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When Dumb TikTokers Mess With Mexican Cartels
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- TikTokers can be extremely stupid, but nothing comes close to publicly calling out a cartel. Here are 5 examples of when TikTok Idiots messed with real cartels.
This is, When TikTok Idiots Mess With Mexican Cartels
Thank you guys for watching, like and sub if you enjoyed, SunnyV2
Also, the idea for this video was inspired by "Crime Dynasty" who posted a video on a similar topic in September 2023 titled "5 Times TikTokers Messed With The Wrong Cartels" You can watch their version here - • 5 Times TikTokers Mess...
“These social media morons…”
That last girl was a hero who tried to expose corruption. Don’t group her with the clowns.
All she did was exposing herself and paint target on her back. How many people she exposed and was sent to prison thanks to her cartel trolling? It's one of the most dumbest things you can do in country ruled by organised crime. She committed suicide for nothing. That's how to be dumb 101.
She did go about her noble course like a moron would, tho.
The only thing she did wrong was trying to call the cartel leaders " Losers" and "Dirt Bags". If she just a small time petty thief, she cannot come close to that of a huge crime lord, can she? She humiliated them without knowing what they can go to their extent, instead of just interviewing them as the opposing forces, and paid the price.
Despite this mistake she was indeed the only one who did not do pranks and death threats tho
sunny is a literal clown who earns a living from being terminally online. dont worry
Bro dissed a gang leader and then shared his live location
He's on some Tony Stark timing
At least Stark has the firepower to survive
@@ElSergany-S so you’re telling me if I ever wanna have a fun time I should insult the cartel and get them to fight me? They seem easy to trap.
except tony’s billionaire superhero and that guy was just drunk
Is my music tuff? 🤔
Apparently not enough😶
I’m really saddened about the woman’s story… she was a true journalist exposing the corrupt government and cartels… may peace be with her.
cartels are sponsored by the government and even the police and the army fear them, idk how or why normal people think they can do what a bunch of corrupt politicians can't or won't.
Two ladies? Isn't there only one in the video?
"Reporter" lady was all the same dumb as the others. She knew what she fights against, they warned her, she didn't listen. Not that it's right, legitimate or acceptable, but if you troll cartel killers for clout, you find out hard just as her.
I think you read this wrong 😊@@Eis_Cold
what two ladies?
“That day I woke up stupid” is an S tier excuse. Hahahahaha
but it's actually from a tiktok comment.
@@TheRealLoLGD it’s a quote from the mouths of one of these victims of the cartel on this video. Find some common sense.
@@Tbanksss no I was saying the actual problem miner
Why is the last woman included in the video though? She was killed for doing the right thing.
Trolling cartels is right, you think? Glad to hear that you are living in safe country and got opoturnity to be anywhere near this organised crime in your life. That's seriously dumb thing to do. It's not even heroic, she didn't save anyone. If you think that one person could stop cartel killers from killing by chasing the clout over the Internet, you are, in fact, as dumb as her.
Because she also challanged the cartel and wasnt safe at all, which is not very smart
@@LionelSoccer Challenging evil isn’t stupid, reckless perhaps, but stupid? No. It’s way more brave than any of us watching this would ever do. All that shit won’t go away if people never do anything.
Because catchy titles are more important than true titles. A moron that was killed by cartel because he was insulting them catch more people attention than "Cartel victims"
@@sirnetflix7162 Bravery and stupidity aren't mutually exclusive. It's brave to stand up to a mugger with a knife, it's also DUMB to stand up to a mugger with a knife.
Send jack doherthy to Mexico
Nah i would love it, imagine n3on, doberty and sneako, The battle would be Legendary. Lonely Loser Yappers or Mexican Apex Predators.
@@LNPragathiesh-ef9dz add in Johnnysomaly and that's going to be solid content
If he doesn't mess with them, they won't mess with him
That would be hilarious, send him to O’Block too
Tiktok and being dumb really come together.
@@AyanokojiKiyotaka5 exactly
From my own knowledge: there’s a stereotype that the Deep South has a high prevelance of incestual behavior. Alabama is often the first state people associate with the Deep South, but I couldn’t explain why - probably because it starts with the letter A
If people have a better explanation I’m happy to learn what it is!
Made for each other
its actually so true
Insulting the cartel is basically signing your own death warrant
El Pirata had people laugh at him not with him
Simpletons cant make that distinction.
He probably knew that too, which might have worsened his habit.
It was at that moment he became El Pinata 🪅
And the fact that literally everyone encouraged him to drink at such a young age is pretty sad and messed up.
@@ross3986that explains mexicans for ya..
Calling Pamela, someone who was trying to start a discourse, a “social media moron” along with the rest of them is pretty harsh
She was brave indeed…but also stupid
It didn't save her from the cartels now did it? She sacrificed her life for nothing.
@@Dustfiredif that’s your reasoning than a lot of black people or just minorities in general are dumb because it takes years to see change but it still sheds light on the thing they’re fighting for, people like her and many others paid the ultimate sacrifice for their cause in the long run. Could apply to anything really, wars even. Respect it.
@@MegaSombra7”What’s bravery without a dash of recklessness?” -Hawkeye Gough
@@Zanemob Well, you shouldn't get killed
Seriously rest in peace to that last woman she is a real inspiration.
The woman tried to antagonize the cartels.
She died a fool's death, and she became another number in the mountain of bodies.
Soy latina y la morra realmente no sabia ni que hacia. Que un newgrit0 venga a decir que era una inspiracion por likes, cuando nunca vio sus videos es del asco.
You only say that if its a woman
inspiration to not talk shit about the cartel
@@Jay999_WMen don't ever support women, lmao. That's rare.
the cartels do be having the most fragile ego possible
Well the people life be fragile can't even survive cartels 😂 You seriously tried to pull up fragile ego
How about you endure their torture and see how fragile you are
@@cXms-k8yyou can barely speak English
I’d never be dumb to mess with the Cartel they absolutely do not mess around it’s a dangerous life!
It is not really about fragile egos, its about power.
Letting people make fun off in public diminishes the control and power you have over people. So as a cartell putting down the hammer on stuff like this makes it hard to criticize them even with comedy. All athoritans do this. Its the same reason religion have blasphemy rules
@@Kmodalblasphemy is disrespectful doesn’t diminish religion, like christainty, not the sane
To be fair, the last woman wasn’t dumb but brave.
Then he should've lied low and ya know NOT visit the restaurant. Keep out of the spotlight until the heat died down.
But instead she had a death wish.
Well, she can be brave and dumb at the same time though. Taking no precautions to safeguard your life from doing something that would obviously put a target on you is, well, stupid. Sorry to say this.
To provoke killers and paint target on your back for internet clout is everything but brave. It's literally deadly dumb. Thats not how you fight organised crime. That's how you chase clout and numbers. Hopefully all her clout is useful 6ft under.
Yeah “brave”. Died for nothing. No changes. Imagine giving your life and have nothing to show for it. 😂
@@S0nyToprano yeah we should all be like you and live pathetic lives because that’s the most safe 🤓
10:00 The cartel having social media presence is crazzzzzzzzy
They always had one
Why wouldn't they? They're not scared of anything
No one tell him about isis
@@TheBlader02 that’s true tho
They used to post videos on TH-cam lol
7:48 Fofo Márquez is currently in jail, sometime last year he started practicing boxing and decided to use those boxing skills on an elderly lady who was 50 some years old. His reasoning was because she had scratched his car. He's currently waiting trial if found guilty, he can do up to 20 years for attempted feminicida
You’d think him almost becoming a victim of one of the most dangerous gangs in Mexico would humble him. Guess not
@@Lee-TeaCrazy enough, the CJNG made another threat at Fofo Marquez after the incident where he beat the middle aged woman. This time instead of an internet post, they hung up a narco message or a large message on a giant poster in a bridge next to a severed head in Tijuana threatening him with never stepping foot in Tijuana, Guadalajara (where the bridge incident happened) and Mexico City (Fofo’s hometown and residence) or else they’ll kill him. So even if he’s freed from jail, he’s totally cooked. Here’s the news report from that even though it is in Spanish: th-cam.com/video/lPUCx0u_HEA/w-d-xo.htmlfeature=shared
@@Lee-Teacould go the other way, he can’t for after powerful people so might as well abuse his power on weaker people
how is that femicide? isn't that just assault and battery?
@@stuart4341 Fofo Márquez is charged with attempted femicide rather than a charge such as "aggravated assault" or "battery" because his assault included elements that Mexican authorities consider indicative of attempted femicide. This crime is defined in Mexico to protect women from acts of lethal gender-based violence and applies when a physical assault shows a clear intent to cause death, as occurred in the attack on the victim in a parking lot in Naucalpan in February 2024. He brutally hit and kicked a woman after a vehicle accident, an action that the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Appellate Court in Tlalnepantla met the characteristics of attempted femicide, so he was charged under that legal figure.
This video rubs me the wrong way, Pamela was not a 'moron' she was standing up to the brutal cartels and reporting on them.
Don't expect much from SunnyV2. He constantly likes to paint the victims as the ones who did something wrong
Sunny is a weirdo tbh
@@ksamuel9says alot about your favorite youtuber
@@ELH9XAyou still binge the channel stop making these people famous
True. She also publicized her actions WITH HER FACE AND NAME. One can be both right and a moron.
Ah yes, insulting cartels, which are known for their extreme violence and disregard for any human life... What could go wrong?
Just say you think they’re super cool and keep it moving goddamn 😂
@@creamshotsoda Literally nobody said that but if that's your interpertation.
What would they do? Being marriachis?
We should stop calling them "cartels" and calling them for what they really are, terrorist organizations
@@eliphas_vlka bad spelling and improper grammar, yikes
Tiktokers thinking they in GTA.
mf's trying to go into a paint 'n spray to get rid of the stars
They are. Except you don't respawn in this version.
Lester:" I aint programmed to help you in this sh*t, Deal with it yourself homie"
Tbf same shit happens in GTA. Talk shit about a drug lord and you’ll be killed.
Yt shorts user
The rich dude was like a mini jack dorthy
Juán Doherty ☠️
@@WhatisthissuhvsTHATS CRAZY BRO
He’s wealthier.
The Mexican jack dorthy
@@BlackRain1396 cartels
Seeing a 2024 english video about El Pirata de Culiacán its something i've never expected. Me and my friends used to laugh with his videos and we weren't actually surprised when we knew that he was killed. But after a while, I realized how sad his life was and how his death was even sadder and darker. He was just a 17 year old orphan child from a very poor background, who was used by some rich influencers who were supposed to be his friends but rather they were pretty much using him to make money by turning him into a living meme, teaching him to get completely wasted everyday and to live a shitty life full of drugs and alcohol. I even remember that after a couple days he was killed, I read a note online that no one was trying to claim his body from the morgue yet.
He was disposable.
i never understanded why most of the people on my school laughs at his life like he always been drinkin and going to partys and theres person that are going for the same way but no with the same popularity, it something that make a little sad (my english is very bad sorry )
That one guy maybe was an influencer but at least he tried to make him work out
That was his social media manager @@_matis_
I see a ton of similarities with American tiktoker world of t shirts as he was goofy, got taken advantage of, became a drunk
Funny context amid the horribleness 6:57 This comment is a mexican meme referring to the breaking bad episode where there's a mexican narco corrido about Walter White. Wherein they sing "Ese compa ya está muerto, nomás no le han avisado" which actually means "This dude is already dead, they just haven't told him". This meme usually was used in the less grim context of people finding about their partners' infidelity or parents about to ground one of their children. It was more literal in that context
Lmao that's actually funny to use about a kid getting in trouble or a cheater in deep shit.
I really got to better my Spanish, y'all come up with great memes and the most brutal roasts.
You best to the explanation 😅
This guy is already dead, he just doesnt know it 🎅🎅🎅
Negro y Azul reference spotted
That meme can be about dave blunts right now
The best apology to the cartels is to just say your favorite character is Goku. They’ll probably just try to recruit you afterwards.
Why? (Just asking bc I really don't understand what does dragon ball and cartel have in common?)
Haha so funny kiddo
@@SirAlexanderGamesMexicans (I'm one) grew up with Dragon Ball because it airs for free on like TV.
@@SirAlexanderGames db is very popular in Mexico and during goku vs jiren the cartel activity went down
@@SirAlexanderGames there was a report can’t remember if it was just a meme or true but cartel activity drastically decreased every time anew dragon ball episode aired.
SunnyV2 walking into the kitchen in the morning: "I think I'll have EGGS and bacooooonnnnnnn"
It drives me nuts
if it wasnt every sentence it would be easier to tolerate 😭😭
Is my music tuff? 🤔
thats a really good ideeeaaaah
"I am very hungryyyyyyyy right nowwwwww. What should I eaaaaaaaaat ?"
The last one is just sad. She stood up to evil and was murdered because of it. That's true bravery.
The cartels is something is always avoided talking about especially when I lived 10 minutes from Mexico. That’s a subject that I want nothing to do with. That’s playing with fire times a million
1:57 of his life and careearrrrrrrrrrr
The accent is pretty thick with this dude
2:33 sobaarr
Very original. 👏😐
@@GirlULookSoFancy doesn't need to be original to be funny
Shits super distracting.
The lady Pamela was a real life hero. Please don't call her stupid.
Even then, didn't think the cartels would retaliate (which they always does) is basically writing yourself a death wish
You can be brave and stupid at the same time.
Bravery and stupidity aren't mutually exclusive. It's brave to stand up to a mugger with a knife, it's also DUMB to stand up to a mugger with a knife.
How is she a hero? She played a character on TH-cam. Please someone explain this to me
She stupid
CJNG: *threatens to kidnap you and then ends the message with "Sincerely, CJNG"*
The last lady shouldnt be here. She wasnt dumb she was brave for speaking out. She will be remembered for being such a funny and kind woman
She may be brave (which I don't think, she didn't realised severity of her claims, I guess because otherwise it was suicide) but at the same time extremely dumb. You can be both, just like her.
Do you even know what cartel is?
I think sunny and most other people will remember her for being short sighted when having a public 2nd place with no security
What you think this is? A video game? A movie?
@@PaendaTube true, like, you're basically signed your life away,at least you need to consider some protection because cartels were notoriously thirsty for retaliation
She was dumb. The cartel literally does not give af about you unless you try to stop them.
Why the Mexican cartel will be a nightmare for Mr. Beast.
it wont, but the fight will be insane. Imagine the thumbnail:"Will Lunchly food save me from the Cartels?!"
I think Mr beast is one of them since he won't let anyone criticize him
@@LNPragathiesh-ef9dz"$1 vs $100,000 Sodium Lunchly overdose VS Mexican Cartels"
@@LNPragathiesh-ef9dz "10,000 Hitmen vs Cartel Assassins''
Send Mr.beast to the cartel
8:42 ive somehow underestimated the entitlement of spoiled nepo influencers. The idea that doing a stunt to show “my money affords me the power to make everyones lives worse. I am the king of Mexico, you are all beneath me” and expecting anything but unanimous hate is utterly baffling
Painting the cartel as badass and not as scum is wild to me.
Insulting mexican cartels WHILST IN MEXICO isn’t exactly a smart move
That’s what I’m saying, I’d insult them in a state they can’t ever reach 😭
But it is, because Mexican "cartels" are AFRAID to go over the Mexico borders because they are scared of other nations army 😭😭 just imagine the embarrassment
@@chinto6389they’re already cartels in Texas and Arizona, they’re not much different from New York gangs, just less stupid and more powerful.
you could get the to come to you and just wait? Too easy 😂
Is my music tuff? 🤔
Man drunk influencers and narco cartel killers going after each other after shittalking each other online is some true dystopian energy man.
Dang your comment was bot jacked by @HaydenHawkins-g8w and has more likes than yours already.
It's been like that since 1821. Mexico has never had more then 4 years of peace without some foreign taught president trying to enslave the natives of the country
México is a dystopian place to begin with.
The fact that the Mexican cartels have a social media page and can just say “We run the Country” is crazy.
Because the government doesnt have a spine and are in bed with the Cartel.
1:05 Public statues? C'mon dude, you know that's a piñata right? 😂
The last one wasnt stupid, she was making a stand for what she believed in. If that is stupidity to y'all then shame on you
Even so what did she think was gonna happen if she went back to the restaurant?
She still painted a target on her back, noble cause or not.
Skill issue tbh
@@v.emiltheii-nd.8094 yea ik she probably wasn't going to survive her call-out of the cartela but letting people know there are others that feel the same way about an oppressor is the first step to getting rid of them
Cause it is? Regardless of what she stood for...... If she seriously did not consider any consequences from calling out the cartel and instead went about her day thinking her life would not come to any danger whatsoever..... Well, isn't that just stupid?
If she wanted to do all that, then she should've made the proper arrangements to safeguard her life.
@@Nomad958you’re so edgy bro
The way you said El puurrata is absolutely crazy work.
El pirata is the best examples of how majority of friends are praying on your downfall,they literally sentence him to death
El Pirata is great example of actions and consequences. Did any of his friends force feed him alcohol and forcing him speak bullshit? Sure, his *friends* could tell him to stop but do you really think that person addicted to alcohol just stop? He dug his own grave. No one did it for him.
@@jannovak5481 this
@@jannovak5481he felt safe because he was in Sinaloa and there is no CJNGs there really. Going to Jalisco and announcing his location was a really bad move too. He would probably be alive today if he did not leave Sinaloa.
No they didn't. What are you talking about? Pirata made the statement completely of his own volition and decision. Nobody encouraged him or otherwise to say those words.
@@UnitSe7en sorta. He was so drunk and delusional of that powder he felt like Superman when He said it. It’s really crappy of his friends to upload it.
To him perhaps he felt safe around the Sinaloa cartel having access to guns and feeling backed up by them. Sinaloa is amazing by the way. It’s the Wild West, but at the same time fairly safe as a tourist.
Sunny talks like one of those kids in class when they would get called to read everyone in the class would sigh.
Imagine living in Mexico and insulting mexican overlords in the age of the internet
El Pirata died before TikTok existed
@@holm-v4othat's not the point bro
It must suck living in Mexico.
@@weswolverine they like it like that bro
@@chrisivan_ytno, we don't, stfu
10:09 his hideout really seems like a hitman mission...
Good afternoon, 47. Your target is Rudolfo "Fofo" Marquez, a popular Mexican social media influencer who has rapidly risen to notoriety by showcasing a luxury life of fast cars, expensive houses, private jets, and designer clothes, with the bill always footed by his wealthy parents.
Spoiled, arrogant, and continually looking to grow his personal brand, Marquez recently released a video of himself and his friends using their fleet of high-octane supercars to block traffic across a busy bridge in a display of wealth and power. However, busy commuters are not the only ones Marquez has earned the wrath of with his childish antics. Our client, the CJNG cartel, was decidedly not amused by Marquez's seeming sense of invincibility, and has decided to make an example of him to remind everyone in their territory that no one is untouchable - except for themselves, of course. Marquez, finally seeming to recognize the danger he's in, has retreated to his parent's mansion overlooking the city of Jalisco, and surrounded himself with a crack team of armed guards.
On top of eliminating Marquez, the client also wishes for us to hack his social media profiles and install a piece of remote uplink software that will allow the cartel to use his accounts to spy on other influencers - presumably making it easier for them to dispense more brutal justice to anyone who crosses them again in the future.
I realize this isn't your usual sort of assignment, 47, but between you and me, I don't think the world is going to miss another entitled child bragging to the world in search of fame.
I will leave you to prepare.
A GTA Online mission.
Imagine being a man from the 1980s, someone explains you what tiktotk is and then you see that tiktokers mess with cartels.
imagine that
Calling out CJNG is diabolical bro
What i like about SunnyV2 is the fact he mentions the original ideas in the descriptions if someone made it already.
Oh yeah, you right!
Alright bro calm down😐. No need to suck him off🙄
I thought I was watching a re upload tbh
its the opposite for DoxxerWolf.
Is my music tuff? 🤔
Moral of the story: if you've got nothing nice to say about the cartel, say nothing.
yeah, the cartels have such fragile egos 😂😂😂 imagine getting that pissed off by some social media morons 😂😂😂 these cartels are so pathetic LOL
Tell that to Don Alejo
why the fuck would I say anything nice about criminals
@@floof6896Tell that to anyone in the cjng
I'm European, can someone plz explain who they are? I've never heard of the Mexican Cartels before.
I don't understand... How is Pamela Montenegro stupid for exposing the cartel though? She never threatened them or anything. Sometimes even SunnyV2 is stupid af
I think the "stupid" part is she never had any protection for herself. Yes, she was doing the right thing, but she never gave a thought to her safety, despite knowing how violent the cartels are. If you'll do that, the very least you should do is have some security 24/7.
She did do stupid things, you need a better explanation, you probably only saw a tiktok video you need to get the full story.
@@Khadi-C The Main reason it's stupid is that she knows the cartel has her location. Rather than fleeing elsewhere and continuing with her report, she acted as if the cartels wouldn't enact revenge upon her one day. Brave but stupid. Maybe she inspires to be a martyr or maybe it's ignorance, who knows
She didnt expose shit, everyone knows the Mexican government are in bed with the cartel, its widely documented. What she did do was instigate a dangerous cartel who knew her identity and place of employment and took no precautions to protect herself. Seems pretty stupid in my book.
Maybe you should visit the cartel
El Pirata died because of the people around him, nobody truly cared about stopping his addiction and statements, all because that was what brought the money to the table.
Half of these weren’t even “dumb tiktokers” they were just sad alcohol addicts or journalists fighting against corruption
Which made them dumb
@@jont6370But we shouldn’t insult them , cartel dominance is a serious issue.
I’ve done a lot of stupid stuff while hammered. Going on the internet and insulting organizations that will saw your head off to make a point wasn’t one of them.
@@jont6370 bro they’re not dumb. The fact that you wrote this comment shows that you’re the dumb one for even thinking that people standing up for what they do is dumb.
@@devil_anse bro you could do it to the whole United States government. The fact is the United States government has the mindset to say we’re not gonna go kill your family. That’s the difference literally there’s other organizations you could say this too, but they’re not gonna go do nothing to you.
Even 4chan doesn't mess with Mexican cartels (anymore)....
If 4channera don't mess with them, then you really shouldnt mess with them
What do you mean, anymore? What did they do?
@Austin_Soares Look up 4chan mexican cartel here, there's a short by Pezle that goes over the main parts
@@Austin_Soares search up 4chan & Anon vs Los Zetas Cartel.
Operation paper storm.
one anon member got kidnapped , they threaten the cartel for it, and Hacked into one of the government official and saying he's in that cartel. The kidnapped guy got released but with an ultimatum to not reveal cartel names or the family of the kidnapped guy will be murdered. in addition 10 would be killed for each name revealed.
then 4chan and anon never bothered with the cartel anymore. because they fear the safety of random civilians.
Explain to be like I’m 5 what did they do
As a hispanic, hearing sunny say "El Pirata" with his accent threw me off at first 😂
People forget that not every country is america where you can talk smack about anyone with no consequences.
Concidering what has been happening in the US, I wouldn’t call it particularly safe by first world countries standards.
1:07 that's not a statue, that's a piñata
Yeah he should fix that
Thanks, I came here to mention this.
Are there piñatas anywhere besides Mexico LOL
8:25 dude reminds me of bling bling boy from johnny test
I was thinking the same thing
The absolute brain blast I got from reading this 🙏😂😂😂
Lmaoooo he does!!! 😂😂😂
At least BBB is smart.
This is an insult to bling bling boy
5:08 "famous for their goofy vertical videos" :D
Why cant the Mexican Government declare a full out war on the cartels? I feel sad for the people of Mexico living their lives under the fear of losing their lives.
Because the cartel runs the government. Not every state has it good like the U.S. One of the many reasons to be grateful brother
I'm disappointed that Leslie Ann Pamela Montenegro was included in this. I think she's on the same level as Miriam Rodriguez Martinez. They wanted to expose the cartels and the corruption, and both knew they had targets on their backs.
Hello 😊
"The only way for evil to triumph is for good man to do nothing" - Edmund Burke. That last girl was a hero who tried to expose corruption
it was a unintelligent decision, so much for being brave
@@TheThreatActor bravery and stupidity are opposites. She exposed the corruption because she was brave, not a moron. A stupid person would have been blind to the corrupt, unlike her
One can do the right thing, but If so they must be smart on how to do it. Or else they'll only get themselves killed and no change.
Her motives were great, but her way of going about It were as stupid as It gets. Simple as that.
How, we all knew Mexico has been in corruption since Spain left.
The underlying issue here is the cartels, not the unlucky people who get on the wrong side of them.
"lmao cartels is gay"
"where has my skull gone"
good luck buddy
just get a knew one
It's good knowing you bruh
"Your free trial of life has been expired. Get ready to pay the price."
With best regards
The Cartels
bruh which cartel
Just so you know: El Pirata died before he was 20
Wasn't he like 16 or 17
he looked like he was 30
I thought he looked 10
"This property is protected
by: fuck around and find out." - a wise person
I still can’t get over the first one the so called “Pirate of Cullican” painting on a beard & tash…LMFAO😂
Do cartels actually do that? Like ex3cuting your whole family and stuff? If so, then it's one of the most evil things on this planet...
Lol they don't care about human life and will gladly give u the most horrific death with adrenaline or drugs so that you don't pass out due to pain
As a person who had an unrestricted internet connection from a young age I have seen horrific things from them more than another source
they will kill you in the most horrific way with a funky background song
U.S and Mexico should classify it terrorism at that point
seems like it cause it showed they were wanted for 10 mil
The cartels routinely fill mass graves in the middle of the desert with anyone from opposing cartel members to entire families.
Wait a sec. Is the moral to be nice to evil cartels and leave them to it?
Basically don't mess with what you don't wanna
According to some of the people in this comment section, yes.
@@Krutkneckt Some people don't seem to understand that unlike in western countries, there are places where if you speak out it's not IF it's WHEN you, and potentially your entire family will be ended because you couldn't leave well enough alone. Is it brave to put your entire family in jeopardy because YOU had to speak out?
Obviously not but if you're one person versus an entire syndicate of violent assassins who have power over an entire country and boatloads of weapons and are fuelled on class A drugs maybe just don't insult them and think that they'll take it lying down
more like gtfo asap from a country ruled by cartels
7:22 That right there gets you a ticket to be in Funkytown
You just had to mention that didn't you 🤣
You just had to remind me
yikes, that video was the worst
Oh man, it's been so long I was starting to forget about it....until now. 😑
I will never be drunk enough to insult a mexican cartel boss in mexico. There is not enough alcohol in the world
The last one was just standing up for what she beleived
But to not think about the exit strategy is asking for trouble
So were the Boeing whistleblowers. You gotta know you're ur place. Anyone who got clout for doing interviews exposing stuff has to be careful. After they get big enough you will notice they all turn to fluffballs. Like Joe Rogan, he used to be legit but the CIA let him know
@@Randomly_Browsing ig, her death was sad though and ironic
Anytime I’m watching a tragic vid and hear “and then they posted their location” it’s just heartbreaking. OPSEC, DONT TELL ANYONE WHERE YOU ARE EVER, SOCIAL MEDIA HAS TURNED THIS WORLD INTO IDIOCRACY.
Goku would be disappointed in every single of them.
Goku consider frieza a respectable fighter so he proud of them probably
One thing I'm really thankful for in life is that I've never been drawn into believing I'm bigger than i am.
Be thankful for the things you have rather than chase the things you don't need
Messing with the cartels is like telling the CCP that you go with democracy
09:34 I love that they have their own public relations
😂I wonder how that's possible
They think of themselves as businessmen.
Bro I live in the US and I would think twice about saying anything negative about the cartels publicly, or even at all lmao let alone if they lived in the same country💀
You can insult anyone but the Mexican cartel are the ones you really need to just respect.
Messing with the Cartel is like Messing with the Taliban
1:05 "People began to dedicate public statues to him" *shows a piñata*. He was a lolcow, not someone people had admiration for
3:21 not even Goku could have saved him after that.
Thank god I never use TikTok.
6:56 “This man is already dead, he just doesn’t know yet” 🎅🎅🎅🥕🥕
I love binge watching sunny
Your name is
5:34 my God…room temperature IQ
Pamela doesn't deserve to be on this list
5:48 the kid said
“Excuse me”
Stated why he said it(inebriation)
And said “old man” to hammer the point home Mencho is wiser and an elder
Dude did EVERYTHING right with an apology, I don’t know much about him, but I know to an extent he was raised right.
Was raised as a cuck, probably.
this is next level natural selection
*reads title.* "I'm not even surprised anymore."
Calling Mencho “old man” probably tripped him out more than “stupido” lol
I’m so lucky I don’t use TikTok 💀
2:40 “I want to learn to sing now, that will be my motto, I want to be on stage and work in Santa’s grotto”
They say that when you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes
One big note that you did not mention about El Pirata is that he was a 16 year old when he was gunned down. Dude was an alcoholic minor with no parents, very sad situation
Who dared dude to challenge El Mencho wanted him to die lol
Tf is that name, mexicans are weird
Tiktoker: Come at me bro!
El Mencho: Ah s**t, here we go again
You know the world is going downhill once people actually need to start addressing this in videos. We are cooked as a generation💀💀😭😭🙏
That poor woman. Pamela was actually really brave and funny.
Yo I got an ad and went back to the video right here lol 6:35
Lmao you cracked algorithm I got the same
Idk he probably manually put an ad break there
Lol same
I wish you would ha e added the story about the mom who hunted down her son's cartel killers n had them all arrested. Lol such a banger of a story. Mama don't fuck around.
Didn't she got killed in the process, or was it another story?
@@casusbelli9225 ......... no, she did.
I'm loving these weekly uploads
Good for you. 🙄
„Im dont afraid from cartels 😡“
*Funky Town starts 💀
Bros were too Funky for this Town