Actually, we have an Electoral College because in the 18th century it was impossible and inconceivable to have hundreds of thousands of people traveling to cast their votes. So, local people would vote for their electors who would then, in turn, travel to (then Philadelphia, now DC) to cst their votes for the President. In short, we vote for people to represent us in electing the President. This would have made more sense before modern technologies and the winner-takes-all approach most states have regarding the electoral votes was never intended, but here we are. And, for the record, each state has the number of electors that equals their representatives in Congress. So, let's use Florida which has 27 Congress persons. That's 27+2(senators) for a total of 29. With the winner-takes-all approach, all 29 EC votes goes to an individual candidate. This essentially nullifies the millions of people who voted the other way. Which isn't very representative. Which is why some people want to abolish the EC. I think apportioning the votes out accordingly would work instead, but that's me. Oh, and W,DC gets three EC votes even though they have no senators and only a non-voting representative in Congress.
My god... constitutional republic means we are a country that has no monarch. With a constitution as our guiding principle. That constitution is the law over the land we live in. That constitution set the law of the land a representative democracy. We are only a republic because we are a democracy.
Literally a big reason why the electoral colleges are in place is because they do not think the average American would make the best and rational decision when choosing president.This is the cold truth whether you want to accept it or not.
That might make sense if CA and NY determined everything but thats why we have senators and representatives. The single us leader should be chosen by the most people of the country. Popular vote is more democratic than an old system designed around the lack of ability to vote back in the day.
Having different opinions and tastes is fine. When your getting violent, hateful, disavowing family and dear friends, demanding divorce, threatening, and even attempting in rare cases, death(even on kids), and promising acts of pornographic nature if the recipient of said acts votes their way or adopts their beliefs, *that is insane.* When you let a disagreement devolve into debauchery, violence, hatred, and malice, the line has been way crossed, and it may take years, if ever, for those wounds to heal. Sadly, it seems there are folks so lost, even if you showed them the way back to humanity, they'd refuse to go, choosing their negativity over the positives in life. For them, all we can do is pray.
@@Floortile83 When I think of two strangers on the street having a difference of opinion, one is calm and civil, and the other starts beating the other half to death, and the calm one now in fear for their lives pulls out a gun and shoots in self defense, I feel sorry for the violent one, so filled with anger and hatred, now hoping and praying they'd get to live to regret that foolish mistake. That's what I mean. The levels of visceral hatred I've seen thanks, in many ways, to the media, where there are people in the street that are willing to beat half to death a person for wearing a red cap, or having a sticker on their vehicle, or for saying a simple phrase(or not saying one when they are forced to). The madness of the past 6+ years, that skyrocketed in the past 4, and then came 2020(and will most likely continue forward). Absolutely insanity, and the media was a gasoline tanker in a wildfire, exploding and intensifying the madness. I heard a saying, something along the lines of "sometimes, the best way to win the game, is not to play." There are folks wanting a war, wanting a fight. Easier said than done in many cases, but sometimes the best way to win; don't play their game. They want violence, if you deny them it, they'll either pester you till you give in, or they'll get tired and leave. But there is that 3rd, they start the fight, and try their best to make you the bad guy. Sometimes I get deep into thoughts and contemplations, my analyitical side comes out☺. Stay safe, and God bless.
@@wildside316 you are right and this is a sad time in American history. really bad when a jewish guy wearing a Trump hat gets attacked and called a nazi.
@@wildside316 As you stated first, "... When you let a disagreement devolve into debauchery, violence, hatred, and malice, the line has been way crossed ..." Nobody can just "cold read" someone else in a violent rage. That's why I don't have much sympathy (if any) for most who incite or stoop to violence... of any kind. I'll back the guy on his ass with the gun in his hands, and likely now crying after he's forced to destroy a life, and potentially several. He only acted as far as he absolutely needed... and he RE-acted, not incited. Look, I've had plenty of disagreements over the years. I can stand there and entertain shouting matches and name calling as far as it goes until we're both blue in the face. It's all fine. Take that next step, however, and while I won't start a fight, I'll damn sure do whatever it takes to end it... If there's anyone to feel sympathy for, it's the litany of otherwise damn decent people that were represented by the violent person. They all lose face for being associated with him... It doesn't matter who or what category they are or fit into, either. There are basically decent people who are simply so sick and tired of listening to the lies from the media, there's no reaching them... Some of them are fully functional and still refuse to listen that the world is round... or that we didn't fake the landing on the moon... Why??? The media has filled the air with SO MUCH bullshit, they've just lost all faith in it. To them, there simply isn't an honest journalist or reporter in the business. They quit listening... and that's that. BUT put one guy out there to make a mess of a stunt, whether or not he completely agrees, and these otherwise decent people, get dragged down and treated as sub-human... There really are some people genetically predisposed to conditions that prevent them and most of their offspring from taking vaccines. We (society) chose to protect even them to the best of our ability, by enacting legal requirements for vaccines to all the rest, granting exemptions. Now, because some have spread misinformation, and the media let it slip out, there was a rush to get those exemptions... AND now we get diseases (that were on their way to extinction) rebounding. AND just like that, anyone who has an exemption from vaccinating a child gets demonized... Just like some few have breathing issues that make wearing a proper PPE type mask either difficult or even detrimental to their health and well being. BUT because of a few assholes, if anyone is caught in public without the mask, they risk the entire crowd running them down to beat them to death... AND no one person (no matter how well armed) can fight an entire mob of people. I feel sympathy for the "cause" in most cases. I don't feel sympathy for the violent bozo who gets himself shot for trying to kill someone else and getting surprised. That's just Darwinism. ;o)
The over simplified description is, the Electoral College protects the rest of the country from 2 or more over populated states from deciding who is President. Beginning to think we might need to do the similar thing at the state lvl to avoid 1 or 2 cities from deciding for the entire state.
@@JPG.01 I agree beginning to think it should be so many votes per Electoral vote witch would split the states Electoral votes fairly. The majority takes all leaves minority votes without a voice.
@JohnnyRingo not only that but 1 or 2 cites should not be able to decide for an entire state. Definitely some changes need to be made to secure American right's
You really think that a rural person's vote should count for more than a city persons? You're seriously saying out loud that "people who don't agree with me shouldn't get to vote"? There's a word for that ideology, you should think about it. 1 person, 1 vote. THAT'S HOW DEMOCRACY WORKS. Just because your team loses every once in a while doesn't mean you get to say "maybe we should give dictatorship a try...." I bet you call yourself a patriot too. Jesus wept.
I do hope we have another election in 4 years. I’ve been involved in the political process since making my first campaign posters in 5th grade (I was for Ford). This is hands-down the nastiest, most acrimonious, most corrupt election cycle I have ever witnessed.
One place where I lived my neighbor liked my food and stuff SO MUCH they would literally break into my house and steal it while I was at work!! Do you know how hard it is to make a sandwich when you get home from work only to find BOTH the meat you were going to make your sandwich out of AND THE BREAD are both missing from your house.............and only you and your wife live there and you have BOTH been at work all day, AFTER you bought the meat and the bread the night before?!! And when I confronted my neighbor about it he claimed "You must have rats!" which was a very strange answer indeed......because the rats not only were "smart enough to open the refrigerator and a drawer inside the refrigerator" BUT the same rats took the packaging BOTH products came in with them......closed the drawer AND the refrigerator door, and left NO EVIDENCE AT ALL that they had even been in my house, my refrigerator, or the cupboard I kept the bread in!!!! Damn those be some pretty smart rats!!!!!!
Exactly. Most of our knowledge comes from living. Parents are supposed to guide and teach, unfortunately they're far too busy keeping up with the Jones's, worried about their social media accounts and their looks.
Ditto. YT totally discriminates. I've been following the right and am so disgusted by the D I can not see straight. It's depressing. As I veer away from it, here comes Josh. Of course yt does not realize he only cements what I have learned thus far. Hope that made sense. Its 3:30 in the morning lol
Electoral college keeps me from being president by not letting me go to, CA, TX, Pennsylvania, NY, Ohio, Wisconsin and Michigan, telling them, if you live in this state and vote for me, you will be exempt from federal taxes.
Bottom line: the electoral college is based on districts and population to make sure all things are equal. Sometimes redistricting happens to adjust for population shifts but the state needs to vote on it. When the entire state votes, the electors take a look at who the majority voted for and choose who to give the state to. So technically, its majority rules in each state to come up with who to call the state for. The electoral votes have to be in existence because if it wasn't, the larger populated states would control the rest of the country. Remember, we are not a Democracy - we are a Republic.
Electpral college votes are like this My home state of WV has 5 electoral votes. 2 for the senators and 3 for the congressional districts. We vote...the Electors....elect
Wow, the Electoral College is not that hard to understand. It's supposed to keep the high population areas from imposing their will on the entire country.
4 ปีที่แล้ว +49
Tgis electionis proof the mail in ballots are easy cheat method.
So do you all believe the troops that are away from home serving to protect the American citizens shouldn't be allowed to mail in their votes? They are a part of the demographic that gets to mail in their vote. Every tax paying citizen should be allowed to cast their vote via any legal means made available. There are bipartisan election workers that review all votes that are counted. There could be fraud by any means during an election and mail in ballots are not the only possible source of fraud.
The reason elections always seem so 50/50 is because of the electoral college. the electoral college is supposed to exist to help give the minority a bigger voice. the electoral college is constantly being tweaked with the hope being that in a not so contested election you will see alot of really close races but should things get heated it aides in detecting minor swings and giving votes to those swings. if we lived in a pure democracy a few large cities would decide every presidential election and we would have to shift to letting representatives select the president. Truth is if an American president does their job according to the law they will not affect the country much since majority of the power is in the state representatives that these days alot of people skip on the ballot. A distributed legal system will always be more fair than having 1 leader rule over the masses.
I just had to share this video! Thank you for making! Judging by the explanations you got below of the electoral college, no one really understands it either. They down here arguing why we have it and how it works! LMAO!
Politians should wear work uniforms with name tags work as a crew get paid moderate salary's if they don't like there job they need to quit they can easily be replaced and they need to know that
Dude, give me a call and I’ll fill you in on the electoral college. I used to think it was a useless idea, but that’s the only thing that lets people in a state like KY have any say. It keeps the single minded cities like New York, Chicago, or LA from being the deciders. We have 50 states...5 shouldn’t decide the fate of 50. Group think should not determine the fate of our country. Every LEGAL adult has an individual voice and needs an individual say. Our Forefathers were quite wise with setting up our government.
The census is used to determine how many people live in your state for House of Representatives and Electoral College. It's taken every 10 years to make adjustments. That's why it matters.
All naturally born citizens of The USA should study for citizenship test! You will know your history, how government works, and how we elect people to federal offices! I would now I’m a naturalized citizen! 😂
@@seth_5394 Stupid is as stupid does . Leftists foul their nests , run away to other places , then spread their filth . Thereby ruining everything in their path .
In 1929, after spending a decade being unable to come to agreement as to the apportionment of representatives in the house, the US Congress capped the size of the house of representatives at 435. During the drafting of the US Constitution, it was argued that there should be included strict guidelines for the number of representatives. If it had been passed and drafted as part of the document, we would have one represenative for every thirty thouseand people. This would increase the the size of the house to 11,668 representatives. The reason for the division in this country is the vast majority of people are unrepresented in government.
A difference in opinion didn’t matter as much when debates were limited to those you knew... your friends, your coworkers, your neighbors, patrons at the bar. Then TV started to host political discussion shows-typically uncontroversial and dispassionate discourse, not like the rantings today. Things really changed with social media. Now we’re arguing with people who have dislike communities, dislike priorities, and dislike lifestyles.
I was five years and five months old when Alaska became a state and we added that star to the flag. I was six years old when they added Hawaii and that other star to the flag. Busy year. Of course Alaska was a territory long before that so it was part of America long before I was born.
@@simonw3858 You're forgiven! I was in my 30's & didn't realize Brazil was in South America. I was thinking it was a European country. I think I just forgot, because I'm pretty sure I knew that at some point when I was in school. 🙂👍
@@BillGraper Yea pretty sure i knew it at some point too, not something people keep in the memory bank as its more trivial information than useful unless you are in a geography field or something. Plus I've seen many Americans unable to point to my country on a map and its one of the most distinctive countries on the map. Care to take a guess?
God bless you Josh! Every American has a right to their opinion and voter choice. This election could either be good for economy or completely destroy the economy and make it hard for all Americans to thrive. My current job is hanging in the balance because of policies set in place by Biden. If he carries out what he says, I'll be without my job.
The important part of the electoral college is if votes are contested, then the area where to focus is limited. Also limits states leaving the union. No electoral college would mean huge swathes would leave.
When it comes to Alaska, US maps don’t help. When my daughter was a teenager, another teenager called her a liar when she spoke about us driving from Alaska to Tennesse, before flying to Germany. The kid kept sending her links to maps, showing her Alaska is an island. 🙄
electoral college isn't that hard to understand but it represents the number of people in your state taken at the census and no it don't change after you move not until the next census. so if you move you will be represented under that state until the next census.
Sort of. The number of electoral college votes a state gets is equal to the number of congressional representatives they have plus the 2 senators. The number of representatives is based on the census
@@akpilot9468 how ever our votes don't really matter because we can all vote one guy for president and your state can pick the other guy like this election can go to the house of delegates which sway Republican and all trump has to do is convence them of the improprieties and they choose trump trump gets his second term. like how the states was swaying trump till they shut down counting for the night then 30 mins later biden takes the lead and their denying access to gop poll watchers delegates can be like fuck this we won't be manipulated trump wins
@@bakedjesus1177 yes, the State Legislature and the US Congress are both a check on the process to ensure elections are fair and lawfully carried out. Out entire system is that of checks and balances.
@@akpilot9468 leftist keep flipping out on me because they claim biden has already one it's confirmed and I respond with nope and list all the ways trump can still win lol from invalidating ballots for breach of law to house of delegates choosing trump.
@@akpilot9468 I really don't get where these leftist claiming trump is required to concede the election to biden is coming from I'm like no most do but anyone can fight to the end and not throw in the towel we elected trump to fight for us not give up and that's exactly what he is doing. want him to fight harder because people calling for list to be made up and we all know what list lead to.
Josh!... Im a big fan. Check this out. I did not understand the shit either for a long time. But this is how I began to understand it. The Tampa Bay Devil Rays are playin' the Houston Astros in the World Series. The Houston Astros score 4 less runs in the series at 36, to Tampa Devil Rays 40. Astros win the World Series... It doesn't matter how many runs you get. What matters is W's W's W's.... Just because your beloved Tampa Bay Devil Rays, in two games, scored over 14 runs a piece; doesn't matter; if those were the only 2 games they won... W's W's W's Anyway, this is Singer-SongWriter, Artist, Musician, Pat Kelley in the Texas Hill Country, signing off!...
we have a Electoral College to keep larger states from running the country and because we are not a democracy we are a constitutional republic
Actually, we have an Electoral College because in the 18th century it was impossible and inconceivable to have hundreds of thousands of people traveling to cast their votes.
So, local people would vote for their electors who would then, in turn, travel to (then Philadelphia, now DC) to cst their votes for the President.
In short, we vote for people to represent us in electing the President.
This would have made more sense before modern technologies and the winner-takes-all approach most states have regarding the electoral votes was never intended, but here we are.
And, for the record, each state has the number of electors that equals their representatives in Congress. So, let's use Florida which has 27 Congress persons. That's 27+2(senators) for a total of 29.
With the winner-takes-all approach, all 29 EC votes goes to an individual candidate. This essentially nullifies the millions of people who voted the other way. Which isn't very representative. Which is why some people want to abolish the EC. I think apportioning the votes out accordingly would work instead, but that's me.
Oh, and W,DC gets three EC votes even though they have no senators and only a non-voting representative in Congress.
True, but Jason ON's explanation is also correct.
@@JasonON You described the Electorial College in a very straight forward & succinct manor. That shouldn't help a lot of people.
My god... constitutional republic means we are a country that has no monarch. With a constitution as our guiding principle. That constitution is the law over the land we live in. That constitution set the law of the land a representative democracy. We are only a republic because we are a democracy.
Literally a big reason why the electoral colleges are in place is because they do not think the average American would make the best and rational decision when choosing president.This is the cold truth whether you want to accept it or not.
So NY and CA don't decide everything all the time is why.
Pretty much, shame he was never taught why we have it
@@nhoutdoors7901 most people don’t know sadly.
You forgot Chicago
That might make sense if CA and NY determined everything but thats why we have senators and representatives. The single us leader should be chosen by the most people of the country.
Popular vote is more democratic than an old system designed around the lack of ability to vote back in the day.
@@razorsedge64ify we want a divorce and we will fight for it
I’m not democrat nor republican- I am an American 🤔
Do you have the thinking face because you don't understand that idea or because that's your stance? Your statement is my stance.
Whom i voted for, America.
@@jonasmachado9431 Gotcha. Nice!
And here is why we need American history to be reinstated into our schools....🤦♂️🤦♂️
Having different opinions and tastes is fine.
When your getting violent, hateful, disavowing family and dear friends, demanding divorce, threatening, and even attempting in rare cases, death(even on kids), and promising acts of pornographic nature if the recipient of said acts votes their way or adopts their beliefs, *that is insane.*
When you let a disagreement devolve into debauchery, violence, hatred, and malice, the line has been way crossed, and it may take years, if ever, for those wounds to heal.
Sadly, it seems there are folks so lost, even if you showed them the way back to humanity, they'd refuse to go, choosing their negativity over the positives in life. For them, all we can do is pray.
Violence is just a different opinion on how to handle differences.
All we can do is Pray, JOSH PRAY!!😃
@@Floortile83 When I think of two strangers on the street having a difference of opinion, one is calm and civil, and the other starts beating the other half to death, and the calm one now in fear for their lives pulls out a gun and shoots in self defense, I feel sorry for the violent one, so filled with anger and hatred, now hoping and praying they'd get to live to regret that foolish mistake.
That's what I mean. The levels of visceral hatred I've seen thanks, in many ways, to the media, where there are people in the street that are willing to beat half to death a person for wearing a red cap, or having a sticker on their vehicle, or for saying a simple phrase(or not saying one when they are forced to).
The madness of the past 6+ years, that skyrocketed in the past 4, and then came 2020(and will most likely continue forward). Absolutely insanity, and the media was a gasoline tanker in a wildfire, exploding and intensifying the madness.
I heard a saying, something along the lines of "sometimes, the best way to win the game, is not to play." There are folks wanting a war, wanting a fight. Easier said than done in many cases, but sometimes the best way to win; don't play their game. They want violence, if you deny them it, they'll either pester you till you give in, or they'll get tired and leave. But there is that 3rd, they start the fight, and try their best to make you the bad guy.
Sometimes I get deep into thoughts and contemplations, my analyitical side comes out☺. Stay safe, and God bless.
@@wildside316 you are right and this is a sad time in American history. really bad when a jewish guy wearing a Trump hat gets attacked and called a nazi.
@@wildside316 As you stated first, "... When you let a disagreement devolve into debauchery, violence, hatred, and malice, the line has been way crossed ..."
Nobody can just "cold read" someone else in a violent rage. That's why I don't have much sympathy (if any) for most who incite or stoop to violence... of any kind. I'll back the guy on his ass with the gun in his hands, and likely now crying after he's forced to destroy a life, and potentially several. He only acted as far as he absolutely needed... and he RE-acted, not incited.
Look, I've had plenty of disagreements over the years. I can stand there and entertain shouting matches and name calling as far as it goes until we're both blue in the face. It's all fine. Take that next step, however, and while I won't start a fight, I'll damn sure do whatever it takes to end it...
If there's anyone to feel sympathy for, it's the litany of otherwise damn decent people that were represented by the violent person. They all lose face for being associated with him... It doesn't matter who or what category they are or fit into, either. There are basically decent people who are simply so sick and tired of listening to the lies from the media, there's no reaching them... Some of them are fully functional and still refuse to listen that the world is round... or that we didn't fake the landing on the moon... Why??? The media has filled the air with SO MUCH bullshit, they've just lost all faith in it. To them, there simply isn't an honest journalist or reporter in the business. They quit listening... and that's that.
BUT put one guy out there to make a mess of a stunt, whether or not he completely agrees, and these otherwise decent people, get dragged down and treated as sub-human...
There really are some people genetically predisposed to conditions that prevent them and most of their offspring from taking vaccines. We (society) chose to protect even them to the best of our ability, by enacting legal requirements for vaccines to all the rest, granting exemptions. Now, because some have spread misinformation, and the media let it slip out, there was a rush to get those exemptions... AND now we get diseases (that were on their way to extinction) rebounding. AND just like that, anyone who has an exemption from vaccinating a child gets demonized...
Just like some few have breathing issues that make wearing a proper PPE type mask either difficult or even detrimental to their health and well being. BUT because of a few assholes, if anyone is caught in public without the mask, they risk the entire crowd running them down to beat them to death... AND no one person (no matter how well armed) can fight an entire mob of people.
I feel sympathy for the "cause" in most cases. I don't feel sympathy for the violent bozo who gets himself shot for trying to kill someone else and getting surprised. That's just Darwinism. ;o)
The over simplified description is, the Electoral College protects the rest of the country from 2 or more over populated states from deciding who is President. Beginning to think we might need to do the similar thing at the state lvl to avoid 1 or 2 cities from deciding for the entire state.
Can't states just adopt mixed allocation, instead of the Winner takes all approach?
@@JPG.01 I agree beginning to think it should be so many votes per Electoral vote witch would split the states Electoral votes fairly. The majority takes all leaves minority votes without a voice.
@JohnnyRingo not only that but 1 or 2 cites should not be able to decide for an entire state. Definitely some changes need to be made to secure American right's
You really think that a rural person's vote should count for more than a city persons? You're seriously saying out loud that "people who don't agree with me shouldn't get to vote"? There's a word for that ideology, you should think about it. 1 person, 1 vote. THAT'S HOW DEMOCRACY WORKS. Just because your team loses every once in a while doesn't mean you get to say "maybe we should give dictatorship a try...." I bet you call yourself a patriot too. Jesus wept.
@@mrJMD never said any such thing. Interesting you would even came up with that from what I said.
I love your passion, positivity, and your truth!!! Texas, out.
Dude you more unbiased and neutral then any news out there.
I do hope we have another election in 4 years.
I’ve been involved in the political process since making my first campaign posters in 5th grade (I was for Ford). This is hands-down the nastiest, most acrimonious, most corrupt election cycle I have ever witnessed.
You took the words right out of my mouth.
Love your take on it! Don't forget Congressional elections every two years!
" do they get financial aid?"
had me rollin
They did this time
@@lovelightshine2329 I know right?!
There is a difference between being divided and having a disagreement
Correct. We're divided
F blue.
Yea we about to learn five things about Civil war
You understand electoral college better than most people
One place where I lived my neighbor liked my food and stuff SO MUCH they would literally break into my house and steal it while I was at work!! Do you know how hard it is to make a sandwich when you get home from work only to find BOTH the meat you were going to make your sandwich out of AND THE BREAD are both missing from your house.............and only you and your wife live there and you have BOTH been at work all day, AFTER you bought the meat and the bread the night before?!! And when I confronted my neighbor about it he claimed "You must have rats!" which was a very strange answer indeed......because the rats not only were "smart enough to open the refrigerator and a drawer inside the refrigerator" BUT the same rats took the packaging BOTH products came in with them......closed the drawer AND the refrigerator door, and left NO EVIDENCE AT ALL that they had even been in my house, my refrigerator, or the cupboard I kept the bread in!!!! Damn those be some pretty smart rats!!!!!!
Good stuff! 😆 Electoral College is there to make sure city states like LA and NY don’t control the entire country- even though they kinda do.
Most REAL knowledge comes after school😁
Exactly. Most of our knowledge comes from living. Parents are supposed to guide and teach, unfortunately they're far too busy keeping up with the Jones's, worried about their social media accounts and their looks.
Tell the Truth & Shame the Devil! My Brother! Be Blessed!!!
Thank you for the stress relief Josh! You ROCK!!! 💘💘💘
The problem with politicians is they are not like the you and me.
This encapsulates everything that everyone felt in the past two weeks. It made me smile. You got a like from me good sir. Peace.
My man. Best thing on youtube today.
Just found you today. I am addicted! You are great!
Ditto. YT totally discriminates. I've been following the right and am so disgusted by the D I can not see straight. It's depressing. As I veer away from it, here comes Josh. Of course yt does not realize he only cements what I have learned thus far.
Hope that made sense. Its 3:30 in the morning lol
Electoral college keeps me from being president by not letting me go to, CA, TX, Pennsylvania, NY, Ohio, Wisconsin and Michigan, telling them, if you live in this state and vote for me, you will be exempt from federal taxes.
Love your show, jim from Leesburg Virginia.
No point in having this again in 4 years is the problems of this one aren’t straightened out
You are fabulous thanku love an god bless x
Thank you man! I been saying this forever!
Preach Josh! Preach!
Love you man thank you so much. Keep it up you are awesome. I had a lot of stress before watching this.
Voter ID is starting to seem like a very good idea.
Starting to?!?!?!
We have it WV
But dats racist. JS 😆
DUH!🤦 Mandate voter ID in all 50 states!
On,y 32 states require Ids to vote!
Difference in opinions should never lead to violence in an election.
“ in any election” should even be left out. Sadly that’s not what has been happening this year. Well past few years actually.
Amen brother!!!!! Go vote!!! That's what makes us a great country!!!!!!!
I was playing an offline single player video game and I had the polls counts pop up!
Josh, from a old white dude. Old school qualude. That will help you chill. Love my brother.
Great video Josh.
Bottom line: the electoral college is based on districts and population to make sure all things are equal. Sometimes redistricting happens to adjust for population shifts but the state needs to vote on it. When the entire state votes, the electors take a look at who the majority voted for and choose who to give the state to. So technically, its majority rules in each state to come up with who to call the state for. The electoral votes have to be in existence because if it wasn't, the larger populated states would control the rest of the country. Remember, we are not a Democracy - we are a Republic.
Electpral college votes are like this
My home state of WV has 5 electoral votes.
2 for the senators and 3 for the congressional districts. We vote...the Electors....elect
Wow, the Electoral College is not that hard to understand. It's supposed to keep the high population areas from imposing their will on the entire country.
Tgis electionis proof the mail in ballots are easy cheat method.
Trumpster 👆
@@jamssnana4084 bruh a shred of honesty with yourself would tell you shit aint right here
So do you all believe the troops that are away from home serving to protect the American citizens shouldn't be allowed to mail in their votes? They are a part of the demographic that gets to mail in their vote. Every tax paying citizen should be allowed to cast their vote via any legal means made available. There are bipartisan election workers that review all votes that are counted. There could be fraud by any means during an election and mail in ballots are not the only possible source of fraud.
Somebody is a sore loser 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 go sit down fool
@@sheilameador2755 4 years of endless crying and idiocy coupled with burning down buildings and this is being a sore loser?
Cheating is not ok
"Watching novelas" lol....this guy is great!
Your content is great I always feel better after listening to your stuff. Keep it up my man your doing great
I love this guy and all he does
He said " what they lunch like" 🤣🤣🤣
I was laughing so hard at this.
The reason elections always seem so 50/50 is because of the electoral college. the electoral college is supposed to exist to help give the minority a bigger voice. the electoral college is constantly being tweaked with the hope being that in a not so contested election you will see alot of really close races but should things get heated it aides in detecting minor swings and giving votes to those swings. if we lived in a pure democracy a few large cities would decide every presidential election and we would have to shift to letting representatives select the president. Truth is if an American president does their job according to the law they will not affect the country much since majority of the power is in the state representatives that these days alot of people skip on the ballot. A distributed legal system will always be more fair than having 1 leader rule over the masses.
I believe that the number of electoral college votes for each state is determined by the previous census.
I just had to share this video! Thank you for making! Judging by the explanations you got below of the electoral college, no one really understands it either. They down here arguing why we have it and how it works! LMAO!
Right on all counts!
America is about diversity but, the tolerance is what lacks!!
Man that number 2 point sounds great until you realize the difference in opinion is whether we stay a strong country our a dependent one.
Still the best Josh keep it up dude
Politians should wear work uniforms with name tags work as a crew get paid moderate salary's if they don't like there job they need to quit they can easily be replaced and they need to know that
I love your energy bro.
Understandable, have a great day.
Illinois no S. For the love of god thank you!!!!!
Very funny video, good stuff right here. 😂🤙
electoral collage is to allow states with smaller populations have a voice!!!!!!
This man is Americas best friend!!!😄
You explain it well.
No matter what happens I’m still gonna have a huge BBQ cookout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for pronouncing Illinois correctly.
Dude, give me a call and I’ll fill you in on the electoral college. I used to think it was a useless idea, but that’s the only thing that lets people in a state like KY have any say. It keeps the single minded cities like New York, Chicago, or LA from being the deciders. We have 50 states...5 shouldn’t decide the fate of 50. Group think should not determine the fate of our country. Every LEGAL adult has an individual voice and needs an individual say. Our Forefathers were quite wise with setting up our government.
I'm 52 ,one thing I learned this is my first time voting and my last time, your vote dont cont. Thats why I have not voted before
yeah Alaska is part of America josh, lol
I’m glad you learned the geography of the US 🤪
#6. People love elections so much, they even vote when dead.
The census is used to determine how many people live in your state for House of Representatives and Electoral College. It's taken every 10 years to make adjustments. That's why it matters.
ask siri how old the president is if you want an eye opener.
Trump has more energy than anyone I know. Lol
All naturally born citizens of The USA should study for citizenship test! You will know your history, how government works, and how we elect people to federal offices! I would now I’m a naturalized citizen! 😂
“Having different opinions is a necessary and healthy thing.”
This guy gets it
I laughed out loud!!
Josh? If you research the 'electoral college', you will find out what it is. Peace! Love your videos!
This 9w well thought me 1 thing.. the government is crupt ..
I pray to God that He has mercy on the blue states as they "know not what they do".
They know what they're doing and they deserve what they get.
@@seth_5394 Stupid is as stupid does . Leftists foul their nests , run away to other places , then spread their filth . Thereby ruining everything in their path .
It’s not that our liberal friends are stupid, it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so... Mr Reagan
In 1929, after spending a decade being unable to come to agreement as to the apportionment of representatives in the house, the US Congress capped the size of the house of representatives at 435. During the drafting of the US Constitution, it was argued that there should be included strict guidelines for the number of representatives. If it had been passed and drafted as part of the document, we would have one represenative for every thirty thouseand people. This would increase the the size of the house to 11,668 representatives. The reason for the division in this country is the vast majority of people are unrepresented in government.
Should break the electoral down further. 1 county 1 vote.
A difference in opinion didn’t matter as much when debates were limited to those you knew... your friends, your coworkers, your neighbors, patrons at the bar. Then TV started to host political discussion shows-typically uncontroversial and dispassionate discourse, not like the rantings today. Things really changed with social media. Now we’re arguing with people who have dislike communities, dislike priorities, and dislike lifestyles.
Josh for President 2024!!
But if full blown SHTF WAR starts it might be or not but be prepared and aware and be ready for anything just my opinion
There was a time when I didn't know Alaska was part of the USA... Then I turned 5.
I was five years and five months old when Alaska became a state and we added that star to the flag. I was six years old when they added Hawaii and that other star to the flag. Busy year. Of course Alaska was a territory long before that so it was part of America long before I was born.
I learned that actually just yesterday but I'm not an American so i let myself off the hook.
@@simonw3858 You're forgiven! I was in my 30's & didn't realize Brazil was in South America. I was thinking it was a European country. I think I just forgot, because I'm pretty sure I knew that at some point when I was in school. 🙂👍
@@BillGraper Yea pretty sure i knew it at some point too, not something people keep in the memory bank as its more trivial information than useful unless you are in a geography field or something. Plus I've seen many Americans unable to point to my country on a map and its one of the most distinctive countries on the map. Care to take a guess?
@@simonw3858 Yeah. How are we going to do this? I think I'll get it right. 🙂
God bless you Josh! Every American has a right to their opinion and voter choice. This election could either be good for economy or completely destroy the economy and make it hard for all Americans to thrive. My current job is hanging in the balance because of policies set in place by Biden. If he carries out what he says, I'll be without my job.
Together We Rise!
Lol you crack me up! So true! 😂🤦
Amen lil brother!!
The important part of the electoral college is if votes are contested, then the area where to focus is limited. Also limits states leaving the union. No electoral college would mean huge swathes would leave.
I wanted to laugh sir , I really did , But watching the death of our Republic , I just can't ....Sorry , good video tho.
Preach my brother
The college waters down the power of heavily concentrated areas, that's it
All of that information is right at the tip of your fingers, for the first time in history I may add.
When it comes to Alaska, US maps don’t help. When my daughter was a teenager, another teenager called her a liar when she spoke about us driving from Alaska to Tennesse, before flying to Germany. The kid kept sending her links to maps, showing her Alaska is an island. 🙄
Wait wait wait..
When we gonna kick it..
Get at me..
First of all..
You finally got the red pill makes you think..
electoral college isn't that hard to understand but it represents the number of people in your state taken at the census and no it don't change after you move not until the next census. so if you move you will be represented under that state until the next census.
Sort of. The number of electoral college votes a state gets is equal to the number of congressional representatives they have plus the 2 senators.
The number of representatives is based on the census
@@akpilot9468 how ever our votes don't really matter because we can all vote one guy for president and your state can pick the other guy like this election can go to the house of delegates which sway Republican and all trump has to do is convence them of the improprieties and they choose trump trump gets his second term. like how the states was swaying trump till they shut down counting for the night then 30 mins later biden takes the lead and their denying access to gop poll watchers delegates can be like fuck this we won't be manipulated trump wins
@@bakedjesus1177 yes, the State Legislature and the US Congress are both a check on the process to ensure elections are fair and lawfully carried out.
Out entire system is that of checks and balances.
@@akpilot9468 leftist keep flipping out on me because they claim biden has already one it's confirmed and I respond with nope and list all the ways trump can still win lol from invalidating ballots for breach of law to house of delegates choosing trump.
@@akpilot9468 I really don't get where these leftist claiming trump is required to concede the election to biden is coming from I'm like no most do but anyone can fight to the end and not throw in the towel we elected trump to fight for us not give up and that's exactly what he is doing. want him to fight harder because people calling for list to be made up and we all know what list lead to.
What they lunch like 😅😂🤣😂🤣
Josh!... Im a big fan. Check this out. I did not understand the shit either for a long time. But this is how I began to understand it. The Tampa Bay Devil Rays are playin' the Houston Astros in the World Series. The Houston Astros score 4 less runs in the series at 36, to Tampa Devil Rays 40. Astros win the World Series... It doesn't matter how many runs you get. What matters is W's W's W's.... Just because your beloved Tampa Bay Devil Rays, in two games, scored over 14 runs a piece; doesn't matter; if those were the only 2 games they won... W's W's W's
Anyway, this is Singer-SongWriter, Artist, Musician,
Pat Kelley in the Texas Hill Country, signing off!...
That’s right. EVERY four years...
I like this dude
The plantation is still in business.