OMG! I honestly remember watching this on TV live like in 2003!!! Not even lying. Jeeze... I remember how much it scared me back then as a young kid...
@TheBracke i would think hazing is like something u have to go through to be welcomed in a fraternity or club..hazing is usually like beating u up to be prepared of rumbles in a frat
There has to be sever repercussions, for sever behavior. And sometimes talking about it with your child DOES NOT WORK. It should always be a last result, after explaining and reasoning does not work. But some of the lessons I learned in life, I learned because I was spanked. And realized afterward how serious my actions were. I harbor no ill will toward my father for it. I credit him for having the courage, to teach me a lesson when nothing else worked. And as far as religion goes, I'm Agnostic.
yes this really happens everywhere. its might ot always be physical hazing, but mentally as well. some people would rather go through the mental aspect of iit rather than physical
But which 'actually' causes more damage? Wouldn't the experience of being mentally abused and mentally abusing yourself, thinking that you're inferior/etc be worse if accumulated over time as opposed to simply being beat up? People are just too scared of physical pain when in reality physical pain is not as worse as words. People are more scared of being put down because through the mere use of words, people's reputation can be scarred. In high school or college you have 3-4+ years of having to live through that. Every school is different but there's always a school where 'someon'e gets isolated, and the entire school treats that person as a clown not to be taken seriously, a punching bag like how meg is treated in Family Guy. Let's do a reality check. Humans are weak as hell. Humans are fragile. Humans do NOT have the mental fortitude and resilience to take mental beatings. At last not in the casual setting. The mental abuse one gets in the military is quite something else. That's why there's so few women who can actually last as long as men in the extreme physical and mental training they undergo. There has yet to be a female ranger. There's a few but most of them quit their position because they couldn't handle it, quite shortly after achieving the status. That's partially because of gender differences. Women physically are known to do better in endurance sports than men. When it comes to handling stress and mental attacks, men, who are used to shutting every pain inside, tend to deal with such things better. Conservatives/traditional people have been studied to be survivalists and deal with death/disease better than liberals do. Liberals tend to be more shocked than conservatives when facing hardship or suffering. Hm, I've rambled too much.
I don't find hazing wrong. But it gets out of hand way to easy. There is a difference to someone really hurting you and sending you to hospital, then someone gluing your fingers to a key board!
@Blaze I don't see why I should answer than question considering you didn't answer any of mine, but I'll humor you anyways. No I do not support senseless hazing for fun or bullying. I do however support initiations, pledging, and trials before people join certain organizations. The intent and structure of so-called hazing practices is the most important aspect to the pro-hazing or anti-hazing conversation. When I pledged my GPA jumped up dramatically so there are forms of constructive "hazing".
I got charged with hazing last year at a military college and a lot more people were charged with hazing this year. Our corrective training policy turned from creating tough officers to not letting anybody give more than 5 in cadence push ups. In some sense everything is starting to become hazing. If the military was not hard on its individuals then our military would not be the elite fighting force it is today. War is not a nice place.
ive experienced that shit first hand. ive been punched, kicked, hit with tubes, had a plastic bag on my head, tableknifed, hit with hardbound books behind my head, and electrocuted. hazing is evil.
It's pretty disgusting that this happens so often in first world countries. There's really no excuse for it, abuse doesn't achieve anything and letting these barbaric practices continue only encourages crime and mental illness.
@raventakayama Why yes it is...What I meant by it earlier after reading more about reports on hazing, they sometimes have someone pretty much act as a servant to them. I should have mentioned that earlier, but after that, I stopped caring. Obviously you don't lose your individual rights joining a group. Hazing is different.
@TheBracke it's harassment, abuse, humiliation to usually new people or freshmen, as a initiation into a group, club, or school or something like that.
my friend tom died because of hazing....the task was to go up to the hills with a copious amount of alcohol and finish it all and come back well he tried it and died of liver poisoning.....
I noticed the 2 highest rated comments were pro-hazing. The first one, fair enough. If you're doing a violent job, you should be prepared for abuse. The second one, bullshit. Being in a fraternity/sorority isn't about being tough, or taking abuse. It IS part of it, but it shouldn't have to be. It's even worse if it happens in something like a high school.
its not about respect its about who's in charge and it helps prepare recruits for the physical and mental stress of real world situations... and they're just makin em do push ups thats weak compared to infantry school
@Kandii211 Thats what im getting at! I am saying there is different levels of hazing! The one with him in the army doesn't seem that bad, it was controlled and even the person it was happening to was having a laugh. But like i said it can sometimes be harmless fun, and others it can be just down right stupid!
right, I dont get this at all.. I even saw one principal say something like "you would expect a normal level of violence, but when it gets out of hand blablabla..." NORMAL level of violence? why is that to be expected? how about no violence at all? I dont get why you should expect to be a victim of violence when you go off to college or university or whatever. At my school, all the students are "baptized", and sure it involves some hard drinking and getting dirty, but absolutely no violence.
@Blazeofdoom When you join an organization you don't lose your individuality. Did you lose your individuality when you got a job? Did you lose it when you became a member of an athletic team, club, a school and so on? Probably not. Joining an organization doesn't take away your individuality. Those who lose it after pledging general didn't have a strong or well defined personality to start with. And if pledging is done right it has nothing to do with sucking up to anyone. Lets get the facts dude
@saucychurch23 No its not gunna happen its illegal fraternities shouldn't be hazing at all cause in the end it doesnt make a brotherhood! would u like someone and wanna work with someone who hurt u? i dont think so after all fraternities are brotherhoods!!!
@Kandii211 haha yes, true. I was hazed on my birthday and it was the funniest thing ever. i wont go into details. but yes like i said ti depends on what it is, what its for and what you do!
@santran you can read my past comments? good job. Yes I am a brother of Tau Kappa Epsilon and proud to be a member of the largest Fraternity in the world! Xi-Rho!
i'm against hazing, there is a huge difference between initiation, and human cruelty. call me what you will hate me all you want. hazing is not acceptable.
And I use CAPS as a way to EMPHASIZE A POINT. I'm pretty sure it's impossible to yell silently. You obviously have many opinions formed not in reality but rather in some fantasy land, where what you think is automatically FACT. Because of that, you are impossible to talk with on any semblance of a sane conversation. But thank you for providing me with some good morning laughter. Much appreciated "Homeboy"... LMAO
Hazing is an initiation. You make the decision if you want in, if not, they stay out of it and you'll have nothing to worry about. It's solely your choice so either way there's no one to blame.
@reddog418 I agree with your statement, police put up with a lot and in the academy they have to see if you can put up with the stressful parts of the job and will not break or lose it and shoot someone, so their is logic to this. I do not see the point in the other videos though, in fact I have to ask if the people being hazed have no sense of pride, I would never let people pour things all over me or in the latest case in Florida take beatings from "peers"
@Agent1W their is no need to put yourself above them be cause im not above u but im not below same thing with the students and the air force no matter how much you say your commanding officer runs you the truth is thats not true. if your commanding officer told you to perform acts you dont feel comfortable performing and is not part of the job detail
I was in the Marine Corps and hazing happens a lot! You know what? It was AWESOME!!! I was hazed and did some. Just some harmless fun amongst brothers and friends. You all need to grow a pair and quit crying.
Haha, the people who make a big deal about hazing are the people that only see the negative and uncontrolled forms or weren't weaned off the breast milk soon enough. Controlled hazing is one of the most effective means of learning reinforcement.
@madamebiLLy82281 hazing is wrong either way how it goes... even if they hurt your feelings thats called emotionally abuse and if u hurt a person physically and emotionally its still wrong.. hazing is wrong. people need to go to a collage sorority that will repect them and open them with open hands.. cause i will not go to a collage that force to do things and paddle me, if i wanted that i could of went back to my mothers' house.
@KASHIV121 Chill out with the all-caps. You would go through it if you cared enough about the organization. Good luck having the people like them if you tell the principal (principle is more of a moral standard) that they tried to haze you.
@blue06lt Sissies? I'm sorry but, I don't believe hazing is a good thing. I believe people justify it as a good thing, so they don't feel bad when they do it to someone else. But it's horrible. They don't target people they think "need to learn not to mouth off" They target people they feel will justify it, and turn it into a good thing. Apparently they did a good job with where you went. I'm sorry, this is how I feel.
The law enforcement clip...the recruits are all wearing suits. Is this training for state or federal law enforcement? Another comment of when I went through Air Force basic. No way is this hazing! This is just the "shakedown" phase. We had play the "pickup" game with our luggage cases.
And I care why? Military hazing is bad, same as high school basically and I think more should be done to protect people from these, but that police initiation is not a hazing, that was a drill showing them that if they answer/act incorrectly to a situation it's a difference between life or death, they were just using drill Sargent as a mock instance.
@saucychurch23 No hazing does NOT happen in all frats/sororities. I am a pledge for a sorority and it did not happen! If a frat/ sorority gets caugth hazing you will get in really big shit.
1.Trolling= Someone who posts inflammatory, or off-topic messages in an online community, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response. You = troll. 2.The age of a statement is ALWAYS RELEVANT. Do you stand by comments you made when you were 12? 3. I didn't write you first, you wrote me. Telling me to "calm the fuck down", (3 months after a comment was made) Is pretty much attacking me first. 4. Never, let me repeat, NEVER did I "tell anyone what to do"
It's funny how you wrote "over-reaction" in caps lock and blamed me for it, then went on to produce insults and exclamations like someone had t-boned your new Ferrari (or stolen your precious bear head). My point is that students are normal civilians and as such need not to undergo group bonding through brutalization. Combat-related jobs might have a certain degree of this for the sake of the job they are doing, which requires an individual at least partially desensitized to violence.
wow, the "law enforcement one" is not hazing. its training. if they were already passed their training then it would be considered hazing. high stress enviorment. this is nothing new.
In my university, I didn't allow anybody to do something like that to me. I knew what days they would do. And my solution was --> I didn't go there. This culture is totally idiot. And I will never allow idiot people to do that things to me.
OMG! I honestly remember watching this on TV live like in 2003!!! Not even lying. Jeeze... I remember how much it scared me back then as a young kid...
@TheBracke i would think hazing is like something u have to go through to be welcomed in a fraternity or club..hazing is usually like beating u up to be prepared of rumbles in a frat
Ok, now you putting me through the "Can't-Read-Going-Apeshit" haze! Haha lol.
There has to be sever repercussions, for sever behavior. And sometimes talking about it with your child DOES NOT WORK. It should always be a last result, after explaining and reasoning does not work. But some of the lessons I learned in life, I learned because I was spanked. And realized afterward how serious my actions were. I harbor no ill will toward my father for it. I credit him for having the courage, to teach me a lesson when nothing else worked. And as far as religion goes, I'm Agnostic.
the fraternities and high school is one thing, but if your gonna be in a unit for the military or police, they gotta break you down and build you up
I wouldn't sell out my right to dignity for nobody
yes this really happens everywhere. its might ot always be physical hazing, but mentally as well. some people would rather go through the mental aspect of iit rather than physical
But which 'actually' causes more damage? Wouldn't the experience of being mentally abused and mentally abusing yourself, thinking that you're inferior/etc be worse if accumulated over time as opposed to simply being beat up?
People are just too scared of physical pain when in reality physical pain is not as worse as words. People are more scared of being put down because through the mere use of words, people's reputation can be scarred. In high school or college you have 3-4+ years of having to live through that. Every school is different but there's always a school where 'someon'e gets isolated, and the entire school treats that person as a clown not to be taken seriously, a punching bag like how meg is treated in Family Guy.
Let's do a reality check. Humans are weak as hell. Humans are fragile. Humans do NOT have the mental fortitude and resilience to take mental beatings. At last not in the casual setting. The mental abuse one gets in the military is quite something else. That's why there's so few women who can actually last as long as men in the extreme physical and mental training they undergo. There has yet to be a female ranger. There's a few but most of them quit their position because they couldn't handle it, quite shortly after achieving the status. That's partially because of gender differences. Women physically are known to do better in endurance sports than men. When it comes to handling stress and mental attacks, men, who are used to shutting every pain inside, tend to deal with such things better. Conservatives/traditional people have been studied to be survivalists and deal with death/disease better than liberals do. Liberals tend to be more shocked than conservatives when facing hardship or suffering.
Hm, I've rambled too much.
I don't find hazing wrong. But it gets out of hand way to easy. There is a difference to someone really hurting you and sending you to hospital, then someone gluing your fingers to a key board!
@Blaze I don't see why I should answer than question considering you didn't answer any of mine, but I'll humor you anyways. No I do not support senseless hazing for fun or bullying. I do however support initiations, pledging, and trials before people join certain organizations. The intent and structure of so-called hazing practices is the most important aspect to the pro-hazing or anti-hazing conversation. When I pledged my GPA jumped up dramatically so there are forms of constructive "hazing".
I got charged with hazing last year at a military college and a lot more people were charged with hazing this year. Our corrective training policy turned from creating tough officers to not letting anybody give more than 5 in cadence push ups. In some sense everything is starting to become hazing. If the military was not hard on its individuals then our military would not be the elite fighting force it is today. War is not a nice place.
ive experienced that shit first hand. ive been punched, kicked, hit with tubes, had a plastic bag on my head, tableknifed, hit with hardbound books behind my head, and electrocuted. hazing is evil.
It's pretty disgusting that this happens so often in first world countries. There's really no excuse for it, abuse doesn't achieve anything and letting these barbaric practices continue only encourages crime and mental illness.
I used to want to go to a sertain high school for marching band, my sis told me they haze there. Glad she found that out!
@raventakayama Why yes it is...What I meant by it earlier after reading more about reports on hazing, they sometimes have someone pretty much act as a servant to them. I should have mentioned that earlier, but after that, I stopped caring. Obviously you don't lose your individual rights joining a group. Hazing is different.
did you film this with a toaster
it's harassment, abuse, humiliation to usually new people or freshmen, as a initiation into a group, club, or school or something like that.
my friend tom died because of hazing....the task was to go up to the hills with a copious amount of alcohol and finish it all and come back well he tried it and died of liver poisoning.....
haha the law enforcement part is hilarious
97% of the student body is moving onto college? That is an accomplishment...
I noticed the 2 highest rated comments were pro-hazing. The first one, fair enough. If you're doing a violent job, you should be prepared for abuse.
The second one, bullshit. Being in a fraternity/sorority isn't about being tough, or taking abuse. It IS part of it, but it shouldn't have to be. It's even worse if it happens in something like a high school.
Don't haze me, bro!
@Blazeofdoom Well yeah, but that all depends on your definition of hazing I guess.
People put themselves into the situation to get hazed so it's voluntary. So it shouldn't such a big deal
That LA Sheriffs Police Academy is the best one in LA. The LAPD one is weak sauce they dont yell at you ever or stress you out.
its not about respect its about who's in charge and it helps prepare recruits for the physical and mental stress of real world situations... and they're just makin em do push ups thats weak compared to infantry school
@Kandii211 Thats what im getting at! I am saying there is different levels of hazing! The one with him in the army doesn't seem that bad, it was controlled and even the person it was happening to was having a laugh. But like i said it can sometimes be harmless fun, and others it can be just down right stupid!
Lmao, the only bad one looked to be the high school girls. Birthday boy was smiling, law enforcement isn’t hazing, the army guy shit was funny.
I died from Hazing
right, I dont get this at all.. I even saw one principal say something like "you would expect a normal level of violence, but when it gets out of hand blablabla..." NORMAL level of violence? why is that to be expected? how about no violence at all? I dont get why you should expect to be a victim of violence when you go off to college or university or whatever. At my school, all the students are "baptized", and sure it involves some hard drinking and getting dirty, but absolutely no violence.
@Blazeofdoom Answering questions... Simple isn't it?
@Blazeofdoom When you join an organization you don't lose your individuality. Did you lose your individuality when you got a job? Did you lose it when you became a member of an athletic team, club, a school and so on? Probably not. Joining an organization doesn't take away your individuality. Those who lose it after pledging general didn't have a strong or well defined personality to start with. And if pledging is done right it has nothing to do with sucking up to anyone. Lets get the facts dude
if you wanna be in a frat or sorority, its ganna happen. thats just a part of it. if you dont want it to happen to you, DONT PLEDGE!
Can someone explain to me what actually is hazing?
if my fraternity were to make our pledges do push ups like the law enforecement part, we would be removed from the college and prolly fined
ok is this an american thing coz i don think in wales they do this ???
Filmed with... potato?
@saucychurch23 No its not gunna happen its illegal fraternities shouldn't be hazing at all cause in the end it doesnt make a brotherhood! would u like someone and wanna work with someone who hurt u? i dont think so after all fraternities are brotherhoods!!!
I didn't know juniors got hazed. I though it was only freshmen and sometimes sophmores.
@Kandii211 haha yes, true. I was hazed on my birthday and it was the funniest thing ever. i wont go into details. but yes like i said ti depends on what it is, what its for and what you do!
That last one, the workplace, really didn't count...
i wish the Army was crazy like was before. i got a phone call from my friend while she was at BCT last week. it was week 7 for her.
@santran you can read my past comments? good job. Yes I am a brother of Tau Kappa Epsilon and proud to be a member of the largest Fraternity in the world! Xi-Rho!
i'm against hazing, there is a huge difference between initiation, and human cruelty. call me what you will hate me all you want. hazing is not acceptable.
And I use CAPS as a way to EMPHASIZE A POINT. I'm pretty sure it's impossible to yell silently. You obviously have many opinions formed not in reality but rather in some fantasy land, where what you think is automatically FACT. Because of that, you are impossible to talk with on any semblance of a sane conversation. But thank you for providing me with some good morning laughter. Much appreciated "Homeboy"... LMAO
Hazing is an initiation. You make the decision if you want in, if not, they stay out of it and you'll have nothing to worry about. It's solely your choice so either way there's no one to blame.
@reddog418 I agree with your statement, police put up with a lot and in the academy they have to see if you can put up with the stressful parts of the job and will not break or lose it and shoot someone, so their is logic to this. I do not see the point in the other videos though, in fact I have to ask if the people being hazed have no sense of pride, I would never let people pour things all over me or in the latest case in Florida take beatings from "peers"
@Agent1W their is no need to put yourself above them be cause im not above u but im not below same thing with the students and the air force no matter how much you say your commanding officer runs you the truth is thats not true. if your commanding officer told you to perform acts you dont feel comfortable performing and is not part of the job detail
Did you really read my comment?
animals @ their best :)
I was in the Marine Corps and hazing happens a lot! You know what? It was AWESOME!!! I was hazed and did some. Just some harmless fun amongst brothers and friends. You all need to grow a pair and quit crying.
@19mrose I think you mean "I'm in the A/V club" or something because if you didn't get hazed at all you're not
Greek to me
Haha, the people who make a big deal about hazing are the people that only see the negative and uncontrolled forms or weren't weaned off the breast milk soon enough. Controlled hazing is one of the most effective means of learning reinforcement.
@madamebiLLy82281 hazing is wrong either way how it goes... even if they hurt your feelings thats called emotionally abuse and if u hurt a person physically and emotionally its still wrong.. hazing is wrong. people need to go to a collage sorority that will repect them and open them with open hands.. cause i will not go to a collage that force to do things and paddle me, if i wanted that i could of went back to my mothers' house.
@DonaldBumsfeld no, thats not the way it works
4:06 civil air patrol
@raventakayama Do you support hazing?
ya ur right
@raventakayama Oh thanks for answering my question.
@KASHIV121 Chill out with the all-caps. You would go through it if you cared enough about the organization. Good luck having the people like them if you tell the principal (principle is more of a moral standard) that they tried to haze you.
Yeah I guess this kinda sucks but it's NOTHING compared to what they do at frats, you would never even imagine the kind of stuff they make pledges do.
some rather deal with physical then mental ever wonder why people cut?
@bigghoss19 Thank you. I was about to write that but then there you were.
@jennyC433 I give you 10 out of 10 for that comment. Finally someone with intelligence and common sense.
i like how they show the police academy and call it hazing. it's fucking boot camp. of course you're going to have a drill sergeant in your face
4.You started a conversation with "Calm the fuck down" Enough said.
at least your marines get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. in the military im in we get at most 2 hours of interrupted sleep. huhuhu
@DonaldBumsfeld that wasnt what i joined man, it was something else
If you guys wanna see true hazing look into the russian army
key word here suburban now cuz of there location they have never been told no or yelled at so i can see how these kids blew it out of spectrum
the military one was just fun, and the law enforcement.. not hazing, im willing to bet those people signed up for it
I'm sorry but,
I don't believe hazing is a good thing.
I believe people justify it as a good thing, so they don't feel bad when they do it to someone else.
But it's horrible.
They don't target people they think "need to learn not to mouth off"
They target people they feel will justify it, and turn it into a good thing.
Apparently they did a good job with where you went.
I'm sorry, this is how I feel.
It you don't want to be hazed then participate. The cop example isn't even hazing...
The law enforcement clip...the recruits are all wearing suits. Is this training for state or federal law enforcement?
Another comment of when I went through Air Force basic. No way is this hazing! This is just the "shakedown" phase. We had play the "pickup" game with our luggage cases.
And I care why? Military hazing is bad, same as high school basically and I think more should be done to protect people from these, but that police initiation is not a hazing, that was a drill showing them that if they answer/act incorrectly to a situation it's a difference between life or death, they were just using drill Sargent as a mock instance.
no one said they had to stay.
@saucychurch23 No hazing does NOT happen in all frats/sororities. I am a pledge for a sorority and it did not happen! If a frat/ sorority gets caugth hazing you will get in really big shit.
this is how america become a great country.
@saucychurch23 Hazing runs contrary to any concepts of brotherhood- Kappa Sigma
So no, we don't haze my friend. Get your facts straight
Sounds umm hardcore lol
1.Trolling= Someone who posts inflammatory, or off-topic messages in an online community, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response. You = troll.
2.The age of a statement is ALWAYS RELEVANT. Do you stand by comments you made when you were 12?
3. I didn't write you first, you wrote me. Telling me to "calm the fuck down", (3 months after a comment was made) Is pretty much attacking me first.
4. Never, let me repeat, NEVER did I "tell anyone what to do"
@recon24d You do know people die from hazing right?
that police hazing or any of the others are nothing compared to the controlled hazing by Drills at Benning. It fixes would be problems
@RayWilliamJohansen you dont have to believe me man, no problem. you can say whatever you like.
@recon24d yea your right i looked at it better..i thought he had a brown shirt on but it got wet
Fuck yeah!
Hazing is stupid, do people think?
or airman.
5:43 wtf is going on? men in suits doin pressups lol wtf kind of line they queuing in
Wanna go CLAMPING?!
@Fred5612 Somebody didn't get a bid.....
It's funny how you wrote "over-reaction" in caps lock and blamed me for it, then went on to produce insults and exclamations like someone had t-boned your new Ferrari (or stolen your precious bear head). My point is that students are normal civilians and as such need not to undergo group bonding through brutalization. Combat-related jobs might have a certain degree of this for the sake of the job they are doing, which requires an individual at least partially desensitized to violence.
Hazing is suppose to be cheeky and fun something that will make the victim laugh a little bit. Otherwise its assault and not fun or funny at all.
ya sure Eggs and milk honey is basic training..... are they training to be a cake or something ??
@ihavedarkcharm hazing is brutality!
how sad
Basic Training for police isn't hazing.....
I guess you think all someone should have to do defend you is take a written test.....
Last part isn't hazing. It's conditioning. Cops have to deal with the biggest douche bags in the world. They have to be used to it and stay calm.
Im in a read 180 class ande we read about his story
wow, the "law enforcement one" is not hazing. its training. if they were already passed their training then it would be considered hazing. high stress enviorment. this is nothing new.
In my university, I didn't allow anybody to do something like that to me. I knew what days they would do. And my solution was --> I didn't go there. This culture is totally idiot. And I will never allow idiot people to do that things to me.