of
there are also civilians who don't attack the protagonist
its not a bug its a feature
It's a good think MC characters usually don't make sounds.
Do you imagine the SCREAMS of agony that guy must've been doing if he could talk? or if we could hear him
That kind if thing if what gives chills to the toughest of warriors
Imagine hearing
following multiple screams coming from a mouth that is not moving attached to a ripped apart face attached to a body that is gliding towards you
they do make pain noises, but only in PN.
tricky would be simply laughing every time he was on screen
actually scrapeface does make a sound here! right before it cheese grates itself into the floor, it makes a weird screech. i completely agree though i couldn't handle this series if they actually spoke
Like the femur breaker scream, except it never stops
If you separate the hands of a grunt he will separate you head from your body.
lesson learned *wont happen again*
Well... He already lost everything
and your soul
Meh the doctor survived and the other guy only got knocked out literally only 1 staff member died
Essentially, a Grunt is hardwired to having their body as close to them at all times. When they reach their limit though ( i.e. 1:14 ), that "hardwired code" gets corrupted, and glitches everything else. This is probably why the Grunt starts to brutally scrape their face off, and later, kill themselves entirely and destroy the whole building. Their code is broken, and *nothing* is able to stop that.
@platethegoogaa it's better to never give the grunts hands back cuz scrapeface got released *AFTER* his hand got back
Scrapeface: **gets granted reality defying powers**
Tricky and Auditor: welcome to the club.
Scrapface not Scrapeface
@@kennedykristofer3429 scrape face*
@@kennedykristofer3429 yeah, scrapeface, due to him... You know... Scraping his face on the walls...
welcome to the reality bender club, we got:
dude who jumped in a pool of gasoline and lit a ciggarate
jesus on coke
the windows XP clown
and now, introducing, the guy who looked the cheat codes up
Oh god, probably the creepiest thing Kirnkles has ever uploaded.
So if the hands are enough of a distance away from the body they become a sperate being and because the further away the hands are away from the body the more painful it is so the body must destroy itself as a consequence. The dude probably died at 1:08, however in order for the hands to move it needs a vessel so it likely calls out to the now dead body. But the hands becoming a separate entity violates many laws of the Madness universe so it gains access to the hard code of the universe and can do some pretty crazy things making this new entity extremely powerful but short-lived as the World auto-corrects any violations, the hands' existence being one of them.
Sir this is an Arby’s, what would you like to order
@@squishy2941 a medium curly fries
Even if he died the physics broke. His hands started to break the world so he started lagging. Also he started to bump and hit every object because of this.
"But what would happen.."
Some horrifying creepy pasta shit apparently, wonder what would happen to a mag agent..
I imagine it would be WAYYY worse since the mag has stronger arms, mass and pain tolorence results would be unimagineable.
Well now I kinda want An experiment part 2
imagine tricky
Scrapeface is hands down one of the creepiest MC characters honestly.
Was. Was. On of the creepiest before he uh... "Sandpapered" himself
More like hands up
@@crisrodriguez9359 LMAO
This better be a secret boss in the new project nexus
an armless grunt just twitching and floating around
and the level objective would be to keep running since no amount of bullets or punching is gonna take down a glitched grunt
@@exxelsetijadi5348 oh damn, now i fear him more
his name is scrapeface
I think it will be very hard in the game madness project Nexus XD
for that you need to become a mag agent or a giant with a mod
Tricky: I am the most conceptually horrifying thing in the entire series.
Some actual nobody:
Now separate Tricky's hands from his body.
Ah yes, the result will be Nevada and The Hell break itself two times at the same time
@@taelim6599 bruh moment
Ethan Madore Oh No!
What about the star?
You don't break Physics Engine. Physics Engine breaks you.
Wait. You can actually extend your arms to punch people. But it hurts yourself as well
In soviet Novada physics engine breaks you
You don’t kill clown, clown kills you
@SaturnPickels source spaghetti
@@justsomeplantcells- I mean, that's just like using a .50 Browning Machine Gun Anti-material rifle without a stock.
it hurst both the one using and the one aimed at
I feel bad for the grunt. He didn’t do anything wrong
He was a good man UNTIL HE WASN'T
Well, who knows what his backstory was? Maybe he was guilty for the agency and they decided to use him as a test subject?
Krinkles did say that everyone in Nevada kinda sucks...
@@phantomarcadex Jebus is a chad
@@David-mp4cu Auditor didnt like that
_Pulls pin off grenade_
_Throws hand holding the grenade_
Pro-gamer move!
* hand explodes *
*Me in Vr*
KillerspreeOnFire Moooood.
Let me try to break down what happened here from a psuedo-scientific perspective.
As we all know, people in the Madness world seem to have floating hands - previously, we considered this merely Krinkels' art style, however, this confirms that everything about Madness characters is *exactly* how it appears in the animation. The hands are actually floating detached from their bodies, suggesting a bizarre and alien physiology. How the connection between hands and bodies works is unknown.
By trapping someone's hands and floating them away from the body, both hand and body start to break reality, glitching everything around them. They're not *meant* to be separate. Separation does seem to create a wound - there's an initial blood splatter inside the hand-box, and they seem to spread more blood around when they rub against surfaces - but it only seems to effect the hands; the same sort of splatter is not seen on the body.
The hands seem most interested in returning to the general vicinity of the body, but the body... appears to attempt what can only be described as a disturbing and bizarre suicide, grinding its face off on the walls until all that's left is a red smear. This attempted suicide fails - it seems the body cannot self-terminate at this stage.
When the hands return, it seems to go completely feral, attacking anything in the vicinity while reality breaks around it. Only after the people responsible for the experiment are dead (the two scientists who forced the Grunt to participate) does the affected host finally succeed in suicide. This is only achieved by essentially grinding itself down into nothing.
Then, to top it all off, the entire building proceeds to self-destruct as well, splitting in half before the bottom half appears to disappear. Perhaps, due to being the site of such a reality-breaking event, this was done as a "purge" of sorts, removing evidence that the experiment occurred.
Overall, it seems as though separating one's hands from their body is an incredibly painful, and not to mention extremely dangerous procedure that will invariably result in the creation of an ungodly abomination and the deaths of everyone around it.
sounds like an SCP file
I like it
So basically the glitched test subject commits tactical die?
@@alexcodexxthekinereader1212 or kamikaze as some say it.
You good person are a theorizer I love.
Sanford: Actually thought of doing that someday.
Deimos: Yeah, maybe let's not do that.
Personally I think the dialogue should be swapped since Deimos is the more goofy and joker type of guy
Do it to the auditor
@@aguywhodoesntexist what happends when we experiment on auditor like the grunt who suffer?
@@z00m_is_next auditor probably would just turn him self into a shadow to avoid it happening, but if it would happen... um he would be more powerful than ever.
@@adriantegenfeldt1661 soooooooooooooooooooo yeah, lets not do that....
“The test is simple. Remove your hands from the box, and you die.”
“…What’s in the box?”
Why do you somehow look familiar...
Find the clue.
Everybody gangster til people realize their hands ain’t coming off
Dead meme
This is the only time madness actually made me feel uncomfortable
@@RedScarfedBaconGuy N I C E
Yeah, cause my Whrist Feels Pain Watching This.
Its movements are horrifying, it just glides, doesn’t even move like a normal grunt. It just glides. Edit: Sheesh, most comments I ever got for just a simple opinion. Thanks I guess.
Spookiest shit I've ever seen
Just think, the only reason why this looks so freakish, is that Krinkels's normal animation style is so lifelike. We're so used to the high level of quality that when it is intentionally removed, it's jarring.
It’s like an npc with a frozen walk cycle
when you equip a minigun while shooting an empty minigun:
subtle reference.
Scientist: "What would happen if we separated a person's hands from their being?"
The no-longer Euclidian state of Nevada: "So you have chosen....death."
When an animation scares you more than a horror movie
Horror movies can be animated, in the sense of realistic cgi.
my nightmares creepyness has increased
wait again?
tell the story XD lol
Lo mismo diho
this is terrifying SCP shit right here. super fucking creative way to turn the most inconspicuous artstyle choice into horror
Can identify it as an SCP but we like to call it an abomination
@@oneosix106decena scps aren't abominations?
@@anonymouslucario285 the grunt i meant
I would call that SCP-9761
This is by far my favourite episode, its much more horror themed than the rest, the implications and animation are horrifying, and even the music glitching adds to the 4th wall break
Also deimos at the end is such a mood
"Pain cannot be removed from the equation..."
"A simple answer, for an incredibly big question, since we noticed that stretching our arms further would produce unbearable pain in our body, and cause us to withdraw our hand almost instantly, we have been looking for a way to "remove" the pain of the "equation"....but
what if instead of removing it...we had to extend it..... take it beyond its capacity.
I don´t have the answer to this question, but in order to solve this unknown in our strange world, today we will carry out..."
*An experiment.*
And no one heard from him again and this idea was filed under *'horrible ideas no one should ever attempt again, ever, under any circumstances, this includes you'*
@Draggons4 Lol
Where does that quote came from??
Imagine if the glitched out grunt spoke, it would be *F҉ E҉ A҉ R҉ M҉ E҉*
"Hello? This is the scp foundation?"
"Yes, what is your problem?"
What's ''yes"?
Just get down here fast. Ple- Oh shit, it's coOMII-
Your call has been forwarded to an automated voic-
Now i wonder if the Improbability Drives would be considered a SCP by themselves. I mean, it's obvious that in the hands of Tricky, Auditor or Jebus they would be SCP, also i think that Dedmos it's strange enough to be considered a SCP by himself, and i doubt that the inifinite revives of Hank are something natural,considering that he died in chapter 2 and sheriff turn on the Improbability Drive in Chapter 3... That means Hank was inmortal from the very beginning? I don't know but holy crap if he is.
@@robertz.5199 the SCP foundation would just contain the hole damn state of Nevada and the AAHW
Aldo thats kinda useless as this is considered a normal thing in madness combat..
Oh and the world is already fuqed. The sun came to life and got killed.
@@samuelsgaming1407 i agree,the scp foundation would probably make nevada from madness combat as keter+ class which is guarded by everything they can use.
@@taraktaras7327 yeah but didn't krinkels state that the rest of the world outside Nevada is much more worse than in Nevada?
Why out of LITERALLY everything in the madness series the hands just starting to bleed makes me uncomfortable
In the madness universe things are always quick and painless no agony or pain just shots and slashes but here you see a grunt for the first time in pure utter true pain suffering and the hands clawing on the floor to be saved and returned to the body only to bleed in the process
@@naremanajlone111 ye that makes sense
also probably bc it's so unexpected
I know someone already answered, but...
It's because with other deaths in madness, it's mindless. It might be brutal, it might look painful, but you're desensitized because no emphasis is put on the death. Here, you can feel the agony the grunt feels. His hands bleed as they try clawing their way out of the box, and more focus is put on the grunt's experience rather than the ones doing the harm to him.
@@baguetteboy5466 and then, cturix
Question: What happens when a grunt's hands are separated?
Answer (My Take):
The grunt's body will attempt to reunite with the body, possibly causing severe damage in the process. The system will start detecting unusual physical movement, and immediately start sending counter-measures to the movement. This usually fails and causes the grunt to move at slow yet unbreakable speeds, suddenly increase in speed incredibly, gravitational shifting and severe visual glitching. The grunt will die 1 minute after their hands are separated, but the corpse will continue to bug out. This continues for several days until it is finally erased.
Grunt: _Literally breaks reality_
Deimos: *Damn, that's crazy.*
Improbability drive: am I a joke to you?
Grunt with no hands: yes
Its even crazier to hear this line in this univerce and by this character
That's rad
Also in Deimos’s mind: Damn that’s some horror movie sh**
Damn,that's grunt losing his hands
TIL: don't take a grunts hand too far away otherwise the game engine breaks
>Implying it's not already broken lmao
Yeah, it's Bethesda grade.
*Logic: exists*
*Krinkels:* I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that.
it’s madness logic
There is no logic, no reason, only MADNESS
Improbability drive.
There is in all of the serie (Sorry for my Bad english)
Dude reality doesn’t work the same in madness combat terms CAUSE REALITY TO THEM DOESNT WORK PROPERLY
i love how they're aware that their hands are seperated from their bodies and this is the only time that it's questioned
This guy just got first-hand experience of breaking his own world's laws of physics
pun intended?
Dear god
Oh my, time to head to the second hand shop for my lost hand!
what im getting from this is that if one entity's limbs gets too far away from its body, the universe tries to put it back together. probably because they're not meant to be that far away from any given entity, even if they dont have "full" limbs. however since the limbs are enclosed in a space where it cannot return, some overflow code stuff happens that breaks reality.
another theory is that there's a "force" applied onto the hands of madness characters, preventing them from extendo-reaching onto anything and only g iving them a certain reach. if you abuse this force, by let's say, dragging the hands in an enclosed box to another area, the force starts getting really mad and tries to put the hands back into the intended reach, which breaks reality
@@sirloin7667 Interesting indeed.
@@sirloin7667 fyi the madness characters are called grunts
Necropost but Grunts are a rank, not the name of the species.
He’s just gliding there... *MENACINGLY*
jojo referencely
Sv_cheats 1
Why people ly ingly
1:00 Bro, Bluetooth disconected 💀
The fact that even the music glitches when Scrapeface glides just adds to the creepyness
Step 1: Become a Madness Combat character (It is reccomended to be a vendor).
Step 2: Raise one of your hands and push it away from your body with another hand. (Not too far away, though).
Step 3: Now you can fly in the direction you chose to push your hand in.
@[RP4] RecoloredPoyo4 idk lol
@[RP4] RecoloredPoyo4 Because improbility drive.
It might cause immense pain to anyone in the MC universe, so that's why no one does it in the main series
Problem gravity
@@Space_leopard Improbability drive
So answers: If a grunt's hands gets too far from it's body, the reality about him begins breaking down, and eventually results in an explosion large enough to reduce a building to rubble. *You do not want to be around if that happens.*
Ok, but why is this happening?
@@Vertux Because it's literally breaking the "physics engine" of the world. You can see it with the section where the hands are in the box alone. That's literal code references to an inverse Kinematic system that checks for the distances of the hands. And then tries to bring them back within a certain amount. So all the errors caused by it breaking what's probably math.F clamps basically breaks the reality and causes this shit where it attempts to bring the hands back into range by any means.
@@tanktheta I like your funny words magic man.
we've all seen games where character models glitch out, arms, legs or head get stretched out SO FAR the entire model starts going haywire xD
@@tanktheta Ok for you all reading this, basically it fucks up the code that keeps the arm normally attached to the models so it's glitching the world up.
I love that cute little fist pump and high five the engineers in the beginning did. Goes to show some spirit can be maintained in the darkest crevices of Nevada.
*Has a machine that can break several laws of physics*
Madness universe: ok
"Hey lets see what happens if we separate someone's body and hands"
And look what happened when that machine was destroyed. Giant beams of light raining down from the heavens.
The machine is the definition of *rewritten* laws of physics.
"Pay the quartered fine or serve your sentence. Your stolen hands are now forfeit."
technically the improbability drive is still fallowing the laws of physics just not ours
The grunt is an artist: he just drew a masterpiece.
He drew an L.
Thanks but that hurts a bit
...with his face. Not the best medium but I'm not judgin'
The way scrapface is just able to levitate towards their enemies is really unnerving
He’s about to do a Raging Demon
The fact he also does that in a straight line is scarier
He became a Glitch demon
@@infinityheart_tm9270 underrated comment
POV: making a npc in a horror game.
you end up making scrapeface due to the fact he leviates towards anyone😂
Edit: basically you didnt animate the npc yet.
The way the normal lively Madness music cuts out upon the reveal of Scrapeface is so fucking disturbing, and so fitting. He defies the laws of the world, its rules, everything. He is a completely bastardization of the fragile reality they live in, and it's represented clearly. He is simultaneously in control of the situation, quite possibly the strongest entity to ever exist by virtue of defying these laws, and yet, it's suffering is endless. It has no control over itself, its powers, it simply wants revenge, and to end its own agony. Fucking terrifying.
Deimos: damn thats crazy
It's Nevada. They aren't questioning it anymore. They're used to it now.
@@user-wq7vx5zo1w yea like other characters can destroy a whole building like a sec
*"damn that's crazy"*
Sand and ded
Honestly thats a normal reaction in this universe
"It's very painful"
Damn. Now I think that the Improbability Drive acts like a game engine. If some simple laws are broken, it can create horrible abominations.
yeah that happens totally Madness Combat Universe possibly Take away float Hands from Grunts very Painful become Fablic of Reality but lacking Powers caused Glitches Surrounding.
Madness Combat Universe works like a CPU. You put something that your model can barely process and you will have ... Unforeseen consequences
I feel bad for Rayman now
@@rissmebesce71 the series is self aware, it acknowledges that it exists on a computer and even uses that to further the plot (portable improbability device = console) (not sure what jesus's halo/ keystone fragment represents)
Plot twist: A.A.H.W. is owned by Bethesda
I love how this confirms it isn't just the artsyle, the characters are literally built like that
Scrapeface is the tragic, glitched product of his own reality
I can imagine people who witnessed that in the madness universe were like
"Okay ima keep my hands on me at all times from now on."
1:02 gunt man xdddd
Your pfp looks familiar
sanford and deimos were the only ones who saw it (excluding the scientist, engineer and the agent cuz they died)
The agency: *creates a reality breaking murderous grunt that destroys the building*
Deimos and Sanford: *"damn thats crazy"*
"But did you know who asked?"
idk that directly popped up in my head when i seen that
This makes, like, the second Goddamn time they've done this!
When will you learn?!
*That your actions have CONSEUQUENCES!!!!!*
@@HonkG.Womblatin yeah this is like a sub-weekly thing for the agency I guess. Really makes you think how the fuck they’ve gone on this long
crazy? i was crazy once.
they put me in a room.
a rubber room.
damn bro that's crazy
1:40 the engineer covers his mouth and cowers back, its crazy how expressive these characters are
That is something that had always fascinated me with this series, sure the action is really fun to watch, but it's more impressive when you see so much emotion and personality in characters who are literally faceless and speechless.
just imagine a dude with their face literally gone floating towards you
Especially since they don't have faces (Except for Sanford)
@@indigohued1221 well Standford kind of does, he has a mouth, but no eyes, (if you don't count the glasses), I think Jebus was really the only exception to this.
Scrapeface: becomes and actual disturbing reality bending monster
Also scrapeface: kills self
Scrapeface? Thought those were called engineers
@@sinancothebest scrapeface is the guy getting experimented on
I like to imagine that this is true to Mii characters as well.
I would not like to know what would happen with the mii after their hands become separated from their own body
And Rayman
@@mythoughtswithzek8660 Matt would be super strong
@@Ac3.D.Gr3at you got a point.
wii sports characters:YOU DON'T WIN THE MII
Clicked on this so fast the video doesn’t even exist yet
Damn thats crazy
1:35 I love how the music cuts off to a glitchy sound when scarpface Hands appears and turns around. That's a really good detail
Grunt : *excruciating pain noises*
Rayman : Sounds like a skill issue.
Experiement Results: If you mess with hands, you end up corrupting reality itself. Damn, that _is_ crazy.
Lets not forget the series is called MADNESS lol
"Uh...Oh! and yeah, the building just exploded"
“Damn, that’s crazy.”
I have many things to say about this. 1: Oh lawd he back! 2: This strongly supports my theory that the hands use some sort of magnetic field or something. 3: It is good day for Deimos to be NOT DEAD
Random Grunt : **PAW** You are dead !
Corrupted Auditor AAHW Agent: **Hehehe**
I am still slive :V
Soldat: ''Surprice'' Deimos is dead
I would also like to remind you that although this episode is canon, we do not know WHEN this episode takes place. These bits and pieces have NO set place in time at first, and only have clues as to when it happens. Most people are placing this before Ep9.
0:13 Friendship of 2 Engineers
1:27 *Betrayal after one of the Engineers gets an Upgrade *
Didn't pay attention, nice catch
Don't want to spoil the fun, but according to the Madness Project Nexus 2 concept art, both of them are the same rank
So one is the brain and the other the musule?
Engineers are specialized on intellect and leadership while soldats are better at fighting and being aggressive.
Even a year later, this is still the darkest and scariest of madness combat. Not even Nexus can compare to this pure Horror.
People saying this is scary even though I found it funny how I keep thinking that at 1:36, Krinkels just got tired of animating and decided to have the grunt just G L I D E
you can clearly see some animation in him
sonic.exe chases be like
He meant when he walk
It's supposed to be like that
@@a_noobidk exactly
Moral of the story: Never lend someone a hand
I've got to hand it to you because I don't get it.
Geez, well i’m sorry for being an overall handy person.
Great job with the sounds it's fucking amazing!
That's a handful of puns we got here
I cant handle the amount of likes ahurdur
Moral of story:don’t try to force a madness character into wall clipping.
or else they get ping
or else it will shove it’s entire head into the wall removing said head while it’s still there
reverse logic
why is nobody mentioning how fucking terrified the engineer is when he sees the floating hands reuniting with scrapeface's body
Wait how do you know it's called scrapeface?
@@Minecraft_2008. literally everyone in these comments
It’s so scary how scrape face just glides so slowly towards his victim
The grunt is a creepypasta now
Oh so that is why everyone found that creepy. Well, that doesn't shock me because the whole madness serie is based by the blood, breaking reality and some bugs.
@@eliottdeletraz97 this is why its called madness conbat,nevada in the madness series is just full of madness
Vibe check on LSD
Look at how terrified that engi is. He reaches for his face and shivers in terror as he sees that glitched horror move towards him.
And still dares to fight with his bare hands a few seconds later.
Well, he has to. There is nowhere to run and that thing didn't seem very friendly.
Engineer: Oh no, I died!
Indeed. The fact that a character can portray strong emotions so well without voice or facial expressions shows how good of an animator Krinkels is
@@Tomahawks360 It also shows that you don't need a face or voice to show character or emotion
The Question : What if you separate Arms and Body?
Serious answer : Separating Arms and Body too far away causes mass Matrix errors,resulting in terrible mutations and glitching of arms host,usually causing reality damage and host getting abnormal abilities,including flight,super strength,ability to survive nearly deadly injuries,ability to glitch/damage reality by itself and functioning normally even with huge% of body parts destroyed. The only cons of such experiment is mass damage near experiment zone and Subject getting completely insane and loosing control. Basically,it's a TERRIBLE idea to separate body and arms
What about we do that to tricky
@@vergil5164 Nevada will no longer exist
@@vergil5164 Well,same thing as happend in video,but WAAAY worse because tricky can do some reality control by himself too
@@vergil5164 scrapetricky
imagine scrapeface vs a mag agent
*Witnesses horrors beyond the Nexus's comprehension*
Damn, that's crazy
Notice how after the hands "detach" from the body, they always move the space by gliding toward a direction? This could possibly be because the hands no longer have a living parent actor.
What this means is that the body is considered an actor and that the hands can only move in the local space; The hands require the body to move in order to traverse the world space. If the hands are detached from the local space, the body and hands become two separate entities. Since pain can't be removed from the equation, the body must make up for it by destroying itself.
As the hand entities remain alive, they lack a parent actor to move them around, and may only traverse the area using world space inputs (shown as gliding). Although the body is dead, the local space can still be used by the hands. As long as they remain in the local space, they are able to move freely and smoothly but must carry the body with them (possibly by reattachment) to continue doing so.
At what time do the hands detach?
@@shingolarge most likely when they start to bleed? Or at least around that time. I believe also that Tricky is the only one that can stretch his arms the longest without alot of pain being implemented into him.
So you mean the grunt is dead and when he became corrupted it's the hand that's controls him.
@@daminatornp1739 The pain was so great the universe had to make up for it by glitching the grunt
@@daminatornp1739 The hand has obtained so much pain that the body died and the hands temporarily take over with glitchy side-effects, before exploding
mad physics...