Looks like the same Barco monitors we use here in New Zealand, which are pretty modern, and is all we need to do the job! Can you suggest any better equipment? New Zealand: scontent.fpmr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/13217187_10154189662693103_6147055864448613600_o.jpg?_nc_cat=109&_nc_eui2=AeGxPpqc5jlLOuvGBFFyvUhppTPmORv5bjeK3zzbNZniujWqWkfflYLVp9h5Wn08-LIxB3dq05JMj7M-WFFUW1nyvNCrSthGnruH2fFqmrYXFQ&_nc_oc=AQn9V286nAuLi3SeAs2RlhbPKeSOpaYxSexORRD1SvofbJNPwIcixNMPq8YMm2Yvk8c&_nc_ht=scontent.fpmr1-1.fna&oh=e6366b6872dde81c7e96317b832e4044&oe=5DCC4A50
What does Heathrow look like that is different? Heathrow doesn't have Terminal Control, only Air Traffic Control Tower. Different jobs, different equipment.
Loving the new content, keep it up!
thanks -- nice use of 360 ..
😮360 degree view is so nice🎉😊
that's awesome!!! waiting for more of this...keep it up ;)
The technology looks quite old and looks like it needs an upgrade.
Looks like the same Barco monitors we use here in New Zealand, which are pretty modern, and is all we need to do the job! Can you suggest any better equipment?
New Zealand: scontent.fpmr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/13217187_10154189662693103_6147055864448613600_o.jpg?_nc_cat=109&_nc_eui2=AeGxPpqc5jlLOuvGBFFyvUhppTPmORv5bjeK3zzbNZniujWqWkfflYLVp9h5Wn08-LIxB3dq05JMj7M-WFFUW1nyvNCrSthGnruH2fFqmrYXFQ&_nc_oc=AQn9V286nAuLi3SeAs2RlhbPKeSOpaYxSexORRD1SvofbJNPwIcixNMPq8YMm2Yvk8c&_nc_ht=scontent.fpmr1-1.fna&oh=e6366b6872dde81c7e96317b832e4044&oe=5DCC4A50
This looks Stone Age compared to Heathrow!
What does Heathrow look like that is different?
Heathrow doesn't have Terminal Control, only Air Traffic Control Tower. Different jobs, different equipment.
Need a job in there
You can apply for our trainee air traffic controller programme at www.nats.aero/careers/trainee-air-traffic-controllers/how-to-apply/