The Dark Secret Behind the Creator of Tintin

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 เม.ย. 2020
  • Tintin is one of the world’s most beloved comic book characters. However, his creator Herge has a dark secret no one wants to talk about. During World War Two he was accused of being a nazi collaborator. From his time in the Boy Scouts to working for a conservative catholic run newspaper, Herge’s past has always been haunted with accusations of racism and xenophobia. However, his time working for the French newspaper Le Soir, which was being run by the Germans during WWII, is a moral quandary on another level.
    #TinTin #Herge #WeirdHistory

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  • @alexandrealonso2849
    @alexandrealonso2849 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    That's all interesting, but you fail to acknoledge the many villain characters in Tintin's stiries that are axis forces caricatures, mocking Nazi/Germans, Japanese and Italians.

  • @floridageneral1204
    @floridageneral1204 4 ปีที่แล้ว +183

    Herge openly mocks Nazis and Fascists in several of his books. He also was opposed to racism and was a very intelligent man. He portrays the Chinese and many other members of other cultures as equals. While he had stereotypical caricatures in some of his books, these were common at the time. Not to mention, he also admitted how these caricatures were foolish and inappropriate. Herge was a great man.

  • @Eronicavel
    @Eronicavel 4 ปีที่แล้ว +582

    Intentionally leaving out the times of Tintin fighting Axis enemies and having a click-bait title are not good for a channel's reputation. You're better than this.

  • @zsedcftglkjh
    @zsedcftglkjh 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The Dark Secret Behind the Creator of Weird History

  • @theomichael6665
    @theomichael6665 4 ปีที่แล้ว +518

    A lot of effort has been exerted to find something incriminating about Herge when the work speaks for itself. Tintin saved kids and animals from tyrannical characters, fought against corrupt governments and abusers of power, and was always ready to put his life on the line for the common good and that of his friends no matter their racial profile. Sure his background was problematic but he did not commit crimes and worked hard to right the wrongs. Redeemed by his work for sure.

  • @lfreece2
    @lfreece2 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Are you really trying to posthumously cancel a man?

  • @lucabuchignani1141
    @lucabuchignani1141 4 ปีที่แล้ว +588

    i don’t rly see how working for a newspaper that the nazis occupied makes him a nazi. like he needed to work somewhere, doesn’t necessarily mean he was a supporter

  • @OldieBugger
    @OldieBugger 4 ปีที่แล้ว +669

    When I was a young boy and liked Tintin pretty much, noone told me that the character Bohlwinkel (Blumenstein in the english version) in the comic The Shooting Star was supposed to be representing any particular race, so I just took him as a typical businessman of any nationality/race/whatever.

  • @HummingbirdSound
    @HummingbirdSound 4 ปีที่แล้ว +616

    Oh wow, someone who was clever enough to not get himself, his family and his friends killed during the war... how dare he...

  • @kshatriya1414
    @kshatriya1414 4 ปีที่แล้ว +52

    so TinTin isn’t really racist it’s just a character and a comic that has captured many historical norms and thoughts through its life.

  • @lakrids-pibe
    @lakrids-pibe 4 ปีที่แล้ว +986

    This is a stupid and bad presentation of Herge.

  • @8888sebbe
    @8888sebbe 4 ปีที่แล้ว +344

    I have been watching this channel for a while and find your videos rather interesting, but I believe you got the completely wrong idea when it comes to Hergé. He single-handedly created his country's most famous citizen, even though that same country would unrightously blame him for the horrors of nazi occupators. While the racism depicted in his earlier works is very well documented and condemned by most people (even himself), you cannot convince me that Hergé was anything but left-winged after his meeting with Zhang Chongren. Hell, you would have a hard time convincing anyone that has even read a page of the Blue Lotus that Hergé was any kind of a nazi-symphatizer after the absolutely unorthodox way he depicted the white man and their savage way of treating the Chinese (a clear stance against racism) and the horrific Japanese invasion of China (a clear stance against imperialism).

  • @flybeep1661
    @flybeep1661 4 ปีที่แล้ว +576

    By the standard of this vid of calling Herge a racist you must also call good old Walt Disney that for what he showed in the very old cartoons.

  • @Nerdznewznow
    @Nerdznewznow 4 ปีที่แล้ว +452

    Before I even clicked on the video I thought “so what’s it gonna be? A nazi? A racist? Probably both.”

    @X-SPONGED 3 ปีที่แล้ว +62

    "Did Herge deserve to be allowed back to the world of comics ?"

  • @TheFakeyCakeMaker
    @TheFakeyCakeMaker 3 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Appreciate the spoilers in the comments, saved me 13 minutes of my life.

  • @JudgementalGoat
    @JudgementalGoat 4 ปีที่แล้ว +40

    The man did what he had to do to survive, I don't think his past undermines his works with such a beloved, iconic character at all.

  • @NewMessage
    @NewMessage 4 ปีที่แล้ว +882

    “My creator was a Nazi wannabe? Great snakes!”

  • @carlosasolis
    @carlosasolis 3 ปีที่แล้ว +78

    Funny to see how the author makes a slight of hand trying to portray Hergé's Catholicism as leading to Facist tendencies. A pretty sneaky and cheap shot at Catholics in general.

  • @JustADioWhosAHeroForFun
    @JustADioWhosAHeroForFun 4 ปีที่แล้ว +170

    Fallout Boy had a dark past