My query is: If the stock level falls below the minimum level we can do a conditional formatting in excel and show the present stock as red color or set ut to blink. And in the same way what would be the VBA code to show the same minimum stock level in listbox in high lighted form
It is great and wonderful work thanks allot
Good Work. Thanks
My query is:
If the stock level falls below the minimum level we can do a conditional formatting in excel and show the present stock as red color or set ut to blink.
And in the same way what would be the VBA code to show the same minimum stock level in listbox in high lighted form
I want to download this video
Is there a code to filter data in a listbox from a textbox with more than 1 million rows?
Tried to download the files but its not available
Actually links are broken and could find time to update
What is the text next to If LCase (
It is quite clear in the video. Watch with high resolution.
Please on the userform3, its just product ID that is showing, other names not showing when i search
Mention 2nd and 3rd column of listbox also in coding.
Please send full code in description
Except Product ID, I can't show the Item code, Product name & unit in list box at userform3. Also I do not found the error. plz help
Please re check code, sheet column ref and listbox column refrence.
I'm using same coding, same column range according to you. but don't understand that, where is the error? can you share your's mail id
you use name sheet1. which sheet indicate sheet1?
Mention button name or this error is coming while loading form???
when I search product name, then showing header ''product ID'' only in listbox at userform3
How show date