#18 Aurelia Vișinescu - doamna Fetească Neagră

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024
  • 🇹🇩 E mai ușor să faci vin alb sau vin roșu? Contează mai mult tehnologia decât lucrările din vie? Care sunt soiurile care pot contribui la formarea unui brand de țară? Răspunsuri la toate aceste întrebări și la multe altele, în noul episod al podcastului Wines of Romania!
    Podcast inspirat de Deschidem Vinul Românesc, program național dezvoltat de Carrefour România, dedicat în egală măsură consumatorilor și producătorilor de vinuri românești.

    🇬🇧 Aurelia Vișinescu - Mrs. Fetească Neagră
    Is it easier to make white wine or red wine? Does technology matter more than the work in the vineyard? Which are the varieties that can contribute to building a country brand?Answers to all these questions and many more, in the new episode of the Wines of Romania podcast!
    Podcast inspired by Carrefour Romania’s Deschidem Vinul Romanesc (We Open the Romanian Wine) program - the first national initiative dedicated to local wine producers and consumers.
    Pentru colaborări: info@winesofromania.com
    SITE: www.winesofromania.com
    LINKEDIN: / winesromania
    FACEBOOK / winesofromania.official
    INSTAGRAM / winesofromania_official
    TWITTER / wines_romania

ความคิดเห็น • 4

  • @sarbucamelia-adalgiza2793
    @sarbucamelia-adalgiza2793 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Felicitări ! O doamna de succes pentru care limitele nu exista , asa îmi place sa cred.

  • @ethernasethernas8889
    @ethernasethernas8889 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I need to say the wines of this lady is fantastic. Im from 🇭🇺, with Romanian Hungarian roots🇷🇴.
    Im proudly show these wines tó my Hungarian friends.

  • @ivanvinope
    @ivanvinope ปีที่แล้ว +1

    COULD you please have english subtitles?