To stop me from typing this over & and over , we are not taking out any hedgerow! Only removing the dead ash trees and the huge mound of soil that had been shoved up against the hedgerow by the previous digger driver. We are aware how much of an amazing wildlife habitat hedgerows are, and if we can't get it in better shape and we still decide to remove it, we will do this after 1st Sept. Please note that we have planted 400 hedgerow whips, 30 native tree species & a wildlife pond since we moved in last Sept. We have also left several areas to grow to meadow. We only want to improve this land, create new habitats, and not destroy anything needlessly. The Ash we removed were close to our house and kids' play area. We have had 4 trees fall from that row already, and as shown on this video, we get strong winds year round. It was important that they be removed for safety reasons. Please rest assured that they were thoroughly checked for nests prior to being removed. The Ivy had been removed in the winter, and with very few leaves, this was easy to do. Legally, as they are within 30m of our home, dead and a danger, they can be removed.
I think what you are doing is amazing. I misunderstood and thought you were contemplating removing everything, the dead tree can be cut up and its larger branches used to place near your wildlife pond for birds and dragonflies to perch on and the rest will attract insects that your chickens will love. I'm sure you know all this already ❤️ 😀
Replace old and poorly placed trees with trees of a variety you like in locations that work for you as needed for shade, privacy, wind break, fruit, etc. I think planting a tree is a wonderfully hopeful act. It conveys patience and commitment. Your homestead is so lovely. Make it your own.
If they are failing....use them as firewood. And plant some sturdy hawthorns, oaks, birch, alder, beech and apple, cherry trees etc. Leave a picture poster gap in the prettiest view. PS. Willow likes a 'wet' soil and a weeping willow is such a beautiful tree methinks. You know your land...I'm sure it will be beautiful . ❤❤❤
Good idea! Keeping the hedgerows but removing the dead and dying trees and replacing them is the perfect solution imho. Love your idea of the "picture window" too.
I have a pretty big willow tree in the yard and it is the messiest tree I've ever known. I've never seen any birds nesting in it probably due to how they sway in the wind. My willow tree is probably 30-40 years old. It is like a huge monster. But yes, it is beautiful.
That was going to be my comment. Replace old and poorly placed trees with trees of a variety you like in locations that work for you as needed for shade, privacy, wind break, fruit, etc. I think planting a tree is a wonderfully hopeful act. It conveys patience and commitment. Your homestead is so lovely. Make it your own.
You are doing a fantastic job and what a beautiful place to live.i think you should take out the whole thing and the tree by the barn for safety reasons it would be a disaster if it came down, do it before the weather changed. And good luck love watching the videos.
Your be surprised how it all comes along we’ve cut trees right down to stumps only a year and half ago and they are all shooting again .I personally would take it down it’s lovely to have a gorgeous view and you can always add trees if you want later We didn’t like the idea removing all our trees but some were so close to the house it wasn’t safe to keep them in,so all came out around the house and some around the land but like I said some have started to regrow and you can add your choice of trees even fruité if you wanted I have done fruit trees and they are coming along nicely
I'm so sorry you've had some unkind comments. We are the lucky ones that you share your life with us. You're doing a fantastic job. I hope you're proud of all your hard work and life your building for your family. Also love the 2 instalments each week!!!
“To plant trees knowing that you’ll never sit in their shade means that a person understands that life is temporary which is certainly part of learning the meaning of life.” I’ve always loved this saying You two guys are such a great team love watching how things are coming along for you and your family I love that you planted native trees that is so needed in Ireland right now. You guys are really an inspiration.
i know you do a lot of the heavy and skilled jobs but hats of to your wife the not so glamorous job she has done on the re-pointing looks brilliant fair play to you
Hedges are refuges for wildlife and biodiversity. And protection against wind. Obviously the trees must be healthy! I really like your videos and all the work you accomplished!
The trees are being suffocating from the vines. The kitty cats are so playful, it’s a joy watching them. I love seeing the dog checking on Toby… from a safe distance. It was nice seeing Camper Vibe, Emily. It was them that recommended your channel. Now I enjoy both channels… lucky 🍀 me😊
Rebecca just seeing you sitting on top of the wall watching Sam put the hoist together. When you are finished the build you will look back on the video and say,” I sat on that wall” amazing. Great work again Sam the man. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Such a nice treat to have a video from you guys on a Wednesday! Thank you! Feel like I’m part of the family just watching your progress, your courage, your sticktoitness ess, and willpower❤
Definitely! They look messy for having been abandoned for so long. The potentially dangerous trees should be dealt with, but the hedgerows are an asset - over time wise shaping and pruning, and planting more suitable trees will turn them beautiful again.
Layer the hedges if you can which will result in a healthy, neat and thick but easily maintained growth. It is a traditional skill but you might find someone local who can do it for you.
Its your property do what you want with it and don't be listening to negative comments as an Irishman its great to see you give new life into this old derelict property.
Leave the hawthorns bushes and cut them back in the in January/February before the new growth and they will grow back into a fuller hedge. You can partially cut the trunks and bend them over to fill the gaps and they will sprout up and grow into a nice hedge, this was done with sections of the hedges on our farm over the winter and early spring. If you Google "layering hawthorn hedges" you can see how its done
Hedges are very important for a healthy environment. If yours can't be saved by judicious trimming, then plan on replanting. A good hedge can act as sanctuary for small creatures and birds, act as a windbreak, and frame a view. Old trees need a lot of attention, and whether to keep them depends on what variety. If they can regenerate through pollarding, then keep them, but plan to plant background trees, as well as fruit trees. You are young and will enjoy seeing them grow.
Thank you for the very levelled response and for giving us the benefit of knowing whatever we do we will do it with regeneration in mind not needless destruction. ♥️👍
@Scotty3146 - Brilliant! I was unfamiliar with pollarding and had to go to the web for information - found an excellent article on the 'Gardening Know How' site that is full of very useful information about the subject. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge!
As a farmer, I can understand the point of having a larger field, but you are small holders, who have and want more livestock - the hedges will offer some protection to your animals, but they also house a variety of wildlife and if they look a bit thin and scraggy, then plant some more, fill in the gaps and eventually, it'll thicken up. It all depends what you're going to use the land for and what you'd like to achieve. Adh mor oraibh go leir. 👍👍
Definitely keep the hedges! You can thicken them up by laying , coppicing or planting more and you will be so grateful for the protection and not feeling so exposed. They don’t have to be high and if you have a view line in mind then put a gap and a lovely rustic gate to look at it through. It’s lovely for animals (farm and wild) to have shelter, don’t underestimate how much water trees and hedges retain - your land will stay much drier and more stable with them in. I don’t know about where you are, but I bet there are local schemes that will help with hedges, both money wise and advice - try water companies, woodland and wildlife charities, local hedge layers…
You will get there Sam just do what you can,take out the old hedge's and tree's and plant new ones at a later date. Lovely seeing Toby wandering around the farm x
Credit where its due, you guys certainly aren't afraid of a bit of hard work. It's amazing the progress you have made in the last few weeks. I certainly wouldn't have wanted to take on all that pointing, but your making it look easy. Keep on chipping away at it, and we'll keep on watching from the comfort of our sofas.😅
Hi Rebecca. It is much easier to plant a new tree than to rebuild the barn. I would also flatten out the dirt so you can get on top of the war on blackberries and ivy. I love seeing the progress on the reno. You have both learnt a lot of new skills. Watching all your animals is awesome.
I absolutely love all your vlogs. I only found you after Emily and Louise came to see you. They are an absolutely amazing couple as are you. Love all the work you have done so far. Xxx
Toby seems to really enjoy hanging out with you and all the other critters. Glad he’s feeling better ❤ You both are such hard workers! But I get nervous when you’re on the scaffolding handling those heavy headers! 😮🫣
Your videos are very interesting I don’t know anything about building but you explain most things so I can understand. The books you found are amazing thank you for sharing them
Yes. Remove all the dead trees, plant new ones around the property line, remove the scrub and trees from the centre and have one large field. Looking at the new meadow and juvenile trees will be fantastic. So calming and rewarding😊
Thanks for calling it scrub. So many people trying to say it's a Hedgerow. Did anyone see the before videos. It was dead Ash trees with a few hawthorns in between. Hardly a hedgerow. In fact we planted 400 new whips to create Hedgerows on our land in February. As it happens we have decided to keep it for now & see how it goes and of we can turn it into a Hedgerow to be proud of.
I would remove the trees and replant new . If planted in small groups they can be more effective than a line, and you can still have the view. Great team work 👍
New title: The care and feeding of tuck-pointing/re-pointing. In my opinion, 'derelict' was the state of the house when you arrived. Maybe 'renovation' or 'purposing' is more apt now. SO much has progressed since that first day! Questionable trees near your structures - hmm, ripe for harvesting. However, trees and bushes (fruit-bearing maybe) offer wind-breaks for gardens, etc. Mad proud of you all!
Thanks so much! I definitely think it's starting to look less derelict and more like a renovation too! The hedgerow is staying as we are loving the diversity and we will get it in better shape in a short space of time.
take out the dead stuff, plant some fast growning trees, like cottonwood, more ash, native pine. and let the understory grow wild. it provides some haven for wildlife
ive been watching a few channels, Im gaining a lot of respect when women get to work as well , just help out. they become very beautiful and strong. Grand
The hollow tree I would if I was you take it down before you get a good storm and it blows it down onto a building, always better to be safe than sorry
Cut the ivy at the bottom of the trees because it acts like a sail and ends up taking the tree down in a storm. You can use a pruning saw, hatchet or even a chainsaw if you’re careful.
I have been here done this all 4 years ago .. when u have the digger spread all the topsoil clean up the ditches get all the big machine work done if not you will find it hard to get someone back with a big machine for small bits of work .. the big hallow tree knock it before it falls on someone or something ye have a grate channel if we were closer I would help with with machinery and tools
Aww thanks. We aren't doing any clearing until the autumn other than the trees within 30m if the buildings. Our neighbour has kindly offered to remove the dead trees in the autumn.
We are removing some old bad trees in our hedgerows, but mainly just stuffing the gaps with pollinators for the orchard. Crap apples, Damsels, wild pears, but also wild cherries, Sloes, dog-rose, hazel, Gelder rose, Rowan, Elder and anything that gives flowers in different times of the year and attracts insects and help with other main fruit trees. At the same time provide shelter because exposed sites do not do well with fruit trees.
Bec, take down the tree next to the barn. It's not worth the possibility of losing the barn in a stiff wind. If you don't like the other trees, take them out. Personally, I like the ring of trees as a wind break. Of course, I'm from Wyoming where you'll find wind socks on the highways as warnings to drivers! Any wind break is a relief. See you Sunday! Blessed Be!
Wow, wow, and wow!!!! You two are moving along at a fantastic rate, and making a superb job of it all. I would consider removing any trees that could potentially cause a problem now, or in the future. That way you don't compromise any work you are doing or will need to do later. I would think that people should realise that you are doing everything you can to preserve the habitat of wildlife. Can't wait to see what you get up to next. Thanks for being the family to watch on you tube xx
Looking amazing, and even before you asked for comments, I was thinking, just use the digger for all you need done now. Clearing out as much as possible will also free up your mind to make even better choices for the space. Sometimes only when we are past making a decision , does it come clearer that it was the right one. :) besides,the costs later on will be higher. Glad Toby looking healthier and healed up. Home stead is coming along nicely. God bless
Yes those were our thoughts but our neighbour who us a gardener and chainsaw qualified is going to take the trees down for us in the autumn. We are unable to remove them now really due to the Irish wildlife protection laws.
Gosh, the pointing on the stone walls look so awesome. I love it!! As for the trees, they are more of a hazard if they are dead. They could fall and cause a disaster. For safety, you are right to remove them. We are so spoilt to get a mid week video. Thank you so much. 🥰🥰
We can take down the dead trees, and we can see through them, they were that bare. No nests were present as I checked beforehand. No removal of any Hedgerow, either contrary to some people's thoughts lol.
I enjoy following your channel. Before removing the hedgerows, you might want to check into permaculture principles regarding how to plan out the property. Of course dead trees have to be cut but you might want to consider replacing them with new trees and keeping the hedgerows... Geoff Lawton has a great channel, Andrew Millison also has some amazing information on the theme. Looking forward to seeing you progress in your project.!!
Thanks so much. I hope we can retain the hedgerows as that was always my plan. I think I just looked at them after the soil was cleared away and was shocked to see how bad a state they were in. I'm sure some tlc and time will improve them.
Why don't you layer the hedges as that would give them a new life, and don't forget hedges will help with the wind protection for your garden. I would get ride of the trees espceally the sicamores. As for your lake view a nice deck and summerhouse would be nice there with something like a pipsqueek stove for those winter days.
@@theirishhomestead Sycamore seedlings are poisonous does not always kill the animail that eats it but enough have died to rasie concerens especially in equine circles. The Sycamore is also classed as a weed tree as the seed spreads far and wide and germinats easily. Pitty about the Ash trees they are rally useful medical trees for animals
I see you got your weedwhacker (strimmer) back from Louise & Emily and it's still working! It was so nice to see Em pop up in your video. You folks have such wild, wet, and windy weather over there - my hat goes off to you! Take care and remain safe. :)
I recommend 'Future Forests' nursery in West Cork for hedging, trees etc. Great choice and service (no connection other than buying trees from them). A mixture of species (hawthorn, blackthorn, hornbeam etc) will 'hedge your bets' against diseases such as fire blight.
Thanks for this great update. I am delighted with your progress and that Toby is getting a friend. You are doing a great job on the land. You live there and understand your environment and what will work best. I am just happy to see the whole thing being created. The bottom line is that this is your property, your animals and your trees. These negative people should leave you to make the necessary decisions about your property. Thanks from Canada.❤
Great leaveling with the digger,why don’t you case the bancorse with the roof timbers the traditional Irish way. The deciding hedge should be left , firstly the hedge roe provides extra shelter, secondly the roots of the hedge extend out making a very wet aeria drier, thirdly as your holding is small the smaller paddocks are easier manage. I own fields from 6 acres down to one quarter of an acre and all have advantages Kr
Yes we thought about that but think the wall was too bendy and uneven I think was the reason but Sam knows more on this that me. Yes the hedge is staying well technically I wouldn't call it a hedge more a few hawthorns in a row between a load of dead Ash trees. That being said I'm up for improving it and making it a proper hedge to be proud of. I totally see the benefits of it. Thanks
Spread some grass seed on the fresh soil because there’s a very good chance that you’ll end up with weeds of all sorts otherwise. Throw in some wildflower seed in the mix as well if you want. I would be tempted to leave the hedge but I love trees.
@@theirishhomestead Look up heritage Irish apple trees. You can get trees that were recorded as common in the locality you’re in. There’s several nurseries selling them but you would need to order them now to get them this winter for planting.
Thanks. Our gardener neighbour has looked at the hedgerow and is going to help me get it back into shape. We would be breaking the wildlife laws if we were to remove it at this time of year anyway.
Decide where you want protection from the wind and the best place to grow plants. Have a look at the RED Gardens project , simplify Gardening and Mossy Bottom for ideas. Good luck from north east Scotland.
To stop me from typing this over & and over , we are not taking out any hedgerow! Only removing the dead ash trees and the huge mound of soil that had been shoved up against the hedgerow by the previous digger driver. We are aware how much of an amazing wildlife habitat hedgerows are, and if we can't get it in better shape and we still decide to remove it, we will do this after 1st Sept. Please note that we have planted 400 hedgerow whips, 30 native tree species & a wildlife pond since we moved in last Sept. We have also left several areas to grow to meadow. We only want to improve this land, create new habitats, and not destroy anything needlessly. The Ash we removed were close to our house and kids' play area. We have had 4 trees fall from that row already, and as shown on this video, we get strong winds year round. It was important that they be removed for safety reasons. Please rest assured that they were thoroughly checked for nests prior to being removed. The Ivy had been removed in the winter, and with very few leaves, this was easy to do. Legally, as they are within 30m of our home, dead and a danger, they can be removed.
I think what you are doing is amazing. I misunderstood and thought you were contemplating removing everything, the dead tree can be cut up and its larger branches used to place near your wildlife pond for birds and dragonflies to perch on and the rest will attract insects that your chickens will love. I'm sure you know all this already ❤️ 😀
It's YOUR home , and YOU know best ❤
There called quicks in Ireland not whips!!!!
@petermac79 really? I didn't even know the term 'whips' until Trees On The Land scheme sent us them labelled whips!
Your land do as you guys got plans follow them through you guys doing amazing ❤
Hi guys, just wanted to give Bec a huge shout out about all the amazing pointing she is doing on your stunning Irish Homestead. ❤
Aww thanks. Just need less rain to get it finished 🤞🍀
Wind breakers are very important
Replace old and poorly placed trees with trees of a variety you like in locations that work for you as needed for shade, privacy, wind break, fruit, etc. I think planting a tree is a wonderfully hopeful act. It conveys patience and commitment. Your homestead is so lovely. Make it your own.
That's the plan! Thank you for the kind reply. ♥️
Ivy kills trees. Lovely to see the progress with not only the house but the land.
Thanks. Think Sam could have done without it. 🤣
If they are failing....use them as firewood. And plant some sturdy hawthorns, oaks, birch, alder, beech and apple, cherry trees etc. Leave a picture poster gap in the prettiest view. PS. Willow likes a 'wet' soil and a weeping willow is such a beautiful tree methinks. You know your land...I'm sure it will be beautiful . ❤❤❤
Good idea! Keeping the hedgerows but removing the dead and dying trees and replacing them is the perfect solution imho. Love your idea of the "picture window" too.
Oh yes I plan on adding a weeping Willow next to the pond once all the ground works are done
I have a pretty big willow tree in the yard and it is the messiest tree I've ever known. I've never seen any birds nesting in it probably due to how they sway in the wind. My willow tree is probably 30-40 years old. It is like a huge monster. But yes, it is beautiful.
I think you should take down the old trees and if you really miss them, plant new healthy ones.
Thanks. Interesting to see the differing opinions.
That was going to be my comment. Replace old and poorly placed trees with trees of a variety you like in locations that work for you as needed for shade, privacy, wind break, fruit, etc. I think planting a tree is a wonderfully hopeful act. It conveys patience and commitment. Your homestead is so lovely. Make it your own.
@@coolcpa3321 I love your suggestion… it’s well thought out 😊
You are doing a fantastic job and what a beautiful place to live.i think you should take out the whole thing and the tree by the barn for safety reasons it would be a disaster if it came down, do it before the weather changed. And good luck love watching the videos.
Your be surprised how it all comes along we’ve cut trees right down to stumps only a year and half ago and they are all shooting again .I personally would take it down it’s lovely to have a gorgeous view and you can always add trees if you want later
We didn’t like the idea removing all our trees but some were so close to the house it wasn’t safe to keep them in,so all came out around the house and some around the land but like I said some have started to regrow and you can add your choice of trees even fruité if you wanted I have done fruit trees and they are coming along nicely
I'm so sorry you've had some unkind comments. We are the lucky ones that you share your life with us. You're doing a fantastic job. I hope you're proud of all your hard work and life your building for your family. Also love the 2 instalments each week!!!
Thank you so much!
“To plant trees knowing that you’ll never sit in their shade means that a person understands that life is temporary which is certainly part of learning the meaning of life.” I’ve always loved this saying
You two guys are such a great team love watching how things are coming along for you and your family
I love that you planted native trees that is so needed in Ireland right now. You guys are really an inspiration.
Such a beautiful comment - thank you for sharing your wisdom so gracefully.
Thanks that's such a lovely quote and a kind message. Made my morning. ♥️
Your Vision, your trees, your land. Whatever you do as long as you are happy.
I must say it looks lovely to see your donkey just free you are so good with him
Aww thanks. He hopefully has a decent life here with us.
@@theirishhomestead He sure seems to.
You 2 are a truly working pair, fantastic 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💕🇬🇧
i know you do a lot of the heavy and skilled jobs
but hats of to your wife the not so glamorous
job she has done on the re-pointing looks
brilliant fair play to you
Thank you that's very kind to be appreciated ♥️👍
Love watching your progress. Hard grafting and great teamwork! Thank you letting us watch you from around the world on this journey 🇨🇦🥰😉👋
Our pleasure! Thanks for supporting us ♥️
Thanks for 2 videos a week always great to wake up and spot a new video, cheers from Calgary Canada
Our pleasure! Thanks for watching & supporting us.
If you take out the hedge row and trees, you can plant what you would like to have there. Its is looking so nice. Glad Toby is doing good too.
Thanks for your thoughts & suggestion. 👍
Hedges are refuges for wildlife and biodiversity. And protection against wind. Obviously the trees must be healthy! I really like your videos and all the work you accomplished!
Yes I agree. I'd like to save it and make it a better Hedgerow for the future.
The trees are being suffocating from the vines.
The kitty cats are so playful, it’s a joy watching them.
I love seeing the dog checking on Toby… from a safe distance.
It was nice seeing Camper Vibe, Emily. It was them that recommended your channel.
Now I enjoy both channels… lucky 🍀 me😊
🤣 so nice you enjoy watching us both. Thanks v
Agree, clear the hedges. Plan out garden(s) with raised beds for veg, flowers. And...Keep building out your vision.
Thanks. We definitely plan on getting our veg patch sorted next year.
Toby roaming,Em throwing, and you two hard at work
Loving the regular content!
Thank you. 👍
Rebecca just seeing you sitting on top of the wall watching Sam put the hoist together. When you are finished the build you will look back on the video and say,” I sat on that wall” amazing. Great work again Sam the man. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I loved sitting up there. It was really relaxing. 🤣
The rooster terrified my napping cat, he bolted upright and vanished into the bedroom 😂🙀
Ahh no poor cat! 😫🤣
Cats are like that. Mine start looking for other cats when they hear any meow. I think there is special notice of kittens.
Such a nice treat to have a video from you guys on a Wednesday! Thank you! Feel like I’m part of the family just watching your progress, your courage, your sticktoitness ess, and willpower❤
You are so welcome! Thanks for watching & supporting us.
Reckon you should keep the hedgerows, prune hard and add to them and they'll soon thicken up. Great channel 👍
Definitely! They look messy for having been abandoned for so long.
The potentially dangerous trees should be dealt with, but the hedgerows are an asset - over time wise shaping and pruning, and planting more suitable trees will turn them beautiful again.
Thanks for your suggestion. Much appreciated. 👍
Layer the hedges if you can which will result in a healthy, neat and thick but easily maintained growth. It is a traditional skill but you might find someone local who can do it for you.
Its your property do what you want with it and don't be listening to negative comments as an Irishman its great to see you give new life into this old derelict property.
Thanks so much. That's lovely of you. 🍀♥️
Leave the hawthorns bushes and cut them back in the in January/February before the new growth and they will grow back into a fuller hedge. You can partially cut the trunks and bend them over to fill the gaps and they will sprout up and grow into a nice hedge, this was done with sections of the hedges on our farm over the winter and early spring. If you Google "layering hawthorn hedges" you can see how its done
Thanks, that is good to know. 👍
Oh you know Emily and Louise 😂 I watch their channel too. Love to you all ❤ xx
It should all come down. Then plant new trees.
Thanks for the video.
Hard work and a lot of pain and hours but just look how far you have come, fabulous. Toby is looking great too.
Thanks so much. He is doing so well. 👍
Hedges are very important for a healthy environment. If yours can't be saved by judicious trimming, then plan on replanting. A good hedge can act as sanctuary for small creatures and birds, act as a windbreak, and frame a view. Old trees need a lot of attention, and whether to keep them depends on what variety. If they can regenerate through pollarding, then keep them, but plan to plant background trees, as well as fruit trees. You are young and will enjoy seeing them grow.
Thank you for the very levelled response and for giving us the benefit of knowing whatever we do we will do it with regeneration in mind not needless destruction. ♥️👍
@Scotty3146 - Brilliant!
I was unfamiliar with pollarding and had to go to the web for information - found an excellent article on the 'Gardening Know How' site that is full of very useful information about the subject.
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge!
You could make hay for Toby out of that long grass. Let it dry and make a big haystack.
That's the plan. 👍 thanks.
Amazing progress 👏 loving the midweek extra ❤thanks for sharing 👍 ❤
You are so welcome! Thanks.
As a farmer, I can understand the point of having a larger field, but you are small holders, who have and want more livestock - the hedges will offer some protection to your animals, but they also house a variety of wildlife and if they look a bit thin and scraggy, then plant some more, fill in the gaps and eventually, it'll thicken up. It all depends what you're going to use the land for and what you'd like to achieve. Adh mor oraibh go leir. 👍👍
Wise words!
Hedges are such a valuable asset, with time and work these can be made beautiful again, and even shaped to provide "windows" to the views.
Thanks, I think we will be doing this. I like a good hedgerow and it just needs a bit of TLC which will be easier now the dead Ash trees are gone.
Becca the Irish but at the end says good luck to you all.😊
Definitely keep the hedges! You can thicken them up by laying , coppicing or planting more and you will be so grateful for the protection and not feeling so exposed. They don’t have to be high and if you have a view line in mind then put a gap and a lovely rustic gate to look at it through. It’s lovely for animals (farm and wild) to have shelter, don’t underestimate how much water trees and hedges retain - your land will stay much drier and more stable with them in. I don’t know about where you are, but I bet there are local schemes that will help with hedges, both money wise and advice - try water companies, woodland and wildlife charities, local hedge layers…
You will get there Sam just do what you can,take out the old hedge's and tree's and plant new ones at a later date. Lovely seeing Toby wandering around the farm x
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it. We are still trying to decide. ♥️
Credit where its due, you guys certainly aren't afraid of a bit of hard work.
It's amazing the progress you have made in the last few weeks. I certainly wouldn't have wanted to take on all that pointing, but your making it look easy.
Keep on chipping away at it, and we'll keep on watching from the comfort of our sofas.😅
Thanks so much! Sam has been doing an amazing job. ♥️
Thank you for an informative video and another look at the beautiful Irish countryside ❤️🙏👩🏻🦳
Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks
While the digger is there get him to do all the work. Take down the tree. Its not worth it if it falls. You can always plant new trees
That's the farmers opinion. Sam is less keen with the extra chainsaw work!
Hi Rebecca. It is much easier to plant a new tree than to rebuild the barn. I would also flatten out the dirt so you can get on top of the war on blackberries and ivy.
I love seeing the progress on the reno. You have both learnt a lot of new skills. Watching all your animals is awesome.
Yes very true. We will discuss with the digger guy properly on Friday.
I absolutely love all your vlogs. I only found you after Emily and Louise came to see you. They are an absolutely amazing couple as are you. Love all the work you have done so far. Xxx
You to were made for each other such beautiful souls 💖
Aww thank you.
Keep the hedgerow, one of my fondest memories of Ireland.
Toby seems to really enjoy hanging out with you and all the other critters. Glad he’s feeling better ❤ You both are such hard workers! But I get nervous when you’re on the scaffolding handling those heavy headers! 😮🫣
Yes it's definitely shakey ground...quite literally! 😫
Ooh can't wait for Saturday ! Toby is looking fabulous ❤
Thank you 😊
Selective pruning can make a great positive difference. The trees will rejuvenate and thicken, adding shelter and habitat.😊 Be kind
It seems this family is kind. Learning so much at once must be overwhelming.
Your videos are very interesting I don’t know anything about building but you explain most things so I can understand. The books you found are amazing thank you for sharing them
I appreciate that! Thank you
Yes. Remove all the dead trees, plant new ones around the property line, remove the scrub and trees from the centre and have one large field. Looking at the new meadow and juvenile trees will be fantastic. So calming and rewarding😊
Thanks for calling it scrub. So many people trying to say it's a Hedgerow. Did anyone see the before videos. It was dead Ash trees with a few hawthorns in between. Hardly a hedgerow. In fact we planted 400 new whips to create Hedgerows on our land in February. As it happens we have decided to keep it for now & see how it goes and of we can turn it into a Hedgerow to be proud of.
Oh I hope I didn’t offend by calling the hedge “ scrub “. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻It is what we call it in Australia 🥰🤠
Super progress. Great news about Toby. ❤
Thanks hoping introducing him to a friend goes well.
The drone shot looks so nice and tidy compared to what it was when you first got there 👍❤️
Really?! I think it looks like we are the Clampits from the tv show The Beverly Hillbillies at the moment lol.
Being able to see far as possible is very rewarding
I would definitely get rid of the dead tree near the barn!!!
Yes we probably should, but I love that tree.
Plant a new one that isn’t as close as that one. I’m sure it will thrive!🥰
Coming along really well love your drive and determination.cant wait to see the ring beam installed❤
Very soon! It will be so good to get that done. 👍
I would remove the trees and replant new . If planted in small groups they can be more effective than a line, and you can still have the view. Great team work 👍
Thank you for the suggestion. 👍♥️
New title: The care and feeding of tuck-pointing/re-pointing. In my opinion, 'derelict' was the state of the house when you arrived. Maybe 'renovation' or 'purposing' is more apt now. SO much has progressed since that first day!
Questionable trees near your structures - hmm, ripe for harvesting. However, trees and bushes (fruit-bearing maybe) offer wind-breaks for gardens, etc. Mad proud of you all!
Thanks so much! I definitely think it's starting to look less derelict and more like a renovation too! The hedgerow is staying as we are loving the diversity and we will get it in better shape in a short space of time.
Amazing what you can achieve, When you "let" the wife help 😂. Good stuff guys.
You got that right! 🤣
take out the dead stuff, plant some fast growning trees, like cottonwood, more ash, native pine. and let the understory grow wild. it provides some haven for wildlife
Shay checking in from dublin Ireland thank you ❤❤❤❤❤
My word the view is gorgeous. Great work as always ✅✅✅✅
Thank you very much!
I think it would be better to clear it all. Your channel is great and it's fun to see your home come to fruition. So peaceful and lovely.
you are doing a great job you are two hard workers best of look david
ive been watching a few channels, Im gaining a lot of respect when women get to work as well , just help out. they become very beautiful and strong.
I appreciate that. Thanks
The hollow tree I would if I was you take it down before you get a good storm and it blows it down onto a building, always better to be safe than sorry
Yes we probably should. We👍
Cut the ivy at the bottom of the trees because it acts like a sail and ends up taking the tree down in a storm. You can use a pruning saw, hatchet or even a chainsaw if you’re careful.
Yes that's our plan going forward on the trees that are still alive.
I have been here done this all 4 years ago .. when u have the digger spread all the topsoil clean up the ditches get all the big machine work done if not you will find it hard to get someone back with a big machine for small bits of work .. the big hallow tree knock it before it falls on someone or something ye have a grate channel if we were closer I would help with with machinery and tools
Aww thanks. We aren't doing any clearing until the autumn other than the trees within 30m if the buildings. Our neighbour has kindly offered to remove the dead trees in the autumn.
Thanks for the mid-week update! Always a joy to see your videos. Toby looks good!
So nice of you. He is doing well thankfully.
I like how the trees outline the property, prune them see if that gives them a chance to come back
Awwww you are both doing so very well sending hugs and blessings to you both and the children tc now the oldies 🤗🤗🤗🤗👍👍🌹
Thanks so much as always xx
Take it down 🚜 I ❤love watching your hard work. You are all amazing!
Thank you! Much appreciated
I would take everything out, but replant. Because Toby needs to have two spaces he can roam while the other grows.
Love what your doing
We are removing some old bad trees in our hedgerows, but mainly just stuffing the gaps with pollinators for the orchard. Crap apples, Damsels, wild pears, but also wild cherries, Sloes, dog-rose, hazel, Gelder rose, Rowan, Elder and anything that gives flowers in different times of the year and attracts insects and help with other main fruit trees. At the same time provide shelter because exposed sites do not do well with fruit trees.
That sounds wonderful! Your hedgerows will be gorgeous as well as life-giving.
Yes we plan on keeping it and improving it as you say with amazing pollinator friendly plants.
Thanks so much Gary. Really generous of you. ♥️
Do they have grants for hedgerow rejuvenation? The wild life will reward you in many way with a hedgerow.
They do have schemes running every year for whips which we got last year and will apply again thos year to regenerate the hedgerows we have uncovered.
I'd clear all the dead trees and any other trees that aren't what you want. I'd replant some trees and bushes and leave some gaps for a view.
Bec, take down the tree next to the barn. It's not worth the possibility of losing the barn in a stiff wind. If you don't like the other trees, take them out. Personally, I like the ring of trees as a wind break. Of course, I'm from Wyoming where you'll find wind socks on the highways as warnings to drivers! Any wind break is a relief. See you Sunday!
Blessed Be!
Yes the windbreakers will be staying. The dead Ash will be going 👍
Fantastic work, LOvelt people.
Many thanks!
Wow, wow, and wow!!!! You two are moving along at a fantastic rate, and making a superb job of it all.
I would consider removing any trees that could potentially cause a problem now, or in the future. That way you don't compromise any work you are doing or will need to do later.
I would think that people should realise that you are doing everything you can to preserve the habitat of wildlife.
Can't wait to see what you get up to next. Thanks for being the family to watch on you tube xx
Thank you. I really hope most of our regular viewers know we are only trying to do good things here, bringing it back to a wildlife loving space. ♥️🍀
@@theirishhomestead If they pay attention to what you do and what you say, they certainly will ❤🦔🐦🥰
You may want some windbreak.
Lovely 'orb' watching over you from inside the building as you put the lintels on the scaffold - 😉
Not spotted that! Will watch back! 👍♥️
@lynngenevieve2141 - it has been in several videos when they have the camera set up at that spot in the new livingroom worksite.
Looking amazing, and even before you asked for comments, I was thinking, just use the digger for all you need done now. Clearing out as much as possible will also free up your mind to make even better choices for the space. Sometimes only when we are past making a decision , does it come clearer that it was the right one. :) besides,the costs later on will be higher. Glad Toby looking healthier and healed up. Home stead is coming along nicely. God bless
Yes those were our thoughts but our neighbour who us a gardener and chainsaw qualified is going to take the trees down for us in the autumn. We are unable to remove them now really due to the Irish wildlife protection laws.
Yah!!! Love the mid week treats!!!
Glad you like them! 🤣
Gosh, the pointing on the stone walls look so awesome. I love it!! As for the trees, they are more of a hazard if they are dead. They could fall and cause a disaster. For safety, you are right to remove them. We are so spoilt to get a mid week video. Thank you so much. 🥰🥰
Thanks. We will definitely remove the dead trees once it's autumn. 👍
If you do take down the last trees. Make sure you are allowed. It is breeding season after all
We can take down the dead trees, and we can see through them, they were that bare. No nests were present as I checked beforehand.
No removal of any Hedgerow, either contrary to some people's thoughts lol.
The field looks so much better
Thank you
Hi there John dearden UK viewer,,
Defo take it out and start from Afresh👍👍👍👍
If we do it will be in the autumn now. Hoping it can be improved though.
I enjoy following your channel. Before removing the hedgerows, you might want to check into permaculture principles regarding how to plan out the property. Of course dead trees have to be cut but you might want to consider replacing them with new trees and keeping the hedgerows... Geoff Lawton has a great channel, Andrew Millison also has some amazing information on the theme. Looking forward to seeing you progress in your project.!!
Thanks so much. I hope we can retain the hedgerows as that was always my plan. I think I just looked at them after the soil was cleared away and was shocked to see how bad a state they were in. I'm sure some tlc and time will improve them.
Great suggestions, those are invaluable resources for landowners.
Why don't you layer the hedges as that would give them a new life, and don't forget hedges will help with the wind protection for your garden. I would get ride of the trees espceally the sicamores. As for your lake view a nice deck and summerhouse would be nice there with something like a pipsqueek stove for those winter days.
Interesting, why you would clear the Sycamore?
@@theirishhomestead Sycamore seedlings are poisonous does not always kill the animail that eats it but enough have died to rasie concerens especially in equine circles. The Sycamore is also classed as a weed tree as the seed spreads far and wide and germinats easily. Pitty about the Ash trees they are rally useful medical trees for animals
I thought of Emily and Louise when I found you. Good to see Em in your vid.
Happy building!
Plant new hedges for wind breaks, plant new trees all where you want them
You can really see the difference in the stone wall, looks good, thank you for the mid-week show made my day :)
No problem. Thanks for watching.
I see you got your weedwhacker (strimmer) back from Louise & Emily and it's still working! It was so nice to see Em pop up in your video. You folks have such wild, wet, and windy weather over there - my hat goes off to you! Take care and remain safe. :)
Yes we did thanks. All good with the strimmer. So nice to have them close by.
I recommend 'Future Forests' nursery in West Cork for hedging, trees etc. Great choice and service (no connection other than buying trees from them). A mixture of species (hawthorn, blackthorn, hornbeam etc) will 'hedge your bets' against diseases such as fire blight.
Thanks. I do plan on improving it and making it into a proper hedgerow. 👍
A hedgerow / fence makes good friends.
Very true.
Thanks for this great update. I am delighted with your progress and that Toby is getting a friend. You are doing a great job on the land. You live there and understand your environment and what will work best. I am just happy to see the whole thing being created. The bottom line is that this is your property, your animals and your trees. These negative people should leave you to make the necessary decisions about your property. Thanks from Canada.❤
Thanks Diane. It's been a bit overwhelming. We appreciate the kind comment. ♥️
Great leaveling with the digger,why don’t you case the bancorse with the roof timbers the traditional Irish way. The deciding hedge should be left , firstly the hedge roe provides extra shelter, secondly the roots of the hedge extend out making a very wet aeria drier, thirdly as your holding is small the smaller paddocks are easier manage. I own fields from 6 acres down to one quarter of an acre and all have advantages
Yes we thought about that but think the wall was too bendy and uneven I think was the reason but Sam knows more on this that me.
Yes the hedge is staying well technically I wouldn't call it a hedge more a few hawthorns in a row between a load of dead Ash trees. That being said I'm up for improving it and making it a proper hedge to be proud of. I totally see the benefits of it. Thanks
Spread some grass seed on the fresh soil because there’s a very good chance that you’ll end up with weeds of all sorts otherwise. Throw in some wildflower seed in the mix as well if you want.
I would be tempted to leave the hedge but I love trees.
That's my plan Wildflowers and grass between the fruit trees. A real orchard with tonnes of pollinators.
@@theirishhomestead Look up heritage Irish apple trees. You can get trees that were recorded as common in the locality you’re in. There’s several nurseries selling them but you would need to order them now to get them this winter for planting.
Open your field up will look epic take all the old damaged trees out and later plant anew where it best suits you guys
Thanks. Our gardener neighbour has looked at the hedgerow and is going to help me get it back into shape. We would be breaking the wildlife laws if we were to remove it at this time of year anyway.
Yeah, clearing them out and planting new trees in a more appropriate location seems to be the best suggestion.
Thanks 👍
You’re doing great! Whatever you decide will be perfect! 😊
Thank you!! 😊
You mom and dad and kids make a great super work team. Happy Father’s Day.
Thank you. ♥️
Decide where you want protection from the wind and the best place to grow plants.
Have a look at the RED Gardens project , simplify Gardening and Mossy Bottom for ideas.
Good luck from north east Scotland.
I loved mossy bottom! Reminds me to look him up as not seen much pop up from him for a while now he is in Finland.