Complexity and Gravity III - Leonard Susskind

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 57

  • @silberlinie
    @silberlinie 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Leonard Susskind is on a really hot new thing.
    Brilliant. That's what keeps the world moving.
    It is important to follow that.

  • @cmvalim2778
    @cmvalim2778 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    It’s like an alien language that I have no idea of 😂but somehow find peace listening to it, safe in the knowledge that not everyone is as dumb as a rock like me 😀

  • @stargenemolly
    @stargenemolly 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Near the end, Susskind says that Bob can guarantee no firewalls as he jumps
    into the BH by just adding to it one thermal photon (the minimum possible
    amount). But I'm thinking that the act of Bob jumping in itself would also
    supply the equivalent of a vast amount of thermal photons, thus preventing
    firewalls and increasing the interior's complexity by an astronomical amount.

  • @colorscompletely
    @colorscompletely 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you

  • @markharrison9021
    @markharrison9021 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Surely it's obvious that adding an extra qubit to the ensemble can double the complexity .... consider a tensor network with 3 nodes and therefore 3 connections .... add one more node and you can create 6 connections .... add another and you double the connection count again ... ad infinitum .... that's how I'm visualizing it anyway .... it may be imperfect thinking but Susskind says that's ok.

  • @wafikiri_
    @wafikiri_ 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The right term for uncomplexity should be co-complexity. We use the prefix co- for something that, composed with the root concept, results in a certain important object. For example, an angle and its complement. Or a sine and a cosine.

  • @brendawilliams8062
    @brendawilliams8062 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @Ariss106
    @Ariss106 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Is it safe to assume that we only care about quantum gravity in black hole type situations? If yes, then where else in quantum mechanics would we care about complexity? Classically Entropy and Complexity are almost interchangeable. Quantum mechanically complexity (relative complexity) is proportional to the exp(entropy). So quantum mechanically the complexity grows much larger than the entropy. This is important to creating volume inside a black hole. But the volume in this case is built up from epsilon balls that correspond to "states" and not a physical size. So I am guessing that all we care about is the physical size of the horizon and as far as the interior volume goes we care about the number of epsilon balls and not so much the physical size? From this it would follow that "movement" of a particle within the black hole is expressed in the number of epsilon balls that it "traveled" through. And a particle is "forced" to move through many epsilon balls because in the first movement over an epsilon ball the complexity of the black hole decreases due to a decrease in entropy which takes at least a scrambling time to reach maximal entropy before complexity of the black hole is larger than it was before you dropped a particle in. It just seems weird that a small shock wave at one region of the black hole radiates throughout the interior volume of the black hole so fully. Is there not a dampening effect that would shield regions of the black hole from small perturbations to other far away interior regions of the same black hole?

    • @madeleinebirchfield7658
      @madeleinebirchfield7658 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Also in the early universe

    • @stargenemolly
      @stargenemolly 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      If you go to the archives with keywords “black hole” and “baby universe”,
      you’ll find papers by top theorists (Vafa, Ooguri, Aganagic etc.) exploring
      the notion that a black hole generates a baby universe. It is then arguable
      that the complexity (and computational power - see Lloyd, Ng) in a
      BH involves the process of baby universe generation.

  • @Ariss106
    @Ariss106 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    No quantum gravity yet, too OP. I like how simple these lectures have been. Highly accessible for undergraduate level.

  • @Chiavaccio
    @Chiavaccio 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @JasonWalsh-b4n
    @JasonWalsh-b4n 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @fermibubbles9375
    @fermibubbles9375 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    shocked Lenny didn't invite Sean Hartnoll. guess we're still underestimating quantum liquids around black hole horizons

  • @davidwilkie9551
    @davidwilkie9551 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    A shockwave is basically a frequency band approaching sync. The high frequencies slightly out of sync are shearing the medium through which they pass, and are the ones to fear from explosions, but those in sync make the stable QM-Time modules of materials, and are the "brane of our existence". So a Black Hole Firewall is probably a combination(?), at infinity-eternity-here-now singularity sync, e-Pi-i flat spacetime. (Tentative jargon for an innovted nomenclature)
    Neg-entropy is approximately equivalent to demodulation or (rotational) engagement and "Pi condensation".., how time duration probability substantiates actual existence. Eg. Classical mechanical perceptions assumes the Universal constants are Perpetual Motion Machines, within a Planck length? +/- Inflation/Gravitation gradients.
    Volumetric-complexity "sounds like" sync-solid phase-locked states of frozen time, and a conductor of superfluid infinitesimal change possibilities, of .dt. It's the Universal wave-package module 1-0D.
    Which implies that the nature of the .dt infinitesimal is the omnidirectional axial bubble/superconductor of QM-Time.., vanishing point singularity modulation = sizeless universal connection Quantum Operator, ..and the solid state of eternity is the tangential substantiated existence e-Pi-i time duration vector.., AM-FM Computation.
    Under these circumstances it's a reasonable conjecture that Black Holes are in regions of sync where low relative frequency difference is frozen and higher relative timing is superconducted=distributed in a symmetrical hierarchy of concentric ("hot-cold") bubbles, of spinfoam sync, at all scales of volumetric-complexity, ie it's the Quantum Fields Modulation Mechanism.
    Good lecture presentation. Fuzzy logic?
    It seems that the Partition Function is an equivalent sum-of-all-history Quantum-spacing measure of the selected volumetric-complexity because it's a numerical ratio of e-Pi-i probability.., OK for comparisons of averages like temperatures, but not pseudo random fine structure of the Quantum Fields Modulation Mechanism in detail.

  • @iamnotevenanumber3312
    @iamnotevenanumber3312 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    "What Is Life?" Erwin Schrödinger

    • @charlesbrightman4237
      @charlesbrightman4237 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      While this does not say what 'life' is, consider these options for 'life itself':
      Consider the following:
      * There are 3 basic options for life itself, which reduce down to 2, which reduce down to only 1:
      a. We truly have some sort of actual conscious existence throughout all of future eternity.
      b. We die trying to truly have some sort of actual conscious existence throughout all of future eternity.
      c. We die not trying to truly have some sort of actual conscious existence throughout all of future eternity.
      * 3 reduced down to 2:
      a. We truly have some sort of actual conscious existence throughout all of future eternity.
      b. We don't. And note, two out of the three options above, we die.
      * 2 reduced down to 1:
      a. We truly have some sort of actual conscious existence throughout all of future eternity.
      b. We truly don't have any conscious existence throughout all of future eternity.
      (And note, these two appear to be mutually exclusive. Only one way would be really true.)

    • @Tom_Quixote
      @Tom_Quixote 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@charlesbrightman4237 We truly don't have any conscious existence throughout all of future eternity. Next question.

    • @charlesbrightman4237
      @charlesbrightman4237 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Tom_Quixote And apparently, we never will either. Hence, life itself is all ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of things.
      1. Ask yourself: How exactly do galaxies form? The current narrative is that matter, via gravity, attracts other matter. The electric universe model also includes universal plasma currents.
      2. Ask yourself: How exactly do galaxies become spiral shaped in a cause and effect state of existence? At least one way would be orbital velocity of matter with at least gravity acting upon that matter, would cause a spiral shaped effect. The electric universe model also includes energy input into the galaxy, which spiral towards the galactic center, which then gets thrust out from the center, at about 90 degrees from the input.
      3. Ask yourself: What does that mean for a solar system that exists in a spiral shaped galaxy? Most probably that solar system would be getting pulled toward the galactic gravitational center.
      4. Ask yourself: What does that mean for species that exist on a planet, that exists in a solar system, that exists in a spiral shaped galaxy, in an apparent cause and effect state of existence? Most probably that if those species don't get off of that planet, and out of that solar system, and probably out of that galaxy too, (if it's even actually possible to do for various reasons), then they are all going to die one day from something and go extinct with probably no conscious entities left from that planet to care that they even ever existed at all in the first place, much less whatever they did and or didn't do with their time of existence.
      5. Ask yourself: For those who might make it out of this galaxy, (here again, assuming it could actually be done for various reasons), where to go to next, how long to get there, how to safely land, and then, what's next? Hopefully they didn't land in another spiral shaped galaxy or a galaxy that would become spiral shaped one day, otherwise, they would have to galaxy hop through the universe to stay alive, otherwise, they still die one day from something with no conscious entities being left from the original planet to care they even ever existed at all in the first place, much less that they made it out of their own galaxy. They failed to consciously survive throughout all of future eternity.
      6. Ask yourself: What exactly matters throughout all of future eternity and to whom does it exactly and eternally matter to?
      Either at least one species truly consciously survives throughout all of future eternity somehow, someway, somewhere, in some state of existence, even if only by a continuous succession of ever evolving species, for life itself to have continued meaning and purpose to, OR none do and life itself is all ultimately meaningless in the grandest scheme of things.
      Our true destiny currently appears to be:
      1. We are ALL going to die one day from something.
      2. We are ALL going to forget everything we ever knew and experienced.
      3. We are ALL going to be forgotten one day in future eternity as if we never ever existed at all in the first place.
      Nature is our greatest ally in so far as Nature gives us life and a place to live it, AND Nature is also our greatest enemy that is going to take it all away. (OSICA)
      * (Note: This includes the rich, powerful, and those who believe in the right to life and the sanctity of human life. God does not actually exist and Nature is not biased other than as Nature. Nature does what Nature does in a cause and effect kind of way. Truth is still truth and reality is still reality, regardless of whatever we believe that reality to be. And denying future reality will not make future reality any less real in a cause and effect state of existence.)
      ** Hence also though, legalizing suicide so as to let people leave this life on their own terms if they wish to do so. Many people and species are going to die in the 6th mass extinction event that has already started, at least some, horrible deaths. Many will wish they could die, and all will, eventually. But if suicide were legal, at least some people would not have the added guilt of breaking societies' law before doing so. Just trying to plan ahead here. Giving people an 'out' if they wish to take it.

    • @FreshGuits
      @FreshGuits 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@charlesbrightman4237 What is the grand scheme of things ?? It would seem like "life" is that grand.

    • @charlesbrightman4237
      @charlesbrightman4237 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@FreshGuits Did you read my above posts? Species from Earth either get off of this Earth and find their home among the stars (if it's even actually possible to do for various reasons), OR they are all going to die and go extinct without any conscious entity being left to care about anything or anyone ever again. Life itself would all be ultimately meaningless in the 'grand scheme of things'. It would not even matter that we even exist, much less how we exist while we exist.
      Life itself only matters to life itself, only as long as life itself still exists. It's that one day, in the 'grand scheme of things', this Earth and life upon it will no longer exist.
      And currently, the singular ultimate answer to ALL questions in existence, including questions never asked is:
      "It does not ultimately matter."

  • @0.618-0
    @0.618-0 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lost in Space. Where are the experiments ..

  • @alimibrahem8120
    @alimibrahem8120 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @zaphhood4745
    @zaphhood4745 2 ปีที่แล้ว = Futurama Theorem?

  • @naimulhaq9626
    @naimulhaq9626 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    If it is true that adding a photon doubles complexity enabling a QC to double its calculating capacity, when the algorithm of QC function is not established, may render Susskind's conjecture invalid. Otherwise he might have hit a brilliant idea. Time will tell.

  • @charlesbrightman4237
    @charlesbrightman4237 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    What exactly is 'time'?
    What exactly is 'space'?

    • @wordprocessbrian4497
      @wordprocessbrian4497 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      a "THING" made of three things (H, Z, W) one radius, two vectors. It gets tricky when you need a medium for the medium. W is two v, Z is two v, H is more than one radii. W : (H ori Z on) : (tH /Ng) , a medium or a thing.

    • @charlesbrightman4237
      @charlesbrightman4237 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      word process brian
      What exactly is that 'thing' though?
      For me:
      'Space' is energy itself. Wherever space is, energy is. Wherever energy is, space is. They are one and the same 'thing'.
      'Time' is the flow of energy.
      And the 'gem' photon is the energy unit, or 'thing' that makes up space and time itself and is how space and time can warp, bend, and vary.
      So again, what exactly is the 'thing' made up of that you reference?

    • @iamnotevenanumber3312
      @iamnotevenanumber3312 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes, these are interesting questions. But there exist simple concepts of both time and space that is usually assumed in physics.
      Space: The scene of movement
      Time: The arrow of entropy.

    • @jaredhouston4223
      @jaredhouston4223 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@charlesbrightman4237 interesting, space must have some iota or level of energy to exist. Instead of space is empty. Which of these two statements seems to make more sense? Space is void or space is low energy fluctuations in a entropy dominate system.

    • @charlesbrightman4237
      @charlesbrightman4237 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@legendarylightyagamiimmanu1821 Note: I did not receive a notification of your reply. I just checked back due to another comment and found your's now.
      "Exactly" means "Exactly". What is the very nature of reality itself.

  • @dennismalandro2110
    @dennismalandro2110 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mencken's pithy quote about theologians explaining the "unknowable in terms of the not-worth-knowing" applies at least as well to these "cosmology" types (although I'd change 'unknowable' to 'chimerical' in their case). What a bunch of boring useless unfalsifiable nonsense

  • @divisorplot
    @divisorplot 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    q-bytes oh susie q qed qef the mighty quinn Decimus Junius juvenalis imago dio imago dei dichotomy ontology pnp npn collector emitter gates. galileo Galilei quotes geometric universe dieux dei dio die cast qed qef q-bytes men of letters penquin/penguin dictionary of symbols the sphere cut in half placed on ends also imago of the chalice. OX black hole symmetry st uv, therefore, double-u xyz. case sensitive pnp npn ontology. archimedes codex [io] the story of phi.