Psychologist Reacts to The Eminence in Shadow Episode 19
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024
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Edited: ProXyt# 7802
Thumbnail: ProXyt# 7802
#psyculturists #reaction #anime #psychology #disucssion #indepthanalysis
Beatrix has absolutely no investment in this aside from fighting a strong opponent lol
12:00 well if you remember, he had no magic when he defeated that clone of the hero Oliver. So around as strong as a clone of the strongest warrior of all time in their universe that we know of.
Shadow puts away his sword... "Why do i need that when the superior edge is myself"
When you realize how edge even the title is. At first I thought it was an odd translation, but after watching. The series I have concluded that everything in intentional.
Let's look at the title. "The Emininance in Shadow"
I think most of us fight against the grammar of this title at first, calling it eminance in the shadow, of the eminance in the shadow. Like he is striving to become the eminance who lurks in the shadow, because that is what shadow tells us he wants to be.
But looking at the title again, they aren't saying that shadow is the eminance, rather this is a series about how the eminance.... is in Shadow. Tell me that this isn't edge for a title
6:05 they are in white costumes because black ones are for the night, Sid mocked fake Shadow garden for that
I love how Beatrix took advantage of the situation to get shadow-sama's mighty sword- wait no no n-
There's actually a symbolism showed by the way the Midgar Sisters drink their coffee. Alexia likes her coffee black since she experienced bitterness in her life because of her inferiority complex and got used to it. While Iris don't like black coffee, because she had never tasted defeat and don't like to experience bitter defeat. Also it's shows Alexia is more stronger mentally than Iris.
In response to the elf pregnancy thing: typically elves have low sex drive due to their long lifespans and isolation (i.e. deep forests or rural areas). So unless they live in highly social areas this might change. In a few stories I've read their low sex drives have led to lower fertility rates within their own race. This leads to interracial relationships being the only way to conceive at a higher degree.
I think this was explained in Goblin Slayer but is contradicted with other fantasy series and elves are not too different from humans aside from magic efficiency and aforementioned lifespan. The length of their lives tend to vary between 300-1000+ with dwarves between that and human lifespans.
It is kinda funny that this form of “Elf reproduction” has become kinda a trope lmao.
I mean, if they real world lore accurate then elves would like goblin s with smoother features and a kinder demeanor. I think that's what J.K. Rowling was going for in the Harry Potter series but Lord of the Rings made them better, having them be taller and more flawless in their features.
Then anime took that and ran with it by adding big boobs, some real huge honker, I'm talkin' some humongous among us dongery-doos and then that sassy slut named hentai barged in with them big ol slam dom big mammary-doos, taking the world by storm. Then a elvin whore-torn internet banded together to put a stop to the whorde and created the peace time we now know as: NNN otherwise known as NO NUT NOVEMBER! During this time we could recharge our brain, rehydrate our bodies and return to our lives of peace. Before returning to the battle on December 1st, revitalized and ready for conquest!
This show is so edgy razor companies could make smoother shave with it.
We as the audience can see Cid's face, but for everyone else his face is hidden
I assume an Elves Gestation would be similar to humans as the reason humans are 9 months is that it is the optimal amount of time that a baby can be mature enough to be born while still being able to fit through their mothers birth canal without causing undue stress to their mothers. A longer Gestation could result in a larger baby and considering Elves aren't generally larger than Humans it would make sense for Elven mothers unless they can somehow handle a more stressfull birth.
Beatrix is more than a 100 years old by the way.
"We do a little trolling"
20:33 cid has some high lvl genjutsu
ED, did you hear about the copyright nuke that happened recently? Many anime reaction channels got striked by almost every anime titles. So many people had to delete many videos.
It's kinda scary
I did not hear about that but thanks for the heads up scary place out there 🥺😭
The only thing I can think of that does silliness and hype/epicness together at this level is DBZA from Team Four Star. But that takes a premade show and alters it so it doesn't really compare to this. Oh, and the last two episodes of OPM season one.
27:59 I am not sure if anyone would notice or even if they did, dare to oppose someone of high status due to political issue 😅even if they believe the cult exists which I don’t think normal ppl do if those hints being drop in the anime is correct about how wide spread the influence of the cult is.
Due to my self image If I realize "I" can't do anything... generally speaking I give up.
I do not want to trouble others since all the people that could help have difficult schedules or are brand new parents.
Countless times I have seemed help and GOT NOWHERE AT ALL. So in the present I know that others WON'T help unless THEY Arbitrarly decide to.
Its a major pain in my ass because so many things I want to do require OTHERS TO DEVOTE their time to my project before I can actually guarantee pay (I won't accept free help in several cases because I am just the idea person and not the one doing the work art wise).
So annoying navigating around my own stubbornness and other issues.
W/o suit Cid still has some magic and he beat Oliviers copy even without it sooo, only without slime equipment, Aurora/Violet might be a challenge to beat
Iris want to show to her father than she has what it takes to protect the kingdom and that he has not to fear the church.