You should definitely do Queensway station next! I actually find it interesting how they've put the entire bottom station level under the highway, it's quite cool. You might want to act quickly because they've started demolishing parts of the station! you can also walk to Iris station from there, just take the bike/pedestrian path near Queensway 1A and walk straight till you see it speaking of Iris, it's honestly my least favourite station now....... it used to be cool because it was the smallest transitway station with a miniature red shelter to match, but it's gone now lol
Nice! Cool editing! 🌻
Thanks so much! 😊
Love these videos, keep it up!
Thanks so much!!
Can you do hurdman station please
Never been to riverside but pass it (on smyth) every day, always seems cool and popular.
I love the colours!
You should definitely do Queensway station next! I actually find it interesting how they've put the entire bottom station level under the highway, it's quite cool. You might want to act quickly because they've started demolishing parts of the station!
you can also walk to Iris station from there, just take the bike/pedestrian path near Queensway 1A and walk straight till you see it
speaking of Iris, it's honestly my least favourite station now....... it used to be cool because it was the smallest transitway station with a miniature red shelter to match, but it's gone now lol
Thanks so much for the recommendation!
The only bits scheduled to be demolished for now, were the old Northbound platforms which has been out of use since 2021 anyways.
You should do fallowfeild
if you can you should to route 99 barhaven centre and show the staitons
Awesome idea! I love route 99!
Can you do long field Davidson
Hi Driving Ottawa How Are You Can You Make A Pimisi Station Tour You Make Great Video Have A Nice Day
Can you do i know is in Gatineau but fews oc transpo bus go there terrasse chaudière
And thanks for the video
Thanks so much for the suggestion!
Are you going to a week station tour
Yes, will be uploading soon!
Can you do long field Davidson
Can you do long field Davidson