I've tried almost every skill to increase the damage but it does almost no dame to boss. Idk why they made a lot of characters Triangle so bad compared to PW3.
@@Ordo.Corinthivm Fujitoras triangle can't even kill regular mobs on harder difficulty regardless of how many different skills I use to buff it and unlike pw3, it doesn't have the same impact and there's also no skill to decrease the charge like before its way to long . Not only him but whitebeard, katakuri and especially Law have useless Triangle attacks. Whitebeard can't charge his triangle attack like previously so the range and damage are so little that it's pointless to use, Laws triangle room cant stay up after dashing canceling so theirs no point to use the triangle string cause its not possible to combo right after. And for Katakuri... His triangle is just completely uselssly. unlike the privious PW games the triangle( which use to be R1) aren't convenient for a lot of characters. Even Kaidos traingle is inconvenient to use and combo with.
Considering in PW3 his R1 skill can end maps in minutes. I understand they wanted to nerf it. Seriously his R1 was so broken you dont really have to use any of his other skills. It hits harder than his Special Attacks.
How ya feel about this one man? I really love it!! So much improvement in terms of the gameplay. Would keep me busy for years until the next installment come out. Lol. Just a bit bummed about the cut characters though.
seeing white beard as the enemy looks terrifying. You don’t want to get hit by that...
see is not a problem for fujitora
@@joaovitorribeiromoreira9633 ur right bro
He was the boss in OPPW 3, now look at him haha
Yay!!! This Blind Legendary Samurai is Awesome!!! His Gravity Elemental Power could Make Earth Suffer!!! 😨😨😨
Lol, they nerfed his meteor tho
I've tried almost every skill to increase the damage but it does almost no dame to boss. Idk why they made a lot of characters Triangle so bad compared to PW3.
@@songoDDragonIX Lol, maybe they just want to make it harder so that so character like Fujitora, Mihawk and Kuzan not as OP as before
@@Ordo.Corinthivm Fujitoras triangle can't even kill regular mobs on harder difficulty regardless of how many different skills I use to buff it and unlike pw3, it doesn't have the same impact and there's also no skill to decrease the charge like before its way to long . Not only him but whitebeard, katakuri and especially Law have useless Triangle attacks. Whitebeard can't charge his triangle attack like previously so the range and damage are so little that it's pointless to use, Laws triangle room cant stay up after dashing canceling so theirs no point to use the triangle string cause its not possible to combo right after. And for Katakuri... His triangle is just completely uselssly. unlike the privious PW games the triangle( which use to be R1) aren't convenient for a lot of characters. Even Kaidos traingle is inconvenient to use and combo with.
Considering in PW3 his R1 skill can end maps in minutes. I understand they wanted to nerf it. Seriously his R1 was so broken you dont really have to use any of his other skills. It hits harder than his Special Attacks.
@@JeffCJY but they nerfed it to the non-existence, from 180 To 20, Not 90. At least they could add a special quick charge perk, like in PW3.
Fujitora is the beast!
Even with some things i didn't liked in this game, still looks hell of fun
hella fun especially coop
still big mom is the best on PW4, she can handle the entire map with her transformation special abilities..
That Blind Samurai looks so cool
Damn he has the same finishers
Admiral Zatoichi 🔥
How ya feel about this one man? I really love it!! So much improvement in terms of the gameplay. Would keep me busy for years until the next installment come out. Lol. Just a bit bummed about the cut characters though.
What characters were cut off from the game?
@@arts830 Enel,Gekko Moria,Kuma Bartholomew,Garp,Ceasar and Perona.
@@cond.oriano8210 Oh that sucks, Perona and Bartholomew were really fun on PW3
What are the Top five characters not including the Yonko’s???
im going through them right now, but everyone is really solid, i love the vinsmoke bros
Katakuri is really really good, same for big mom and shanks still
Mike he said not including the Yonkos, and you include two of them? 🤦♂️
Personally I think the strongest are Katakuri, Ace,Luffy,Carrot and Cavendish.
Haha, old Whitebeard is too strong for Prime Fujitora 😂
Nice account ❤💙
fujitora fighting WB, kaido, n BM. lol he dead.
Can i play with you ?
So damn weak