Yesterday I had a dream, I commented on your video and you actually said 'Hi' and started a conversation. Just have a crazy thing that my dream MIGHT COME TRUE.
Another Fantastic Origami video tutorial ::Jo Nakashima:: Will you please Accept my Request to make an Origami video tutorial for the convertible by Jason Ku. It would not only be Massively Appreciated by me but but all Fans and subscribers of yours. :)
Jo Nakashima Oh, I can't believe it ! You have answer ;( I am very happy !!! I love your work ! I become better every day thanks to you ! My name is Adrien, I'm 13 years old. I started origami at 9 years old. Now, I make origamis with book (50 hours of origamis) but I always watch your vidéos =) I am stupid ... I have the same paper for christmas (but this paper is 35x35cm) ! Thanks you ! See your later...I hope ;)
They're adorable!!
Jenny W. Chan - Origami Tree for real?
Taking your time, pausing the video when necessary, ensures success...
How absolutely charming in a group or on a xmas package...thanks
They look great, i will try them later and build a little army :)
As always super video!
+fausto ochoa, I'm not the creator of this model
Jo Nakashima - Origami Tutorials I
Я хоть и русский но все равно поставлю лайк.I'm Russian but would stand like
your are the best Jo Nakashima! I like origami this is my hobby and I am good at it! I like your origami rose design! I did it and it was very easy!
Great! Just what I needed for a quick birthday present.
Too too cute Jo. You are very creative! :)
I love this model! Nice video.
They. Are. So. COLORFUL.
This is an awesome video because it helped me make an origami village full of noms
Thanks a lot!!!!
too cute little elves make us dream with your great videos
Adoro. São um mimo.
Thank you very much for this tutorial! Elf is very cute and beautiful )))
Omg these are sooo cute
It's so cute! :3
Cool! It's like a simplified version of one of Eric Joisel's dwarves.
Love these! very cute and very easy to make
VERY AWESOME! Great tutorial as always! :-)
Thanks, Jo! Made a small elf-family out of A4 sheet :)
So cool. Its a heaf right? Now we need the torso. Arms. And legs. And cool armour and cloaks.
(This origami build= way too complicated for me)
great job !!!
Yesterday I had a dream, I commented on your video and you actually said 'Hi' and started a conversation. Just have a crazy thing that my dream MIGHT COME TRUE.
WOW!!!!! very cute!
Very nice origami. Thank you Kind regards
Please say hi to me i love your vids nice music in the beginning
I made it 😄
Very good !! Thanks
Jo I know what u wanted to call these guys but I know u were trying to avoid copyright but anyway it's a really adorable design tho =3
very cool video !
very easy very good!!
c est trop bien fais FELICITATION ENCORE
i like it !
Wow that's sooooooooooooooo good now I can make it mole more and can u make a man coz I cont make them plzzzzzzzz
It very cute .
👌👍 !
they are so cute
thanks ! this elf helped at my project 1 like and a subscribe
The start is like the start of the origami heart
Muito legal
hello Jo! There's another elf (rectangular module) can u share the tutorial please?
Thank you!
It I s so easy I did It
3rd. now im cool
Another Fantastic Origami video tutorial ::Jo Nakashima::
Will you please Accept my Request to make an Origami video tutorial for the convertible by Jason Ku.
It would not only be Massively Appreciated by me but but all Fans and subscribers of yours.
Hello jo nakashima. I can use your elf figure to make that tutorial but spanish. Answers
it is not the shape of elf but it is so cute
Cool !!!!!!!!!!!
But What about Eric joisel's Elf with his amazing details
Cute lah
if you use paper iith a white backside, it can be a shyguy, a mario-enemy
Cool likes !
Jo, are you left-handed?
U should remake the origami cat with legs and the tarantula
превосходно белиссиммо
elf is so cute if i say u really
cool :)
Jo Nakashima did you take permission? pls reply
So simple
Jo onde você comprar esses papeis de um lado uma cor de outro outra?
Em São Paulo encontro em lojas na praça da Liberdade e talvez na Daiso. Online tem na
Vc pode colar duas folhas tb se não encontrar
guzel cok guzel
why did you have to measure and use a knife to cut the paper, when u could just fold the paper in half and cut with scissors? :s
who else tore up their paper trying to poke the face at 6:36?
Papel charol creo
Where did you buy your paper ? Sorry , I am frensh and I don't speak portuguese =%
I added a link on the video description ;)
It's a online shop in France (not the place I bought it, but it's the same kind of paper)
Jo Nakashima Oh, I can't believe it ! You have answer ;( I am very happy !!! I love your work ! I become better every day thanks to you ! My name is Adrien, I'm 13 years old. I started origami at 9 years old. Now, I make origamis with book (50 hours of origamis) but I always watch your vidéos =) I am stupid ... I have the same paper for christmas (but this paper is 35x35cm) ! Thanks you ! See your later...I hope ;)
alguien me puede decir como se llama ese papel que usa es que me canse de el lustre
this is not normal :o
They look like the little guy from little nightmares
what happen to your left hand?
It's by Riki
they look like pikmin
monkeyofthesea17 indeed they do, that was my first thought too when I saw the thumbnail
Jo was originally going to call them that but he avoided to get copyright
Next tutorial?
De qué tamaño es
very CU
ops good
you didn't cut the paper accurately XD
Shave your hands? ._O
Ha can do for me owl
qué es un elf?
un duende
en los videos que haces no podrias hablar
vc é brasileiro?
That's not origami if you cut it
It's an uncut rectangle.
I mean rectangle! lol