I have thrown whatever things I had on my hand and I did not discard the list of what was in the article of two main meanings, and I did not have plenty of time except the concentration and paid attention and keenness and diligence top. The teacher was talened to use two or three meanings or to narrate narrations these the tales including or for example... Seniors, summer off. Plenty. I say... As if he was a version of geniuses teachers profound. Yes trainer trustworthy, or more precisely, the faithfull guardain or entrusted. I have admired in these the novels and stories. I did not have any aversion to these stories, but theye increased my desire and supliccation and yearning, yearn . It is vission clear with excellence, with distinction .
@شوقموبايل-ظ9ش كل دقيقتين يُقطع الڤيديو ويُبث إشهار إما لألة مسح البلاط والحائط او منظمات المطبخ او علب الاينوكس وأشهارات اخرى لا اتذكرها .لست ضد الاشهار ولكن ثلاث مرات كحد اقصى وليس كل دقيقتين
❤❤ your the best
شكرا جزيلا عاشت الايادي
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد
بارك الله فيك...
lovely as well,thanks!
Thanks 🙏🏾
Thanks ❤
I have thrown whatever things I had on my hand and I did not discard the list of what was in the article of two main meanings, and I did not have plenty of time except the concentration and paid attention and keenness and diligence top. The teacher was talened to use two or three meanings or to narrate narrations these the tales including or for example... Seniors, summer off. Plenty. I say... As if he was a version of geniuses teachers profound. Yes trainer trustworthy, or more precisely, the faithfull guardain or entrusted. I have admired in these the novels and stories. I did not have any aversion to these stories, but theye increased my desire and supliccation and yearning, yearn . It is vission clear with excellence, with distinction .
Thanks a lot
قنة متميزة ورائعة هل هذة الفقرات جدبدة
Perché non c'è traduzione e neanche trascrizione del testo?
كثير جدا من الاشهار يجعل الدرس مملا ،نصف مدة الفيديو كلها إشهار
ماذا تقصدين بالإشهار؟
@شوقموبايل-ظ9ش كل دقيقتين يُقطع الڤيديو ويُبث إشهار إما لألة مسح البلاط والحائط او منظمات المطبخ او علب الاينوكس وأشهارات اخرى لا اتذكرها .لست ضد الاشهار ولكن ثلاث مرات كحد اقصى وليس كل دقيقتين
@@radiaassekkour3482 اليوتوب قهرنا بالاشهارات عيق بزاف