I think that the new Brafield is a fantastic venue. So much better than it used to be. Have never been there and come home disappointed in a meeting. A proper stock car track and a real asset to the sport. Unpredictable and entertaining ....how stock car racing should be...Spedeworth s presentation was the icing on the cake last weekend including the excellent as always Graham Woodward s commentary...Fantastic
I think that the new Brafield is a fantastic venue. So much better than it used to be. Have never been there and come home disappointed in a meeting. A proper stock car track and a real asset to the sport. Unpredictable and entertaining ....how stock car racing should be...Spedeworth s presentation was the icing on the cake last weekend including the excellent as always Graham Woodward s commentary...Fantastic
Well done Ryan, great drive!
Shake just doesn’t work at Northampton, it’s either a sloppy mud pit that’s impossible to race on or a dust bowl where you can’t see a thing.
Why all the cuts? It just disrupts the flow. Incredibly hard to watch, for what? It's just unnecessary
We’re not allowed to show full races from incarace/spedeworth tracks so we have to put cuts in 👍
Brilliant meeting and plenty of action, Get in there boss 🔴🟡🏁