1. Create a channel that you would like to count in. 1. Type c!channel in that channel. (You must have Administrator permissions) 2. Start counting in the channel, beginning with 1. Counting rules: • One person can't count two numbers in a row. (A friend/partner is required) • No botting. • If you break count, a "save" will be docked from your save count if you have any. Otherwise, the count will reset. Saves: • Vote here to earn more saves. Check your amount of saves with c!vote. • If you have at least one save, you can continue counting when you type a number wrong. [4:08 PM] User Commands: Input fields prefixed with a ? are optional • c!cs ?[pageNumber] - View the top ten current scores • c!lb ?[pageNumber] - View the top ten high scores • c!ulb ?[pageNumber] - View the top ten users • c!slb ?[pageNumber] - View the top ten users in your guild • c!user ?[@user/userId] - Get a user's stats • c!server - Get the current server's stats • c!donatesave - Donate a save to the current guild. (Adds 0.2 of a guild save) • c!transfersave [@user/userId] - Gift one save from your balance to another user with a tax of 0.5 • c!vote - Vote for the bot and get saves • c!stats - Show statistics on the bot and your current shard Admin Commands: • c!failrole [@role/role id] - Set a role for the bot to add to members who ruin a count. To disable, run command without specifying a role • c!channel - Configure the bot to listen in a specific channel, instead of the default channel #counting • c!numbersonly [on/off] - Enable numbers-only mode. Ruins the count if any message is sent if it is not either a valid number or bot command • c!language ?[languageCode] - Set the language that the bot responds in in your guild Join our Discord if you have any questions. Like the bot? Consider contributing with Patreon. It helps us a bunch. Invite the bot to your own guild. Our Privacy Policy: Here Made by Duck#0001, Maintained by tt2468#2468 | Guilds: 471,225 | Uptime: 1,328,609s iim bolson bainoo
Таний муур сандалгандаа ямар их хайртай юм бэ😂
Sandalga... Or sandal..
@@uzi7599 сандалаг гэж бхгүй бхаа хө
@@uzi7599 сандалаг гэж бхгүй бхаа хө
1:13 (Эвэр нь ургахаар
Эхийгээ мөргөнө өө) гэж үнэн үг шүү
Наад явж байгаа хөгжим чинь Plants vs Zombies-ийн ая мөн үү?
Мал минь сэкс хий
is it the first time you found the rarest skeleton?...
of course its first time...
En 1.18 uu?
@@aizawaaa.2800 YEP…
Гуйж байна ep4рииииииииее
4ep khurdan khiigeerei GO😃😃😃😃😃😃
Та муураа загасаар сургаарай
Never gonna mine dig down Never gonna find diamonds
24:52 ai hovroo😂😂😂
Харин тийн хахахаа 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
Оюутны байр сүки байдаг
Ai hovroo😂😂😂
Whhaaat nicee uu
iron armor umsuhgui gecheed yagaad umsuud bga yum
ta shuu nice
daraagiin ep ee hurdan oruulaarai agaa
Агаа одоо full netherite armar хийвэл
nice shuu bro
skeleton spam aas geriinhe hoorond ice guur higeec
Diamond 💎 full armor skeleton
Nice cool
19:30 Minutand diamond bn zuun deer
8:27 minut deer baruun beluu zuun tal deer diamond bn expi farmiin
Tng ymu ooroo medjigashde ingj alhasaj uzher ci yu oilgohy
40k sub lessgoo
ulaan gamer castle😂
23:37 ai hovroo haha
11k sab uragshaa
Aimr minecraft hardcore duushaar irvel yrnu nuguu ender dragon luu ywdag gazriig goy zasaad bariarai
Ter backround deern pvz deerh duu garaad bhiin hha
Harin tiim
dooshogo buudga zgr undag bolgod door ni us tavichach
таны муур танд хайртай биш харин сандаландаа хайртай
Agaa ep 4 pls
Mobuud ygd iim zavaan hodlood bgn
19:30 deer diamond bn
Agaa diamond armortoi skeleton nii chance ni 0.04 bdin bn
Bi mnf deer bas iim zombie olj bsan
Minecraft 1.19 toglooch ee
1.19 monshdee
0.04% биш 0.0073%😮
Skeleton chine dis spawndchagu bga
Ta shine uurga hiigeed 10 han udaa zagaschilhad op uurga garj irsnu
taraigaa haruul
agaa nadah aguu chine 0.0001 garj irdeg yum
Agaa ta amitan uyagaar avaad yvaaj
Namagaas zagas bariach
gurvatai vein deer 7oog ogsin
YAaj eskeletonnii exp fsrm hiihuu zaavar ni
1.18 uu?
Ta nogoo zombienii moron deer ni baby zombie suutsn bhiig harj bsn uu?
Agaa 3.45 sec deer herobrine
agaa chihevchiinhaa duug tugastan bhad oridog ne yaj bgaan be?????
hurdan ep4 hiigeerei
Baahan num sumnuudaa negtegcheechee
1. Create a channel that you would like to count in.
1. Type c!channel in that channel. (You must have Administrator permissions)
2. Start counting in the channel, beginning with 1.
Counting rules:
• One person can't count two numbers in a row. (A friend/partner is required)
• No botting.
• If you break count, a "save" will be docked from your save count if you have any. Otherwise, the count will reset.
• Vote here to earn more saves. Check your amount of saves with c!vote.
• If you have at least one save, you can continue counting when you type a number wrong.
[4:08 PM]
User Commands: Input fields prefixed with a ? are optional
• c!cs ?[pageNumber] - View the top ten current scores
• c!lb ?[pageNumber] - View the top ten high scores
• c!ulb ?[pageNumber] - View the top ten users
• c!slb ?[pageNumber] - View the top ten users in your guild
• c!user ?[@user/userId] - Get a user's stats
• c!server - Get the current server's stats
• c!donatesave - Donate a save to the current guild. (Adds 0.2 of a guild save)
• c!transfersave [@user/userId] - Gift one save from your balance to another user with a tax of 0.5
• c!vote - Vote for the bot and get saves
• c!stats - Show statistics on the bot and your current shard
Admin Commands:
• c!failrole [@role/role id] - Set a role for the bot to add to members who ruin a count. To disable, run command without specifying a role
• c!channel - Configure the bot to listen in a specific channel, instead of the default channel #counting
• c!numbersonly [on/off] - Enable numbers-only mode. Ruins the count if any message is sent if it is not either a valid number or bot command
• c!language ?[languageCode] - Set the language that the bot responds in in your guild
Join our Discord if you have any questions.
Like the bot? Consider contributing with Patreon. It helps us a bunch.
Invite the bot to your own guild.
Our Privacy Policy: Here
Made by Duck#0001, Maintained by tt2468#2468 | Guilds: 471,225 | Uptime: 1,328,609s iim bolson bainoo
ene sky pack iinhaa file iin ogchih
ta yun ai hovroo gev
ямар аз вэ
Mundag shuu
iron armor бол хог биш үү
Sandal Muir hoergerelsen
World download link ?
Баруун гараар тоглоочээ
зүүн гараар тоглох гоё л байна шдээ Jangar Mendsaikhan aa
Minecraft 4
Ta hanaas mimecraft nda mod higeed bgan
Нумнуудаа нийлүүлээд бүтэн цустай нум болно
ta roblox pet sim x eer huge catuudiig ez olhimbn
episode 4
skeltondoo ner ohgu bol alga bolcino do
skelton bol 0.000001 za
Nethret armor hi
O my god
50k sub uragshaa 11k sub nemeedl 50k sub
mcpe deer zuvhun diamond chestplate , helment hoyrtoi zombietei taajiisan shde
О мая год
Minecraft 1.19
Plant vs zombie iin music bshd
H o l y b y l y a t
First zvrh
1 19 yum u
Second like
Муурандаа цагаахан гэдэг нэрээ өгөөчэээээээээээээээ😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑
har zam ks