Actually the 四千年美女 is a mistake, she use to be in a sister group of Japan band. So the compliment is actually from Japanese after seeing the band performance, they said this is a talented idol band within 4000 yrs. But China seems to have mistaken the translation and thought they meant she is absolute beauty. The title still remain unchanged, as most of China ppl use this title to mock her. Cause she never change her makeup, no matter how many tv series she acted and poor acting skill.
洋人的审美感真的很另类。那些他们觉得是传统亚洲美我们亚洲人却觉得不怎么样,反而觉得迪丽热巴这种五官突出又有立体感的才是天然美女。Westerners have a rather weird sense of aethestics. Those they deem as beautiful even earning a 10 because of their "oriental" features we asians think it's just so-so, and Deliraba with sharp features is then the true natural beauty in our eyes.
Patrick 可以再做一個男生版啊!哈哈!😆
Actually the 四千年美女 is a mistake, she use to be in a sister group of Japan band. So the compliment is actually from Japanese after seeing the band performance, they said this is a talented idol band within 4000 yrs. But China seems to have mistaken the translation and thought they meant she is absolute beauty.
The title still remain unchanged, as most of China ppl use this title to mock her. Cause she never change her makeup, no matter how many tv series she acted and poor acting skill.
The eight, I give ten, she is really beautiful
Happy Lunar New Year 🎉
熱巴100分 ❤️❤️❤️
Say hello to you two that really funny one
The first one, I give five
The second one, I give five
The sixth one, I give five
They are heavily covered in tons of make-up. All women look ordinary with no paint on their faces.
洋人的审美感真的很另类。那些他们觉得是传统亚洲美我们亚洲人却觉得不怎么样,反而觉得迪丽热巴这种五官突出又有立体感的才是天然美女。Westerners have a rather weird sense of aethestics. Those they deem as beautiful even earning a 10 because of their "oriental" features we asians think it's just so-so, and Deliraba with sharp features is then the true natural beauty in our eyes.
The last one, I give ten, she is really beautiful 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
The third one, Igive four
德国女明星一定要有Diane Kruger!
The seven, I give two
The forth, I give four
Frohes Neues Mondjahr XD
5:30 这个四千年美女,简直无语了。我还以为会出个哈尼热孜,居然出个什么鬼。全靠化妆,有什么美的。
The nine, I give six
9:32 Patrik有受虐倾向😅
Who is the one that was rated 7 with black dress, she looks like Fan Bling Bling.