Pelosi cares deeply about the poor and homeless of San Fransisco and then she just goes back to eating her $15 a pint ice cream in her 10k fridge in her $10 mil dollar mansion and forgets all about those suckers.
Watched a video about how on average the government spends $10,000 per kid per year for school. Public schools suck ass. They'd be better off giving the parents a $10,000 voucher per kid every year to spend for private school tuition.
@@Andrei2000PC Wrong. Mine costed $6500 per year, and that's without the discounts you get when you have 3 or more kids enrolled in the school (K-12). Parents can do a lot with $10,000
Ensuring that people don't die hungry or from lack of insulin isn't equivalent to making them comfortable in their poverty. Had that been the case, the Nordic welfare states would have collapsed rather than outperforming USA in nearly all good things.
You should watch Jordan Peterson. He claims that those with an IQ of 85 and under (about 15 percent of the population) are unable to learn to do any work that is actually worth paying them for. Like, come on, there's gotta be some sort of welfare system! Also, it's reasonable to assume that a universal basic income will become more affordable over time as advancements in technology are able to create more value more efficiently. The argument that 'social safety nets are just too expensive' become less reasonable as the efficiency of the means of production improves. Also it is easy to find people who 'take advantage' of welfare systems. 'oh no! He's sitting on his @$$, and he's getting paid 12,000 a year!' But studies also show that a basic guaranteed income helps many people to do more meaningful work. For example, it helps people find a way to transition to more productive work, by, for example, giving them the security to pursue meaningful training and education. It also allows people to take the risk of starting a business. If it fails (and many will), at least the entrepreneur knows that they'll have a basic income.
@@raymondblake5765 welfare stops technical advancement that's a fact an objective fact it doesn't help anyone like at all it should be given to old people who can't work anymore or people that like literally physically can't work.... But anyone else they should be forced to work or be homeless
Be mindful what you wish for, change is usually painful. It's likely going to get alot worse and all you can do is outlast and rise from the ashes of the new empire. The second those checks run out or inflation outpaces their growth significantly, people can't eat. And people who can't eat become desperate.
There were discussions in the past about making campaign promises like that. It was if it violating election laws by basically buying the vote. I think it's one that should be revisited.
@Danny be Gaskill Stossel did a segment years ago on that subject, scripted fights. One of the 'actors' picked him up and threw him on the floor, putting him in hospital.
Ain't that the truth. The first drug laws were created in the 1930, the way on drugs officially started in the 70s and now we have drugs they never even dreamed of in the 30s. But law enforcement, private prisons, and drug cartels are thriving.
i was very invested in my free education. and free school lunches when i was a kid, and free roads, etc. just because it's free doent mean it's not extremely valuable.
@@sabin97 Let me teach you a free lesson honey booboo, and unlike all those things you listed - this lesson is actually free. Nothing is free in America. You are welcome.
Our public schools, filled with socialist run Teacher's Unions have been fulfilling every plank in the Communist Manifesto's platform since the middle 1950s. There are only 3 clear choices. 1) Home school if you have the time and ability. 2) Private school if you have the financial resources 3) As a last resort a non-unionized Charter School. Any other solution which leaves a child in government schools filled with socialist controlled Teacher's Unions is child abuse and child neglect.
@@BaronVonPurp THAT is what I have seen. Although teachers are not suffering as badly as they want everyone to believe, it is the adminstrators who are badly OVERPAID.
@@caseyvee4419 Teacher pay largely depends on the state. States like Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Hawaii pay large wages while others pay wages below the median wage in America, which certainly is surprising given that it’s a professional occupation that requires a bachelor’s degree. is it a grave injustice? No, but it is something that should definitely and clearly be changed. it’s gotten to the point where some states are seeing an emigration of teachers to other states simply for higher wages.
@Richard_Head don’t interfere with either. Notice how government doesn’t make it better when it gets involved? Like does anyone think paying farmers to not grow is a good idea (they did this during the Great Depression too, many farmers were paid to burn their crops so many smuggled some and gave it to the starving illegally). Government can’t manage their own pocket book, don’t let them try to manage your finances either.
@Richard_Head This discussion is being had because social programs like welfare can destroy entire communities. It doesn't matter if the "beneficiaries" live in red or blue states. If a person can make just as much money sitting at home doing nothing, why would they better themselves to work a job? It's true that most politicians won't enact policies that better society but will hurt their reelection chances. However, this is just an indicator of the level of corruption in our government and the lack of moral fortitude our elected officials have.
@Richard_Head Uh, California? Look at how much money they steal from the federal level to support their druggies and bums. Do those people look happy? Morally this is wrong (even if it somehow produced money it’s still wrong). That’s not a red state, look at the stats. It’s not good turning your country into a filthy trash and feces filled wasteland no matter how little it costs you that’s not an improvement.
@Richard_Head problem is the state of cal steals funds from federal level to redistribute it to druggies and bums. So by that logic it’s fine, because it’s a lower level redistributing your money? That still wouldn’t make it right.
Because they have coddled illegal immigration. The hispanic population of california has tripled since reagan was in the whitehouse, as of course so has poverty, government freebies, taxes, and crime.
@@tmcorey1 Good point. In addition, charity without strict accountability is in the end detrimental. Read the book "Toxic Charity" which is a real eye opener. Also, all of these "equality" efforts will fail for similar reasons. "Societies which put equality over freedom will get neither , and societies which put freedom over equality will get a measure of both" - Milton Friedman
Free money attracts profiteers. Just don't hand out free money, then people will find opportunities elsewhere. The whole reason the rich keep doing is anyway is because more poor people means more exploitable people which then means they can become richer. Example from my country: The Dutch capital city of Amsterdam has to regulate the prices of traditional low class social housing and middle class housing to keep those people classes in Amsterdam. Otherwise they leave for better places where people discover they have more freedom and relative wealth while the rich people have to do the essential low/middle class jobs themselves due to a labor shortage.
When i graduated Highschool i lived in LIHTC housing, with my disabled mother; i, myself was disabled since 13 and on SSI for a head injury. We initially went to SSI to approve testing. They refused to cover testing to fix my issues and instead stuck me on disability. So, i wanted to go to College with what time i could manage to stay out of pain and awake during the day to become self reliant. College being the only place with limited days and working at home where a few possible careers would make me functional; after all i was a great student. Unfortunately 3 things were made abundantly clear : One, if i moved out then my mother would lose her home because there is a 2 person minimum to be able to live in subsidized housing. Which *would* make her financially reliant on me or dead. Two: i couldn't live in Government subsidized housing and go to school full time. Or my AND subsequently my mother's home would be taken away. Three: If i got a part time job and i went to school part time i would lose my disability and medical that enabled me to even slightly function. But i would get to keep my home - not that it matters as i couldn't have sustained this with no medical coverage to cope with my head injury. I'm telling this persinal story not for pity but to help everyone understand that the system is rigged. It is designed to keep people that are in the position i was poor and disabled. God forbid you were permitted to try and do something right without being punished for it. No one is going to work; even part time at a fast food place when you tell them they will almost certainly lose thier home, medical coverage and foodstamps. Most people in the system don't like living that way, it's a worse hell than abject poverty could ever be. To be forced to twiddle your thumbs all day contemplating the choice of dying on the streets with a miniscule impact on society at best. Or living as a slave but safe and not allowed to lift a finger... That isn't a good situation for anyone; taxpayers suffer, the Government suffers, the people essnetialky being farmed as Democratic voters suffer (I use to be a firm Socialist in my early teen years, before better educating myself as it seemed the only recourse i had. I have been a moderate since i turned 15), but most of all the people being kept as cattle suffer. As someone who has been stuck in this cycle i can attest this is inhumane treatment. There is no greater hell.
@@libertyprime619 You have absolutely missed the point of the story if that is your conclusion. I said that being kept poor and stupid by an oppressive system is slavery. That not being allowed to work makes people hopeless. Your reading comprehension needs work.
Are you still in this situation? I was in a similar situation when the pandemic started and I couldnt get a job for almost a year straight, I was stuck living with my mother who also hated me for being unemployed. Obviously not as awful as you and your mother's situation, but I'm curious if somehow you found a way to lift your situation up? Is it possible to "get" a job while not being recognized by the state as having one? Like getting a sidegig or doing manual labor while being paid under the table or something like that for the meantime? I dont know much about laws but I'm curious about you specifically
You could look at renovation and flipping your mother's home, then buying again and do the same. It may help getting that little extra financial help each time you flip. May even find government grants, lower taxes, assistance or cheap housing that could be bought. Just a thought, I know it's a little off topic, but you want independents and this maybe an opitunity for you to move ahead.
@Adam Lee I think your brainwashed trump didn’t get welfare he is smart like every single person who understands how the system works. To call it a hand out is being ignorant to the fact that tax breaks is not handouts it’s a way to encourage job creations you still have to pay back that money it’s only offered to help create jobs so think before you accuse trump of getting handouts while ignoring all other high profile companies that have took advantage of the system and are doing well.
Force government to downsize and become like the Founders intended. LIMITED! We need the Goldilocks zone for government. Not too small and certainly not as big as it is now, but just right. Government world wide, in ALL recorded history, is very much like fire. Very useful and even needed in SMALL, CONTROLLED amounts but ALWAYS very dangerous and often DEADLY when allowed to become LARGE and no longer Controlled by the very people it was to SERVE.
All these Democrats mouth off about income inequality..i say every politician should get paid the exact same wage, $25,000 before taxes! And they cant serve any more than 8 years. 8 years and they are done, out, time to find a real job.
I definitely think the fear of not being able to provide for yourself or those in your household is a GOOD thing, and gives you that extra kick in the rear to get out of the bed in the morning and get to work.
Um, maybe for some people. I have at times gotten physically sick when I don't have either a 9-5 steady job(like now), or if I don't have enough either side jobs or parts sold (like now also). So I wouldn't say that this "fear" is good by any means. Worrying about the possibility that my wife and amazing 5yr old daughter could possibly lose the roof over their heads, or not have food, etc etc-- SUCKS!!! Maybe for people that have been sitting on their butt's and sucking OUR hard-earned tax dollars by way of handouts it would be a good thing, but for hardworking American People like myself this entire economy, this PLAN-DEMIC, and pretty much the majority of what these Crooked tyrannical anti-American anti-Freedom traitor Criminal politicians have been doing SUCKS..
@@BabyCharlotteschannel Though I think we’re talking about different things, I do agree with what you’re saying. I just think, to the point of the video, it’s good to have a healthy concern that not working=poverty and unemployment, rather than thinking not working=handouts and prosperity. This year has certainly turned many things upside down, and if we keep it up, we’ll lose America as we know it.
@@macprice777 , another thing that sucks, and is just another example of the utter and complete failure of big govts(local state and fed) is NOT helping the one's that are actually trying. Instead rewarding the one's popping out baby after baby, and the one's sitting on their ass's. **For example, I don't have health insurance and pay for it all out of my own pocket. I tried to get medicaid last year because my wife has impacted wisdom teeth and it's thousands of dollars I don't have. Unless I made under $180/Month for a family of 3 I couldn't get it for her. So, quit my job or leave her in agony!? And I have been paying taxes since I was 13yrs old when I got my first (on the books, worked for a few years before that but it was cash) job..
@@BabyCharlotteschannel I think it's like the death penalty. That's always a bad idea until you can be sure the person is actually guilty. It's likewise almost impossible for a government to know if they're passing on the money to the people who actually deserve it. And that will always be true, because if you spend enough effort to be sure the right people get it, the administrative overhead is so huge there's no money left. Actually, that's pretty much the situation a lot of countries are in now. The main success of the unemployment office is reducing unemployment by having thousands of people work for them!
Money is a convenient form of capital. Instead of giving a sheep in exchange for food it's substantially easier to give Green pieces of paper called cash in exchange for food.
@@Mockduck2020 A check that represents cash that represents money. I was speaking in laymen's terms but money is a convenient form of capital. Is that clarified enough for you?
I got laughed at for being a white abled body man. I worked a damn drilling rig and its devastated as an industry. My family has fought bled and died in every war since the revolution and built this nation. But nah no help
Since the 80's we went from 5% poverty up to 35% and 50% depending on how you measure it. Total dependency for the welfare state for almost the half of the population here. The best social plan is a job! Regards from Argentina
It's going to get worse in Argentina as long as a large percentage of the public still likes Peronist ideas. You guys used to have the 7th richest country, then along came Peron.
@@Foolish188 Yeap... We are doom to a new destruction like never seen before, the 2001/2002 crisis will be small compared to what is coming... This year will end around -12% in GDP and 20% unemployment, next year an hyperinflation is the most sure result on the duplication of the monetary base plus a destruction of the demand on the Peso
The flip side to this argument about Amazon is, tons of their employees are on government benefits/welfare while still working there. Amazon under pays them because they know the taxpayer will pick up the tab.
Big corp can be just as bad as the government. Government should just do its job and slice Amazon into pieces. A very unpopular opinion, but free market needs maintenance sometimes, because otherwise the eventual winners become governments themselves.
Not really, amazon pushed for $15 to hurt companies like Walmart that did that. Amazon did it because their workers wanted it but it was actually a profit loss because there was stock incentive before.
When 15 $ per haour is not enough is because goverment create inflation so fast that the money loose value. In other countries were gov spend less $ everything is cheaper. Give me 15$ in ROMANIA and i will have a big hause with a pool. IF US GOV. would spend less then those trillions $ every year things would be cheper. INFLATION IS CREATED in Washington only.
I've lifted hundreds of people out of poverty over the years by giving them something the government never can... *meaningful jobs* where they actually serve customers and are held accountable for their actions.
I agree with this. Right now, if you are receiving welfare, the moment you earn your own money the government money is taken away. Instead what should happen is that the moment you start to earn your own money, the welfare should switch over to an incentive program -- such that you keep getting your government money IF and When you continue at your job for a set period like 60 to 90 days. People that are flat broke need time to build up a bit of cash reserves so that they CAN find a decent place to live and so that they CAN afford to travel to work and back every day and so that they can finally put some food in the cupboard to feed their kids. Completely cutting off government welfare on day one of getting a job does not incentivize anyone to ever get off of welfare. There needs to be a cushion or buffer for a set amount of time where people can earn an honest paycheck AND continue to receive the same level of government assistance they were getting before.
Government has no role in welfare whatsoever. The purpose of the state is to prevent crime and foreign invaders. That's it. Police, judiciary and national defense. Nothing else.
@@phamnuwen9442 I would go as far as to call individualism a national security issue. If we can't count on Californians going to arms to defend Virginians then are we even a united states? Sure, for now that will not be an issue at all, but say in 200 years, when the US is maybe not as strong as it is now, and everyone only cares about what's going on their own backyard. We already have people saying, "Why do we need a fire department? I'm not paying for that!" It's dangerous.
Billionaire: *has lots of money* Media: He has too much, he should give some of it away... Billionaire: *gives it away* Media: Meh, he just wants to stroke his ego
Billionaires: ‘we EARNED this money!!’ Corrupt Government that helped them muscle their way to the top with favors, tax breaks, bail outs, regulations, etc: (looks the other way)
When will people understand that rich people created value, and they are being compensated for creating such value? and that nobody is entitled to being rich, its simply your responsibility to create value. it’s that simple Edit: This isn't including or talking about rich people who did not get rich this way, but this is a bit of a simple explanation / statement as to the status of many rich people
And they created that 'value' by exploiting government handouts, bullying local businesses into going under, and supporting unsafe work practices in developing countries. Stop conflating "rich people" with billionaires, because very VERY few billionaires got that way on their own merits. Most have taken every advantage of government handouts and backroom deals to attain what they have, which is fair enough, except the actively stifle competition, innovation, and small businesses from forming. To support the mega corporations is to directly support the globalist hegemons who want to treat everyone like cattle. You can hate commie nutjobs, be pro capitalism, and still call out the evil that is Amazon, Google, etc.
@@TRENCHESandTREADS they exploited government handouts? Why do such handouts even exist??? Im 36, lost my job in April due to covid. For the first time in my life and like 20 years of working I finally collected unemployment for a few months cuz nobody was hiring. Im now working again, thankfully. But the "handouts" exist so why not take advantage of them. Its not exploitation.
I lost my job due to Corona. The government cheques I was getting saved my ass, but I realized I was getting more money from that than I ever was while working, so it's been hard to find a reason to get a job. I'm forcing myself to do it though, I know it's better for me in the long run, but man, it's not been an easy decision
@@BoogerDeluxe22 Can't even find a job... I've applied everywhere and nothing...Got into daytrading with what money I could spare and picked up some GME @$40 which was super lucky. Looks like I'll have to daytrade till I find work
2 Thessalonians 3:10 "For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either."
Welfare should be a hand up, not a hand out. It should be a short-term assistance to get people back on their feet. Many years ago I hurt my back and after a couple of surgeries, was still unable to hold a regular job for a period of time due to constant flare-ups that would leave me bed-ridden for sometimes weeks at a time. I tried to get short term help financially, and maybe help with education so I can do something with my mind instead of using my body like I had been doing. Basically, they said it's all or nothing. Get on the system and stay there, or don't. In the end, we went bankrupt after a great start in life due to my thriftiness and hard work. But, largely thanks to my wife, we survived and eventually my back stabilized though still in constant pain. I was able to finish my associates in 6 years due to the issues. Now 30 years later, we are both mid-50's and nearly debt free (owe less than a year on our home). If I had been single, no way. The system really isn't quick and easy to get started fast before you go bankrupt, nor is it really set to get off it once the life situation stabilizes creating dependants as this video illustrates.
Book Recommendation: When Helping Hurts by Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett. It is a Christian book, but set me on the path to not just handing out things willy-nilly.
@@FRN2013 I felt it was important to clarify so no one feels jaded because I wasn't upfront about it's contents! It's a book ahead of it's time! We use it at the Healthcare ministry I work at too!
Giving out welfare 9 out of 10 times is like feeding the bears. The more you feed them the less they will strive to survive on their own. It's no secret.
"If you’ve ever been to a National Park, you’ve likely seen signs advising you to not feed the animals. And this is for good reason - park visitation is often seasonal and animals which become dependent on humans for food would have a much harder time surviving in the off-seasons. This is, to say, don’t feed the animals. And yet, we find ourselves in a time where the government encourages feeding the humans…" Eric Olszewski
I worked briefly in 2020, Colter Bay NPS, Grand Teton 🏕🏞🛶🚤🎣🐻🦌🦝 There are many problems with parks, RV-campground areas. The US Dept of Interior got $189 bil in FY2020 💰. The NPS wants to modernize, improve the parks but it will require a lot.
Makes sense. I tried to do something with my property but the council stopped me with a lot of red tape.. you don't even own the land you buy... You can't just try to make money. They then want a piece of the action
Been job hunting for almost 4 years now and still can't find work. I've never received a government handout. According to California I'm too "privileged" for assistance.
Might make more sense for gov to pay able bodied people to work instead of just giving them a handout. Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on. End farm subsidies. End tax breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops. End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs. People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18. For those who and whos parents cant afford it, chairty (where the donar gets a full non refundable tax credit that carrys over for an unlimited number of years) and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living.
The should help people get jobs and job training, not just handouts. Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on. End farm subsidies. End tax breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops. End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs. People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18. For those who and whos parents cant afford it, chairty (where the donar gets a full non refundable tax credit that carrys over for an unlimited number of years) and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living.
@Coldheart Zero Actually it's not a quote. I was paraphrasing a phrase from a Chinese proverb. You should at least try and be be less snobbish when you agree.
In MN the state workers who get people the benefits they qualify for encourage people to take benefits they dont need or want. They do it because it creates job security for them, and as long as they use up all the money available, the programs will be able to ask for more the next time around.
When the government gives you MORE MONEY to not work, then there is a problem. This is why government benefits need to be a TEMPORARY relief rather than a PERMANENT living situation. Two years max every ten year period. After those two years of benefits are up, you need to get off your sofa and get to work.
2 years? You're very generous. I'm 67 and have been unemployed many times - but never more that 2 weeks. There are ALWAYS jobs available. Maybe they're not the ones you'd like, but they're there.
aawwww! The poor mother's with children. Each guy was not Nice, and after she had each guys child. ( Guys are suckers haha ) ** just keep paying all your taxes
@@ROGER2095 A two year period cumulative. Let's say you're unemployed for two months in year 1, year 3 you are unemployed for three months, year 5 you are unemployed for two months, that's a cumulative total of 7 months/24 total months in which you can receive government assistance. People do genuinely fall under difficult times but I feel 2/10 years should be more than adequate for even the lowest of civilians.
Or welfare just needs to be less than what minimum wage works out to be once you account for the fact that minimum wage earners need to pay rent, pay the upkeep on their cars, and have plenty of other work-related expenses.
Spot on here Stossel. Generally, people are rational and do what benefits them the most. We must continue to incentivize innovation and personal responsibility if we want to retain our competitive advantage and high standard of living. It’s really that simple..
Why is John Stossel the last few reporter who gives non bias views of the two political parties and just gives facts as it is ? ( here and there he will add his own comments on the subject matter but he mostly use ethos and logos in his pointers ).
Lookup The Last American Vagabond and Unlimited Hangout. Those are two places as well where you can still find real journalism (but they've been censored and shadow-banned from TH-cam).
He clearly has a libertarian bias. It's just that he plays the devil's advocate character to everyone he interviews so you can't ground him in one opinion or issue
The problem is people become addicted to welfare. It's easier for a family to sit around and collect government checks than it is to go work a minimum wage job that after tax pays less. How do those people vote? Why Democrat of course.. since that's the side that assures them more crumbs for their vote. This is why they want to give 20,000,000+ illegals citizenship because their vote can be bought for far fewer dollars than any current Hispanic, Black or White American citizen.
This victim mentality is terrible and spreading. No one wants to take responsibility for their own failings and just blame other people. Even the president is doing it these days.
The only thing I disagree with companies like Amazon is. Keeping themselves open and allowed to stay open while smaller companies and mom and pop shops must remain closed because of the pandemic.
@@RossABQ Yes, because forty thousand of them went on strike. Like any other capitalist, he paid them not one more cent then he had to. Ford Motors was a business, not a charity.
I've noticed that most people get jealous for nothing more than having a few more pieces of Walmart silverware than them. Then they start coming over to steal. Really?
It's when "They" decide you need 8 forks, no more, no less, in the style that they KNOW is in your best interest, that you have to worry. The Maddona version of Evita shows this brilliantly. Yes, I know, it's shocking that the movie is so Libertarian. The best since the original Ghostbusters.
@@philippweisang --- Pretty sure that I implied that. I speak from personal experience, friend. When I say, "people are nasty little fucks", I mean it. I mean it because that is _what I've experienced_ . I've been robbed, raped, extorted, held up at gunpoint, and left for dead. What do you care?
Number 1 problem in Criminal Justice: 60% of people in jail are there because they cannot be trained (IQ's 82 and under: US Army did take 6 years to train them and could not) but are too intelligent to be on disability. Solution: charity jobs! Some corporations actually do offer charity jobs, most especially, when economy is strong.
@@boredfangerrude No offense but that thinking is how the State gets its legitimacy & its power, thinking we need a monopolistic entity on the use of force & law.
@@jdk370 Your kind of thinking leads to a massive regression. Governments are part of the evolution of mankind, they were created with a purpose in mind and it is only when they go outside of that purpose are governments bad. So they are legitimate organizations with legitimate power (to some degree). Without a government, we would be in the stone age still, technologically and socially.
I agree with the message in this video. But to be fair, I think one reason why the poverty level in the US has increased over the years is that their definition of the poverty line has included higher and higher incomes. Based on my income I’m considered “in poverty,” but since I live in a rural state where the cost of living is low, I own a home, two cars, and the latest in electronics that I wanted for fun. We have plenty for my 10 month old son and we are a single income household. In America, what we consider “poor” would be kingly in another country. Globalists think that because we can’t afford a New York loft and a Tesla that we’re miserable, when really we have great and comfortable lives. I wish they would just leave us alone and stop feeling guilty, we are very happy and we want to keep the freedom that allowed us to be this prosperous.
@@andrewfreeman88 why didn't he mention it then...? Pretty big thing to miss out since he's trying argue that companies donate to charity for altruistic reasons but the 95% of the time it's for tax purposes
I grew up on welfare, food stamps and public housing in an old mill town in New England. Poverty is a dynamic, nuanced subject. As grateful as I am to receive the help we got because my parents refused to get there sh%t together, when they finally started to work their way up, the gap to jump financially was nearly impossible. We lost everything due to a $.50 an hour raise my stepfather got. Not only were on the street again, but the contempt from the surrounding neighborhood for trying to do better for ourselves was equally harsh, it felt like getting punished for doing the right thing. The head trash I have around money has cost me severely in coaching and therapy.
Corporations are one of the Greatest Inventions of Mankind. The ability of people to finance a business that none of them could finance alone, caused explosive economic growth. It is Crony Capitalism (Especially Corporate Crony Capitalism) that is the problem.
@@Foolish188 yes you are correct. That is until those benefits fall into the hands of a few. As every company grows it expands by buying out other companies. Each time reducing the flow of wealth to run through there accounts. Google, Amazon & others are becoming so huge they just keep growing like untreated cancer. Capitalism works with mom& pop shops as well as a balanced mix of big money. But not just big money. Our government passed a law that grants google universal immunity. Thats to big and powerful in my book.
I loved watching him for almost 15 years. After he left 20/20 he became a sellout. I remember one time he mentioned his beach house that would be reimbursed after a hurricane and that he would keep his beach house after the government handout. He said why does the government allow people to build on the beach yet he was one of them. Clearly John has not moved on. He is still taking more than he is giving. He's wasting our money and he doesn't his follow his own philosophy of self-reliance. That is sad and I hope he is okay with his own extreme self interest yet taking more than he pays in. Good luck with the beach house John.
As usual, Stossel gives some good info and leaves out something critical. The earned income tax credit is to help those people who say they lose money by working, as compared to collecting gov't benefits. In fact, it is one of the best examples an incentive program that works well, with little to no "cheating." It does what it is supposed to do.
Sure, government handles funds very efficiently, just look at San Francisco.
Over $25 TRILLION in debt which is very close to the money stolen from the producers and thrown away on the losers.
What did they spend it on? Even if it in a pocket, who’s?
@@sheilag2231 a lot of is spent on "business" expenses like food, clothes, lodging when traveling, stuff like that
Pelosi cares deeply about the poor and homeless of San Fransisco and then she just goes back to eating her $15 a pint ice cream in her 10k fridge in her $10 mil dollar mansion and forgets all about those suckers.
@@TheTruthTeller5000 $24k fridge peasant, don't ever disrespect our precious propped up corpse
Man, it costs a lot of money to keep people poor.
Watched a video about how on average the government spends $10,000 per kid per year for school.
Public schools suck ass.
They'd be better off giving the parents a $10,000 voucher per kid every year to spend for private school tuition.
@@GCEXTREMEMN private school is going to cost more than 10,000 a year. Try about 30,000
@@Andrei2000PC Wrong. Mine costed $6500 per year, and that's without the discounts you get when you have 3 or more kids enrolled in the school (K-12). Parents can do a lot with $10,000
Yes, your money and my money (revenue from taxes) to pay for these program failures....thanks to the DemocRATS...the bubonic plague on America
And it costs a lot of money to be poor!! A bad choice all around!
"The worst thing you can do for the poor is to make them comfortable in their poverty". -Ben Franklin
The real tragedy of the poor is the poverty of their aspirations. - Adam Smith
Ensuring that people don't die hungry or from lack of insulin isn't equivalent to making them comfortable in their poverty. Had that been the case, the Nordic welfare states would have collapsed rather than outperforming USA in nearly all good things.
@@ammarhasan8466 You obviously don't understand the point Ben Franklin was making.
Meanwhile the new prez made insulin expensive again, walking back that drug bill.
i don't think that's a real quote by ben franklin
"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government big enough to take away everything you have" --- Jefferson.
If you pay people to do nothing, that's exactly what they'll do.
I used that stimulus welfare money for seeds & a garden. 👌
You should watch Jordan Peterson. He claims that those with an IQ of 85 and under (about 15 percent of the population) are unable to learn to do any work that is actually worth paying them for.
Like, come on, there's gotta be some sort of welfare system!
Also, it's reasonable to assume that a universal basic income will become more affordable over time as advancements in technology are able to create more value more efficiently.
The argument that 'social safety nets are just too expensive' become less reasonable as the efficiency of the means of production improves.
Also it is easy to find people who 'take advantage' of welfare systems. 'oh no! He's sitting on his @$$, and he's getting paid 12,000 a year!' But studies also show that a basic guaranteed income helps many people to do more meaningful work. For example, it helps people find a way to transition to more productive work, by, for example, giving them the security to pursue meaningful training and education. It also allows people to take the risk of starting a business. If it fails (and many will), at least the entrepreneur knows that they'll have a basic income.
@@raymondblake5765 welfare stops technical advancement that's a fact an objective fact it doesn't help anyone like at all it should be given to old people who can't work anymore or people that like literally physically can't work.... But anyone else they should be forced to work or be homeless
Right 👍👍👍😊
it's a shame that none of this will change because people keep voting for whoever gives them the most free stuff :/
Dunno 'bout you but my vote didn't count this election.
The left literally campaigns on how dependent they'll make you.
Be mindful what you wish for, change is usually painful. It's likely going to get alot worse and all you can do is outlast and rise from the ashes of the new empire.
The second those checks run out or inflation outpaces their growth significantly, people can't eat. And people who can't eat become desperate.
There were discussions in the past about making campaign promises like that. It was if it violating election laws by basically buying the vote. I think it's one that should be revisited.
Like Social Security?
Stossel is the best thing on TH-cam!!
@Danny be Gaskill punctuatuion. Ask , 'Is wrestling fake?'
The Mighty Jingles is more entertaining, though.
@Danny be Gaskill I know the story and I am a pretty big pro wrestling fan of about 30 years, so. Not as much these days, but historically, yes.
@Danny be Gaskill Stossel did a segment years ago on that subject, scripted fights. One of the 'actors' picked him up and threw him on the floor, putting him in hospital.
@Danny be Gaskill I might as well add that those slaps earned Stossel $280k in lawsuits. So yeah, that's a pretty good bargain
Everytime the US goes to war on an idea, the idea gets stronger....
Ain't that the truth. The first drug laws were created in the 1930, the way on drugs officially started in the 70s and now we have drugs they never even dreamed of in the 30s. But law enforcement, private prisons, and drug cartels are thriving.
AS PLANNED (by the communist small hats in government)
Let's make a war on making me rich then.
@@somerandomperson6936 lmao yeah because Republicans are the ones trying the end the war on drugs😂
"The goal of welfare programs should be their own demise " Ronald Reagan
"When government says something is free, hold on tight to your wallets."
"Without raising taxes"
Luckily I know better at this point
Like the "free" covid vaccines! If you wanna get real mad you should look up how much we paid for those fuckers.
It's the old saying..Give a man a fish and he is fed for the day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for life.
Give a man someone else's fish, and he'll vote for you! :)
Give a man free fish with other people's money, you will have a lifetime voter for you.
Teach too many how to fish, and the Tragedy of the Commons will wipe out all the fish quickly.
I once saw a little handmade plaque on a door to a janitor's closet in fancy building.
A poor person never gave anybody a job
Light a fire for a man and you will warm him for a night, set a man on fire and you will warm him for the rest of his life!
The best social program is a job. ---Ronald Reagan
Oh snap, I heard a mob of SJW's scream after reading that. 🤣😂
Reagan was right 👍
A job may not be the answer to all of a person's problems, but it is a dam good start.
Did he say that before or after the treason?
@@TreadedWater Did you ask that before or after you failed your GED?
People dont have vested interest in things that are free.
@Danny be Gaskill well yes wrestling is fake but wounds and fractures are totally real.
i was very invested in my free education. and free school lunches when i was a kid, and free roads, etc.
just because it's free doent mean it's not extremely valuable.
Free anything is worth everything you paid to get it.
@@sabin97 Let me teach you a free lesson honey booboo, and unlike all those things you listed - this lesson is actually free. Nothing is free in America. You are welcome.
@@anthonyfrank5191 Yo Wrestling is awesome! Go to first fridays in Oakland...the most insane stuff you'll ever see!
"I believe the best social program is a job."
Ronald Reagan
then why are conservatives against a Federal Jobs Guarantee.. it doesn't make sense
@@blubberman911 "Federal"
"Government is the problem, not the solution" -Ronald Reagan
@@migaloo364 Because of the cold war,..
I never saw the gun coming - Abraham Lincoln
Yes, was this before or after the technical treason?
Proceeds to introduce crack to impoverish neighborhoods.
@@JohnSmith-oe5rx He also added gun control. Reagan was a traitor and should be remembered as the socialist he was.
Teachers union sucked it up and donated to the democratic party.
Our public schools, filled with socialist run Teacher's Unions have been fulfilling every plank in the Communist Manifesto's platform since the middle 1950s.
There are only 3 clear choices.
1) Home school if you have the time and ability.
2) Private school if you have the financial resources
3) As a last resort a non-unionized Charter School.
Any other solution which leaves a child in government schools filled with socialist controlled Teacher's Unions is child abuse and child neglect.
And the Superintendent's newest addition to his Porsche collection*
@@BaronVonPurp THAT is what I have seen. Although teachers are not suffering as badly as they want everyone to believe, it is the adminstrators who are badly OVERPAID.
That’s most likely what happened!
@@caseyvee4419 Teacher pay largely depends on the state. States like Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Hawaii pay large wages while others pay wages below the median wage in America, which certainly is surprising given that it’s a professional occupation that requires a bachelor’s degree. is it a grave injustice? No, but it is something that should definitely and clearly be changed. it’s gotten to the point where some states are seeing an emigration of teachers to other states simply for higher wages.
There is a reason that parks have signs that say, "Don't feed the animals."
@Richard_Head don’t interfere with either. Notice how government doesn’t make it better when it gets involved? Like does anyone think paying farmers to not grow is a good idea (they did this during the Great Depression too, many farmers were paid to burn their crops so many smuggled some and gave it to the starving illegally). Government can’t manage their own pocket book, don’t let them try to manage your finances either.
This discussion is being had because social programs like welfare can destroy entire communities. It doesn't matter if the "beneficiaries" live in red or blue states. If a person can make just as much money sitting at home doing nothing, why would they better themselves to work a job?
It's true that most politicians won't enact policies that better society but will hurt their reelection chances. However, this is just an indicator of the level of corruption in our government and the lack of moral fortitude our elected officials have.
@Richard_Head Uh, California? Look at how much money they steal from the federal level to support their druggies and bums. Do those people look happy? Morally this is wrong (even if it somehow produced money it’s still wrong). That’s not a red state, look at the stats. It’s not good turning your country into a filthy trash and feces filled wasteland no matter how little it costs you that’s not an improvement.
@Richard_Head The high crime areas are welfare areas where women are paid to have kids. Your argument doesn't hold water.
@Richard_Head problem is the state of cal steals funds from federal level to redistribute it to druggies and bums. So by that logic it’s fine, because it’s a lower level redistributing your money? That still wouldn’t make it right.
The government doesn’t want to end poverty. They need it to maintain control. The same goes with “racism”...
you mean democrats
Exactly like 1984 just instead of war is peace, for democrats it’s “suffering is peace”.
you are describing democrats
@cupric at least they are not socialist communists like the democrats are
@cupric what are Democrats offering? cuz its not more money in my pocket
CA has the largest economy and the highest poverty rate at over 18%.
They also have the most billionaires in the country
They also have the most debt per capita, cost of living
Because they have coddled illegal immigration. The hispanic population of california has tripled since reagan was in the whitehouse, as of course so has poverty, government freebies, taxes, and crime.
@@tmcorey1 Good point. In addition, charity without strict accountability is in the end detrimental. Read the book "Toxic Charity" which is a real eye opener. Also, all of these "equality" efforts will fail for similar reasons. "Societies which put equality over freedom will get neither , and societies which put freedom over equality will get a measure of both" - Milton Friedman
Free money attracts profiteers. Just don't hand out free money, then people will find opportunities elsewhere. The whole reason the rich keep doing is anyway is because more poor people means more exploitable people which then means they can become richer. Example from my country:
The Dutch capital city of Amsterdam has to regulate the prices of traditional low class social housing and middle class housing to keep those people classes in Amsterdam. Otherwise they leave for better places where people discover they have more freedom and relative wealth while the rich people have to do the essential low/middle class jobs themselves due to a labor shortage.
When i graduated Highschool i lived in LIHTC housing, with my disabled mother; i, myself was disabled since 13 and on SSI for a head injury. We initially went to SSI to approve testing. They refused to cover testing to fix my issues and instead stuck me on disability. So, i wanted to go to College with what time i could manage to stay out of pain and awake during the day to become self reliant. College being the only place with limited days and working at home where a few possible careers would make me functional; after all i was a great student.
Unfortunately 3 things were made abundantly clear : One, if i moved out then my mother would lose her home because there is a 2 person minimum to be able to live in subsidized housing. Which *would* make her financially reliant on me or dead.
Two: i couldn't live in Government subsidized housing and go to school full time. Or my AND subsequently my mother's home would be taken away.
Three: If i got a part time job and i went to school part time i would lose my disability and medical that enabled me to even slightly function. But i would get to keep my home - not that it matters as i couldn't have sustained this with no medical coverage to cope with my head injury.
I'm telling this persinal story not for pity but to help everyone understand that the system is rigged. It is designed to keep people that are in the position i was poor and disabled. God forbid you were permitted to try and do something right without being punished for it. No one is going to work; even part time at a fast food place when you tell them they will almost certainly lose thier home, medical coverage and foodstamps.
Most people in the system don't like living that way, it's a worse hell than abject poverty could ever be. To be forced to twiddle your thumbs all day contemplating the choice of dying on the streets with a miniscule impact on society at best. Or living as a slave but safe and not allowed to lift a finger... That isn't a good situation for anyone; taxpayers suffer, the Government suffers, the people essnetialky being farmed as Democratic voters suffer (I use to be a firm Socialist in my early teen years, before better educating myself as it seemed the only recourse i had. I have been a moderate since i turned 15), but most of all the people being kept as cattle suffer. As someone who has been stuck in this cycle i can attest this is inhumane treatment. There is no greater hell.
Ah yes, working is slavery.
@@libertyprime619 You have absolutely missed the point of the story if that is your conclusion. I said that being kept poor and stupid by an oppressive system is slavery. That not being allowed to work makes people hopeless. Your reading comprehension needs work.
Are you still in this situation? I was in a similar situation when the pandemic started and I couldnt get a job for almost a year straight, I was stuck living with my mother who also hated me for being unemployed.
Obviously not as awful as you and your mother's situation, but I'm curious if somehow you found a way to lift your situation up?
Is it possible to "get" a job while not being recognized by the state as having one? Like getting a sidegig or doing manual labor while being paid under the table or something like that for the meantime? I dont know much about laws but I'm curious about you specifically
You could look at renovation and flipping your mother's home, then buying again and do the same. It may help getting that little extra financial help each time you flip. May even find government grants, lower taxes, assistance or cheap housing that could be bought. Just a thought, I know it's a little off topic, but you want independents and this maybe an opitunity for you to move ahead.
There is no incentive to find work to better yourself if all you do is get more handouts
There is actually incentive to find worse/no work :(
@Adam Lee interesting
@ I think you are talking about Walmart. Amazon pays their employees $15 an hour. That is good money! Even if the hours are terribly long.
@Adam Lee I think your brainwashed trump didn’t get welfare he is smart like every single person who understands how the system works. To call it a hand out is being ignorant to the fact that tax breaks is not handouts it’s a way to encourage job creations you still have to pay back that money it’s only offered to help create jobs so think before you accuse trump of getting handouts while ignoring all other high profile companies that have took advantage of the system and are doing well.
@Adam Lee Did you go to AOC School of Economics and Finance? You under the belief tax cuts are checks sent out by the IRS to rich people?
Basic law of economics: "One gets more of what they subsidize, and less of what they tax."
As is said when dealing with addicts, "There's a thin line between helping and enabling." Government programs often cross the line.
The greatest form of charity you can give someone is the feeling of self worth.
Thank you TH-cam for showing this to me again so that I remembered to share it with my Wife.
Defund government
Force government to downsize and become like the Founders intended. LIMITED! We need the Goldilocks zone for government. Not too small and certainly not as big as it is now, but just right. Government world wide, in ALL recorded history, is very much like fire. Very useful and even needed in SMALL, CONTROLLED amounts but ALWAYS very dangerous and often DEADLY when allowed to become LARGE and no longer Controlled by the very people it was to SERVE.
@@mikewurlitzer5217 well said!
The bigger the government the more wasteful spending
Abolish government.
@@MirzaAhmed89 Sure, let's abolish the government and lose ninety nine percent of everything we have! That's a smart idea!
"Why should I be forced to pay someone else to have a better life than me" - Me
"Pretty weird to quote yourself" - Me
I doubt you're employing anyone..
All these Democrats mouth off about income inequality..i say every politician should get paid the exact same wage, $25,000 before taxes! And they cant serve any more than 8 years.
8 years and they are done, out, time to find a real job.
@@scottm8579 i dont know if adding "worked in government" on an application/resume would be a good thing..
I definitely think the fear of not being able to provide for yourself or those in your household is a GOOD thing, and gives you that extra kick in the rear to get out of the bed in the morning and get to work.
Um, maybe for some people. I have at times gotten physically sick when I don't have either a 9-5 steady job(like now), or if I don't have enough either side jobs or parts sold (like now also).
So I wouldn't say that this "fear" is good by any means. Worrying about the possibility that my wife and amazing 5yr old daughter could possibly lose the roof over their heads, or not have food, etc etc-- SUCKS!!!
Maybe for people that have been sitting on their butt's and sucking OUR hard-earned tax dollars by way of handouts it would be a good thing, but for hardworking American People like myself this entire economy, this PLAN-DEMIC, and pretty much the majority of what these Crooked tyrannical anti-American anti-Freedom traitor Criminal politicians have been doing SUCKS..
@@BabyCharlotteschannel Though I think we’re talking about different things, I do agree with what you’re saying. I just think, to the point of the video, it’s good to have a healthy concern that not working=poverty and unemployment, rather than thinking not working=handouts and prosperity. This year has certainly turned many things upside down, and if we keep it up, we’ll lose America as we know it.
@@macprice777 agreed.
@@macprice777 , another thing that sucks, and is just another example of the utter and complete failure of big govts(local state and fed) is NOT helping the one's that are actually trying. Instead rewarding the one's popping out baby after baby, and the one's sitting on their ass's.
**For example, I don't have health insurance and pay for it all out of my own pocket. I tried to get medicaid last year because my wife has impacted wisdom teeth and it's thousands of dollars I don't have. Unless I made under $180/Month for a family of 3 I couldn't get it for her. So, quit my job or leave her in agony!? And I have been paying taxes since I was 13yrs old when I got my first (on the books, worked for a few years before that but it was cash) job..
@@BabyCharlotteschannel I think it's like the death penalty. That's always a bad idea until you can be sure the person is actually guilty. It's likewise almost impossible for a government to know if they're passing on the money to the people who actually deserve it. And that will always be true, because if you spend enough effort to be sure the right people get it, the administrative overhead is so huge there's no money left. Actually, that's pretty much the situation a lot of countries are in now.
The main success of the unemployment office is reducing unemployment by having thousands of people work for them!
Money is just a tool. And just like a hammer doesn't build a house, money doesn't lift people out of poverty.
Money is a convenient form of capital. Instead of giving a sheep in exchange for food it's substantially easier to give Green pieces of paper called cash in exchange for food.
@@g.p.1101 so what do you pay the rent with?
@@Mockduck2020 A check that represents cash that represents money. I was speaking in laymen's terms but money is a convenient form of capital. Is that clarified enough for you?
I can buy a house and a car with money, it is how you're lifted out of poverty lmao
@@libertyprime619 but the more money there is the less its worth money represents other things that lift people out of poverty
I got laughed at for being a white abled body man. I worked a damn drilling rig and its devastated as an industry. My family has fought bled and died in every war since the revolution and built this nation. But nah no help
Liberals would rather give the money to illegal immigrants
Since the 80's we went from 5% poverty up to 35% and 50% depending on how you measure it. Total dependency for the welfare state for almost the half of the population here. The best social plan is a job!
Regards from Argentina
It's going to get worse in Argentina as long as a large percentage of the public still likes Peronist ideas. You guys used to have the 7th richest country, then along came Peron.
@@Foolish188 Yeap... We are doom to a new destruction like never seen before, the 2001/2002 crisis will be small compared to what is coming... This year will end around -12% in GDP and 20% unemployment, next year an hyperinflation is the most sure result on the duplication of the monetary base plus a destruction of the demand on the Peso
Thank you John Stossel for believing in the formerly incarcerated.
Also, please have Yaron Brook on more often.
Thank you John
Right on the money as always.
The flip side to this argument about Amazon is, tons of their employees are on government benefits/welfare while still working there. Amazon under pays them because they know the taxpayer will pick up the tab.
Big corp can be just as bad as the government. Government should just do its job and slice Amazon into pieces. A very unpopular opinion, but free market needs maintenance sometimes, because otherwise the eventual winners become governments themselves.
Not really, amazon pushed for $15 to hurt companies like Walmart that did that. Amazon did it because their workers wanted it but it was actually a profit loss because there was stock incentive before.
When 15 $ per haour is not enough is because goverment create inflation so fast that the money loose value. In other countries were gov spend less $ everything is cheaper. Give me 15$ in ROMANIA and i will have a big hause with a pool. IF US GOV. would spend less then those trillions $ every year things would be cheper. INFLATION IS CREATED in Washington only.
@@IL_Bgentyl the 15 dollar wage came at the price of cutting benefits which probably saved them mondy
I've lifted hundreds of people out of poverty over the years by giving them something the government never can... *meaningful jobs* where they actually serve customers and are held accountable for their actions.
We need more people like you in this world
What buisness do you run
Tell that to the disabled people of Missouri who have to work in sheltered workshops and aren't given a fair opportunity at a REAL job.
Goverment needs a graduated welfare system. One that allows you to work your way out. And a crack down on able body workers out to live off the system
those people who can work but collect social security ruined SS for every1 else
I agree with this. Right now, if you are receiving welfare, the moment you earn your own money the government money is taken away. Instead what should happen is that the moment you start to earn your own money, the welfare should switch over to an incentive program -- such that you keep getting your government money IF and When you continue at your job for a set period like 60 to 90 days.
People that are flat broke need time to build up a bit of cash reserves so that they CAN find a decent place to live and so that they CAN afford to travel to work and back every day and so that they can finally put some food in the cupboard to feed their kids. Completely cutting off government welfare on day one of getting a job does not incentivize anyone to ever get off of welfare. There needs to be a cushion or buffer for a set amount of time where people can earn an honest paycheck AND continue to receive the same level of government assistance they were getting before.
Government has no role in welfare whatsoever. The purpose of the state is to prevent crime and foreign invaders. That's it. Police, judiciary and national defense. Nothing else.
@thoth81 The culture and philosophy in society must change first. Altruism has to be discarded and replaced with individualism.
@@phamnuwen9442 I would go as far as to call individualism a national security issue. If we can't count on Californians going to arms to defend Virginians then are we even a united states? Sure, for now that will not be an issue at all, but say in 200 years, when the US is maybe not as strong as it is now, and everyone only cares about what's going on their own backyard. We already have people saying, "Why do we need a fire department? I'm not paying for that!" It's dangerous.
Keep fighting the good fight, John Stossel. God Bless you.
Doing the good lords work stossel. Keep doing real journalism. We appreciate ya
Absolutely. So simple, so clear, so easy to understand.
Socialism: the "best of intentions" = the worst of results.
Billionaire: *has lots of money*
Media: He has too much, he should give some of it away...
Billionaire: *gives it away*
Media: Meh, he just wants to stroke his ego
Billionaires: ‘we EARNED this money!!’
Corrupt Government that helped them muscle their way to the top with favors, tax breaks, bail outs, regulations, etc: (looks the other way)
A businessman gets rich by benefitting the community, a politician gets rich by destroying it.
If that was true The Status would be the best place to make a life. But in the last list I saw It was ranked 22th.
And the worse part is that it's generally by saying that they are there to help
no business community=no tax base.
Stossel, you are a true American! Thank you for all the great videos
You sir are the last voice of reason in the media, thank you.
When will people understand that rich people created value, and they are being compensated for creating such value? and that nobody is entitled to being rich, its simply your responsibility to create value. it’s that simple
Edit: This isn't including or talking about rich people who did not get rich this way, but this is a bit of a simple explanation / statement as to the status of many rich people
Exactly. Build a better mousetrap and all that .
But but I want free shit!!! Other people have more than i do..i want the government to take it from them and give to me!!!
And they created that 'value' by exploiting government handouts, bullying local businesses into going under, and supporting unsafe work practices in developing countries. Stop conflating "rich people" with billionaires, because very VERY few billionaires got that way on their own merits. Most have taken every advantage of government handouts and backroom deals to attain what they have, which is fair enough, except the actively stifle competition, innovation, and small businesses from forming.
To support the mega corporations is to directly support the globalist hegemons who want to treat everyone like cattle. You can hate commie nutjobs, be pro capitalism, and still call out the evil that is Amazon, Google, etc.
@@TRENCHESandTREADS yet here you are on TH-cam...
@@TRENCHESandTREADS they exploited government handouts? Why do such handouts even exist???
Im 36, lost my job in April due to covid. For the first time in my life and like 20 years of working I finally collected unemployment for a few months cuz nobody was hiring.
Im now working again, thankfully.
But the "handouts" exist so why not take advantage of them.
Its not exploitation.
I lost my job due to Corona. The government cheques I was getting saved my ass, but I realized I was getting more money from that than I ever was while working, so it's been hard to find a reason to get a job. I'm forcing myself to do it though, I know it's better for me in the long run, but man, it's not been an easy decision
hows it going so far?
@@BoogerDeluxe22 Can't even find a job... I've applied everywhere and nothing...Got into daytrading with what money I could spare and picked up some GME @$40 which was super lucky. Looks like I'll have to daytrade till I find work
2 Thessalonians 3:10
"For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either."
Best powerful ,factful and easily understood of any honest blogger. Also wide ranging.
Welfare should be a hand up, not a hand out. It should be a short-term assistance to get people back on their feet.
Many years ago I hurt my back and after a couple of surgeries, was still unable to hold a regular job for a period of time due to constant flare-ups that would leave me bed-ridden for sometimes weeks at a time. I tried to get short term help financially, and maybe help with education so I can do something with my mind instead of using my body like I had been doing. Basically, they said it's all or nothing. Get on the system and stay there, or don't. In the end, we went bankrupt after a great start in life due to my thriftiness and hard work. But, largely thanks to my wife, we survived and eventually my back stabilized though still in constant pain. I was able to finish my associates in 6 years due to the issues. Now 30 years later, we are both mid-50's and nearly debt free (owe less than a year on our home). If I had been single, no way. The system really isn't quick and easy to get started fast before you go bankrupt, nor is it really set to get off it once the life situation stabilizes creating dependants as this video illustrates.
Book Recommendation: When Helping Hurts by Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett. It is a Christian book, but set me on the path to not just handing out things willy-nilly.
Our (Christian) charity here in Davao City, Philippines operates on the good principles in that book. :)
@@FRN2013 I felt it was important to clarify so no one feels jaded because I wasn't upfront about it's contents! It's a book ahead of it's time! We use it at the Healthcare ministry I work at too!
Giving out welfare 9 out of 10 times is like feeding the bears. The more you feed them the less they will strive to survive on their own. It's no secret.
What happens when u stop feeding them suddenly.....
@@tommynorthwood They will take what they believe is owed to them. Like breaking into cars, homes, cabins, etc. & stealing their food.
"If you’ve ever been to a National Park, you’ve likely seen signs advising you to not feed the animals. And this is for good reason - park visitation is often seasonal and animals which become dependent on humans for food would have a much harder time surviving in the off-seasons. This is, to say, don’t feed the animals.
And yet, we find ourselves in a time where the government encourages feeding the humans…" Eric Olszewski
I worked briefly in 2020, Colter Bay NPS, Grand Teton 🏕🏞🛶🚤🎣🐻🦌🦝 There are many problems with parks, RV-campground areas. The US Dept of Interior got $189 bil in FY2020 💰. The NPS wants to modernize, improve the parks but it will require a lot.
@@DavidLLambertmobile Sounds like they're well under way, since they have a lot now.
Makes sense. I tried to do something with my property but the council stopped me with a lot of red tape.. you don't even own the land you buy... You can't just try to make money. They then want a piece of the action
Thank you for your work John.
Stossel is the man. Thank God we have him here on youtube, throwing out red pills on the daily.
Been job hunting for almost 4 years now and still can't find work. I've never received a government handout. According to California I'm too "privileged" for assistance.
Might make more sense for gov to pay able bodied people to work instead of just giving them a handout.
Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on.
End farm subsidies. End tax
breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops.
End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs.
People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18.
For those who and whos parents cant afford it, chairty (where the donar gets a full non refundable tax credit that carrys over for an unlimited number of years) and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living.
Give a man some fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, he'll never go hungry again.
The should help people get jobs and job training, not just handouts.
Convince gov to let everyone have an acre of free tax free fertile land to grow a food forest on and live on.
End farm subsidies. End tax
breaks to farms exsept those who grow healthy vegan food for human consumption exsept no large mono crops.
End mandatory school, ged and hsd requirements, age limits, minimum wage, and exsessive regs.
People should be able to learn how to do a good job they want so they can afford a house and car before 18.
For those who and whos parents cant afford it, chairty (where the donar gets a full non refundable tax credit that carrys over for an unlimited number of years) and or the about 180,000dollars spent on k thru 12 per student could pay for it and trash k thru 12 and some of that money could be used to promote more independence and healthy living.
@Coldheart Zero Actually it's not a quote. I was paraphrasing a phrase from a Chinese proverb. You should at least try and be be less snobbish when you agree.
In MN the state workers who get people the benefits they qualify for encourage people to take benefits they dont need or want. They do it because it creates job security for them, and as long as they use up all the money available, the programs will be able to ask for more the next time around.
Thank you, John + Yaron.
Gov't got so greedy after my salary by taxing me into 28% bracket, so I quit when I can and no longer work " for the gov't". Just my spouse work now.
I retired early, just because I don't want to feed the beast. (The fed)
sucks i work 60hr weeks and get taxed at 33% cuz of my over time
@@gregoryeverson741 plan to quit working for someone else and live. Before your body needs surgery just to stay alive.
owned the libs by becoming a black man
sorry to give you even more bad new, but you were not taxed at 28% .. thats just what they took "off the top" its more like 50%
When the government gives you MORE MONEY to not work, then there is a problem. This is why government benefits need to be a TEMPORARY relief rather than a PERMANENT living situation. Two years max every ten year period. After those two years of benefits are up, you need to get off your sofa and get to work.
2 years? You're very generous. I'm 67 and have been unemployed many times - but never more that 2 weeks. There are ALWAYS jobs available. Maybe they're not the ones you'd like, but they're there.
@@somerandomperson6936 social security was fine until the government took the surplus and also let every1 get SS for fake injuries
aawwww! The poor mother's with children. Each guy was not Nice, and after she had each guys child.
( Guys are suckers haha )
** just keep paying all your taxes
@@ROGER2095 A two year period cumulative. Let's say you're unemployed for two months in year 1, year 3 you are unemployed for three months, year 5 you are unemployed for two months, that's a cumulative total of 7 months/24 total months in which you can receive government assistance. People do genuinely fall under difficult times but I feel 2/10 years should be more than adequate for even the lowest of civilians.
Or welfare just needs to be less than what minimum wage works out to be once you account for the fact that minimum wage earners need to pay rent, pay the upkeep on their cars, and have plenty of other work-related expenses.
For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
2 Thessalonians 3:10
@first last Completing the tasks that you are given that require effort.
Just donated $50 to the doe fund, thanks for introducing me to a great charity!
Spot on here Stossel. Generally, people are rational and do what benefits them the most. We must continue to incentivize innovation and personal responsibility if we want to retain our competitive advantage and high standard of living. It’s really that simple..
Why is John Stossel the last few reporter who gives non bias views of the two political parties and just gives facts as it is ?
( here and there he will add his own comments on the subject matter but he mostly use ethos and logos in his pointers ).
It's not that he has no bias, it's that he doesn't let them get in the way of reporting. We need more people like him.
@@espressocookie8965 I mean he does have his on views but when I mean bias I mean mob mind or being told what to say .
@@awo4101 basically
Lookup The Last American Vagabond and Unlimited Hangout. Those are two places as well where you can still find real journalism (but they've been censored and shadow-banned from TH-cam).
He clearly has a libertarian bias. It's just that he plays the devil's advocate character to everyone he interviews so you can't ground him in one opinion or issue
Last time I was this early Nevada was still counting votes
The problem is people become addicted to welfare. It's easier for a family to sit around and collect government checks than it is to go work a minimum wage job that after tax pays less. How do those people vote? Why Democrat of course.. since that's the side that assures them more crumbs for their vote. This is why they want to give 20,000,000+ illegals citizenship because their vote can be bought for far fewer dollars than any current Hispanic, Black or White American citizen.
Excellent work, Mr. Stossel. Enjoy the videos and commentary.
Stossel is the best (maybe only real) journalist on the planet, IMO. Prove me wrong.
Ask the Government for an inch and they will take a mile from all of us.
Beware of unlucky government trolls.
This might have something to do on why some people LOVE to compete on who's be biggest victim.
"I'm such a victim, give me more stuff!"
This victim mentality is terrible and spreading. No one wants to take responsibility for their own failings and just blame other people. Even the president is doing it these days.
haven't been this early ever its nice to see the new video so soon
We just love you, Stossel
The only thing I disagree with companies like Amazon is. Keeping themselves open and allowed to stay open while smaller companies and mom and pop shops must remain closed because of the pandemic.
Imagine what this world would look like if Henry Ford asked the government to create the middle class.
Ford was great, he sold cars to his workers for cheap to keep the factory going
@@gregoryeverson741 -- never heard that. What he did was pay his workers enough that they could afford his cars.
@@RossABQ i got it from watching the History channel, it was so his employees would buy his cars and not his competitors
@@RossABQ Yes, because forty thousand of them went on strike. Like any other capitalist, he paid them not one more cent then he had to. Ford Motors was a business, not a charity.
@@Veylon ... Read the book.
I've noticed that most people get jealous for nothing more than having a few more pieces of Walmart silverware than them. Then they start coming over to steal. Really?
Did this happen to you?
It's when "They" decide you need 8 forks, no more, no less, in the style that they KNOW is in your best interest, that you have to worry. The Maddona version of Evita shows this brilliantly. Yes, I know, it's shocking that the movie is so Libertarian. The best since the original Ghostbusters.
@@philippweisang --- Pretty sure that I implied that. I speak from personal experience, friend. When I say, "people are nasty little fucks", I mean it. I mean it because that is _what I've experienced_ . I've been robbed, raped, extorted, held up at gunpoint, and left for dead. What do you care?
@@ilovebutterstuff Your original comment was hilariously specific. That's why I asked
@@philippweisang --- Maybe it's hilarious to you, but it's my life. Laugh all you want.
Number 1 problem in Criminal Justice: 60% of people in jail are there because they cannot be trained (IQ's 82 and under: US Army did take 6 years to train them and could not) but are too intelligent to be on disability. Solution: charity jobs! Some corporations actually do offer charity jobs, most especially, when economy is strong.
I'm not from america,and i don't know why i love watching this channel.
Keep bringing Yaron on the show!
We should first focus on not sending our taxes overseas.
When will people learn that The State is not the answer to any problem
It is for some problems, just not all.
@@boredfangerrude No offense but that thinking is how the State gets its legitimacy & its power, thinking we need a monopolistic entity on the use of force & law.
@@jdk370 Your kind of thinking leads to a massive regression. Governments are part of the evolution of mankind, they were created with a purpose in mind and it is only when they go outside of that purpose are governments bad. So they are legitimate organizations with legitimate power (to some degree). Without a government, we would be in the stone age still, technologically and socially.
@@boredfangerrude I agree. It's really centralized power that we need to afraid of whether that's government power or corporate power.
I don't think Amazon has really improved our lives.
God I love Stossel. A voice of reason and intelligence in a world of chatter.
I agree with the message in this video. But to be fair, I think one reason why the poverty level in the US has increased over the years is that their definition of the poverty line has included higher and higher incomes. Based on my income I’m considered “in poverty,” but since I live in a rural state where the cost of living is low, I own a home, two cars, and the latest in electronics that I wanted for fun. We have plenty for my 10 month old son and we are a single income household. In America, what we consider “poor” would be kingly in another country. Globalists think that because we can’t afford a New York loft and a Tesla that we’re miserable, when really we have great and comfortable lives. I wish they would just leave us alone and stop feeling guilty, we are very happy and we want to keep the freedom that allowed us to be this prosperous.
Thank you, well said👏👏👏
Let's take a moment to congratulate drugs and poverty for winning their respective wars
I hear Amazon is a horrible employer to work for.
bUt AmAzOn CrEaTeS jObS! - stossel
Let me heard that from those who quit, were fired or are unhappy working there now?
@cupric take a look at this boomer kid
No one forced anyone to work for Amazon.
No lmao, the reason why big companies donate to charity is for them tax cuts bro.
I'm pretty sure he knows that----Bro...he's speaking in terms of how the general public thinks..
@@andrewfreeman88 why didn't he mention it then...? Pretty big thing to miss out since he's trying argue that companies donate to charity for altruistic reasons but the 95% of the time it's for tax purposes
That was alluded to in this and other Stossel videos.
@@mrnarason It's so obvious if you've seen any of his videos..It goes without saying
A lot of corporate donations are about Signalling. We Care, (please, pretty please buy from us since WE CARE)
I grew up on welfare, food stamps and public housing in an old mill town in New England. Poverty is a dynamic, nuanced subject. As grateful as I am to receive the help we got because my parents refused to get there sh%t together, when they finally started to work their way up, the gap to jump financially was nearly impossible. We lost everything due to a $.50 an hour raise my stepfather got. Not only were on the street again, but the contempt from the surrounding neighborhood for trying to do better for ourselves was equally harsh, it felt like getting punished for doing the right thing. The head trash I have around money has cost me severely in coaching and therapy.
John Stossel AND Yaron Brook! What did I do to deserve this?
The real issue is that Capitalism has become Corporatism.
Corporations are one of the Greatest Inventions of Mankind. The ability of people to finance a business that none of them could finance alone, caused explosive economic growth. It is Crony Capitalism (Especially Corporate Crony Capitalism) that is the problem.
@@Foolish188 yes you are correct. That is until those benefits fall into the hands of a few. As every company grows it expands by buying out other companies. Each time reducing the flow of wealth to run through there accounts. Google, Amazon & others are becoming so huge they just keep growing like untreated cancer. Capitalism works with mom& pop shops as well as a balanced mix of big money. But not just big money. Our government passed a law that grants google universal immunity. Thats to big and powerful in my book.
“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.”
- Alexis De Tocqueville
Read Tocqueville at man...He foretold what would undermine America and it's happening right before our eyes..
“Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime.” - Chinese Proverb
Teach a man to fish and he will spend all his money at bass pro shops - modern USA proverb
Give a man someone else's fish and he will vote for you! :)
Teach too many men to fish and run smack into The Tragedy Of The Commons.
I loved watching him for almost 15 years. After he left 20/20 he became a sellout. I remember one time he mentioned his beach house that would be reimbursed after a hurricane and that he would keep his beach house after the government handout. He said why does the government allow people to build on the beach yet he was one of them. Clearly John has not moved on. He is still taking more than he is giving. He's wasting our money and he doesn't his follow his own philosophy of self-reliance. That is sad and I hope he is okay with his own extreme self interest yet taking more than he pays in. Good luck with the beach house John.
I just made a big point to everyone in my "Audience" about this very concept. Thank you for saying it louder.
Capitalism is better than socialism or communism. However, Jeff Bezos gives money to politicians who have the power to strangle his competition.
Want to get rich? Start a charity or a religion
Too bad America decided to go full fascist on what jobs are "essential"
Thank you for featuring the organization that provides work for the former inmates. Good to learn about!
As usual, Stossel gives some good info and leaves out something critical. The earned income tax credit is to help those people who say they lose money by working, as compared to collecting gov't benefits. In fact, it is one of the best examples an incentive program that works well, with little to no "cheating." It does what it is supposed to do.