If you are still having issues with the camera not lining up properly, try changing the Camera "Sensor Fit" from "Auto" to "Horizontal" or "Vertical" :)
This comment has nothing to do with your tutorial, but the shape of your nose is amazing, it really looks like an artist carefully crafted it and put it in your face.
ARE YOU FRIGGGGGIN KIDDING ME???? Dude your tutorials deserve to have 1000000 views no joke ... u saved my life! Easy to consume, Great quality, and at the end I learnt something! you are awesome ... pls keep up the AE & Blender videos ... :)
How did you save me, why didn’t I think of looking for information about space correction before, how I did something terrible before that. thanks man, you're the best
This! Yes! Thank you so much for making this. I've been searching forever for an end-to-end, after effects and blender workflow. You are my hero. I love you.
at 12:35: you don't need to copy the keyframes just to get the PRS (pos, rot, scale) from the first keyframe... just hold shift while parenting with the pick-whip, and the child will snap to the new parent's PRS
This is the first video of yours that I watched. instant sub. You put a lot of effort into these tutorials… glad you also reassured people that you can get wigged out with all this type of stuff ….
Even though the plugin doesn’t work for AE22, it’s nice to see people acknowledging this as a worthwhile project! I felt like I was going crazy because I could never get Blender’s tracking to work right, even with tons of manual correction. AE on the other hand pretty much always gets it right in one click.
Ok i've been experimenting and stuggeling as many I believe to get i right. I had an idea that really improves my results: Render the start frame with some solids in after effects, and use that as ref. for adjusting focal lenght and sensor size in blender: So the workflow is: 1. cam tracking in AE, set ground and origin creat 3d cam, and a few solids. 2. Render this frame in AE for later use 3. Copy cam data to blender with the plugin 4. Copy solids 5. Adjust starting position of the cam key frames in blender 6. use the single AE render as background image in your animated blender cam ( set it to the back) 7. If all is good you now see you solids in blender if you view to the cam. but also the solids from the AE render 8: Only 2 parameters I tweak is the sensor size and focal lenght, in a way that they blender solids match up with the background 9. Done 10. Send a box with dog stools to adobe for not making a simple exporter...
Wow Thanks Buddy... I was doing this and wondering why its shaking and watched your video and see that it starts form 0 frames then i drag it to frame 1 in blender. Thanks Again🤗
If you're having trouble with your empties not being the right size once brought back into AE (around 12:00 on the tut), copy your original focal range and paste it on the camera from blender. It scale it right up!
This is exactly the video I needed! Also thanks for throwing in all those tips like focal length matching, starting frame being 1, etc. I never would have figured out the trick of transforming the coordinates in Blender. Thanks for the great tutorial!
amazing tutorial and amazing creator, subbed. also what you said about blender after so many years of watching tutorials, that was the most usefull tip to new users i have ever seen. about the Blendesse language (lingo) gg bro gg
WOW thank you so much for creating this! I've had a lot of issues with the AE2Blend plug in the past and gave up on it. I'll give it another go with your tips!
I finally got to trying it out. I realized my issue was that I didn't copy the camera settings from AE to Blender. Once I did that, the track worked perfectly! @Bruets have there been any situations when this method didn't work for you and you had to use the Blender tracker?
@@jordanhwang That’s great news man, thanks for letting me know :) I’ve found the plug-in works well on static objects but not so well on moving ones. Then I’ll resort to blenders tracker, however I’ll usually plan my shot so I have some kind of track points in the video to use as this makes tracking SO much easier!
Can't believe you only have 550 subs. This is a freakin' amazing tutorial! You should have hundreds of thousands of subscribers. Thank you very much brother! :D
Thanks a lot, you save me on a recent project, i use to make this things in C4D but recently i use blender and i love it... take time to get use to the new way on doing things.
Fantastic tutorial, but....nothing about masking the subject so that Suzanne is placed behind him. Did you just roto-brush? And is there a relatively easy way to do this efficiently?
Yeah you’re right bro, I didn’t include that mainly because this tutorial was already quite long and it was off topic from the description of the video. For this example I used mocha pro and the spline tool to mask the subject from the background. I used separate splines and isolated each limb separately. However, since then rotobrush 2 has been released so I suggest trying that first as it’s the easiest and fastest 🙏🏻
@@Bruets Thanks man, that's super useful. I teach film in secondary/college and next year want to add in green screen/compositing. Your approach was very straightforward and I thought it was pretty successful. My kids will be working more with CGI environments (as opposed to animated characters/elements) but the principle is the same. Great tutorial and also good pace. Yes, I'll need to run it a few times to get everything, but better to do it that way than to take AGES and force your viewers into the skip forward/oops missed a bit/skip back/ah dammit too far loop!! Really nice presentation, wish you good luck with your channel. I'll be subbing!!
Would it still work without the lighting from google street view? I was trying this inside and I dont want to buy the plugin if it's going to look weird in the end. Thanks in advance, great work of yours!
Without an HDRI of your environment you wish to place the object in or any sort of lighting reference (360 Photo etc), you may struggle to get the object to fit into the scene/footage realistically :)
*Subscribed. I was wondering why my camera on Blender didn't match and even the plane was shaking, the reason was the first frame delayed to zero, also I didn't know about to set plane and origin before exporting to Blender, nice video it's really helpful*
Why is this process so convoluted? I appreciate that someone made a plug to get camera data from AE to Blender, and that Bruets has made this tutorial, but after so many years, why no one has elected to make the process simpler? I have a project with one shot that requires a camera track. I need the camera to created where I need it and oriented to the global coordinates. I shouldn't have to create a mad string of empties to hack my way to aligning an object to the world. It's madness!
This video is astonishing, really thanks for that!!! I'm starting with blender and about the suzanne, what kind of preparations of his texture have you used and how you get there? Thanks!!!
Well this was just an example scene, so I only used the principled BSDF. I set the transmission to 1 and roughness to 0. Then just selected a red colour 🙂 It’s basic but works for this demonstration.
I set the key frames to start at 1 and made sure the focal length matched AE but the tracking is still slightly off. Anything I can do? Thanks. Great video. 👍🏻
Thanks man. Have you imported the background images as a PNG sequence or a video clip? Also, does the frame rate of your blender project match the frame rate of the footage?
@@johnsacks7398 Export the exact video clip you tracked as a PNG sequence then import it into blender. In background images in the camera settings set it to “behind”. Make sure the project matches the frame rate of the footage but also the frame rate of the AE comp (if different). Also make sure you haven’t tracked footage with any transforms or warp stabilisers applied unless they have been pre-comped. Make sure the sensor size and camera focal length match AE, and make sure the blender project is the same resolution as your footage.
@@Bruets I think it’s probably the resolution. The video is 4k but I rendered out at 1440p in the interest of time. I’ll double check and make sure I did everything else. Thanks again!
Unfortunately Rotobrush 2 wasn't released when i did the roto on this project. So i used mocha ae, isolated each limb individually and masked it out that way. I'm sure rotobrush 2 would of done a much better job and would be much faster too :)
thanks for an awesome tutorial! Im having problems when bringing the elements into Blender, it doesnt seem to match up very well. I'm following the steps, but the footage and planes created in AE goes all over the shop when i copy them into blender. Like wiggling a lot and moving where they shouldnt. ppppffff this shit is killing me to understand!
Thank for your tutorial. but if i want export my 3d model from blender to element 3d in AE. this model is animated in blender. then how i can match moving of this model in E3D like in blender?
Hey man! Super helpful video. I have on question that I haven't been able to find an answer for anywhere. Do you know what value you have to copy from AE to generate a point cloud? I assumed it would be in the 3d tracker on my footage in AE, but I can't find anything to copy.
the after effects tracking i did is perfect and i see nothing wrong with it. the plane is stuck on the ground like its supposed to be, but whenever i import it into blender my camera is either off into the distance or anything it keeps moving too far down and up during the animation. the camera animation looked fine but when i put an object close to it i can see its moving to far
BTW, After Effects doesn't automatically set imported image sequences to 30fps, it imports it to the frame rate that's set in your AE Preferences>Import>Sequence Footage setting.
TO ANYONE DOING THIS TUTORIAL IN 2022. The AE 2 Blend plugin only works with certain versions of AE and blender, download after effects 2019, and blender 2.8-2.9, then your camera will paste over without a problem
@@creasedaf1s900Personally it worked for me in After Effects 2019, theres only about 2 builds of it out there, so if you have the option, download both and one should hopefully work
Not sure if this was a mistake in your fine directions, but when I get to the point of scaling the world to the cube - I have to scale the world DOWN to the cube because the cube is smaller. The plane and camera are parented to the world empty and the plane is bigger. So when you say "I have to scale the plane UP to the size of the cube - it makes no sense - since the cube is much smaller. To get the plane to be the same size as the cube I have to scale it DOWN to a ridiculously low .05 on all axis. What am I missing here?
Check the focal length of your camera. I've found that sometimes the camera tracker in AE can be a little off, and give you some ridiculous focal length. If it's given you some value greater than around 100mm for a clip clearly not shot in that focal length then re-track the footage. Use detailed analysis for a more accurate result too.
Thank you man! I'm using version 2.90 in this video. If you find compatibility issues with newer versions, then import your camera in 2.9, save the file and re-open it in a newer version :)
If you are still having issues with the camera not lining up properly, try changing the Camera "Sensor Fit" from "Auto" to "Horizontal" or "Vertical" :)
Horizontal did the trick. Thank you so much!
Wow!! A huge help! You saved me several years! Now I’ll be able to retire early. Thanks so much!
This comment has nothing to do with your tutorial, but the shape of your nose is amazing, it really looks like an artist carefully crafted it and put it in your face.
Don’t even know how to use the software but still just find myself watching it! Awesome stuff man keep it up!! 🔥
Thanks man
ARE YOU FRIGGGGGIN KIDDING ME???? Dude your tutorials deserve to have 1000000 views no joke ... u saved my life!
Easy to consume, Great quality, and at the end I learnt something! you are awesome ... pls keep up the AE & Blender videos ... :)
Haha thanks man! Means a lot thank you very much brother :)
Great job and it helps so much when you put in the time to really help others, also that break at 4:33 was real on so many levels.
I thought I was watching a verified channel, keep up the quality content
Thank you man that means a lot! :)
Thanks for this, found it in my recommended and it’s what I’ve needed
No problem man i'm glad it helped! :)
How did you save me, why didn’t I think of looking for information about space correction before, how I did something terrible before that. thanks man, you're the best
This! Yes! Thank you so much for making this. I've been searching forever for an end-to-end, after effects and blender workflow. You are my hero. I love you.
You're welcome :)
at 12:35: you don't need to copy the keyframes just to get the PRS (pos, rot, scale) from the first keyframe... just hold shift while parenting with the pick-whip, and the child will snap to the new parent's PRS
This is the first video of yours that I watched. instant sub. You put a lot of effort into these tutorials… glad you also reassured people that you can get wigged out with all this type of stuff ….
Thank you buddy that means a lot man! :)
You´ve done my day with this tutorial.
Even though the plugin doesn’t work for AE22, it’s nice to see people acknowledging this as a worthwhile project! I felt like I was going crazy because I could never get Blender’s tracking to work right, even with tons of manual correction. AE on the other hand pretty much always gets it right in one click.
Ok i've been experimenting and stuggeling as many I believe to get i right. I had an idea that really improves my results: Render the start frame with some solids in after effects, and use that as ref. for adjusting focal lenght and sensor size in blender:
So the workflow is:
1. cam tracking in AE, set ground and origin creat 3d cam, and a few solids.
2. Render this frame in AE for later use
3. Copy cam data to blender with the plugin
4. Copy solids
5. Adjust starting position of the cam key frames in blender
6. use the single AE render as background image in your animated blender cam ( set it to the back)
7. If all is good you now see you solids in blender if you view to the cam. but also the solids from the AE render
8: Only 2 parameters I tweak is the sensor size and focal lenght, in a way that they blender solids match up with the background
9. Done
10. Send a box with dog stools to adobe for not making a simple exporter...
The recap is so useful! I wish more people did this.
Wow Thanks Buddy... I was doing this and wondering why its shaking and watched your video and see that it starts form 0 frames then i drag it to frame 1 in blender. Thanks Again🤗
No problem man! :)
nice intro, tutorial, and necklace.
If you're having trouble with your empties not being the right size once brought back into AE (around 12:00 on the tut), copy your original focal range and paste it on the camera from blender. It scale it right up!
Which ae2blend + blender version? I can't copy/paste my AE camera position into the blender "create camera". they just don't show up
This is exactly the video I needed! Also thanks for throwing in all those tips like focal length matching, starting frame being 1, etc. I never would have figured out the trick of transforming the coordinates in Blender. Thanks for the great tutorial!
Not problem at all man, thank you for the kind words really appreciate it :)
Can imagine all the efforts and hardwork put into this video. They're worth it. Learnt so many things just in 15min. Thanks man. Subscribed
You’re welcome bro 😊
fisrt thanks for the tutorial. and at 13:34 how did you get front the actor and suzanne back?
Straight forward and unassuming, honestly best blender tut, the future is bright
Thanks Man :)
amazing tutorial and amazing creator, subbed. also what you said about blender after so many years of watching tutorials, that was the most usefull tip to new users i have ever seen. about the Blendesse language (lingo) gg bro gg
Thank you! :)
WOW thank you so much for creating this! I've had a lot of issues with the AE2Blend plug in the past and gave up on it. I'll give it another go with your tips!
No problem! Let me know how you get on :)
I finally got to trying it out. I realized my issue was that I didn't copy the camera settings from AE to Blender. Once I did that, the track worked perfectly! @Bruets have there been any situations when this method didn't work for you and you had to use the Blender tracker?
@@jordanhwang That’s great news man, thanks for letting me know :) I’ve found the plug-in works well on static objects but not so well on moving ones. Then I’ll resort to blenders tracker, however I’ll usually plan my shot so I have some kind of track points in the video to use as this makes tracking SO much easier!
I was waiting to see the steps you took to rotoscope your friend out of it. Any tutorials on that too?
This is the best tutorial about this concept...
Thanks man :)
In the final video the 3D model behind the character, could you say how you did it? great video, thanks!!!
thanks man!
You're welcome!
Man, this was very convoluted, but it works!
dude.....i love you that was so great
Can't believe you only have 550 subs. This is a freakin' amazing tutorial! You should have hundreds of thousands of subscribers. Thank you very much brother! :D
Thank you bro that honestly means a lot man! It’s a slow grind but we’ll get there! 🙏🏻
Exactly what I needed. And where can i get the intro song please?
Good job. I like to convert the video to an image sequence first. Works better for me and you won't have to worry about frame rates also.
This is very true! Thank you :)
You Sir just got a new subscriber from me, God bless you
Thank you man :)
Bro brilliant tutorial! Subscribed for more
Thank you :)
Wow nice explain small doubt can you solve please. How the 3D object go back to the character
You are underrated
great video! is the part with the orientation part possible to make a script so you just have to click a button ?
Awesome tutorial! Super helpful!
No probs :)
man, I didn't like your vibe at the beginning, but after watching the tuts, I'm definitely subscribing!
Thanks man :)
3:55 This technique saves me a lot of time. Thank you!
No problem! :)
Cool vid dude.
Thanks bro 👊🏼
OMG thanks a lot dude I have been looking for a perfect tutorial for years , it's works perfect now 🙏
No worries bro :)
This Very helpful, thank you
Amazing tutorial! Quick question. Is it possible to stay in blender after tracking, and to make render in blender with visible background video?
Thanks a lot, you save me on a recent project, i use to make this things in C4D but recently i use blender and i love it... take time to get use to the new way on doing things.
Your welcome man! Good luck on your journey 🙏🏻
Nice tut, you're good!
Sir, you have saved my life
Haha you're welcome! :)
You saved my life! 😌
Great tutorial bro! Tks
Fantastic tutorial, but....nothing about masking the subject so that Suzanne is placed behind him. Did you just roto-brush? And is there a relatively easy way to do this efficiently?
Yeah you’re right bro, I didn’t include that mainly because this tutorial was already quite long and it was off topic from the description of the video. For this example I used mocha pro and the spline tool to mask the subject from the background. I used separate splines and isolated each limb separately. However, since then rotobrush 2 has been released so I suggest trying that first as it’s the easiest and fastest 🙏🏻
@@Bruets Thanks man, that's super useful. I teach film in secondary/college and next year want to add in green screen/compositing. Your approach was very straightforward and I thought it was pretty successful. My kids will be working more with CGI environments (as opposed to animated characters/elements) but the principle is the same.
Great tutorial and also good pace. Yes, I'll need to run it a few times to get everything, but better to do it that way than to take AGES and force your viewers into the skip forward/oops missed a bit/skip back/ah dammit too far loop!!
Really nice presentation, wish you good luck with your channel. I'll be subbing!!
This was really helpful, thanks! Even provided links to the apps. Such service
Thanks man, this really saved me lots of time. Wish I've seen this earlier!
i can't thank you enough for this.
Would it still work without the lighting from google street view? I was trying this inside and I dont want to buy the plugin if it's going to look weird in the end. Thanks in advance, great work of yours!
Without an HDRI of your environment you wish to place the object in or any sort of lighting reference (360 Photo etc), you may struggle to get the object to fit into the scene/footage realistically :)
@@Bruets I just used an HDRI environment similar to my actual set, with soft lighting it still looks pretty realistic.
Really helping tut thanks
No Worries :)
Excellent tutorial. Thanks!
You’re welcome :)
*Subscribed. I was wondering why my camera on Blender didn't match and even the plane was shaking, the reason was the first frame delayed to zero, also I didn't know about to set plane and origin before exporting to Blender, nice video it's really helpful*
Thank you man :) You’re welcome!
thanks a lot!! and the tutorial is just what i need.
No probs :)
Brooooo, have been looking for this infooo for agesss thanks so much...
No worries bro 👊🏼
Why is this process so convoluted? I appreciate that someone made a plug to get camera data from AE to Blender, and that Bruets has made this tutorial, but after so many years, why no one has elected to make the process simpler? I have a project with one shot that requires a camera track. I need the camera to created where I need it and oriented to the global coordinates. I shouldn't have to create a mad string of empties to hack my way to aligning an object to the world. It's madness!
Let's do it
Could element 3d work in this case?
This video is astonishing, really thanks for that!!! I'm starting with blender and about the suzanne, what kind of preparations of his texture have you used and how you get there?
Well this was just an example scene, so I only used the principled BSDF. I set the transmission to 1 and roughness to 0. Then just selected a red colour 🙂 It’s basic but works for this demonstration.
I set the key frames to start at 1 and made sure the focal length matched AE but the tracking is still slightly off. Anything I can do? Thanks. Great video. 👍🏻
Thanks man. Have you imported the background images as a PNG sequence or a video clip? Also, does the frame rate of your blender project match the frame rate of the footage?
@@Bruets the frame rates match, I did not import the video.
@@johnsacks7398 Export the exact video clip you tracked as a PNG sequence then import it into blender. In background images in the camera settings set it to “behind”. Make sure the project matches the frame rate of the footage but also the frame rate of the AE comp (if different). Also make sure you haven’t tracked footage with any transforms or warp stabilisers applied unless they have been pre-comped. Make sure the sensor size and camera focal length match AE, and make sure the blender project is the same resolution as your footage.
@@Bruets I think it’s probably the resolution. The video is 4k but I rendered out at 1440p in the interest of time. I’ll double check and make sure I did everything else. Thanks again!
That was awesome. How did you get the blender Suzanne behind the actor?. Did you use Rotobrush 2?
Unfortunately Rotobrush 2 wasn't released when i did the roto on this project. So i used mocha ae, isolated each limb individually and masked it out that way. I'm sure rotobrush 2 would of done a much better job and would be much faster too :)
What version of AE were you using in this video?
Thanks, bro.
Thanks a lot!
Amazing tutorial!!!!
Thanks very much ❤️
No problem 🙏🏻
If you added the same flame element in Blender and set it to only show in reflections, you'd get some nice extra firery reflections ;)
Thank you so much! Great tutorial!
No worries :)
thanks for an awesome tutorial! Im having problems when bringing the elements into Blender, it doesnt seem to match up very well. I'm following the steps, but the footage and planes created in AE goes all over the shop when i copy them into blender. Like wiggling a lot and moving where they shouldnt. ppppffff this shit is killing me to understand!
Hello, can you explain with a bit more details what you did for the lighting around 8:30
Thank for your tutorial. but if i want export my 3d model from blender to element 3d in AE. this model is animated in blender. then how i can match moving of this model in E3D like in blender?
Life saver!
Best intro ever LOL
Why is suzan floating, the ground is cement brinks it should rubble
Hey man! Super helpful video. I have on question that I haven't been able to find an answer for anywhere. Do you know what value you have to copy from AE to generate a point cloud? I assumed it would be in the 3d tracker on my footage in AE, but I can't find anything to copy.
Hey dude I also need this! did you find the answer?
Nice video! Does this plugin work with 2.93.6 and 3.0b?
It is 2021, and it is STILL this fu... complicated!?
I will not even bother trying this. 😄
the after effects tracking i did is perfect and i see nothing wrong with it. the plane is stuck on the ground like its supposed to be, but whenever i import it into blender my camera is either off into the distance or anything it keeps moving too far down and up during the animation. the camera animation looked fine but when i put an object close to it i can see its moving to far
BTW, After Effects doesn't automatically set imported image sequences to 30fps, it imports it to the frame rate that's set in your AE Preferences>Import>Sequence Footage setting.
Correct, but the default in the preferences is 30fps.
Exactly what i was looking for man... Thanks i'll hit subscribe for that
No problem! Good to have you here :)
TO ANYONE DOING THIS TUTORIAL IN 2022. The AE 2 Blend plugin only works with certain versions of AE and blender, download after effects 2019, and blender 2.8-2.9, then your camera will paste over without a problem
Any specific ae needed bro? I can’t get it to work
@@creasedaf1s900Personally it worked for me in After Effects 2019, theres only about 2 builds of it out there, so if you have the option, download both and one should hopefully work
Yeeeeeeeeah! Thank you so much!
just amazing
Thank You :)
Wow~~~ thanks~~~
Not sure if this was a mistake in your fine directions, but when I get to the point of scaling the world to the cube - I have to scale the world DOWN to the cube because the cube is smaller. The plane and camera are parented to the world empty and the plane is bigger. So when you say "I have to scale the plane UP to the size of the cube - it makes no sense - since the cube is much smaller. To get the plane to be the same size as the cube I have to scale it DOWN to a ridiculously low .05 on all axis. What am I missing here?
Check the focal length of your camera. I've found that sometimes the camera tracker in AE can be a little off, and give you some ridiculous focal length. If it's given you some value greater than around 100mm for a clip clearly not shot in that focal length then re-track the footage. Use detailed analysis for a more accurate result too.
Really great video! Any idea if this would be possible using 360 equirectangular footage?
I take it AE2Blend works well on 2.9? BTW awesome channel u gonna grow fast if u keep this going.
Thank you man! I'm using version 2.90 in this video. If you find compatibility issues with newer versions, then import your camera in 2.9, save the file and re-open it in a newer version :)
what about the guy how did you make the monkey behind him? did you use roto brush?
I used Splines in mocha pro, although roto brush 2 will work just fine for this example!
how did you send the suzane back of the person. 13:25
Мужик ты просто лучший, спасибо огромное!
No Problem man! :)
you just too great
You're pretty smart. Upload more
It doesn't work with blender 3.0 and AE 22.1 I just cant copy the keyframes from ae to blender anymore..."no animation buffer to paste in "
do all footage need to have a ground so that you can set ground and origin? how about footage with no visible ground in it?