Sarah's answers to 23 questions

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ม.ค. 2025
  • Here are Sarah's answers! Remember that we didn't answer some of them due to circumstances.
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    What is something Mummy / Daddy always says to you?
    What makes Mummy/Daddy happy?
    What makes Mummy/Daddy sad?
    How does Mummy/Daddy make you laugh?
    What was Mummy/Daddy like as a child?
    How old is Mummy/Daddy ?
    How tall is Mummy/Daddy?
    What is Mummy's/Daddy's favourite thing to do?
    What does Mummy/Daddy do when you're not here?
    If Mummy/Daddy becomes famous what will it be for?
    What is Mummy/Daddy really good at?
    What is Mummy/Daddy not very good at?
    What is Mummy's/Daddy's job?
    What makes you proud of Mummy/Daddy?
    What is Mummy's/Daddy's favourite food?
    What do you and Mummy/Daddy do together?
    How are you and Mummy/Daddy the same?
    If your Mummy/Daddy was a cartoon character who would she be?
    How are you and Mummy/Daddy different?
    How do you know Mummy loves you?
    What does Mummy like best about Daddy or Mummy like best about Daddy?
    Where is Mummy's favorite place to go?
    How old was Mummy/ Daddy when they had you?
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