What a great teacher! He will always be missed. I can ʼt wait to have fellowship with this man in heaven when time comes. R.C. Sproul has done so much for my intellectual development that he is one of my greatest heroes of the faith for leading me towards a greater knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank God for men like this. 🙏🏼
@@terminat1 This is a point I think about from time to time. For the Christian, the goal is eternity in God's presence. I wouldn't mind seeing my grandfather there, though, nor my father. I miss them ... but in God's presence there will be no sorrow.
@@terminat1 Luke 16:9 “And I tell you, make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous wealth, so that when it fails they may receive you into the eternal dwellings.”
I also learned about R.C. through Ravi Zacharias and I feel so blessed to have this possibility to listen to both. They are great defenders of faith, I highly recommend The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul, God bless.
This topic appears to have been one of Dr. Sproul's favorite subjects to preach on -- because (decades later) in his latter years he was still hammering away on this one! I love it.
Amen Sproul. We are certainly made in the image of God. HE knew us before the foundations of the world, let us adore HIM and worship HIM forevermore. God bless you all.
Yes. We need to think deeply. The Meta physics is an excellent subject. That helps to understand many complicated questions. Because we are forced to use the question "why" many times till we understand the ultimate reality. Excellent lecture by R.C .Sproul. Thank you sir.
@@Yesica1993 We will both be joining him very soon. Since the topic is metaphysics, I agree with Kant that humans are incapable of doing metaphysics. What is your take on said question?
@Omegatron This series was so incredible it sounds as if it could have been done today. It’s timeless and funny to hear a few references dating it to early 1990’s. This mans teaching is GOLD, what a great God we have to bless us with R.C.’s ability to delve into the depths so simply anyone could understand.
@@truth_merchant7839 I find it funny that how the second some famous teacher dies suddenly people come out of the woodworks and start leveling accusations. I am incredibly skeptical of them no matter what kind of evidence they bring to bear.
@@ReformedSooner24 Fair enough. But in the case of Ravi even his daughter acknowledged his guilt. With that said his wife still stands by his innocence. Nonetheless the evidence is against him and owning a massage parlour as a Christian is always a bad idea. Me personally, i think Ravi underestimated the power of the flesh and after a while felt he did enough good to justify this sin in this area of his life.
The safest is to let the man (Ravi) rest. He is a sinner as we all are but who was forgiven by God. When he was alive, millions watched and listened to him and in fact travelled around world and he used God’s gift to him like RC Sproul. let God be the judge of Ravi.
I was that "Why?" kid too! What gets me is that anyone can make it even past early childhood without asking those "Why?" questions. How can people make it to adulthood without ever wondering the WHY of everything? Don't people THINK?! I barely made it to 18. Thank God He was merciful to me and saved me at that age and I discovered God's Word. (Not that I have all the mysteries of the universe figured out. Of course not. Some things we will not know/understand until we are with Christ. But the basics and so much more are there!)
12:12 I'd like to correct the science here. Protons and neutrons make up the nucleus. It's the electrons that move around in energy shells around the nucleus. Or according to the wave theory of matter, in electron clouds.
I hope that school either addressed his concerns, or that he got his daughter out of there! Those kinds of questions are what I would think about when I was a kid. Again, how can people get out of early childhood and even get to adulthood and never think about WHY they are even here?! It's mind boggling to me!
I agree, a great teacher of God's word! However, and I say this humbly and without malice, R.C. as with my own pastor, seem to forget basic secondary school science. In his description of an atom (12:10), he states in part: "...the neutrons, protons and so on that are supposed to be flying around outside it" - where "it" refers to the nucleus of an atom. Well, as I remember, in the Bohr model of an atom, the sub-atomic, neutron and proton, exists only *within* the nucleus. The only particle flying around outside the nucleus, is the *electron* .
It annoys me at about 17:00 that Lennox and sproul, tells this as their own anecdote. Presumably both have used the same idea, "What IS energy?", maybe unaware of each other.
Dr. Sproul, How many percent do you think of the world's population who can think deeply like Socrates, or your friend Donnie, or you? I guess it is less than 8 %... So what do you think will happen to those 92% who cannot think deeply???
When RC speaks about the school curriculum, and the principal at the end, he speaks as though it's all organic. I know he believes God has decreed this, and I agree. But not to point to the enemy's goals or purpose of the one world and the demoralization of USA Inc, is to fail to warn the sheep of the wolf. This principal may not realize the purpose of such a curriculum, but there are conspiracy theorists (for lack of a better term), or those with discernment who can tell you that this is one of the necessary steps to turn a nation communist. This is being installed and 'normalized' right now under the lock down. Christians will be marginalized as feeble minded and dangerous and culled, or reeducated in fema camps, for the 'good' of the majority.
26:40 Seems to me like RC was quite aware of the spiritual wickedness in high places. He knew the devil is the prince of the power of the air, and that he is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Going on to talk about chaos doesn't negate that, in fact it implies lawlessness; and the spirit of lawlessness is of the devil and his antichrist. Look up RC's lectures on the devil, he was definitely mindful of such things.
@@krazo4Christ Thanks for responding. But I completely stand by my comment. The Christian community has abandoned the teachings of the reformers in favor of philosophy. I know that in a short 30 min discourse, filled with anecdotal examples it could be hard for RC to mention that the beast system is by design. That it is not men not thinking, but is the very purposeful brainwashing of our children into the beast system. That the system of antichrist is in place and working with great efficiency at producing the world citizens of the one world government. You see RC while a great orator, has rejected proper eschatology in favor of preterism. This blinds him to the beast system that is here, and has been here all of his and our lives. It was here at the time of the reformers like Martin Luther and was pointed to by all the reformers. Yet now we have rejected what those reformers believed in favor of the philosophies of men, like the big bang from a Jesuit, or evolution accepted as a fact by the Vatican. The world system is controlled by the evil one as told to use by the Apostle John. "The whole world lies in the power of the evil one" Through his puppets in government he is bringing in the NWO (New World Order) which is the tower of Babel reestablished. To many is MS (Mainstream) Protestantism this is all just conspiracy theories. So who did the reformers point to as the antichrist? That would be the papacy. So while the beast system has been being installed unabated, Christians have been being taught the doctrines of demons. Like futurism & preterism to hide the fact that the Roman Catholic Church is the seat of antichrist and the dynasty of the papacy is THE antichrist, not just one man somewhere off in the future.They seem blinded to this fact. Jesuit universities are the most respected and churn out disciples of the one world government by the doves. Just to show you I am not a kook, lets take a look at what is in control of this nation so many "Christians" hold in high esteem. Biden: Catholic, Speaker Pelosi: Catholic, Harris: Jesuit educated, 6 of 9 Supreme Court justices: Catholic, the other 3 are Jesuit educated. Are you starting to see a pattern???
@@fuzzycounsellor9147, I agree with everything you said, and scripture makes it clear that such a spirit of lawlessness was in place even at the time of the Apostles. But the answers to these problems are complicated, and require some hard to swallow pills for us believers. Such as: (1) we are commanded to obey the authorities; (2) we are encouraged not to fear the world; (3) we have been told these things will come to pass; (4) even while being persecuted and killed, we should rejoice in being counted with Christ; (5) the Lord Himself is the only one who can defeat the devil and his antichrist; (6) our time is limited and precious, so we must choose between communicating God's word and battling against godless authorities - we can't truly commit to doing both effectively. There's some flexibility and a few exceptions for all of that, but these are still difficult truths that every believer wrestles with (or at least they should) while confronting the world. We discuss these things with one another, and we reason amongst ourselves about what we are able to do, just like you and I are doing now, but there is truly very little that we can do. We resist and fight against what we can, while we can, but we will only ever slow the progress of evil, and not much more than that. I'm glad you're not ignorant of all that is at work in this world, Brother. And I appreciate you sharing it with fellow believers. God bless you and keep you.
@@krazo4Christ Thank you Cory, I too, agree with all that you posted as well. And would add the command from Christ; be not deceived. I would agree, it is a struggle to find a balance with all the insanity since the latest fraud being perpetrated on the world, who wonder after the beast. I have come to believe in terrain theory instead of the lie that is germ theory, and that the goal is to vaxx everyone, as it is poison and a means to cull the herd of humanity. Yes we are as sheep to the slaughter, and that is the attitude I have adopted towards this present deception. Our weapons are prayer and the word of our testimony. But I am preaching to the choir as I can tell from your response. God bless and keep you and yours also, hope to see you in the sweet by & by where these present trials will be a distant memory Praise be to God our Savior
But that the dread of something after death The undiscover’d country, from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? As Shakespeare wrote no man has ever returned from death to speak of another realm or world.
Except Jesus... that has been the determining factor for me in Christianity. Jesus and his words. Because no man on other apart from Jesus knows what is there in the after life. He came from heaven, died and was resurrected and went back to heaven. So surely what a blessed thing it will be to have such a guide, " The only one who knows the way." There is no scientist who has gone there, so I place my trust in Jesus.
If god allways existed, and he is allways good, then we are all perfect beings without us being able to see everyones beauty, and that is a false statement in itself, because we arent perfect, we all know that, so god cant be perfect either, BUT he wants us to be able to see each of us as perfect, witch is allmost if not totally impossible. We can ask the question, which is as facinating, and that is why didnt god make us all perfect? Was he unable? Do he favour some and not others, and blame us for not being able to see eachothers as perfect beings, meaning, is god only blaming us? If so is he then evil? Why doesnt god respect fully those that want to be totally alone? Why does god force us to use our feelings right, even when we are unable? There is a lot of scientific questions that never will be asked by man, because we wont dare, because we are so terrified of god, beyond belief some of us. So,,will we never find real truths because we are affraid of god?
Ikaeksen Ratzakuz, I guess you are not a Christian, But if you are a Christian you still lack knowledge of the words of God.... God indeed created a perfect being Adam and Eve... And God give them 'free will' to choose what to believe and what to do... But because of this 'free will', They were trapped by satan and committed sin that cause the Fall of the entire humanity... But God predestined all His True children to be saved and be with Him in His kingdom.. He redeemed them by the blood of Jesus Christ...They are again perfect being and in God's Kingdom they cannot they cannot sin anymore because satan cannot approach them any more because he will be cast to the lake of fire forever and ever...
St. Paul made a very provocative claim in the early part of his letter to Rome. He didn't bother with an elaborate rational apologetic but simply stated that we already know of God's existence. In other words, Paul is saying that the knowledge of God is foundational and intuitive to all human beings. It's the ground floor onto which we add all additional knowledge to form a system that is coherent and cohesive.
@@christopherskipp1525 He was a partial preterist leaning postmillenial. Which is, if you're consistently reformed is one of the two only reformed alternatives to eschatology.
@@joshuatheo1419 The goal of the Christian is to be consistent with rightly dividing the text, not maintaining consistentence with any denominational, party-line set of theological tenants.
Calvin's "beasts of burden" I long past learnt that many supporters of calvin and Luther are mostly ignorant of what they actually believed or taught, none of which is biblical and sadly I suggest is just what Prince of Darkness wants gullible believers to think. Calvin’s logic is totally flawed in his beliefs of double Predestination, eternal security, partial atonement. Recall Paul said that God “is the Savior of ALL men, not only those who believe” (1 Tim. 4:10). God clearly sent his Son to save us all not only those who believe JOHN 3:16. Ergo, God makes salvation available to all, even if all do not choose to receive it. Yes, God has chosen to limit His SOVEREIGNTY in asking us to love Him which by definition can never be forced upon another! In Calvin's own words, "man's will (if it exists at all) is torn between two beasts of burden. We are just depraved animals to be riden either by his god or by the devil, inevitably to our eternal fate, one heaven and the other hell. Man has no say whatsoever in his Final Destiny and yet somehow they pretend we still have freewill? Give me a break! In the first five years of Calvin's rule in Geneva, 58 people were executed for rejecting his doctrines and 76 exiled for their religious beliefs. Calvin allowed no art other than music, and even that could not involve instruments. Is this Really the God you think asks us ALL to love him? Only those created in the image of the devil would be deemed "TOTALLY depraved". According to Luther at least, we don't have freewill. How could such a bunch of puppets be guilty or innocent of anything?
What a great teacher! He will always be missed.
I can ʼt wait to have fellowship with this man in heaven when time comes. R.C. Sproul has done so much for my intellectual development that he is one of my greatest heroes of the faith for leading me towards a greater knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank God for men like this. 🙏🏼
The Bible doesn't teach that believers will have fellowship with each other in Heaven. The focus is on the worship and praise of God.
@@terminat1 This is a point I think about from time to time. For the Christian, the goal is eternity in God's presence. I wouldn't mind seeing my grandfather there, though, nor my father. I miss them ... but in God's presence there will be no sorrow.
@@terminat1 Luke 16:9 “And I tell you, make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous wealth, so that when it fails they may receive you into the eternal dwellings.”
@@mattmorrison4768 It doesn't say anything about fellowship, though.
@@terminat1 What would be the point of others receiving us into their eternal homes if not for fellowship?
What a gift God gave us all in R.C. Sproul.
Found this man though Ravi Z.
So glad I did !!
Both men am sure have their reward which is great ...
Joe Navy veteran 🇺🇸
RC Sproul was an amazing man and teacher
I also learned about R.C. through Ravi Zacharias and I feel so blessed to have this possibility to listen to both. They are great defenders of faith, I highly recommend The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul, God bless.
@@aleksjeff3088 What do you say of Ravi Zacharias now?
This topic appears to have been one of Dr. Sproul's favorite subjects to preach on -- because (decades later) in his latter years he was still hammering away on this one! I love it.
Amen Sproul. We are certainly made in the image of God. HE knew us before the foundations of the world, let us adore HIM and worship HIM forevermore. God bless you all.
Awesome video !!! Thank you
Man, this is an amazing lecture! Loved every minute of it. So refreshing to hear philosophical lectures by great men of God.
This is one of the best I have ever heard.
Absolutely brilliant. This message needs to be shared as much as possible.
Who knocked the walls down Jerjco 4:03
Yes. We need to think deeply. The Meta physics is an excellent subject. That helps to understand many complicated questions. Because we are forced to use the question "why" many times till we understand the ultimate reality.
Excellent lecture by R.C .Sproul. Thank you sir.
My favorite theological teachers of all time.
If only R.C. could give this lecture now having now passed beyond the physical-material.
I know, right? He now has the answers to so many things that we can barely touch on in this life. (I can't wait!)
@@Yesica1993 We will both be joining him very soon. Since the topic is metaphysics, I agree with Kant that humans are incapable of doing metaphysics. What is your take on said question?
What a thoughtful and thought provoking lecture
man I love this. Praise God for his grace.
Wow, He really will be missed. We lost a great teacher and Heaven gained gained a great worshipper.
Thanks for a great way to start the day, coffee laughter tears and joy.
I blessthe day I heard the name R.C SPROUL
Thanks for uploading this video brothers, greetings from Medellín!
This teachings are Powerful
*R C Sproul*
This is a hell of a thing to listen to in light of this last week. Thanks for uploading it.
What happened last week?
@Omegatron This series was so incredible it sounds as if it could have been done today. It’s timeless and funny to hear a few references dating it to early 1990’s. This mans teaching is GOLD, what a great God we have to bless us with R.C.’s ability to delve into the depths so simply anyone could understand.
Now RC and Ravi are together with the Lord 👏👏👏
Not so sure about Ravi.
I also have my doubts about Ravi.
I find it funny that how the second some famous teacher dies suddenly people come out of the woodworks and start leveling accusations. I am incredibly skeptical of them no matter what kind of evidence they bring to bear.
@@ReformedSooner24 Fair enough. But in the case of Ravi even his daughter acknowledged his guilt. With that said his wife still stands by his innocence. Nonetheless the evidence is against him and owning a massage parlour as a Christian is always a bad idea. Me personally, i think Ravi underestimated the power of the flesh and after a while felt he did enough good to justify this sin in this area of his life.
The safest is to let the man (Ravi) rest. He is a sinner as we all are but who was forgiven by God. When he was alive, millions watched and listened to him and in fact travelled around world and he used God’s gift to him like RC Sproul. let God be the judge of Ravi.
Brilliant man.
Who? Donny Werlowe
@@kevindesouza6143 No, RC Sproul.
@@kevindesouza6143 Underrated. I tittered.
I want an education system that makes men like this.
"nothing cannot explode." 🤯 ...
Oh man that would be a great bumper sticker
I was that "Why?" kid too! What gets me is that anyone can make it even past early childhood without asking those "Why?" questions. How can people make it to adulthood without ever wondering the WHY of everything? Don't people THINK?! I barely made it to 18. Thank God He was merciful to me and saved me at that age and I discovered God's Word. (Not that I have all the mysteries of the universe figured out. Of course not. Some things we will not know/understand until we are with Christ. But the basics and so much more are there!)
First time watch but won't be the last . Enjoyed this very much!
he did a great service for the Lord and humanity.
praise God
Aw, look how young he is !
OK I discovered a way to date this video he mentioned the Hubble telescope being launched a few weeks prior and that was April 24th, 1990.
You are a good dedective.
Wow!I respect you bro.
I had early 90s based off the clothing and decor of the room, but good observation.
Thank you Brother! For a long time I am trying to figure out when Dr Sproul recorded this video.
Man, he could teach.
12:12 I'd like to correct the science here. Protons and neutrons make up the nucleus. It's the electrons that move around in energy shells around the nucleus. Or according to the wave theory of matter, in electron clouds.
"It is a terrible crime to destroy the eggs of fish not the eggs of humans". Oh God have mercy on us.
I hope that school either addressed his concerns, or that he got his daughter out of there! Those kinds of questions are what I would think about when I was a kid. Again, how can people get out of early childhood and even get to adulthood and never think about WHY they are even here?! It's mind boggling to me!
“And nothing does not explode!”
C'mon, RC! As America's foremost Calvinist, you should be able to remember the word "elect"rons! 😉
I agree, a great teacher of God's word! However, and I say this humbly and without malice, R.C. as with my own pastor, seem to forget basic secondary school science. In his description of an atom (12:10), he states in part: "...the neutrons, protons and so on that are supposed to be flying around outside it" - where "it" refers to the nucleus of an atom. Well, as I remember, in the Bohr model of an atom, the sub-atomic, neutron and proton, exists only *within* the nucleus. The only particle flying around outside the nucleus, is the *electron* .
Einstein's brain couldn't find the answer to why it did
Amazing. Thank you for sharing. When was this talk?
1990, I think.
June, 1922 or possibly 1990.
Exactly what I was thinking. 🤔
The spiritual, next question
It annoys me at about 17:00 that Lennox and sproul, tells this as their own anecdote. Presumably both have used the same idea, "What IS energy?", maybe unaware of each other.
better check the date of that preaching in which it was delivered.
Would RC recommend sending a child to public school these days?
Kant said doing metaphysics was an impossibility.
FYI, you can view the whole series for free at www.ligonier.org/learn/series/blueprint_for_thinking/?
Is there any Arabic translation for this lecture?
Dr. Sproul, How many percent do you think of the world's population who can think deeply like Socrates, or your friend Donnie, or you? I guess it is less than 8 %... So what do you think will happen to those 92% who cannot think deeply???
When RC speaks about the school curriculum, and the principal at the end, he speaks as though it's all organic. I know he believes God has decreed this, and I agree.
But not to point to the enemy's goals or purpose of the one world and the demoralization of USA Inc, is to fail to warn the sheep of the wolf.
This principal may not realize the purpose of such a curriculum, but there are conspiracy theorists (for lack of a better term), or those with discernment who can tell you that this is one of the necessary steps to turn a nation communist.
This is being installed and 'normalized' right now under the lock down.
Christians will be marginalized as feeble minded and dangerous and culled, or reeducated in fema camps, for the 'good' of the majority.
26:40 Seems to me like RC was quite aware of the spiritual wickedness in high places. He knew the devil is the prince of the power of the air, and that he is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Going on to talk about chaos doesn't negate that, in fact it implies lawlessness; and the spirit of lawlessness is of the devil and his antichrist. Look up RC's lectures on the devil, he was definitely mindful of such things.
Thanks for responding. But I completely stand by my comment.
The Christian community has abandoned the teachings of the reformers in favor of philosophy.
I know that in a short 30 min discourse, filled with anecdotal examples it could be hard for RC to mention that the beast system is by design. That it is not men not thinking, but is the very purposeful brainwashing of our children into the beast system. That the system of antichrist is in place and working with great efficiency at producing the world citizens of the one world government.
You see RC while a great orator, has rejected proper eschatology in favor of preterism. This blinds him to the beast system that is here, and has been here all of his and our lives. It was here at the time of the reformers like Martin Luther and was pointed to by all the reformers. Yet now we have rejected what those reformers believed in favor of the philosophies of men, like the big bang from a Jesuit, or evolution accepted as a fact by the Vatican.
The world system is controlled by the evil one as told to use by the Apostle John. "The whole world lies in the power of the evil one"
Through his puppets in government he is bringing in the NWO (New World Order) which is the tower of Babel reestablished.
To many is MS (Mainstream) Protestantism this is all just conspiracy theories.
So who did the reformers point to as the antichrist? That would be the papacy. So while the beast system has been being installed unabated, Christians have been being taught the doctrines of demons. Like futurism & preterism to hide the fact that the Roman Catholic Church is the seat of antichrist and the dynasty of the papacy is THE antichrist, not just one man somewhere off in the future.They seem blinded to this fact.
Jesuit universities are the most respected and churn out disciples of the one world government by the doves.
Just to show you I am not a kook, lets take a look at what is in control of this nation so many "Christians" hold in high esteem. Biden: Catholic, Speaker Pelosi: Catholic, Harris: Jesuit educated, 6 of 9 Supreme Court justices: Catholic, the other 3 are Jesuit educated. Are you starting to see a pattern???
@@fuzzycounsellor9147, I agree with everything you said, and scripture makes it clear that such a spirit of lawlessness was in place even at the time of the Apostles. But the answers to these problems are complicated, and require some hard to swallow pills for us believers. Such as: (1) we are commanded to obey the authorities; (2) we are encouraged not to fear the world; (3) we have been told these things will come to pass; (4) even while being persecuted and killed, we should rejoice in being counted with Christ; (5) the Lord Himself is the only one who can defeat the devil and his antichrist; (6) our time is limited and precious, so we must choose between communicating God's word and battling against godless authorities - we can't truly commit to doing both effectively. There's some flexibility and a few exceptions for all of that, but these are still difficult truths that every believer wrestles with (or at least they should) while confronting the world. We discuss these things with one another, and we reason amongst ourselves about what we are able to do, just like you and I are doing now, but there is truly very little that we can do. We resist and fight against what we can, while we can, but we will only ever slow the progress of evil, and not much more than that. I'm glad you're not ignorant of all that is at work in this world, Brother. And I appreciate you sharing it with fellow believers. God bless you and keep you.
Thank you Cory, I too, agree with all that you posted as well. And would add the command from Christ; be not deceived.
I would agree, it is a struggle to find a balance with all the insanity since the latest fraud being perpetrated on the world, who wonder after the beast.
I have come to believe in terrain theory instead of the lie that is germ theory, and that the goal is to vaxx everyone, as it is poison and a means to cull the herd of humanity.
Yes we are as sheep to the slaughter, and that is the attitude I have adopted towards this present deception. Our weapons are prayer and the word of our testimony.
But I am preaching to the choir as I can tell from your response.
God bless and keep you and yours also, hope to see you in the sweet by & by where these present trials will be a distant memory Praise be to God our Savior
My jaw dropped
But that the dread of something after death
The undiscover’d country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
As Shakespeare wrote no man has ever returned from death to speak of another realm or world.
Except Jesus... that has been the determining factor for me in Christianity. Jesus and his words. Because no man on other apart from Jesus knows what is there in the after life. He came from heaven, died and was resurrected and went back to heaven. So surely what a blessed thing it will be to have such a guide, " The only one who knows the way."
There is no scientist who has gone there, so I place my trust in Jesus.
Where is the proof that Jesus came from Heaven? incidentally, where is Heaven?
If god allways existed, and he is allways good, then we are all perfect beings without us being able to see everyones beauty, and that is a false statement in itself, because we arent perfect, we all know that, so god cant be perfect either, BUT he wants us to be able to see each of us as perfect, witch is allmost if not totally impossible. We can ask the question, which is as facinating, and that is why didnt god make us all perfect? Was he unable? Do he favour some and not others, and blame us for not being able to see eachothers as perfect beings, meaning, is god only blaming us? If so is he then evil? Why doesnt god respect fully those that want to be totally alone? Why does god force us to use our feelings right, even when we are unable? There is a lot of scientific questions that never will be asked by man, because we wont dare, because we are so terrified of god, beyond belief some of us. So,,will we never find real truths because we are affraid of god?
Ikaeksen Ratzakuz, I guess you are not a Christian, But if you are a Christian you still lack knowledge of the words of God.... God indeed created a perfect being Adam and Eve... And God give them 'free will' to choose what to believe and what to do... But because of this 'free will', They were trapped by satan and committed sin that cause the Fall of the entire humanity... But God predestined all His True children to be saved and be with Him in His kingdom.. He redeemed them by the blood of Jesus Christ...They are again perfect being and in God's Kingdom they cannot they cannot sin anymore because satan cannot approach them any more because he will be cast to the lake of fire forever and ever...
Yes, it is good to fear God.
Timeless...(sans the Hubble telescope😁)
here's a comment for the algorithm
Very predictable Sproul at last answered the "why"- question with god and as that explains nothing I give him a F for livetime objectives.
St. Paul made a very provocative claim in the early part of his letter to Rome. He didn't bother with an elaborate rational apologetic but simply stated that we already know of God's existence. In other words, Paul is saying that the knowledge of God is foundational and intuitive to all human beings. It's the ground floor onto which we add all additional knowledge to form a system that is coherent and cohesive.
@@mchristr Using Paul, who founded Christianity based on a hallucination, as your prime witness, is as bad an argumentent as I can imagine.
Talking samantha
I bet he was a rascal that ol sproul
this man is a preterist. therefore icannot respect him.
If he is, then his eschatology is wrong.
You're a dispy, therefore I can not respect you.
@@christopherskipp1525 He was a partial preterist leaning postmillenial.
Which is, if you're consistently reformed is one of the two only reformed alternatives to eschatology.
@@joshuatheo1419 The goal of the Christian is to be consistent with rightly dividing the text, not maintaining consistentence with any denominational, party-line set of theological tenants.
Define yourself..who are you ?
Calvin's "beasts of burden"
I long past learnt that many supporters of calvin and Luther are mostly ignorant of what they actually believed or taught, none of which is biblical and sadly I suggest is just what Prince of Darkness wants gullible believers to think. Calvin’s logic is totally flawed in his beliefs of double Predestination, eternal security, partial atonement.
Recall Paul said that God “is the Savior of ALL men, not only those who believe” (1 Tim. 4:10). God clearly sent his Son to save us all not only those who believe JOHN 3:16. Ergo, God makes salvation available to all, even if all do not choose to receive it. Yes, God has chosen to limit His SOVEREIGNTY in asking us to love Him which by definition can never be forced upon another!
In Calvin's own words, "man's will (if it exists at all) is torn between two beasts of burden. We are just depraved animals to be riden either by his god or by the devil, inevitably to our eternal fate, one heaven and the other hell. Man has no say whatsoever in his Final Destiny and yet somehow they pretend we still have freewill? Give me a break!
In the first five years of Calvin's rule in Geneva, 58 people were executed for rejecting his doctrines and 76 exiled for their religious beliefs. Calvin allowed no art other than music, and even that could not involve instruments. Is this Really the God you think asks us ALL to love him? Only those created in the image of the devil would be deemed "TOTALLY depraved". According to Luther at least, we don't have freewill. How could such a bunch of puppets be guilty or innocent of anything?