Check out GradedGuard for the ultimate slab protection for your collection all while adding a huge splash of color. Color-coordinate your cards like never before!
I understand having a bumper on a phone something that you will use everyday. But getting a bumper like this is kinda pointless on a plastic case which can be either replaced or put in a 10p sleeve. Buy it if you want or spend the money grading your cards or buy more cards rather than eating it on these.
I understand having a bumper on a phone something that you will use everyday. But getting a bumper like this is kinda pointless on a plastic case which can be either replaced or put in a 10p sleeve.
Buy it if you want or spend the money grading your cards or buy more cards rather than eating it on these.
what carrying case is in the video that can fit graded guard slabs?
I wonder is she does only fans..?