Очень интересный взгляд на Стамбул👌 Благодаря вам, Лера, открыла для себя нетуристические и очень красивые аутентичные районы города. . В свой следующий приезд в Стамбул обязательно пройдусь по рекомендованным местам☺️
На азиатской стороне есть Фенербахче, Гёзтепе, Джаддебостан с крутой набережной. Можно и в Тузлу съездить, совместить с аутлетом на набережной, там совсем другая атмосфера
Hi Lera, It was very nice to watch your Istanbul vlog as an Istanbulian person. You went very nice places to see and visit. I hope you enjoyed all your days here. What is the most interesting things for you in Istanbul ? I hope you can come here and enjoy my beautiful city more. Ps: You have an amazing smile , it is gorgeous.
Thank you! I really enjoy Istanbul, I've been there several times, but it's never enough time to explore all the city - it's sooo big and there are lot's of interesting historical places. It's really hard to pick just one or two most interesting things for me, I just love this city :) If you have any recommendations what I should visit next time, please share them!
@@leranemchi Istanbul is like a poison that has no antidote. Once you come, you can never get enough and always want to come again. I'm sure you've already visited many places, but I still think there are many places to be discovered in the Asian side. If you let me know before you come, I will tell you in detail all the places you need to visit and go. I am grateful to you for loving my city and my country ☘☘
Всегда мечтаю побывать в Стамбуле, посмотреть на этот удивительный, красивый город!
Стамбул, через призму вашей камеры, безумно красивый)
Очень интересный взгляд на Стамбул👌 Благодаря вам, Лера, открыла для себя нетуристические и очень красивые аутентичные районы города. . В свой следующий приезд в Стамбул обязательно пройдусь по рекомендованным местам☺️
Очень полезно, как раз через месяц в Стамбул)
Спасибо за возможность увидеть любимый Стамбул, красивое атмосферное видео😻👍🌷
I guess you love Istanbul very much.
На азиатской стороне есть Фенербахче, Гёзтепе, Джаддебостан с крутой набережной. Можно и в Тузлу съездить, совместить с аутлетом на набережной, там совсем другая атмосфера
Лера , добрый день!
Напишите , пожалуйста, где вы обедали на каракёй чечевичным супом ?
Hi Lera, It was very nice to watch your Istanbul vlog as an Istanbulian person. You went very nice places to see and visit. I hope you enjoyed all your days here. What is the most interesting things for you in Istanbul ? I hope you can come here and enjoy my beautiful city more. Ps: You have an amazing smile , it is gorgeous.
Thank you! I really enjoy Istanbul, I've been there several times, but it's never enough time to explore all the city - it's sooo big and there are lot's of interesting historical places. It's really hard to pick just one or two most interesting things for me, I just love this city :) If you have any recommendations what I should visit next time, please share them!
@@leranemchi Istanbul is like a poison that has no antidote. Once you come, you can never get enough and always want to come again. I'm sure you've already visited many places, but I still think there are many places to be discovered in the Asian side. If you let me know before you come, I will tell you in detail all the places you need to visit and go. I am grateful to you for loving my city and my country ☘☘
Туристические места Стамбула уже надоели, так что в следующий раз пройдусь по твоим рекомендациям! Спасибо!
Мама красотка