Dreams and their Interpretation

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024
  • A lecture by Rabbi Kin on the interpretation of dreams as expounded on in the Talmud and Kabbalah. This lecture is part of the series of lectures titled "The seventy most difficult questions in Judaism."

ความคิดเห็น • 172

  • @minajeetjemineetje3002
    @minajeetjemineetje3002 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    You are one of my favourite teachers!! I wish i could meet you in real life! Thanks for sharing your knowledge ❤️🤗

    • @cazimim3375
      @cazimim3375 ปีที่แล้ว

      "They have to be subjected to some slavery so that they can learn to be servants of god " - Rabbi Elyahu Kin

  • @bastianvanstigt6246
    @bastianvanstigt6246 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Such a wealth of information on this channel!

  • @bla2220
    @bla2220 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is really weird to some people. But this really happened.
    My son is 20 years old now. And this happened to him when he was around four or five.
    One morning my son got up and he told me and my wife about the dream he had. He described it and vivid detail exactly what he had seen. Down to the very last detail about the scene.
    Told me about this woman in the dream. Describe the woman what she was wearing and everything.
    My wife and I did not catch it at first. But later on that day when we were doing Bible study. We suddenly realized, my son had described Jacob's ladder. He had described it in the exact way that it was described in the Bible.
    The second part of it, was about two to three weeks later. My wife had brought out her family photo albums. And was showing pictures of her family to our son.
    Suddenly he got really excited started pointing at the picture of this woman. Telling us that that was the woman who was holding his hand and talking to me.
    It was my wife's deceased mother.

  • @anniejacobs7126
    @anniejacobs7126 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Amazing class Rabbi Kin! Thank you.

    • @cazimim3375
      @cazimim3375 ปีที่แล้ว

      "They have to be subjected to some slavery so that they can learn to be servants of god " - Rabbi Elyahu Kin

  • @7200beverly
    @7200beverly  10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You can send your questions to etorahohr@gmail.com

  • @GabrielRodriguez-nx3em
    @GabrielRodriguez-nx3em ปีที่แล้ว

    A counter force of synchroniity at 18:36 Thank you Rabbi

  • @hleek2003
    @hleek2003 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Todah raba for the lecture Rabbi Kin

  • @napoleonsparis2058
    @napoleonsparis2058 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    This spoke to me and my own dreams and experiences. This is so true. It really clarified things for me.

    • @cazimim3375
      @cazimim3375 ปีที่แล้ว

      "They have to be subjected to some slavery so that they can learn to be servants of god " - Rabbi Elyahu Kin

  • @SarahConnor618
    @SarahConnor618 8 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I also would like to know about Deja Vu's as I have them all the time, and it's scary - because I will tell the people what they are going to say and they always say: HOW CAN YOU READ MY MIND? They get freaked out! But it's because I seen it before and not even in a dream, at least not that I remember.. I just "feel" it happened before and know what's going to happen...

  • @bevradd6800
    @bevradd6800 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I am so interested in this now because an Orthodox Rabbi came to me in my dream last night. I will not give details because scoffers are discouraging. I keep looking in my life for my purpose not only here but also in the life to serve before G-d.

    • @OpportunisticHunter
      @OpportunisticHunter 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      + Bev Radd As long as I can tell the past changes as the present is set... according to quantum physics and also the future is infinitesimally undefined until present comes... miracles are not impossible considering higher dimensions beyond the 4th. All you have to do is ask the universe what you want and working towards it and letting go of how it comes to pass. "What do they need that your talent can provide?" - Jim Carray's speech

  • @TouMuchMedia
    @TouMuchMedia ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Listening to this at 2am

  • @mr.b2960
    @mr.b2960 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Had so many out of body experiences that I wish I knew what they mean. Most of the time there are 2 (what I call angels) that accompany me to show me things. At one point there was a demon trying to cause a problem. G-dis protection wouldn’t let it get to me, like a force field. It ran out the window just as I woke up and my blinds fell. Next night it looked pathetic, hurt, no power and there were 3 angels there but only to see if I had strength to send it back. I pitied it and told it to go back to where it came. A hole opened up and swallowed it. Woke up peaceful.
    There was another where I saw a large congregation of people. (This one is kinda Christian). 2 angels brought me to this place where all leaders of all Christian leaders and most world religions where fighting over who is right. G-d sent peter down to correct everyone. He possessed a statue and started talking. The angles covered my ears because I wasn’t allowed to hear. The people looked in amazement as though they were in disbelief. After he was finished talking, I was able to hear again but there was a thunderous uproar. All the people where saying how can this be true, it speaks lies, it was sent from satan, etc. I start yelling he told you the truth and you treat G-dis message like this? And I was getting angry and the angels pull me away and send me back to my body.
    I’ve also been out of my body and seen this cloud of many colors where one can see all of eternity and everything, every place, anything they can look at. You could touch the cloud and see a ‘screen’ like aspect but very 3D looking. Was very interesting.
    As a child I dreamt that I was a worker of a pyramid. I was talking in Egyptian (maybe it was)and knew what I was talking about. I woke up speaking it and knowing what I was saying, but as soon as I woke up completely I forgot what was talked about and don’t know what I was saying.
    There’s many more, but those are major ones.

    • @mr.b2960
      @mr.b2960 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well maybe not, I did have prophetic dreams that have come true but didn’t know it was of those events until after it happened because it was revealed as symbolic. There is more that haven’t come yet but have a feeling it will be soon.

    • @akanksharoy7047
      @akanksharoy7047 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I trust you absolutely because I have same experience.....i always accompany with my angel's to show me the truth , the reality of this world

    • @cazimim3375
      @cazimim3375 ปีที่แล้ว

      "They have to be subjected to some slavery so that they can learn to be servants of god " - Rabbi Elyahu Kin

  • @othersideofgreen
    @othersideofgreen 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I once asked, "As a libra" please lord be concise in my dreams.... I cannot decide if these messages are nonsense of the imagination or not.... "lord, give me a word for love in another language that I do not understand.... two weeks short of one day went by, and I did not receive my answer. on the Sunday night I dreamt on the 14th day,
    I was on a field divided by a great stone wall the one side was light the other dark.... I knew I was on the field of consciousness... from my left side over my shoulder came a hand with a paint brush speaking as it painted in white capital letters, "DO NOT USE SEX FOR LOWER DESIRE FOR SEX IS ESH" I awoken at the spelling of ESH. I googled Esh and found a sanskrit definition of divine love, the next was Hebrew for divine fire and the Egyptian word for life....... I understood SEX to be the process of gender of any form of ESH or life. this to me was a concise message that made a profound impact on my spirituality. On my channel also, my only video is a chant that came from seeing frequency in dreams associated with 4 sets of numbers... 173 F, 414 A 619 E, 937 b. The tuning frequency was set at 414htz by what I can only describe as a feminine entity that said, 414 is your number.... I understood this number to be the key.
    please see the chant... its not professionally produced but, I was compelled to do it.
    Thank you, great work

  • @7200beverly
    @7200beverly  11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    A coma is more like a a Near Death Experience where one's consciousness during that stage is possibly real and not a dream. However, just like in a dream, those in a coma may become aware of some future event. But this is only if a window into the future was opened for them to see.

  • @cazimim3375
    @cazimim3375 ปีที่แล้ว

    "They have to be subjected to some slavery so that they can learn to be servants of god " - Rabbi Elyahu Kin

  • @pimkanbier7262
    @pimkanbier7262 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    omg this omg that you soooooo much holy this i just needed this i come to this video and only for my dreams and this thx i gonna watch it this omg thank u

  • @amatsumikaboshi3000
    @amatsumikaboshi3000 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Please, can anyone Interpret my dreams for me?(I am a christian trying to follow the Torah)
    1) I was in my high school cafeteria and it was dark. Black figures ran back and forth laughing
    saying “they think the world will end in 2012!” I noticed a bunch of chairs with people sitting in them. The people sitting in them had black smoke coming from their mouths when they
    spoke. A female teacher was in front of a projector saying that nudity was art. I thought
    “bullshit” to myself. I asked myself “I wonder when he will come”? A beam of light came from
    the ceiling and grew into a large light that filled the entire room. I found myself in a grassy field with a marble bleacher like structure. I felt relief as though everything was finally going to be
    okay. People were running to and fro. Three figures were sitting on the bleacher structure. The one in the center, who I assumed to be God, had short curly white hair and a short fork white
    beard. He was wearing a white robe with a red sash-like cloth wrapped around his shoulder
    and chest. The man on his right looked just like the first but with brown hair and beard.
    I assumed this man was Yeshua. On his left there was a woman I assumed to be Miriam. She wore a white robe with a matching head veil. She also had a beautiful blue outer robe. When I looked behind me I saw a white shining city and a pool of clear water. I walked into it and then went toward the city.
    2) As I was walking toward the garage I saw Yeshua float past me. I chased him out onto
    the driveway yelling, Yehoshua! Yehoshua! Take me with you. Please. Jesus! And he replied
    “Why do you say that? Don’t you believe you’re going to be raptured?” I said “Does that mean I am? Thank you, thank you God! He disappeared into the sky and I saw two large green galaxy looking hands. After they disappeared I started to float up into the air but when I saw the
    purple lightning and dark clouds, I became afraid and touched back down to the ground.
    3) I was in a deep pit full of red mist. As I looked around I saw a gigantic multi-headed dog-cat creature. It had shark like teeth and dilapidated eyes. I never felt such fear before in my
    life and tried to climb out of the pit. Suddenly I was running in a 2D camera angle like a video
    game. As I was a rock slide came down, knocking the creature down a cliff below. As I looked I thought it was going to get back up, but it didn’t.
    4) Obama was dressed as a priest on stage, laughing as thousands of people cheered. I
    heard a voice tell me “They know who he is and yet they worship him”.
    5) I was in a dark room on a bed and started to pray, there was someone next to me who was doing the same. He disappeared. I prayed “Please, Father, bring me and my family into your loving arms”. Suddenly I was surrounded by fire and cackling humanoid skulls. When I woke up I was in Yeshua’s arms who dropped me inside a church. In the church we were
    meditating and as we left I told my parents about how Yeshua was going to comeback. I
    looked at the church from faraway and I heard Yeshua say “At least they try, you see how they
    try to please God”. I found myself walking down a street near my house. I, my mother, and
    some others were following Yeshua. He was trying to tell me something, but I couldn’t
    understand. There was a dog straggling behind us. Yeshua told me that the dog was going to die, but that it didn’t have to, nothing is written in stone.
    6) My brothers were playing video games in my room while I sat on my bed. As I looked
    out the window I saw black clouds come. A dragon wing flapped outside the window and the
    house felt as though it was twisting and shaking.
    7) I was in the kitchen while my brother and mother were sitting at the bar. As I looked out the glass double doors and I saw two grey lanky humans. They had no noses, claws, and
    round glowing orange eyes. I felt as though I was being crushed from all sides. I looked back
    at my brother and mother but they didn’t notice. I prayed in the name of the father, son, and
    holy spirit multiple times. Light engulfed the creatures as they shrank down to nothing and
    8) I was in a dark church and a priest was holding a diadem. I wanted him to give it to me but I felt ashamed that I wanted it. To my surprise he put it on my head. He then gave me and
    some others chalices. I was told “When you leave the church go straight”.
    9) I had a dream where I was in a garden park and there was a red carpet with armed
    guards on each side. At the end stood a man in dark blue suit with a red tie, I don't know who he was because I wasn't given a clear look at his face. As I got closer the man was engulfed in light, when the light faded there stood a tribal chief in place of the man wearing the Suit. Behind
    him there were lots of metal fold out chairs and a enormous pile of wood. I knew (I don't know how) that he was going to burn the entire country alive along with himself. I hesitantly sat it
    one of the seats because I was afraid of the armed guards, but as I saw someone else run, I
    felt more confident and ran too. As I ran I was shot in the right side but when I checked there
    was no wound, I wasn't hurt. Then suddenly I was in a gymnasium full of people, they seemed to be grouped together but I don't know what the reasoning was. I saw some people I knew
    but most of them where strangers.
    10) In a dream I was in an auditorium and to my horror I was left below this time(I had
    been raptured in a different dream before). The "Sky" was black, the air had a reddish tint, and I felt like all hope was lost. I saw a screaming women lowered into well full of lava. I heard a
    voice tell me "Tell them that if they pray there they will just be brought back here to be judged". I took this to mean that it is like a cycle where prayer is basically useless. Every time a "left
    below person" prays they will be judged by God and put back into the persecution.

    • @xSWlMx
      @xSWlMx 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Interesting. I would love to hear all the new ones.

  • @ronalynalkhatef4479
    @ronalynalkhatef4479 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sometimes dreams. Indicates us . Past present future that been happen or will be happened ..some dreams guided by spirit or souls wants to give msg. but mostly of times theres no clarity because its depends how strong spirit stays in the body of human being.. And also the conditions of the body.

  • @dalethyahusha8370
    @dalethyahusha8370 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Another “trigger” is the gifts of the Ruaj hakodesh (Holy Spirit) in our lives.
    1 Corinthians 12

  • @bensmithers9272
    @bensmithers9272 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    In this lecture you mention 3 things to get a good sleep and increase your chance of a true clear dream and you say "do the right things, don’t eat before sleep and don’t go to bed too late to avoid bad dreams." What is the source of the 3 things and is midnight the latest time you can recite the bedtime shema?

    • @7200beverly
      @7200beverly  9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ben Smithers The Kabbalah elaborates more on how one should prepare to sleep as well as what influences the visions and dreams one has at night. The bedtime Shema can be said until dawn.

    • @bensmithers9272
      @bensmithers9272 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      7200beverly What part of the Kabbalah and who elaborates more on how one should prepare to sleep as well as what influences the visions and dreams one has at night? What is the latest time to go to bed? What is the best time to recite the bedtime Shema? Thanks

    • @kehindeeulen7241
      @kehindeeulen7241 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      +7200beverly Yahweh Elohim interprets dreams through the Ruach Ha Kodesh, and the countless Torah picture language all over the scriptures. On should rely on man's wisdom. Daniel and Joseph did not consult books added to the Torah and the Prophets. They sought Yahweh for the answer. A Godly dream has to be interpreted by the Spirit of Yahweh, otherwise it is man's interpretation.

  • @inachu
    @inachu 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I had a very cool dream of being in Israel but not Israel on earth.
    Often times in my dreams I start by opening my eyes to see I am looking down.
    I look up and all around me are jewish people both young old and male and female.
    I try to get my bearings and I look around and far off I see these super incredibly tall mountain scape. I did not look behind me but just looking ahead made it appear as if the entire mountain range almost encircled us. I felt as if the group I was with was walking to the mountains to climb it and then I woke up.

  • @MrBrunoGI
    @MrBrunoGI 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I feel what happens is when one sleeps the Neshama alot of the times plays a movie for the person while it does it's thing in Shamayim, that is why there is no recollection of what the Neshama does, but sometimes the Neshama is more involved in what we dream, yesterday I had this intense dream, I couldn't understand it fully, but I entered this house I had no idea where this was, I was handed the Keys to it, I guess it was either a gift or I acquired it somehow, but I felt I didn't pay for it, and inside this house there was this table and on it was a letter from a holy person, I didn't know who, but I believe it said welcome back, I knew you would make it, then I noticed a picture slightly to the side of where I picked up the letter, I'm not sure if it was the Lubavitcher Rebbe, or some other holy person, but upon looking on it I started crying then I woke up, and I had this intense feeling of peace and calm while awake for like 15 to 20 minutes, during this time, sometimes I get angry about nonsense that I see or whatever, but this time I didn't feel this, I felt good and I didn't want this to go away but eventually I resumed my normal day.

    @KVNCSTA 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow. Thank you for uploading.

  • @Tinaraver
    @Tinaraver 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you - this was very helpful to me

  • @SupremeMage56
    @SupremeMage56 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    1)Can there be fictionnal coma ''visions''?2)Can there be fictionnal dreams in sleep?

  • @SupremeMage56
    @SupremeMage56 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I meant ''can that event be changed"?

  • @SupremeMage56
    @SupremeMage56 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If I clearly dreamt about an event in the future,can that be changed?For example by Divine intrevention?

  • @cleveland3357
    @cleveland3357 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I dreamt that I was at a resort area - there was a three story building with all rooms having a balcony suddenly Islamic terrorists came out onto the balconies with high caliber firepower and on the closest balcony one of the terrorists had a powerhose and started spraying people with what I thought was some sort of gas I felt like they were going to spray on people then light it up. I was running as fast as I could away from the spray but towards an Imam that was standing there conducting this attack. I was trying to get to him to kill him before they killed me. That is when I woke up. It seemed very real not like a dream more like a premonition. It tells me there is a war to come already begun between us and Islam.

    • @OpportunisticHunter
      @OpportunisticHunter 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I don't remeber if he mentioned, but ALL bad dreams are false. Unless you make them manifest in the now (present) you still have a chance to change the future at least from bad to good into perspective through the superficial aspects of it.

  • @artisanrox
    @artisanrox 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Are "demonic" dreams primarily, or even singularily, always nightmares? Or can they seem relatively tame and normal? Do the shedim take human form in these? I'd love to know because I am transmitted info in my dreams by dream characters and I'd like more information on how to deal with this and how to know the difference. I've been an avid dreamer for almost 2 decades (I have many dream journal files) and I have no one else to ask this stuff. Thank you and PLEASE for any help. B"H.

  • @commonsenselucy5697
    @commonsenselucy5697 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Rabbi.......do you have a "dream interpretation" book. You mentioned that in your message. I know there are many, but would rather have one that is Biblical. Todah......

  • @SupremeMage56
    @SupremeMage56 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What about the dreams in the morning,can they be false?

  • @shirleygoh76
    @shirleygoh76 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can i know again the words n meaning for the 3 things need to do before sleep?

  • @mitzvahgolem8366
    @mitzvahgolem8366 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Todah rabbah.

  • @ayelethashakhar5264
    @ayelethashakhar5264 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    BH'' Please advise me ,if you do interpret dreams ? If yes how can it be send to you that it would be private ? Thanks

  • @icanbestronger
    @icanbestronger 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm wondering what rabbi kin has to say about day ja vu? i have it very often!
    also someone told me dreaming of teeth is a sign someone is going to die is that true?
    thank you

    • @7200beverly
      @7200beverly  8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +orlz assul RabbKin does discuss "deja vu" either in this lecture about dreams or in the lecture on Reincarnation.

    • @icanbestronger
      @icanbestronger 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +7200beverly great thanks soooo much tisku la mitzvot! !! we love rabbi kin! will he be speaking in israel eva?

    • @7200beverly
      @7200beverly  8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +orlz assul B'ezrat Hashem

    • @ruthyk7083
      @ruthyk7083 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +orlz assul No, it's not. I've been a dream interpreter since early childhood. Teeth don't have to imply death. It can represent very good things. It depends on you and the rest of the dream. Often, dreams will be presented through symbolism specific to the dreamer, time frame/era or culture the person associates with. Always be careful who you tell your dreams to.The first person to interpret your dream determines how it is manifested. Those close to me trust that I will steer a dream to a positive manifestation, so they tell me the dream first or don't tell anyone their dreams at all and leave things to chance.

  • @SupremeMage56
    @SupremeMage56 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have a question.Can the dreams in a coma reveal the future?One of my friends was in a coma.

  • @harryh1261
    @harryh1261 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    What does a missile or rocket mean

  • @KHAN-gd8qg
    @KHAN-gd8qg 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @mitzvahgolem8366
    @mitzvahgolem8366 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Shulchan aruch Rambam and Gra seem to be against attempting to for tell future events. There are no more Navi after destruction of bias hamigdash...

  • @BaljitSingh-mh2te
    @BaljitSingh-mh2te 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very nice; Rabbi Sahib

  • @josephjayiya9839
    @josephjayiya9839 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    the title of this vedio is different which makes the rabbi sounds like he knows nothing about the meaning of dreams

  • @cygarette
    @cygarette 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i make interpretation of the drem and message

    • @rubenh7106
      @rubenh7106 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      cygarette Can you interpret my dreams?

  • @cygarette
    @cygarette 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    its exactly thats i see

  • @isaaccedeno8097
    @isaaccedeno8097 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    What about blood

    • @hanasolomon8038
      @hanasolomon8038 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Blood is a sign of life , it depends what’s u dream

  • @MrKmanthie
    @MrKmanthie 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is about as scientific as a sermon by any {insert your favorite religion here] sermon...in other words, not at all scientific.

    • @7200beverly
      @7200beverly  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      That is correct Kent. Dreams and their interpretation is not a scientific topic, but belongs in the realms of Mysticism. Judaism has much to say about this fascinating topic, and that is what this Rabbi set out to do, to teach the Jewish perspective on this subject.

  • @harryh1261
    @harryh1261 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am one of those of TH-cam who had the visions of 9/11

  • @SmexerP
    @SmexerP 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    13:35 DMT triggers our dreams.

  • @skewolledz5084
    @skewolledz5084 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why are repeating and repeating and repeating the same entrances over and over it's a waste of time

  • @chrisscott7545
    @chrisscott7545 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    From all the religions im more akin to Jews