I so appreciate being able to hear a speaker like Dr. Levine speak. Her knowledge of, and comments regarding the parables were meaningful to me. I look forward to reading her book on the parables - Short Stories of Jesus..
Do we really have geniuses like this very lovely professor. She taught me more than many of the great Christian evangelists and Apologists . Her talk is exhilarating.
Thank you again for your teachings and scholarship. I always quote you when I lecture on related topics, and I always see smiles and heads nod in recognition and appreciation of your work. Todah Rabbah!
After listening to her lectures on Great Courses, she is not just informative but also comical and very helpful in solving my questions regarding the Holy Bible and does it a very comical, entertaining way, that captivates her audiences with the truth easy to comprehensive manner.
Oh yes. It's more about corda than credo. It's more about living in accord with the teachings of Jesus than theology. Yes!! Thank you so much Dr. Levine!
What an excellent contribution for discussion and reflection. As of yet, I continue to struggle with the mixing of politics from the pulpit, even though our US Constitution is based on Christian principles, that early generations of Americans arrived here as a result of religious prosecution, our lastly, Puritans and Quakers shaped the ideals of the essential early American Status Quo . . . These thoughtful dots are an absolute appreciation of the complexities inside the new millennium. Thank you for the great opinion you share.
Um er... dna has shown that the Palestinians have jewish heritage. I'd reccomend Jesus parable of the Good Samaratin - to see God and your jewishness in the people Israel is occupying and dispossessing. Yeshua was a Jewish Rabbi who said, like Rabbi Hillel, 'love your enemies' and 'neither here [the Samaritans holy mountain] or in Jerusalem' is identity and faith to be found, 'the true worshippers worship in spirit and in truth' - occupying land is neither is it?
I experience Christ and the Holy Spirit I have been healed from type 2 Diebetes! And the diet of the prophet Daniel! That is Keto Diet is was an amazing experience! And I’m leaving with the super natural and I’m not walking in faith alone because the Great God of Israel requires more and we have to do what he wants ,that is been a blessing to others!
Crystal clear! Kind of brings it home really. A good look in the inner mirror and get a grip, and let The Will be done, and not just waffled about. Loved her solid sense of earthedness, and a heaven as solid and rooted. And felt the sharpness of The Judge with a heart of Love, for afterall, what do we really need and desire life to be about? A sweet cake that has a bitterness in the belly for we all have room to get our sh*t together, rich poor, big small, smelly, or rolled in jam. Really helpful. New testament even says ''salvation comes from the Jews''. WWhen this lady speaks, you totally GET why in many certain respects. I'm guessing her reference to various other teaching's books being in the heaven she foresaw to represent, perhaps, what the Revelation of John saw as He on whose garment many names were written, but no man has percieved? So there is great dread in that, awsomeness, but also a pretty wonderous Hope. And a Hope beyond our everyday labels and routines and pidgeonholes and mere humaness and form and social ''reality tunnels''.. MORE please!
He is SPIRIT, first and foremost, and told all the TRUTH from the beginning. He is the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, and was not seen; He is the Spirit of Truth, and was hardly heard; He is the Spirit of Knowledge, the light of the world; He is the Spirit of Wisdom , more subtle than any creature; He is the Spirit of FAITH, and the Spirit of Hope, and the SPIRIT OF LOVE , that participated in my renunciation OF THE WORLD. I THANK THEE FATHER, that Thou hast hidden these things from the know-it-alls of this world, and will show them openly soon. Amen.
What this lady said about Jesus laying in the manger is probably correct in context. Because Jesus does teach you can not eat on bread alone. Then humbly lays there drawing the perfect picture Jesus is shown even at birth to be the Messiah!! The picture would portray He is what you need to be saved!!She her self pointed that out but yet can not see how important that was!!
Pre Enlightenment biography and history is full of what is called rhetorical typology. So its not at all surprising that before the gospels were written down, this kind of rich symbolism grew up around a figure significant to a group of people within their oral tradition. Socraretes is described by Plato as looking ugly like Silenus, the drunken wise man who followed the god Dionysus. Did Socrates look like him, or is this a case of typology? Was the typology created during Socrates lifetime, or was it developed over time in an oral tradition to emphasise Socrates' importance and wisdom to his followers? The same issues come up with the historical Yeshua. We can never really know.
My heart was filled with joy when she spoke expounding Jesus' words and actions through first century context. Unfortunately, she missed out on the most important thing: Jesus asked the question, who do you say I am? The fact that Jesus reviewed his suffering and resurrection through the teaching of the scripture, the opening of their eyes to see the truth that is within the Old Testament and addressed issues concerning the Messiahship through his miracles begs us to use their head with enlightened eyes....
If she believes in Jesus's message why doesn't she believe Jesus is the Son of God? One God set apart as His very own and sent into the world as Jesus stated.
@@yahulwagoni4571 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods” ’ d ? 35If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came-and Scripture cannot be set aside- what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’? 37Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father. 38But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.” 39Again they tried to seize him, but he escaped their grasp.
@@randyw.8781 And when speaker said Paul called the resurrection a folly Paul affirmed that "our present perishable bodies will be endowed, through the power of Jesus's resurrection, with imperishable life"
Yes, he says these things about the law but only in Matthew. The other three Gospels do not have these teachings. This sounds a bit like confirmation bias.
She stated her heart was filled with "Judaism" and she doesn't worship Jesus as Lord and savior. Jesus stated those who listen and learn from the Father come to Him and He stated to others who didn't believe in Him it was because they are not His sheep. That all those the Father gave Him would come to Him and its His Fathers will to raise them up on the last day. She won't be at that resurrection unless her heart becomes filled with the love of God and His will rather than the love of Judaism. Its sad but she seems very firm in her ways and convinced in her studies and teaching.
I think you need to see Jesus as one who has been given All authority in Heaven and earth. And a Jesus who was before Abraham was born. The Holy Spirit acts on Jesus's will because He has that authority. Whether that's raising the dead, calming storms, walking on water, restoring the sight to the blind, healing the sick . God was with Him. And Jesus was not Josephs Son . He stated He was the Son of God. Jesus testified He saw Satan fall from heaven. At what point in history do you think that event took place? That's how you understand who Jesus is. He was sent into the world by the Father and came to do the Fathers will. And on top of all this God raised Jesus from the dead as proof. The tomb that was guarded by Roman soldiers is empty.
First of all the Reason is Jesus didn’t come to abolish the law. As Jews we are still under the Torah. You remove Torah and we Jews are out. Because God told us that anyone coming to you proclaiming miracles and even raising someone from the dead if he teaches you against my Torah. He is a false prophet, for I’m testing you.
I thought "who do you say that I AM?" was answered in the NT Peter-"You are the Christ the Son of the living God" Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be d bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be e loosed in heaven.” Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.
@Eileen Belshaw Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. 58This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your ancestors ate manna and died, but whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.” 59He said this while teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum. Aware that his disciples were grumbling about this, Jesus said to them, “Does this offend you? 62Then what if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before! Rather it was God in Him that He defined. Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days HE has spoken to us by his Son, For God "was pleased" to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. There is no other way. It is not for man to choose how to forgive sin.
Answed Peter "Though are the Christ, the son of the living God" replied Jesus " Blessed are you Simon son of Jonah ( God looks at a person through their generations) for it is not flesh & blood but my Father who revealed it to you " This was an indication/sign to appoint Peter to Lead , even by the words "Feed my sheep/lambs" (Faithful/Marty's of Christ, himself the Lamb of God) Now to the question "What specifically is the food" Laughing gas ? Now, Jude says "Satan contended for the body of Moses " which are the people of Moses who rejected the Messiah, to which Michael the angel of Israel did not oppose but only rebuked, which rebuke suggest a future contention not for physical Israel but for Spiritual Israel called the Israel of God, Is but to know who leads a mixed multitude (evident from the time of Erza/Nemiah who kicked out a great many, for mixing with the heathen, breaking the Covenant, from the Fathers or Mothers side, if then, how much so today) gathered unbiblically in Violence through a western conspired Zionism ,
Jesus in text and Context including the same unbelief At this the Jews there began to grumble about him because he said, “I am the bread that came down from heaven.” 42They said, “Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How can he now say, ‘I came down from heaven’?” 43“Stop grumbling among yourselves,” Jesus answered. 44“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day. 45It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’ d Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me. 46No one has seen the Father except the one who is from God; only he has seen the Father. 47Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life. 48I am the bread of life. 49Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, yet they died. 50But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which anyone may eat and not die. 51I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”
This comment is a good example of why so many christians are not very well liked… you need to stop thinking you’re so special and are so sure that you have the truth and everyone else has it wrong. You may just as well be wrong about your ideas and faith. The Bible contains so many errors, contradictions and even forgeries (such as 6 of the letters of Paul not actually being written by him), so maybe chill out with the arrogance.
Dr AJ has admitted both sides have fallen a little bit short. Sounds to m she wants to believe in baptism and accepting Jesus’s blood as her atonement but Dr AJ probably feel that if she does that it would end Judaism. Well, it's not, because every word in the Bible is 100 per cent Jewish and it's all about fulfiing Gods promised through Abraham by saving Abraham descendants through Jesus and those who will believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob though Jesus of Nazareth. All Jesus disciples were Jewish? And so it's not really abandonjng Judaism if that is Jewish community think? Perhaps this one of the reasonably most Jewish end up being aethist? They can not really follow the today? It's impossible to follow the laws I the torah in our time today. Dr AJ emphasised loving your neighbours which is the true essence of Jesus teaching - however, Jesus also emphasised to believe in Him fully that He is indeed the son of God. Sounds to me that Dr AJ loves Jesus teaching but when avoid the notion of believing in Him being the Son of the Highest God. And end up coming up with the idea of we think to sit down and celebrates our differences? But if we believe in Jesus teaching? Why can we not believe that He is indeed the Son of The highest God? Jesus showed the signs to have the authority over the limbs by healing them, Jesus showed authority over demons by casting them out? Did Jesus show authority over nature by telling the wind and sea to stop? He did those signs to make people believe and also made them witness accounts for us today? God’s word should not be confusing. Dr AJ believed in Jesus existence and all His teaching but she cannot agree why Jesus got baptised even He does not need it. in baptism Dr AJ is fellowships with one another? But water baptism is not the removal of th dirt in the flesh but the acceptance of human race be in a sinner before the Creator one heaven and earth. This is exactly what God is trying to tell us conveyed to His Son Jesus of Nazareth. In other words, every thing that Jesus did and showed to us we must follow. We cannot just lil a bit of this and ono few of bit of that - Jesus is very clear on that. God is love and it's clear that Jesus showed this to his disciples. To live with one another, to cloth those whose in need, to feed those hungry. In Pauls teaching I don't know why she did not recognise why women should submit to their husband? Like Sarah called Abraham Lord? Sounds to me Dr AJ is fine with Sarah calling Abraham lord because he is significant man to God? But not to her to her husband? I know that she was talking about teaching - but Gods principle and Pauls teaching about women is the same - as God created Adam first? In other words God respects His first creation. And therefore Eve was given a command to submit to Adam as by submitting to Adam - she's not not really submitting to Adam but to Him spiritually - you see it's the surface but it's Spirituality because our Father in heaven is Spirit. If we die our body do not profit anything but our soul. By doing this simple commands Eve and Sarah got Gods attention and have tthoer treasure in heaven as Gods reward to them? How about husband, as some husband can be abusive if women show them that weakness, well this is true, but God has given them a command to respect the woman as weaker vessel? In the words if a man disobeys this sovereign command his reward in heaven which is eternal life would be forfeited. If we feed unrepented sinners with the desires of their heart - the result is they will agree to sit down and talks about differences while believing in their cow - god and moon god, and god that cannot be reached? But the God in the bible is trying to reach us al out. Because there is indeed judgment coming and has been given to us through John in the book of the revelation. And the earth 🌍 will turn into dust as it will be consumed in fire. In our time, satan's lie is everywhere now, even great minds can be deceived. As the Jesus said satan is the father of lies. The lies that satan has introduced to those a weaker vessels have been multiplied. And this is what we see now around us- everyone should be alpha male. In women, this is now their mentality to become alpha male. BUT TO THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE - we are equal in His eyes, however, he would like to see obedience from both man and woman because the gift is eternal life. Gods new covenant through Jesus, The Christ is simply TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER. May the peace of The Most High God be with you all.
Wow! What a lecture! However it is so so sad when people knows so much and did not apply such truth to her own salvation if she would belive it so. How sad and empity it is when a person itself does not believe the savior Yeshua Hamachia to save her onw life! Yeshua would say: Listen to every teaching of them, but never behaeve like then....
+Claudia Regina Teixeira Yes very sad she did not add two an two together.He is much more than just a teacher.But hopefully God will come soon and understand the truth
+Lisa Escoto Christians are the only ones who do not respect the beliefs of others. Her faith is as important to her as ours is to us. Christians don't have all the answers.
Claudia Regina Teixeira Not sad at all! She knows who Jesus is far better than most Christians I've know. Her salvation is in God's hands, not yours or mine!
Claudia Regina Teixeira, i can assure you, if read read the Jewish Bible, in hebrew, yes, you have to learn and do that because its the language given to Israel by Hashem, you will realize that the savior you claim, "Yeshua Hamachia" does not qualify as a messiah. So actually I feel sorry for you. How do you know how "empty" someones else's soul is? did you ask her? Hashem does say: Deut 13:1 "]If a prophet, or one who foretells by dreams, appears among you and announces to you a sign or wonder, 2 and if the sign or wonder spoken of takes place, and the prophet says, “Let us follow other gods” (gods you have not known) “and let us worship them,” 3 you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. The Lord your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul."
Sounds good and interesting in depth of analysis with an application of appealing human interpretation however that is where problem begins with a loss of a deeper understanding of who Jesus of Nazareth was and after the loss by execution of His powerful Loving and wisdom filled existence then there is the first most profound loss because His powerful Living message of truth then has not impacted many although some express that He did profoundly made remarkable change with humanity. Everyone has pretty much missed through time who He was and of course many more have missed the Jesus Christ the one who defeated death because He defeated death and is well and indeed was able to Rise and leave the tomb were He was lay to rest and decay. Only a handful fully recognized Him and 2000 years later still does not know or honor the Lord the savor and most amazing person in Jesus Christ. The Roman establishment murdered Him by execution on a cross like a common criminal and yes as offensive but true the Jewish establishment in power in their so distant space of having fell threat of His message because the Jews religiosity and the hundreds of laws opted by their choice to deny Him and also mock Him, indeed He was offended many times for being proclaiming the Kingdom of God. Was He messiah was He Lord is the question been brought in this seminar and presentation but as a person of faith I do believe He is God Himself. He defeated death and also defeated a dying world. The doctor in in all her knowledge swings back and forth with her presentation and makes many there laugh and uses her charm to entertain this topic like a fine artist who is exploring her masterpiece of art work as she is painting on her canvas. The issue with me again as I listen to this presentation it make more of joke about who Jesus of Nazareth was and He is forever more in the Risen Jesus Christ. I am not in the end not really surprised about what this doctor expresses because this is another form of creating a circus presentation and of course the masses laugh and are so enlightened by the fake and real hype and hypocritical words that are her own personal signature in which I am not impressed at all by the veil thinking and analysis. In one hand lifting Jesus and on the other hand dripping Him like a bad habit. Shameful trash been spoken that speaks only volume of religion but not spirituality. Sell lemonade or life insurance instead before making Jesus Christ a kind of entertaining clown.
I'm curious what Dr. Levine thinks about the Messianic movement? Also if Yeshua was even more careful (and orthodox but compassionate) regarding the Law, how does she understand the current push in the church (and reform judiasm) accepting and blessing gay marriage and her own "feminist" views? These are in conflict. She comes off a little too concerned with social justice as well. Yes, we need to take care of the needs of our neighbors, but that doesn't mean we advocate for open borders, or turn a blind eye to the consciquences of many of "social justice" programs that are supposed to address "inequity". Jewish law also puts obligations not only on the giver, but also on the recipient to behave properly.
@billyhw5492 it takes grace and sacraments to know Him. She cannot accept and surrender. Sad. We have direct access. She is missing out. Without faith, she won't understand the Books of Hebrews or Ephesians
I so appreciate being able to hear a speaker like Dr. Levine speak. Her knowledge of, and comments regarding the parables were meaningful to me. I look forward to reading her book on the parables - Short Stories of Jesus..
Dr. Levine has captured the heart of my conflict with my father Jewish and my mother Catholic.
Do we really have geniuses like this very lovely professor. She taught me more than many of the great Christian evangelists and Apologists . Her talk is exhilarating.
Thank you again for your teachings and scholarship. I always quote you when I lecture on related topics, and I always see smiles and heads nod in recognition and appreciation of your work. Todah Rabbah!
A fabulous mind. I could listen to her all day.
i agree, the same :)
After listening to her lectures on Great Courses, she is not just informative but also comical and very helpful in solving my questions regarding the Holy Bible and does it a very comical, entertaining way, that captivates her audiences with the truth easy to comprehensive manner.
Awesome lecture by Amy-Jill Levine!
Oh yes. It's more about corda than credo. It's more about living in accord with the teachings of Jesus than theology. Yes!! Thank you so much Dr. Levine!
Met her in person when she came to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. I even have a New Testament she edited The Jewish New Testament NRSV.
If I'd had more professors like Dr. Levine, I would have graduated with a 4.0. Very interesting lecture!
So happy to have stumbled onto this. Thank you!
What an excellent contribution for discussion and reflection. As of yet, I continue to struggle with the mixing of politics from the pulpit, even though our US Constitution is based on Christian principles, that early generations of Americans arrived here as a result of religious prosecution, our lastly, Puritans and Quakers shaped the ideals of the essential early American Status Quo . . . These thoughtful dots are an absolute appreciation of the complexities
inside the new millennium. Thank you for the great opinion you share.
I always loved the thought of Jesus sitting quietly and then posing His question " who do the people say i am "?
She's my hero! 12:51 profound insight!
Um er... dna has shown that the Palestinians have jewish heritage. I'd reccomend Jesus parable of the Good Samaratin - to see God and your jewishness in the people Israel is occupying and dispossessing. Yeshua was a Jewish Rabbi who said, like Rabbi Hillel, 'love your enemies' and 'neither here [the Samaritans holy mountain] or in Jerusalem' is identity and faith to be found, 'the true worshippers worship in spirit and in truth' - occupying land is neither is it?
Cody Osborn profound insights from 0:00 to 51:19
Jesus answered, "My teaching is not my own. It comes from the one who sent me.
I experience Christ and the Holy Spirit I have been healed from type 2 Diebetes! And the diet of the prophet Daniel! That is Keto Diet is was an amazing experience! And I’m leaving with the super natural and I’m not walking in faith alone because the Great God of Israel requires more and we have to do what he wants ,that is been a blessing to others!
Crystal clear! Kind of brings it home really. A good look in the inner mirror and get a grip, and let The Will be done, and not just waffled about. Loved her solid sense of earthedness, and a heaven as solid and rooted. And felt the sharpness of The Judge with a heart of Love, for afterall, what do we really need and desire life to be about? A sweet cake that has a bitterness in the belly for we all have room to get our sh*t together, rich poor, big small, smelly, or rolled in jam.
Really helpful. New testament even says ''salvation comes from the Jews''.
WWhen this lady speaks, you totally GET why in many certain respects.
I'm guessing her reference to various other teaching's books being in the heaven she foresaw to represent, perhaps, what the Revelation of John saw as He on whose garment many names were written, but no man has percieved?
So there is great dread in that, awsomeness, but also a pretty wonderous Hope. And a Hope beyond our everyday labels and routines and pidgeonholes and mere humaness and form and social ''reality tunnels''..
MORE please!
Amazing 🙏🏾 Baruch HaShem
He is SPIRIT, first and foremost, and told all the TRUTH from the beginning. He is the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, and was not seen; He is the Spirit of Truth, and was hardly heard; He is the Spirit of Knowledge, the light of the world; He is the Spirit of Wisdom , more subtle than any creature; He is the Spirit of FAITH, and the Spirit of Hope, and the SPIRIT OF LOVE , that participated in my renunciation OF THE WORLD. I THANK THEE FATHER, that Thou hast hidden these things from the know-it-alls of this world, and will show them openly soon. Amen.
What this lady said about Jesus laying in the manger is probably correct in context. Because Jesus does teach you can not eat on bread alone. Then humbly lays there drawing the perfect picture Jesus is shown even at birth to be the Messiah!! The picture would portray He is what you need to be saved!!She her self pointed that out but yet can not see how important that was!!
+Lisa Escoto She is not a Christian! Not everyone believes as you do. We are all God's children.
Pre Enlightenment biography and history is full of what is called rhetorical typology. So its not at all surprising that before the gospels were written down, this kind of rich symbolism grew up around a figure significant to a group of people within their oral tradition. Socraretes is described by Plato as looking ugly like Silenus, the drunken wise man who followed the god Dionysus. Did Socrates look like him, or is this a case of typology? Was the typology created during Socrates lifetime, or was it developed over time in an oral tradition to emphasise Socrates' importance and wisdom to his followers? The same issues come up with the historical Yeshua. We can never really know.
Brilliant! 🙏✝️😱😊🕊️
My heart was filled with joy when she spoke expounding Jesus' words and actions through first century context. Unfortunately, she missed out on the most important thing: Jesus asked the question, who do you say I am? The fact that Jesus reviewed his suffering and resurrection through the teaching of the scripture, the opening of their eyes to see the truth that is within the Old Testament and addressed issues concerning the Messiahship through his miracles begs us to use their head with enlightened eyes....
If she believes in Jesus's message why doesn't she believe Jesus is the Son of God? One God set apart as His very own and sent into the world as Jesus stated.
Where does Jesus claim he is, unambiguously, the Son of God in some sense the rest of us are not?
@@yahulwagoni4571 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods” ’ d ? 35If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came-and Scripture cannot be set aside- what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’? 37Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father. 38But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.” 39Again they tried to seize him, but he escaped their grasp.
@@randyw.8781 And when speaker said Paul called the resurrection a folly Paul affirmed that "our present perishable bodies will be endowed, through the power of Jesus's resurrection, with imperishable life"
Brilliant mind with great humor!
oh myyyyy,...when Messiah fed the crowds: 5 breads and 2 fishes ---------- 5 books of Moshe and 2 fishes: Neviim and Ketuviim.
You mean Tanakh! nice!
Brilliant woman
Yes, he says these things about the law but only in Matthew. The other three Gospels do not have these teachings. This sounds a bit like confirmation bias.
Bless her hart !!
She stated her heart was filled with "Judaism" and she doesn't worship Jesus as Lord and savior. Jesus stated those who listen and learn from the Father come to Him and He stated to others who didn't believe in Him it was because they are not His sheep. That all those the Father gave Him would come to Him and its His Fathers will to raise them up on the last day. She won't be at that resurrection unless her heart becomes filled with the love of God and His will rather than the love of Judaism. Its sad but she seems very firm in her ways and convinced in her studies and teaching.
I think you need to see Jesus as one who has been given All authority in Heaven and earth. And a Jesus who was before Abraham was born. The Holy Spirit acts on Jesus's will because He has that authority. Whether that's raising the dead, calming storms, walking on water, restoring the sight to the blind, healing the sick . God was with Him. And Jesus was not Josephs Son . He stated He was the Son of God. Jesus testified He saw Satan fall from heaven. At what point in history do you think that event took place? That's how you understand who Jesus is. He was sent into the world by the Father and came to do the Fathers will. And on top of all this God raised Jesus from the dead as proof. The tomb that was guarded by Roman soldiers is empty.
Yushka was not more the Son of GOd than any other human. You are a pagan.
First of all the Reason is Jesus didn’t come to abolish the law. As Jews we are still under the Torah. You remove Torah and we Jews are out. Because God told us that anyone coming to you proclaiming miracles and even raising someone from the dead if he teaches you against my Torah. He is a false prophet, for I’m testing you.
I thought "who do you say that I AM?" was answered in the NT
Peter-"You are the Christ the Son of the living God"
Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be d bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be e loosed in heaven.” Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.
@Eileen Belshaw Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. 58This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your ancestors ate manna and died, but whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.” 59He said this while teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum.
Aware that his disciples were grumbling about this, Jesus said to them, “Does this offend you? 62Then what if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before!
Rather it was God in Him that He defined.
Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.
In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days HE has spoken to us by his Son,
For God "was pleased" to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.
There is no other way. It is not for man to choose how to forgive sin.
Answed Peter "Though are the Christ, the son of the living God" replied Jesus " Blessed are you Simon son of Jonah ( God looks at a person through their generations) for it is not flesh & blood but my Father who revealed it to you " This was an indication/sign to appoint Peter to Lead , even by the words "Feed my sheep/lambs" (Faithful/Marty's of Christ, himself the Lamb of God) Now to the question "What specifically is the food" Laughing gas ?
Now, Jude says "Satan contended for the body of Moses " which are the people of Moses who rejected the Messiah, to which Michael the angel of Israel did not oppose but only rebuked, which rebuke suggest a future contention not for physical Israel but for Spiritual Israel called the Israel of God, Is but to know who leads a mixed multitude (evident from the time of Erza/Nemiah who kicked out a great many, for mixing with the heathen, breaking the Covenant, from the Fathers or Mothers side, if then, how much so today) gathered unbiblically in Violence through a western conspired Zionism ,
Jesus in text and Context including the same unbelief
At this the Jews there began to grumble about him because he said, “I am the bread that came down from heaven.” 42They said, “Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How can he now say, ‘I came down from heaven’?”
43“Stop grumbling among yourselves,” Jesus answered. 44“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day. 45It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’ d Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me. 46No one has seen the Father except the one who is from God; only he has seen the Father. 47Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life. 48I am the bread of life. 49Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, yet they died. 50But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which anyone may eat and not die. 51I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”
great cotent guys! Just shared this to my group would love to connect just subscribed:)
Believe what you want but thou shalt not steal, kill or lie. If you refrain from these things you will be Jewish.
I have no doubt this professor is a fine ,kind charitable person but if she thinks that'll get her into heaven she's got some more verses to read!
This comment is a good example of why so many christians are not very well liked… you need to stop thinking you’re so special and are so sure that you have the truth and everyone else has it wrong. You may just as well be wrong about your ideas and faith. The Bible contains so many errors, contradictions and even forgeries (such as 6 of the letters of Paul not actually being written by him), so maybe chill out with the arrogance.
Dr AJ has admitted both sides have fallen a little bit short. Sounds to m she wants to believe in baptism and accepting Jesus’s blood as her atonement but Dr AJ probably feel that if she does that it would end Judaism.
Well, it's not, because every word in the Bible is 100 per cent Jewish and it's all about fulfiing Gods promised through Abraham by saving Abraham descendants through Jesus and those who will believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob though Jesus of Nazareth.
All Jesus disciples were Jewish? And so it's not really abandonjng Judaism if that is Jewish community think? Perhaps this one of the reasonably most Jewish end up being aethist? They can not really follow the today? It's impossible to follow the laws I the torah in our time today.
Dr AJ emphasised loving your neighbours which is the true essence of Jesus teaching - however, Jesus also emphasised to believe in Him fully that He is indeed the son of God.
Sounds to me that Dr AJ loves Jesus teaching but when avoid the notion of believing in Him being the Son of the Highest God. And end up coming up with the idea of we think to sit down and celebrates our differences?
But if we believe in Jesus teaching? Why can we not believe that He is indeed the Son of The highest God? Jesus showed the signs to have the authority over the limbs by healing them, Jesus showed authority over demons by casting them out? Did Jesus show authority over nature by telling the wind and sea to stop? He did those signs to make people believe and also made them witness accounts for us today?
God’s word should not be confusing.
Dr AJ believed in Jesus existence and all His teaching but she cannot agree why Jesus got baptised even He does not need it. in baptism Dr AJ is fellowships with one another? But water baptism is not the removal of th dirt in the flesh but the acceptance of human race be in a sinner before the Creator one heaven and earth.
This is exactly what God is trying to tell us conveyed to His Son Jesus of Nazareth. In other words, every thing that Jesus did and showed to us we must follow. We cannot just lil a bit of this and ono few of bit of that - Jesus is very clear on that. God is love and it's clear that Jesus showed this to his disciples.
To live with one another, to cloth those whose in need, to feed those hungry.
In Pauls teaching I don't know why she did not recognise why women should submit to their husband? Like Sarah called Abraham Lord? Sounds to me Dr AJ is fine with Sarah calling Abraham lord because he is significant man to God? But not to her to her husband? I know that she was talking about teaching - but Gods principle and Pauls teaching about women is the same - as God created Adam first? In other words God respects His first creation. And therefore Eve was given a command to submit to Adam as by submitting to Adam - she's not not really submitting to Adam but to Him spiritually - you see it's the surface but it's Spirituality because our Father in heaven is Spirit. If we die our body do not profit anything but our soul. By doing this simple commands Eve and Sarah got Gods attention and have tthoer treasure in heaven as Gods reward to them?
How about husband, as some husband can be abusive if women show them that weakness, well this is true, but God has given them a command to respect the woman as weaker vessel? In the words if a man disobeys this sovereign command his reward in heaven which is eternal life would be forfeited.
If we feed unrepented sinners with the desires of their heart - the result is they will agree to sit down and talks about differences while believing in their cow - god and moon god, and god that cannot be reached?
But the God in the bible is trying to reach us al out. Because there is indeed judgment coming and has been given to us through John in the book of the revelation. And the earth 🌍 will turn into dust as it will be consumed in fire.
In our time, satan's lie is everywhere now, even great minds can be deceived. As the Jesus said satan is the father of lies.
The lies that satan has introduced to those a weaker vessels have been multiplied. And this is what we see now around us- everyone should be alpha male. In women, this is now their mentality to become alpha male.
BUT TO THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE - we are equal in His eyes, however, he would like to
see obedience from both man and woman because the gift is eternal life.
Gods new covenant through Jesus, The Christ is simply TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
May the peace of The Most High God be with you all.
Wow! What a lecture! However it is so so sad when people knows so much and did not apply such truth to her own salvation if she would belive it so. How sad and empity it is when a person itself does not believe the savior Yeshua Hamachia to save her onw life! Yeshua would say: Listen to every teaching of them, but never behaeve like then....
+Claudia Regina Teixeira Yes very sad she did not add two an two together.He is much more than just a teacher.But hopefully God will come soon and understand the truth
+Lisa Escoto Christians are the only ones who do not respect the beliefs of others. Her faith is as important to her as ours is to us. Christians don't have all the answers.
You are right. I need to get to learn about it very quicly!
Claudia Regina Teixeira Not sad at all! She knows who Jesus is far better than most Christians I've know. Her salvation is in God's hands, not yours or mine!
Claudia Regina Teixeira, i can assure you, if read read the Jewish Bible, in hebrew, yes, you have to learn and do that because its the language given to Israel by Hashem, you will realize that the savior you claim, "Yeshua Hamachia" does not qualify as a messiah. So actually I feel sorry for you.
How do you know how "empty" someones else's soul is? did you ask her?
Hashem does say: Deut 13:1 "]If a prophet, or one who foretells by dreams, appears among you and announces to you a sign or wonder, 2 and if the sign or wonder spoken of takes place, and the prophet says, “Let us follow other gods” (gods you have not known) “and let us worship them,” 3 you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. The Lord your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul."
Sounds good and interesting in depth of analysis with an application of appealing human interpretation however that is where problem begins with a loss of a deeper understanding of who Jesus of Nazareth was and after the loss by execution of His powerful Loving and wisdom filled existence then there is the first most profound loss because His powerful Living message of truth then has not impacted many although some express that He did profoundly made remarkable change with humanity. Everyone has pretty much missed through time who He was and of course many more have missed the Jesus Christ the one who defeated death because He defeated death and is well and indeed was able to Rise and leave the tomb were He was lay to rest and decay. Only a handful fully recognized Him and 2000 years later still does not know or honor the Lord the savor and most amazing person in Jesus Christ. The Roman establishment murdered Him by execution on a cross like a common criminal and yes as offensive but true the Jewish establishment in power in their so distant space of having fell threat of His message because the Jews religiosity and the hundreds of laws opted by their choice to deny Him and also mock Him, indeed He was offended many times for being proclaiming the Kingdom of God.
Was He messiah was He Lord is the question been brought in this seminar and presentation but as a person of faith I do believe He is God Himself. He defeated death and also defeated a dying world.
The doctor in in all her knowledge swings back and forth with her presentation and makes many there laugh and uses her charm to entertain this topic like a fine artist who is exploring her masterpiece of art work as she is painting on her canvas. The issue with me again as I listen to this presentation it make more of joke about who Jesus of Nazareth was and He is forever more in the Risen Jesus Christ. I am not in the end not really surprised about what this doctor expresses because this is another form of creating a circus presentation and of course the masses laugh and are so enlightened by the fake and real hype and hypocritical words that are her own personal signature in which I am not impressed at all by the veil thinking and analysis. In one hand lifting Jesus and on the other hand dripping Him like a bad habit.
Shameful trash been spoken that speaks only volume of religion but not spirituality.
Sell lemonade or life insurance instead before making Jesus Christ a kind of entertaining clown.
I'm curious what Dr. Levine thinks about the Messianic movement? Also if Yeshua was even more careful (and orthodox but compassionate) regarding the Law, how does she understand the current push in the church (and reform judiasm) accepting and blessing gay marriage and her own "feminist" views? These are in conflict. She comes off a little too concerned with social justice as well. Yes, we need to take care of the needs of our neighbors, but that doesn't mean we advocate for open borders, or turn a blind eye to the consciquences of many of "social justice" programs that are supposed to address "inequity". Jewish law also puts obligations not only on the giver, but also on the recipient to behave properly.
counting seriously
Is she catholic?
She is jewish, but she love Yeshua.
@@aliciaguerra-salazar5854 No she doesn't.
@billyhw5492 it takes grace and sacraments to know Him. She cannot accept and surrender. Sad. We have direct access. She is missing out. Without faith, she won't understand the Books of Hebrews or Ephesians
this woman understands nothing