Me after avoiding this video for 2 years so when I finally get A NINTENDO SWITCH I smirk and say "You fool...You thought you can make me jealous...BUT I OUTSMARTED YOU
5:00 This whole scene just leaves me in hysterics! 🤣🤣🤣 Ro: “I don’t know what I’m doing!” Mat: hehe Ro: “I just know how to make cookies” Mat: *dies* 7:15 The enthusiasm in this whole thing is amazing Just bouncing off each other’s excitement Also, 7:00 Mat is so absorbed in what Ro’s saying 😄
Mabel and dipper omg Mabel like her is nice,awkward,cute,weird in a great way and the hair is similar Dipper like him is geek/nerd and like awkward in a funny way and the hair and jacket
Honestly, I don't even watch MatPat but I think he is my favorite guest you've had on here so far. You two just work so good together and it was just really fun to watch.
Bayleaf Beeen If your into games you should definitely watch matpat Game Theorist Channel. He has some great content. But If you don't like games no matter what check out film theory it really good and there some mind blowing things on there. May pay is a good youtuber
MatPat's Game Theorist channel is great content, but sometimes it can be a little difficult to get into. If you want to watch these two together, you should check out their video they did on his live stream channel, GTLive! It's too cute.
Wowie Mommy I’m on Tv oh my gosh has she done anything for Gravity Falls?! Cuz i would love for her and Mat to do a vid of that dressed as Dipper and Mabel!!
These two are literally too adorable omg Edit: yall im not shipping it lmao, i just think its cute when they randomly start dancing and nerding out together
I was laughing so much while watching this. No wonder I loved it so much when I saw you two dressed as Dipper and Mabel, it fits so well! Even Matthew's nerdiness and Rosanna's love for creating things and her adorable voice! Everything just works so well!
8:01 Ro: actually you’re too- with your muscles and this, I think you’re actually too strong for this... MatPat: *Laughs because he’s not at all strong Literally taking words from the captions here....
Two of my absolute favorite youtubers. This makes my heart so happy. I know I'm late to the party on this video but it's only because quarantine has finally given me some time to enjoy TH-cam
I feel bad for Ro. She's legit the only TH-camr I've seen who has been shipped with nearly every single male guest on her show regardless of whether or not they are taken.
"I ate a lot of weird things as a kid, I tried *various* insects." My dad ate a bug to impress my mom when they were dating.. Cool, right? XD hahah....
so when my dad was in colorado at the military academy he had to go to survival school and he told me and my sister that if we ever were in a survival situation where we were in the wild that you could pinch ants heads off and eat the body and they tasted like lemon drops witch i thought was disgusting but then i tried it and he was right
This is my 2 year old daughter’s favorite video she always points out things in her kitchen set like she’s in her own video and dances when y’all do 💕💕
the way they reacted to their baking flare had such "chaotic sibling energy"
These two are the weirdest adults ever in the most adorable way possible
They're like adult children
Me too but as a teenager kid
He looks like he's extremely disappointed in himself but he keeps making puns because it makes Ro laugh
That's a true friendship🤣
Lets be honest, He do anything to keep her happy
@@yung_freaks or sibling relationships
omg yes 😭 he does this on his channel too 😂
Alternative title: Dipper and Mable grow up to become cookie decorators.
without these comments, i wouldn’t be thinking that they actually look related
Omg yessss
They did that for hallowween in 2019 ⟟ think
true true
10% of the time: shows you how to make the cookies
90% of the time: talks about what species Yoda is
And now will have baby Yoda
Me after avoiding this video for 2 years so when I finally get A NINTENDO SWITCH I smirk and say
"You fool...You thought you can make me jealous...BUT I OUTSMARTED YOU
Baby Yoda, Baby baby Yoda,
@@hauntinglyblu baby Yoda dodododo baby yoda dodododo baby Yoda
Momma Yoda dodododo Mama Yoda dodododo Mama Yoda
Dad Yoda dodododo dad Yoda dodododo dad Yoda
Grampa Yoda dodododo grampa Yoda dodododo grampa Yoda
yoda is a humanoid(s)
Congrats MatPat for evolving to DadPat
Im_Dead_Inside The third what
ChunkyMonkey On The Loose Matpat has a son now, if you didn’t know.
It's so
Ro: “I think you’re too strong”
Matt in escape the night: dies because he lost a strength contest
Wolf 000 pphhht that’s hilarious
He was up against the strongest guy, Manny. And he was revived
Rhett Wallace I know.
I mean he got to the finale, for the first time XD
Ohmg, Matt is such a dad!!! (and he wasn't even a dad yet in this video lol)
Wait he’s a DAD
I forgot he is a dad lol
7:12 - 7:25
This is one of the most wholesome things I've ever seen, Dipper and Mabel.
I agree so much!
i loved that
and 11:53 too
Why the caps?
After “recipe for disaster” and so on, I REALLY want to see a Dad Joke/Pun face-off between MatPat and Thomas Sanders
I wanna see that
Sarah Choi How could you regret perfection?
This would be iconic
Sarah Choi
Don’t regret this! It’s golden!
Yes yes yes yes yes now!!!!
I love that while Ro is talking about baking (2:04), Matpat is just standing there smiling and modeling
MatPat's Cookie: Completely Gone.
Rosanna's Cookie: 1 Bite Out Of It 😂
The other half is on the chopping board
But if you don’t look at the other half it just looks like the whole cookie is gone well except for one joystick and part of the screen
hahahhaahahahaahhahahas your right hahahahashahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHSAA
man moment
I feel like when Ro is an old woman, she will be the best grandma ever. ALL THE COOKIES.
Krisalis So true
I cant help but see her as an old woman already, her personality is very grandma-y lol in a sweet way
At 7:24 they did some weird dabs
At 8:03 it reminded me of MatPat's death in Season 3 Escape the Night because he lost in an arm wrestling game..
Louis Gesnaker There is no justice
I cried during that part he was my favorite character and I was so excited he came back lol
planetMellow lets... let’s not remember that sad moment. 😓
I thought you said he lost his arm
"I just wanna keep dancing when I'm hanging out with you!"
That is so wholesome I want to cry, Ro.
These two are adorable together!
Ro looks so embarrassed after they danced XP
It would be amazing to see Steph join in for a video!
They have more of a brother-sister relationship
Steph joined in when Ro came on GTLive, I believe
It's just amazing to see them interact 😂
@@biddleeewho4181 nah i dont think so
They're not fighting
@@enternamehere7942 oh, haa haaa.
Ro and Mat are so amazing together there like sister from another mister/brother from an other mother
Matpat said that from one of his kids -_-
I mean vids autocorrect
Yes definetly from one of his Kids... :P
@@shushhhh. :3
ShadowSkylar_ 2 yeah :D
Mat pat is easily my favorite youtuber of all time, he is precious and his relationship with steph is my life goal
Olivia mat Pat is awesome, but who is she and she sounds she like a italien ancient.
Riziki Furaha I think you're referring to steph and steph is matpats wife
Olivia omg ikr
Matt looked so happy to say, “Let’s get started!” Adorable!!
Why arent these two siblings?! Adorable 😂
They are half sibs
- Asociates - where did you hear that?
idk- i forgot
Uh they already are-
@@CameronQX, They Meant that as a Friend Relationship- Not a Same Blood Relationship
Ro and Mat are friendship GOALS.
Anna Lawson Mat Pat is married
Melody_The Star Princess She said ''friendship goals''
Melody_The Star Princess she said friendship
Melody_The Star Princess umm there's a difference between relationship goals and friendship goals.
Melody_The Star Princess She didn't say relationship goals
Jael Rollocks But that's just a theory!
LGC Games A Family Theory :O
LGC Games A Fandom theory
LGC Games A bake theory aaaannnnddd CUT!
Jael Rollocks But MatPat can't cook he said it!😂
matpat: 2:26 being worried abt making a mess while stirring
in the markiplier colab vid: *cake batter and flour EVERYWHERE*
Matt looks like he is having the time of his life, bless my son
Daniela Gesuele Did you see the video he did with Peter Hollen?
OMG yes she finally had him :D
Abby Brooks yay
Long lost siblings
So true
J_luvsgaming , is actcully Mabel, not Mable so u know.
Oh nooo sorry my bad!!
The Genius Undercover yas
I can't unsee it
Yasssssss 🤩🤩
Oml. You’re right-
They have a video on Ro’s other channel, when they try on brother and sister costumes and that is one of them
“You know Jordan”
*cuts to cereal video*
I can’t 😂 it’s one of my favorites
plot twist Matt and Ro are the same person who got divided in half when attempting baking flare. BUT THAT'S JUST A NERDY NUMMIES THEORY
Forever Shewolf omg yasssssss
I love how MatPat literally has the electric mixer for three seconds and he already brakes it. This is a successful married man.
SilverSarcasmic MatPat is a real human being who’s about to be responsible for a real human baby and I am *shook*.
I appreciate the thoughtfulness, kind individual
Robyn I think he will be an awesome dad in the near future
He’s a successful married man who is about to become a *father*
Lol this comment 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
I love their bond 💕 especially in escape the night
their bond I especially love their James Bond (that corny joke music that always turns on every time somebody makes a joke)
Abs Foreva and it has been confirmed by Joey that he’s gonna bring Ro back 🙃
They’re literally musical characters.
@Abs Foreva don't spoil it for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@annalisec691 THEN DONT CLICK "READ MORE"
This whole scene just leaves me in hysterics! 🤣🤣🤣
Ro: “I don’t know what I’m doing!”
Mat: hehe
Ro: “I just know how to make cookies”
Mat: *dies*
The enthusiasm in this whole thing is amazing
Just bouncing off each other’s excitement
Also, 7:00
Mat is so absorbed in what Ro’s saying 😄
Mabel and dipper omg
Mabel like her is nice,awkward,cute,weird in a great way and the hair is similar
Dipper like him is geek/nerd and like awkward in a funny way and the hair and jacket
Sarada Uchiha OMG YES!!!!!!!!!!!
you're right!!!
Sarada Uchiha omg yasssss
Honestly, I don't even watch MatPat but I think he is my favorite guest you've had on here so far. You two just work so good together and it was just really fun to watch.
Bayleaf Beeen If your into games you should definitely watch matpat Game Theorist Channel. He has some great content. But If you don't like games no matter what check out film theory it really good and there some mind blowing things on there. May pay is a good youtuber
MatPat's Game Theorist channel is great content, but sometimes it can be a little difficult to get into. If you want to watch these two together, you should check out their video they did on his live stream channel, GTLive! It's too cute.
Bayleaf Beeen what about mark
RevSoMuch ;! Mark was good "you dont need a mixer you just need a mark!"
Maria Smith buy your own mark today
Kittenfight_ 326 left, right, do-do, and a backstep. XD
I know I want to do that with my friends!
Sugarfree skull 💀
When I pressed the time I got a taco Bell ad
I just love a brother sister relationship
Who agrees?
These two are adorable the best possible collaboration on TH-cam with ANY TH-camr
"CHOCOLATE IN MAH FACE!" - Matpat 2017
I commented the exact same thing. · .·
No one can top this quote
Lol Pikagirl 187!
5:04 He says that
Clicked right away when I saw MatPat. i was smiling throughout the whole vid.. theyre just like twins haha.
FlyingCatsandGlitter they are lik twins omg
When they were tapping the cookie's all I could think was Tap-Pat. Also you are both truly kid at heart.
Ro: *takes a single bite*
Matt: *is halfway through second cookie*
Me too lol 😂
THIS IS THE PERFECT PAIRING. Matpat and Ro should make more vids together. There just like the best of friends....or maybe SIBLINGS
yeah i know right!
hayli gonzales there not a couple pls understand
girl guide 4 gaming He/She never said they were. Did he/she.
hayli gonzales ROPAT wat have i done lol
This is a sacred episode of Gravity Falls where Mabel and Dipper make cookies
Wowie Mommy I’m on Tv oh my gosh has she done anything for Gravity Falls?! Cuz i would love for her and Mat to do a vid of that dressed as Dipper and Mabel!!
Film Fangirls omg what is the next episode
And talk about what species Yoda is
Oml they do look alike
That moment when you realize Mable and Dipper grew up and got TH-cam channels
Deizuka Gamer CONSPIRACY... that should be on film theory 😂
this is waaayyy too accurate XDDDD
Deizuka Gamer HOLY SHOOT THAT’S TRUE!!!!
Make this top comment what the heck
Me watching in 2019
Mat and Ro talking about Yoda
Me after watching the mandalorion in Disney+
And Baby Yoda going through my mind
-definitely Mabel and Dipper-
Savage Yoongi lel
No, They're both Mabels XD
Savage Yoongi an army!
Savage Yoongi yep
matpat is dipper and *whatever her name is* IS mable
Captions 5:06
"Don't know what Ro is doing...but that thing"
These two are literally too adorable omg
Edit: yall im not shipping it lmao, i just think its cute when they randomly start dancing and nerding out together
Crystel The Wolf ikr
Crystel The Wolf if they were both single which I know mat isn't but they would be perfect together
Faith Mayse Ro has been with Mr Husky for several years :)
Crystel The Wolf am i the only one who ships them?!
1 like= 1shipper
Crystel The Wolf you are right they are so cute together
I was laughing so much while watching this. No wonder I loved it so much when I saw you two dressed as Dipper and Mabel, it fits so well! Even Matthew's nerdiness and Rosanna's love for creating things and her adorable voice! Everything just works so well!
Omg. You two need to do more collabs. You are so funny together 😂
_Grace_Whitfield_ they did one collab in etn s3
Ro: actually you’re too- with your muscles and this, I think you’re actually too strong for this...
MatPat: *Laughs because he’s not at all strong
Literally taking words from the captions here....
How come He's the 2nd stronger in escape the night season 3?
WereCat 123 and yet he died because he wasn't strong enough. But comes back to life ☺️
@@arcticfox667 Yea I know that's why I love etn season 3 :)
but ro died:(
WereCat 123 I know right, it's so sad and the way they were acting towards each other before she died was just heart melting
*Ro and MatPat need to be in another video together so I can see some more close twins-like sibling action as they do some Gravity Falls baking!!*
Invisabelle Spasian YES GIRL!!!!!!
They are not siblings or twins
Phoebe Joy I'm sorry for the confusion. They just act like twins, in my opinion, but I know they're not related in any way. Sorry again... 😅
Oh it is ok I am sorry if it. Are off as me seeming as a mean person
Phoebe Joy I didn't think of you as mean. I just didn't want you to be confused. 😊
After they said “put it all together”, and then started like singing, I was like yes the Addams family is amazing!
MatPat is such a genuinely funny guy! :) What a fun episode!
Jan Agreed!
Arya Prabakar hello!!!im 7 years old!!!!
SuperJanGames Yep!
SuperJanGames watch his channel his is sooo funny
SuperJanGames he is cute
I love how Ro and Matt were taking about Yoda (from Star Wars) and then when she put another clip of her duck laughing she wore...
A Star Wars T-Shirt
Talking not Taking
Its talking not taking
The amount of work that goes into the subtitles 10/10
Ro sounds so sweet and matpats voice is very calming
Mat: I tried various insects
Cameraman: *cuts to next scene*
Wonder what else he ate as a kid
@@abigailmooney2134 I’m sorry Im so dirty minded and your comment made me laugh so hard..sorry
7:20 why didn’t he skip this tho
Maybe he did
Who knows how long their dance party lasted
Our prayers have been answered! She had MatPat as the guest!!
He's here
He's there
He's everywhere!
Who you gunna call?
Totally Geek yassssss gurl/boiiii jk on spelling
Totally Geek Yyyaaasss!!!
Totally Geek Yasss
this was everything to me
*laughs at terrible puns*
Damn subtitles are savage these days
Deh VeeDeeOuhs
Matpats puns sounds like the puns my teacher would make
*mat cringely dabbing in the back*
*le* *gasp*
they both have such a presence on screen and they work so well together it’s a perfect collab combo :)
*”I’ve tried various insects”*
_immediately cuts to a different scene_
andromeda insects are cool 🐛 🐛 🐛
Matpat: I don't know how to cook
In draw my life: I took cooking classes for fun.
Anabear "For fun" yeh dingus
Anabear *exposed*
He was baking though...
Every time i see matpat with ro, i think of.. Mable & Dipper
That really true
Cristina Pastera me toooooooo
Cristina Pastera oh wow true
i love mat he’s so funny and respectful, the way he looks at Ro when she speaks. he’s so sweet, i love this man
Mabel and Dipper went from exploring the mystery’s of Gravity Falls to baking Nintendo Switch Cookies😂
SwissKat I know right
That is definitely something Mabel would rope Dipper into doing XD.
Anna Tan OMG YES
All of these comments are about either
a) Mat and Ro being a great couple
b) Mat being married
c) Mat and Ro being like siblings
Yah pretty much
also the twins from gravity falls
1% these comments
ParadoxMage C all the way!!!!!
I like (a)
The vibes are so adorable. Very wholesome collab!!
They should have MatPat come back and make something Diet Coke related!!
Paige Warren yassssss
Paige Warren omg YES
Paige Warren duh
diet coke volcano cake?
Or make the game theorist's logo
6:13 the man is basically a math genius and is impressed with the paper cutter on a plastic wrap box.
They are like twins that got separated
Miss Gamer29 it's so true they are so similar I feel like they're long lost twins XD
Miss Gamer29 v
Miss Gamer29 yes their hair color is same 💜
Miss Gamer29
*GASP* your so right!
Miss Gamer29 hmm...
They could either be amazing siblings, or a wholesome TH-cam power couple in an alternate universe
Yes yes it is
Yes yes very much yes it is
Mabel* sorry I had to😅
And Mabel is 1 millimeter taller
There so talkative haHahah. I love them so much. Its like MatPat is like Ro's older brother. Hahahaaha. They looks a like much
Lyra Carter MatPat is in his 20s. Ro is 32.
at least I think MatPat is in his 20s
oh, he's exactly 30 years old
no guys! matpat is 5 and Ro is 40
Lyra Carter 🏫
Ro: brudda you too strong
Mat in ETN: *dies to manny in an arm wrestling challenge*
Well he was the second strongest
Thanks for the spoiler
Ramcharan Arya he was revived two episodes later if it makes you feel better
Dani Carli it doesn’t but I did find that out later
MatPat: “I’m like the defect Nintendo threw out out.” Virtual Boy: “Allow me to introduce myself.”
omg I love them both so much. My inner fan girl is jumping inside.
This was too cute. I'M MELTING.
Zelda Chick WHY DO YOU HAVE BLUE HAIR!!!!????😵😵😵😵😵😵😵
Sandis Dzilna, Why don't you? XD
Zelda Chick because I am blond and I am using my dad's account
Zelda Chick i dont cause im too young right now to dye xd
11:55 = the best dance ever
Two of my absolute favorite youtubers. This makes my heart so happy. I know I'm late to the party on this video but it's only because quarantine has finally given me some time to enjoy TH-cam
I feel bad for Ro. She's legit the only TH-camr I've seen who has been shipped with nearly every single male guest on her show regardless of whether or not they are taken.
Probably because Ro is very good looking, but I entirely agree with you.
elbowteeth She’s probably used to it by now.
Matpat is Married tho... XD
Matty is married
Ive only seen “omg they’re like siblings” on this vid but it’s so true for everything else. It’s really disappointing
"I ate a lot of weird things as a kid, I tried *various* insects." My dad ate a bug to impress my mom when they were dating.. Cool, right? XD hahah....
which means it worked? XD
I actually love eating bugs it's like potato chips
Phantomcookie 99 Not raw ones though
Nyan Navi I'm the 100th like 😎😎
so when my dad was in colorado at the military academy he had to go to survival school and he told me and my sister that if we ever were in a survival situation where we were in the wild that you could pinch ants heads off and eat the body and they tasted like lemon drops witch i thought was disgusting but then i tried it and he was right
Hahahhaga they like siblings when they act 😂😂
They act like siblings*
I just corrected ur grammar no hate
@icecreamboyproductions 17 Dude... He's *MARRIED* AND HAS A *CHILD*
*Read More*
You two taking a break to swing dance is the cutest thing ever!
Shipping them as friends... it's a FriendShip
lol good
Audrey Spicer lol
Collab on Matpat’s channel about what species Yoda is.
Jordan Zickmann Next Film Theory confirmed.
*mark will be forever the whisking king*
Whisking... Whisk... sorry dan :(
Hannah Catfire
*war flashbacks*
Succyeelent Yeemos _it was 2017. Phan members everywhere screamed at the sight of a whisk..._
Tana Turtle true dat
Tana Turtle of course he is he is the best youtuber ever :):):):)'):):):)!!!!!!!!!
This is my fave bro and sis duo!!! They are sooo cute together!!! Especially after ETN!🥰🥰🥰
I swear I loved this video so much I could watch this over and over and still laugh hysterically
Jamie Coleman I could to
Jamie Coleman same
Jamie Coleman yeah! Gravity falls twins anyone?
Me too
Jamie Coleman me to
That dancing was so cute
Wasn't it? I watched it so many times!
Omg!! I love both of y'all!! The nerdy nummies WITH the nerdiest channel on TH-cam?!? This video fulfills my nerdy needs!!! This video was EGGcelent!!
I can't agree more. When I saw the thumbnail I was like: YESSSSSSSS!!!!
Can't agree more!!!!
Joseph Kilis i
stop the yolks not funny if its written down
This is my 2 year old daughter’s favorite video she always points out things in her kitchen set like she’s in her own video and dances when y’all do 💕💕
Is it just me, or does Mat and Ro look a lot like each other??
OMG those egg puns really "cracked me up" lol
VeryMeta ikr? They left me scrambled
Weren't those jokes eggcellent?
go home 😂
aww, none of us want to *chicken* out
My head is actually pounding bc of this thread.
Wait that's Dipper and Mabel 20 years after the show! Where is Ro and Matpat?
Then Mable and Dipper are 33 years old because at the end they become 13 years old
I loved these 2 and their friendship in ETN and I’m so happy to see them together again
two of my favorite youtubers in one video, AHHHHH!!!!! SOOO HAPPPPPYYYYY
Pbubbsies SAMEEE
I came for matpat
Pbubbsies ssssssaaaaaammmmmeeeee
Ro: *does corny-laugh-joke-thing for the second time*
Matthew: ‘now your an owl?’
Me: silently lolling in the corner
Can you please tell me how you even laugh out LOUD silently?
its a chuckle XD
SunflowerTheBunBunBunny so true
The subtitles in this vid apparently love to roast MatPat when he does something funny
Seriously though turn them on they're hilarious 😂
Jennifer Petrovic HAHAHA THANK YOU
Ohhhhhhhh Mat wrote them
*MatPat dabs cringely in the background*
Thx for saying that 👍
*Deh VeeDeeOuhs*
Jennifer Petrovic omg lol
Matt and Ro legit look like they’re having a good time and it makes me happy :)