The Legality of War: Press Conference | Annie Machon, John McDonnell, Chris Coverdale | 2013

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024
  • With:
    Chris Coverdale, Make Wars History (www.makewarshis...)
    Annie Machon, MI6 whistleblower (
    John McDonnell MP (www.john-mcdonn...)
    Filmed on 23rd April 2013

ความคิดเห็น • 14

  • @jonlastname5068
    @jonlastname5068 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    What Press conference is this? Who is talking? Can you update the 'About' section?

  • @CharlieShread
    @CharlieShread  9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    apsert in response to your comment: " Because there is nt a single MP that has not been made aware of the wars of law they are as they are and were all the time. CRIMINALS OF THE HIGHEST LEVEL!"
    Here are my observations:
    Having spoken to, filmed and debated with several people, MPs included, around this issue, there is a surprising amount of ignorance. People really just do not know about this. My observations indicate that most MPs truly believe what they are doing is going to help people, whatever their conclusions and decisions of action may be, but they are just ignorant and caught in a system, like all of us.
    As well as just being around all sorts of people from all walks of life, I have learned enough psychology, history, evolutionary biology, etc to understand that there are only people acting out from what they know to the best of their experience and feeling. There are no evil people with all the power. If only there were, we could just assassinate them and everything would be fixed, right? Easy.
    However, the unfortunate reality is that we are part of a huge complex social system. A poorly managed system, which is wasteful and creates scarcity. This is a system that has evolved over millennia, altered by every human who has taken part in it and agreed to the rules of the game, whether they knew it or not. This system creates millions of new people every year on a planet of limited energy (water, food, minerals), and of the 7 billion people alive today, most of them have a lot of fear, many are often indifferent (usually because of ignorance), and far too many are unpractised in a scientific (evidence based) way of thinking.
    The very structure of society, the social fabric, is the thing that needs transforming. All these "evil" people, when they die, will just be replaced by someone else trying to do their best in the same structure, which will ultimately fail and the cycle will continue, as it has, in one way or other, since the birth of humanity.
    How do we get of this cycle?
    By building new systems that make the current system obsolete. Scientific, open source, open minded systems of learning, connecting, problem solving, playing and creating together. One such system I am beginning to layout the foundations for, which you can follow updates here:
    And here is the Hub Learning System draft as it stands today:
    Please read and offer edits, ideas, additions, suggestions.
    Once this document is in a presentable state, in the next year or so, my life will be devoted, passionately to making this a reality.

  • @rubyakhtar6073
    @rubyakhtar6073 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you to all those share truth,history,law,justice. Bigger mess indeed,powerful lady you are and hat is off to you!

  • @urasoul
    @urasoul 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i have never comprehended why anyone who desires balance would facilitate the idea of 'sovereign status' being given to specific individuals and taken away from the majority. i can only conclude that this is not understood by many and those who do support it are either in denial or complicit in crimes against humanity.

  • @gerrijacobs8426
    @gerrijacobs8426 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you. Rather late to the party, but interesting & informative conference.

  • @lintbint
    @lintbint ปีที่แล้ว

    Surely we should only go to war if our compromised little island is under threat?

  • @rubyakhtar6073
    @rubyakhtar6073 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nuneaton Prostest: THis is the speech that was not said due to editor could not be found
    by Ruby Akhtar on Sunday, 28 November 2010 at 22:01
    This was meant to be with me but the editor could not be found at the protest.
    I begin by quoting the ever true glorious words of HaShem:"Behold I send you as Sheep among Wolves". And how, to this date, these sheep continue to suffer all around ...the world! Years ago we heard of religious and sexual persecutions only in the third world countries but now lives have become miserable and endangered even in 'democracies such as America, Europe & Great Britain'. The Islamic world has become incredibly more aggressive and violent in their attempt to take us back to the dark ages of medieval history. I bring to your attention that even when the British ruled over India & Pakistan, they we not there to threaten the indigenous people's freedom of speech, cultural heritage or interfere in their right to worship. The British never forcefully converted the people to Christianity or Evangelism. The Islamic persecution machine has been taking hold in several countries for centuries, and has gone unpunished and unchallenged by politicians worldwide. Why? The politicians of Europe & America have become men pleasers rather than G-d pleasers. There is a huge degree of ignorance in the political houses where they cannot understand the damnable level of these persecutions and choose to turn a blind eye to them. G-d tells us to be merciful and compassionate towards all creatures. HaShem said, "If you love me, keep my commandments." and "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:34, 35). The Bible speaks of love, compassion and forgiveness. These are the three main virtues a human being may possess in order to be considered a good man, a man of god. In Leviticus 19:17 G-d says: "Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD." But Islam preaches the opposite. Islam preaches punishment for those who do not follow it. It preaches murder of homosexuals. It endorses forced female submission and even encourage domestic violence. Such belief is being shown through the actions of Muslims in all Islamic and now even western countries with even a small Muslim population. They have no knowledge that the wrath of the Almighty will never excuse them for these evil actions. They carry out brutalities like murdering innocents, raping women and children, burning their huts, houses and their souls, they strip young girls naked, and they throw acid on the faces of women who dare say NO to their advances! If you do not live in these areas you cannot even imagine what it is like for these people to live under the shackles of Islam and their tyrant's vicious lies and deceitful accusations. It is like returning to the Spanish Inquisition, and the dark and cruel middle ages. This situation is a direct result of aggression and violence linked with Arab empires who have boldly stood as the root cause for such evil. Imagine what one must do to survive under such ruthless regime! We can look at how countries such as Egypt, Persia and even Afghanistan were before these cruel Islamic invasions. These countries had human rights and were progressing economies. With the arrival of Islam, this process has stopped and these countries were catapulted back into the age of ignorance and darkness. Now these monsters have taken another form of the same version into our Great Britain. Our slackness and lack of vigilance have allowed these poisonous creepers to choke our freedom, our free society, our language, our English law & culture not excluding our well preserved heritage. This country has welcomed these people, has offered them a home when they suffered persecution in their own countries, and glorified them as full status citizens, giving them equal rights no matter their gender, colour or their beliefs, and now that their pockets are full and their freedom guaranteed, they want to take over the land because of its goodness!! On top of that they dare to demand we change our superior democratic laws to the worst laws of all Sharia. A law created not by god but by an evil man. Well i can go on & on but cutting it short let me declare today "Evil dreamers,greedy & ferocious wolves will have no place in this country". Many are awakening slowly but steadily, to uproot this evil once & for all out of Britain. Our politicians it seems, are quite late to awaken but I am confident that our strong and loud voices will shake them up from their stupor before it's too late. We have voted for these politicians in the hope that they would be strong enough to speak for us. This is their job. They were voted to protect British people and British interests, and not to sell us out to the Islamic doctrine, which we do not want or approve of. I am a voice for the voiceless millions in the land. I speak not only for those in this country but also for those from my native Pakistan, who are persecuted and murdered daily for having a different belief other than Islam. Let the students' protest be taken as a serious warning of things to come! Theirs was a protest against the rise in education costs.Ours is a protest against the Islamization of our country. And there will be many other protests in the streets of Great Britain, as many of these issues are directly related and contributing to the bad economical situation we find ourselves in. When those entrusted with our valuable vote pretend to be deaf and blind, and refuse to listen to those who put them in power, the people will rebel and remove them from their confortable position. Great empires have fallen. Nothing lasts forever. But it is now time to hold our politicians fully accountable for taking decisions that were not authorized by the British people. We will not give away ur land as a dowry to these monsters. We will not let the lives of our soldiers go unpunished. We will not lay down our lives for nothing and betray the sacrifices of our ancestors. We request all those who are not willing to surrender our British sovereignty to join us in this trugle to get our country back. We demand our cultural heritage to be once again taught to all children in this country, whether they are immigrants or not. And lastly we demand our government to ensure that those who preach hate and terror against this country are deported immediately and/ or punished for their crimes. We will no longer tolerate this apathy! Even a dog has its day. And today is our day. A new Era has begun and we shall no longer show tolerance for evil. Those fear HaShem,will surely go forward and leave darkness behind for those do crime against G-d of Israel and mankind i.e poor,fatherless,motherless,homeless and cannot read or write.
    Ruby Akhtar
    3/6, 9:49pm
    Ruby Akhtar
    Nuneaton Prostest:,EDL give a platform to speak on stage.