People asking about the quality. These do not have that artificial flavor that many brands do. These are 100% real potatoes, and remarkably close to freshly made. Seriously, if they weren't great, and I didn't really enjoy them, I would not have even considered doing the video.
He's 100% right on this. They're the only brand when it comes to instant that I actually do trust. I've tried the other types out there, and a few I liked? But this brand always stood out as tasting and feeling as close to real as possible considering, plus the ingredients list don't cause your eyes to squint. I support you on both this video and your choice Chef John.
I believe that you are positive about this product - so in my eyes this doesn't damage your credibility. Furthermore you labeled it as a sponsored video. But if you now start telling us how great audible, casper and harrys is, than it would be suspicious... ;)
If they weren't great, and you didn't enjoy them, and OH BY THE WAY if you didn't get paid about $2k I'm wouldn't have even considered the video. Way to stay strong, Chef!
I know this is disappointing, but I hope you don't take the ratings seriously. You probably know some people will go apeshit when they hear the word "sponsored," most of the time without consideration. Loveya
In case you were worried (or hoping) that one sponsored video out of 1,200 would cause a massive loss of subscribers..... We had a net gain of 627 subs as of this morning! I'll now stand by for your comments admitting you were completely wrong. Okay, go.
I can't believe anyone would have an issue with this. I have used dozens and dozens of recipes and cooking tips from this channel all at no expense to me. Shame on anyone being upset for you getting compensated for all of your hard work and success. Also, I love instant mashed potatoes and will 100% support your sponsor. Thanks for everything Chef John!
Attention lesser TH-cam content makers: THIS is how you do a sponsored video and still keep your integrity. Chef John made sure to put the disclaimer up front so we knew immediately that this was an ad. He very clearly explained it further in the narration, and he was neither fawning nor dismissive of the product. He treated it fairly and it came across in a positive light. The clip was informative and fun without being heavy-handed. Very classy as always.
Good on you for getting sponsored ! Keep doing what you do best and don't answer to entitled obnoxious people from here. You're the Coco Channel of your youtube channel. Ok, I'm definitely not as good as you...
If you're going off of roughly 850/2680 which equals around 32/68 like:dislike ratio, then you're mistaken; how you should calculate is 850/(850+2680) which gives you closer to a 25/75!
Well, no matter what they are paying you, you are selling yourself short, as it cost you lots of peoples respect. Unless this is also announcing your retirement, it can't be worth the hit your channel is going to take.
Don't worry about the stupid trolls chef, I'm a true fan of yours that inhibits COMMON SENSE and a video on youtube about mashed potatoes isn't anything worthy to be upset about. People are trippin'
You put a disclaimer right in front that this is a sponsored video, you made no attempt to hide it, _and_ this video contains some actual useful tips for instant mash. I seriously have no idea what everyone is so mad about.
If I wanted to watch a 4:26 advertisement, I'd re-subscribe to cable tv. I'd rather contribute to a Chef John Patreon subscription than see a channel turn into sponsored garbage.
Having been a viewer of yours for years, happily turning off adblocker for less intrusive monetization on your channel and frequently visiting your blog so you can double-dip the ad revenue with the recipe specifics and your thoughts, it's saddening to see the integrity of a channel being potentially wrung out for a few more dollars. If the current monetization of the channel isn't sufficient, I, and many others would happily support your work via Patreon or similar service (yes, I would literally throw money at you to produce content, because I believe it is worth it) - but nothing would put me closer to unsubscribing than the anticipation of purely "sponsored" fluff videos whose sole purpose is to sell me a product. There's a reason cable TV is failing and most people consume their content via ad-free streaming services like Netflix and Hulu - being constantly and blatantly 'sold to' everywhere you turn with advertising is exhausting, and I always admired your channel for surviving without it.
-Sorry for the rant - why are people so adamantly AGAINST instant something? it's not always all chemicals and nasty shit... for example, instant mashed potatoes are actually potatoes, that have been cooked and dehydrated... yes there are companies that put artificial flavorings and preservatives, if you can watch a video and criticize it, then you can also read a label on the packaging and pick the product without the preservatives and additives... packaged foods are a convenience for people who lack the time or money to acquire organic, artisanal, "hip" food. there is no shame in opening a package of freeze dried peas or dehydrated mashed potatoes, they can still be of good quality...
Yeah, there no shame eating instant food, but why would you do most of the times? It's more expensive and usually not as tasty. Specially with mashed potatoes. It's just for lazyness 99% of the times. It's so easy to pick some potatoes, boil them, and add milk and butter. You can even make them the day before and put them in the fridge. The instant version is not as nutritious btw, because even when there's no preservatives, the potatoes have been dehidrated and turned into dry starch. Really, I don't know where the world is going when boiling potatoes is something organic and "hip"
fair point... and the artisanal and "hip" part may have been an exaggeration... what i meant to say is that, it's unfair to be so negative against packaged food and people who consume it... no it's by no means as nutritious as fresh produce (sometimes not at all), but let's not blame it all to laziness...
Marios Gregoriou Most of the time is laziness. I've been there, you've probably been there, most people have. It's ok, no shame in that. But the truth is that it's not your best food option in several ways
and idahoan really is a great brand for that.. we are a mainly rice family, but the hubby likes potatoes only, i dont like making that much starch for one meal so he often gets the instant, or a baked one. I generally hate instant mashed potatoes myself.. but idahoan mashed potatoes, well they pretty much exactly taste like mashed potatoes. and they didnt pay me a bloody dime to say it, darn it LOL.
I've been following you for a few years unsubscribed, but I will now subscribe just to throw it in the faces of the haters. Also, you'll be the first channel (and probably the only channel) I've subscribed to. Rock on, Chef John!
People who dislike the video and write a mean comment need to understand : 1- you don't have to buy the sponsored product or make this recipe 2- you need to learn about the real world and how money is not really easily made 3- chef john provides more than a thousand non-sponsored video why the hell you are making a big deal out of this? thank you chef and looking forward to your next video.
1-I know I don't have to buy anything. But there's an option to rate the videos and give your opinion. I didn't like the video, so I have the right to express my opinion as much as him. 2-He already makes money from the ads you see on his videos. Judging from his channel page, it must be a nice source of income. He has the right to be sponsored. I have the right to say I don't like that sponsor because I consider that the video is subpar compared to his previous one. 3-All his videos are sponsored by the ads, as I told you in the previous point. I like his channel, but he's not a non profit. He makes (most of the times) good videos, and gets ad revenue from our views.
Amen brother. This kind of content demonstrates that Chef John is someone who is doing fine, but then can't resist some greasy cash no matter what the cost.
My wife, daughter, and I literally gather around the screen when a new Food Wishes video comes out. I hope you get more sponsorships, John. I enjoyed this video just as much as your others, and you deserve a bit of compensation for all the entertainment and edification you've brought me and my family.
Thanks for being as transparent as possible regarding the sponsorship. I have no idea why people immediately dislike it just because it is sponsored. There's no way people are disliking it because they do not want to know how to make instant mashed potatoes, or because they generally dislike them, because if you don't, then you don't click the video titled as such.
I don't even care about mashed potatoes per say, I just watched this video cause I like to hear chef john speak and watch him cook! There's lots of mashed potato videos on youtube, click on another if you aren't here for the personality and content of this creator.
Whoa, a sponsored video? That's surprising I've been following for years and haven't seen a single one. Good on you mate! Also, these potatoes are really good - I eat and serve em all the time cause I'm super lazy and no one can tell.
I have zero doubts that anyone complaining about a sponsored video would do one for half of what you got, Chef. It's not about integrity, it's jealousy. You like the product, you share it with us, and you get paid. It's not that hard people, I do the same (tell other people) for anything I actually enjoy, the only problem is my opinion isn't valuable enough for someone to pay me to do it.
So much hate for a sponsored video..people should be happy for him rather than being bitter. Getting paid for doing what you love? Sounds like a good gig to me, keep doing you Chef John!
So much hate on a video, wow, now I really can't wait to watch this. And click on any ad or sponsored link I see to support Chef John. Thank you for all the great videos over all those years, keep up the great work, Chef John. Cheers from Austria.
I grew up on this particular brand and we called em "magic taters" as kids. I add grated feta & chunky feta bits to it and eat it with nann bread and I don't feel one bit guilty about it. It's yummy. You're the best Chef John
I'm not a food snob and instant mashed potatoes make me nostalgic because this is what we ate when I was a kid. My desire to eat mashed potatoes out weighs my desire to make mashed potatoes. Keep up the good work.
Through trial and error, i finally found an instant mashed potato product that is really tasty and delicious. You can imagine my happy surprise when I realized it was the same product you used in this video. It's reassuring to know that my tastebuds' credibility coincides with others including you whom I greatly respect for your culinary genius. Thanks and please keep on doing what you do👏🏽⭐️
what a lot of people don't realise is, you don't make these videos because you have too much spare time! You do it because it's something you enjoy, AND it helps pay the bills!
i love instant mashed potatoes. I don't know what people have against it. Putting water/milk and butter in a pot with the mixture is so much easier than having to boil potatoes and go through the whole process of smashing them and it tastes nearly as good.
Oh, come on people! It's not like it is Chef John's habit of doing sponsored videos. If it is THAT rare, I don't see any problem with it especially since he clearly gave a clear warning (which definitely isn't the case for most youtubers).
What the fuck, all your favourite TH-camrs sold their soul years ago to obscure brands, why would you get heated over Chef John picking up a few sponsored videos out of his ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED PLUS other videos? If you know him or like him at all, you know he's not going to promote a product he thinks is disgusting. Getting sponsored isn't selling your dignity, getting sponsored to peddle something shit that you don't like is selling your dignity. TLDR: Calm down, the man needs to pay for his hairpiece.
A lot of people have short memories,I've learned a lot from chef John's recipes and cooking techniques.And also enjoy his dry humour. You should be showing your gratitude by supporting his new venture.
I don't think people realize the time and money it actually takes to make these videos! God Bless you Chef John! There is nothing wrong with sponsorship, especially from a company like Idahoan that makes a very good product! I loved every minute of this video! The bills don't pay themselves and money don't grow on trees people!
I like the way you handled this sponsored video. Very professional. Unlike some other channels, that disclaimer can make a huge difference between sponsored video and fraud. Good job :D
I cant understand how people can enjoy years of amazing recipes but instantly unsubscribe because they didn't like one video. Sponsored or not, I know a lot of people who just use water for their instant mash and this way is so much better. I don't usually comment I just wanted to show my support! keep up the good work!
I'm a college student so with time usually not available this is actually a super great video to see posted! Thanks so much for giving info on what a good instant mashed potato brand is, Chef John!
This video is surprisingly needed. I had some friends in college who would put everything in 1 bowl and microwave it for a few minutes, then be like "it's not too good, but it's food" So thank you for helping those and people like them
While I was initially hesitant about a "sponsored" video, I appreciate the candor and fun you had with it. And if it makes you feel better, I may actually try these. If do no reason, to legitimate your video. Thanks!
I saw this in my timeline and thought to myself "Idahoan is the only way to make perfect instant mashed potatoes." Chef John, I only have a higher opinion of you now that I know you like these, too. I'm not one to spend a lot of time talking about instant mashed potatoes, but I have recommended these to more than a few people. I don't know how they get them so good, but they're better than anything I could make from scratch. Now I have to go and see if I have any in my cupboards downstairs because you have made me hungry.
I take this brand camping, it's hearty, fast and doesn't taste too bad. The bonus that it is dead simple to make, just like you showed in your videos is also awesome as well. Rock that sponsored video chef John!
Perfect way to do a sponsored video! It was fun and entertaining but the best part is you let people know what they were watching both in the video and the description.
I discovered these potatoes over about 10 years ago and I don't think I've made traditional mashed potatoes but 1 or 2 times since. They are simply that good and so easy to make. They pass the guest test every time.
Thank you for this. If my online culinary guru thinks this is okay then it works for me and will save me a lot of time. Truth is, I have used this brand for years. Your video is just the needed validation.
Lets be honest, I'd watch a video of you describing how to heat up a Stouffer's Lasagna frozen dinner. I want you to get paid... and your videos are so well shot and your voice overs sound so great... and them quips are legit. Eff the haters... make that money! You deserve it.
Idahoan mashed potatoes are great! I had them all the time as a kid and they always bring back good memories. That's what food is all about and so is this channel. I've made a lot of Chef John's recipes and they always help make a memorable occasion with family and friends. I served up some left over Hungarian goulash (a recipe I got from this channel) just the other day on a bed of instant mashed potatoes. It was a great midweek feast!
yea, put potatoes on a pot and leave it on the stove for 30 minutes. Then come back and add some milk, butter and stir 2 minutes. Active work 5 minutes = "forever"?
chef John, I watch your videos often and refer many people to these videos to help them be better cooks. Your methods are easy to follow and always enjoyable. Keep it up and if some ideologues don't like it, too bad for them.
it's amazing to me that people get upset about videos like this. John clearly stated that this was a paid for video, but he also delivered a fun and informative bit of content. I'm glad that he's getting these opportunities, and if there are more products he likes who want to sponsor him, I hope he repeats this performance.
I get a kick out of people that complain about this. If you don't like the FREE content provided to you, then go watch something else. I personally don't mind it. While it does seem a little out of place, I did learn something from the video, which is what this whole channel is about.
I have zero problems with the fact that his video is about instant mashed potatoes or that it's a sponsored video. Chef John does a great job regardless. I suppose it helps that instant mashed 'taters are one of my guilty pleasures as well, though I do prefer them with brown gravy. Cheers!
Chef John and all the other TH-cam content creators deserve to be paid for their work and I find it more than a little infuriating and mystifying as to why some viewers seem think that these content creators are their own personal video-making slaves. Those who believe that all TH-camrs are rich should read the article by Gaby Dunn, "Get rich or die vlogging: The sad economics of internet fame."
Hey Chef! Have you ever considered making a Patreon? You've got a pretty substantial loyal following and would be a nice way to supplement your income :) I'd happily give a couple of dollars a month just for the countless hours of entertainment I've got from your videos in the last couple of years. Also I fully support your decision to take on the sponsored video. Haters gonna hate, instant mash tastes great
The guy makes quite a lot from typical ad revenue both via his blog and his many multitudes of viewers from Facebook, and I am certain a man of his age has a retirement income. Patreon is best suited for smaller artists whom lack the exposure to have a solid ad stream or whom need more control over their work.
this is actually helpful because making actual mashed potatoes from scratch is too long to do anyway and this is just one sponsored video among hundreds of other great videos he have done~ and its still enjoyable to watch
I'm not sure why people who aren't interested in using this product just don't say so and that's it. Why do they feel justified in attacking or insulting you? While I personally don't plan to use this product I neither condemn those who do nor those who advertise it. Food is a very personal thing like an opinion. It doesn't matter what you eat or what you think. The only truly important thing is that you do both and as always I'll continue to enjoy.
Chef John I would far rather watch a video of yours and listen to you read the instructions, than read the back of the pack myself, so don't listen to the haters and keep up the vids!
Chef John could you make a video on non traditional ways to use the instant mashed potatoes? I think it was your onion ring recipe where you used them for the batter. I would love to see more applications. thanks! And I love your channel.
This is amazing chef John. We all seriously need to easy stuff sometimes, and it's great to know how to make the easy stuff as amazing as possible. I 100% approve of this video.
Anyone who disliked this video because of it being sponsored is ridiculous especially since all TH-camrs are technically sponsored by TH-cam. Not to mention every single one of them would jump at the chance to have any company sponsor anything they do in their life.
Don't know why people have such a bad opinion of instant mashed potatoes. They are a pantry staple for me as they are life savers when you need to volumize a meal at the last minute when you have unannounced or unexpected dinner guests or when you just need a simple comfort food. I use a water boiler and never have to heat up the stove-top for these. I indulge and had extra sharp white cheddar cheese to mine.
Yessss! Great video! I loved instant mashed potatoes. I havent looked down in the comments yet but I bet the haters are acting like they dont make instant mashed tatos lol.
I like sponsorships, they keep my favorite channels going but I just hope they stay as unbiased as possible like product reviews. those potatoes look great btw
I usually hit like before watching the video and still did. Come on people, it's a quick way of making mashed potatoes and the man says they taste good. I will totally give it a try.
The only sponsored video I've seen from Chef John , and it's the one video I can execute without messing something up. Joking aside, if Chef John doesn't mind these, Ill be sure to try them.
I love Idahoan Instant Mashed Potatoes. I eat them all the time. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who sits down to eat them right out of the pot!
This was great. Really liked it. Do more. Make a bit of money while you show us your guilty pleasures. Wait, that didn't come out right. Only food stuff okay? I mean food that you just cook and eat. No kinky or weird stuff. Just like, you know, normal Norman Rockwell, Mr. Rogers kinda stuff.
I absolutely love this. Instant Mashed Potatos are also my guilty pleasure. Even my husband once said, "I don't get it... you insist on cooking everything but mashed potatos." lol it just tastes like my childhood and honestly, waiting for potatos to boil perfectly is not my jam.
I kinda thought you would have a lot of dislikes on this video. No big deal for me though. I'm still gonna watch all your new ones as I watched this one. You've given me some great ideas over the years. That being said, I prefer real mashed potatoes to instant, but I will give these a try. Keep up the good work Chef!
Not even going to lie, I've always loved instant mash. When made properly, it's actually delicious. Nothing like fresh of course but still good, quick and easy.
These are my favourite instant! My stepdad used to make us a lazy man dish inspired by his country cuisine. When he didn't have time to make real mashed potato he would use this mix and add in diced hot peppers, raw onion and other ingredients and we would eat it with Roti or pita bread. In his country ( Guyana) it's called potato choka . I forget what else he put inside but the buttery creamy mashed potato and raw onion crunch was delicious !!
I expected backlash on the comments - not disappointed. Of all the homemade foods you would ever want to substitute with store-bought... idahoan are def on the top of the list. My mom adds a splash of cream and a sprinkle of pepper + salt + garlic powder granules (pinch)... and I would never ever be able to tell the difference between fresh or ready-to-make. Potato starch I think in this instance doesn't really get affected by the drying process.... My .02. Thanks Chef John, always a pleasure... (you forgot the cayenne!!)
As an Irishman, i find the idea of instant potatoes as blasphemy :P But seriously, would this be good to use in potato cakes or something like aloo tikki?
Check out the recipe:
People asking about the quality. These do not have that artificial flavor that many brands do. These are 100% real potatoes, and remarkably close to freshly made. Seriously, if they weren't great, and I didn't really enjoy them, I would not have even considered doing the video.
He's 100% right on this. They're the only brand when it comes to instant that I actually do trust. I've tried the other types out there, and a few I liked? But this brand always stood out as tasting and feeling as close to real as possible considering, plus the ingredients list don't cause your eyes to squint. I support you on both this video and your choice Chef John.
I believe that you are positive about this product - so in my eyes this doesn't damage your credibility. Furthermore you labeled it as a sponsored video. But if you now start telling us how great audible, casper and harrys is, than it would be suspicious... ;)
It is mindblowing and sad that so many people don't understand this, and I imagine many don't even watch the video.
+Daten Journalist you don't think he deserves a little financial compensation?
If they weren't great, and you didn't enjoy them, and OH BY THE WAY if you didn't get paid about $2k I'm wouldn't have even considered the video. Way to stay strong, Chef!
I hope this goes viral. Out of spite.
With all the trolling you're doing on it, we can tell :)
I disagree Nathan.
Now you need to make a how to make instant noodles, pimped up of course.
just wait until 4chan gets this. /ck/ loves you.
I know this is disappointing, but I hope you don't take the ratings seriously. You probably know some people will go apeshit when they hear the word "sponsored," most of the time without consideration. Loveya
By the way, I will only be taking complaints from people who work for free.
Does $2.30 an hour count as free?
Fair enough.
People are dumb. Your food is superb. Keep it up :)
I really appreciate that you were upfront about the sponsorship right at the start of the video.
because its the law??
In case you were worried (or hoping) that one sponsored video out of 1,200 would cause a massive loss of subscribers..... We had a net gain of 627 subs as of this morning! I'll now stand by for your comments admitting you were completely wrong. Okay, go.
I just want to say, that I love your videos and your humor. Stay classy, Chef John :D
any chance of a remake of the old instant mashed potato pancake video to celebrate?
I love you Chef, you are hilarious.
I'm only saying this to rub it in, but our net subscriber gain since this video was posted is over 4,100. My faith in humanity has been restored.
I can't believe anyone would have an issue with this. I have used dozens and dozens of recipes and cooking tips from this channel all at no expense to me. Shame on anyone being upset for you getting compensated for all of your hard work and success.
Also, I love instant mashed potatoes and will 100% support your sponsor. Thanks for everything Chef John!
I'm surprised there wasn't a little shake-a shake-a of cayenne.
this ;) I am dying. hahaha
Attention lesser TH-cam content makers: THIS is how you do a sponsored video and still keep your integrity. Chef John made sure to put the disclaimer up front so we knew immediately that this was an ad. He very clearly explained it further in the narration, and he was neither fawning nor dismissive of the product. He treated it fairly and it came across in a positive light. The clip was informative and fun without being heavy-handed.
Very classy as always.
68% likes for a sponsored video? I'll take it! That might actually be some kind of record.
you're the greatest, Chef John.
Good on you for getting sponsored ! Keep doing what you do best and don't answer to entitled obnoxious people from here.
You're the Coco Channel of your youtube channel. Ok, I'm definitely not as good as you...
If you're going off of roughly 850/2680 which equals around 32/68 like:dislike ratio, then you're mistaken; how you should calculate is 850/(850+2680) which gives you closer to a 25/75!
I'll buy the fucking potatoes! just teach us how to make SUSHI!!!
Marco White and Knorr's.? Everybody gave him shit. Make your money. Thanks for sharing!
Imagine the comments I'm not approving.
Well, no matter what they are paying you, you are selling yourself short, as it cost you lots of peoples respect. Unless this is also announcing your retirement, it can't be worth the hit your channel is going to take.
It will take no hit. Btw, I don't want anyone who has a problem with this to be a subscriber anyway, so this really works out well for all concerned.
Don't worry about the stupid trolls chef, I'm a true fan of yours that inhibits COMMON SENSE and a video on youtube about mashed potatoes isn't anything worthy to be upset about. People are trippin'
But I do have a problem with this, even though I don't really mind and want to stay subscribed regardless :O
Are you actually setting comments to approval?
I'd invest in a series where John makes things from the box according to the directions.
Furniture from Ikea?!?
My comment was the same sentiment. He could read VCR instructions and I'd watch it. I'd try to come up with a good VCR quip, but I'm no Chef John
You put a disclaimer right in front that this is a sponsored video, you made no attempt to hide it, _and_ this video contains some actual useful tips for instant mash. I seriously have no idea what everyone is so mad about.
If I wanted to watch a 4:26 advertisement, I'd re-subscribe to cable tv. I'd rather contribute to a Chef John Patreon subscription than see a channel turn into sponsored garbage.
Nick Kreider Well then don't watch it.
+Nick Kreider I honestly don't see how me posting this video makes your life any sadder.
Having been a viewer of yours for years, happily turning off adblocker for less intrusive monetization on your channel and frequently visiting your blog so you can double-dip the ad revenue with the recipe specifics and your thoughts, it's saddening to see the integrity of a channel being potentially wrung out for a few more dollars.
If the current monetization of the channel isn't sufficient, I, and many others would happily support your work via Patreon or similar service (yes, I would literally throw money at you to produce content, because I believe it is worth it) - but nothing would put me closer to unsubscribing than the anticipation of purely "sponsored" fluff videos whose sole purpose is to sell me a product. There's a reason cable TV is failing and most people consume their content via ad-free streaming services like Netflix and Hulu - being constantly and blatantly 'sold to' everywhere you turn with advertising is exhausting, and I always admired your channel for surviving without it.
Nick, it sounds like you need some Idahoan Signature Russets brand instant mashed potatoes. You're clearly hungry and it is making you cranky.
-Sorry for the rant -
why are people so adamantly AGAINST instant something? it's not always all chemicals and nasty shit... for example, instant mashed potatoes are actually potatoes, that have been cooked and dehydrated... yes there are companies that put artificial flavorings and preservatives, if you can watch a video and criticize it, then you can also read a label on the packaging and pick the product without the preservatives and additives... packaged foods are a convenience for people who lack the time or money to acquire organic, artisanal, "hip" food. there is no shame in opening a package of freeze dried peas or dehydrated mashed potatoes, they can still be of good quality...
Because they don't taste as good. Instant mashed potatoes just have this weird taste to me. Homemade mashed are glorious though.
Yeah, there no shame eating instant food, but why would you do most of the times? It's more expensive and usually not as tasty. Specially with mashed potatoes. It's just for lazyness 99% of the times.
It's so easy to pick some potatoes, boil them, and add milk and butter. You can even make them the day before and put them in the fridge. The instant version is not as nutritious btw, because even when there's no preservatives, the potatoes have been dehidrated and turned into dry starch. Really, I don't know where the world is going when boiling potatoes is something organic and "hip"
fair point... and the artisanal and "hip" part may have been an exaggeration... what i meant to say is that, it's unfair to be so negative against packaged food and people who consume it... no it's by no means as nutritious as fresh produce (sometimes not at all), but let's not blame it all to laziness...
Marios Gregoriou Most of the time is laziness. I've been there, you've probably been there, most people have. It's ok, no shame in that. But the truth is that it's not your best food option in several ways
and idahoan really is a great brand for that.. we are a mainly rice family, but the hubby likes potatoes only, i dont like making that much starch for one meal so he often gets the instant, or a baked one. I generally hate instant mashed potatoes myself.. but idahoan mashed potatoes, well they pretty much exactly taste like mashed potatoes. and they didnt pay me a bloody dime to say it, darn it LOL.
I've been following you for a few years unsubscribed, but I will now subscribe just to throw it in the faces of the haters. Also, you'll be the first channel (and probably the only channel) I've subscribed to. Rock on, Chef John!
People who dislike the video and write a mean comment need to understand :
1- you don't have to buy the sponsored product or make this recipe
2- you need to learn about the real world and how money is not really easily made
3- chef john provides more than a thousand non-sponsored video why the hell you are making a big deal out of this?
thank you chef and looking forward to your next video.
1-I know I don't have to buy anything. But there's an option to rate the videos and give your opinion. I didn't like the video, so I have the right to express my opinion as much as him.
2-He already makes money from the ads you see on his videos. Judging from his channel page, it must be a nice source of income. He has the right to be sponsored. I have the right to say I don't like that sponsor because I consider that the video is subpar compared to his previous one.
3-All his videos are sponsored by the ads, as I told you in the previous point. I like his channel, but he's not a non profit. He makes (most of the times) good videos, and gets ad revenue from our views.
Amen brother. This kind of content demonstrates that Chef John is someone who is doing fine, but then can't resist some greasy cash no matter what the cost.
jmiquelmb You are one of the worst people I have ever met online, congratulations
Aza Jabar Then I can tell you that you've been very lucky so far if this is the worst you've seen online.
jmiquelmb true I don't go on Trump supporting forums so maybe you are right
My wife, daughter, and I literally gather around the screen when a new Food Wishes video comes out.
I hope you get more sponsorships, John. I enjoyed this video just as much as your others, and you deserve a bit of compensation for all the entertainment and edification you've brought me and my family.
Use Idahoan all the time. The best instant potatoes PERIOD!
Thanks for being as transparent as possible regarding the sponsorship. I have no idea why people immediately dislike it just because it is sponsored. There's no way people are disliking it because they do not want to know how to make instant mashed potatoes, or because they generally dislike them, because if you don't, then you don't click the video titled as such.
The fact this was an advert was clear and apparent. He should be applauded for transparency.
I don't even care about mashed potatoes per say, I just watched this video cause I like to hear chef john speak and watch him cook! There's lots of mashed potato videos on youtube, click on another if you aren't here for the personality and content of this creator.
Whoa, a sponsored video? That's surprising I've been following for years and haven't seen a single one. Good on you mate! Also, these potatoes are really good - I eat and serve em all the time cause I'm super lazy and no one can tell.
I have zero doubts that anyone complaining about a sponsored video would do one for half of what you got, Chef. It's not about integrity, it's jealousy. You like the product, you share it with us, and you get paid. It's not that hard people, I do the same (tell other people) for anything I actually enjoy, the only problem is my opinion isn't valuable enough for someone to pay me to do it.
So much hate for a sponsored video..people should be happy for him rather than being bitter. Getting paid for doing what you love? Sounds like a good gig to me, keep doing you Chef John!
So much hate on a video, wow, now I really can't wait to watch this. And click on any ad or sponsored link I see to support Chef John. Thank you for all the great videos over all those years, keep up the great work, Chef John. Cheers from Austria.
I grew up on this particular brand and we called em "magic taters" as kids. I add grated feta & chunky feta bits to it and eat it with nann bread and I don't feel one bit guilty about it. It's yummy. You're the best Chef John
I'm not a food snob and instant mashed potatoes make me nostalgic because this is what we ate when I was a kid. My desire to eat mashed potatoes out weighs my desire to make mashed potatoes. Keep up the good work.
Through trial and error, i finally found an instant mashed potato product that is really tasty and delicious. You can imagine my happy surprise when I realized it was the same product you used in this video. It's reassuring to know that my tastebuds' credibility coincides with others including you whom I greatly respect for your culinary genius. Thanks and please keep on doing what you do👏🏽⭐️
what a lot of people don't realise is, you don't make these videos because you have too much spare time! You do it because it's something you enjoy, AND it helps pay the bills!
i love instant mashed potatoes. I don't know what people have against it. Putting water/milk and butter in a pot with the mixture is so much easier than having to boil potatoes and go through the whole process of smashing them and it tastes nearly as good.
I want mashed potatoes so f*cking bad after this.
they are even chef baby friendly.
Oh, come on people! It's not like it is Chef John's habit of doing sponsored videos. If it is THAT rare, I don't see any problem with it especially since he clearly gave a clear warning (which definitely isn't the case for most youtubers).
I love watching you cook and hearing your comment. Don't care if you are making a instructional video on how to boil water, I'd still watch it.
What the fuck, all your favourite TH-camrs sold their soul years ago to obscure brands, why would you get heated over Chef John picking up a few sponsored videos out of his ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED PLUS other videos? If you know him or like him at all, you know he's not going to promote a product he thinks is disgusting. Getting sponsored isn't selling your dignity, getting sponsored to peddle something shit that you don't like is selling your dignity. TLDR: Calm down, the man needs to pay for his hairpiece.
Well said.
A lot of people have short memories,I've learned a lot from chef John's recipes and cooking techniques.And also enjoy his dry humour.
You should be showing your gratitude by supporting his new venture.
I don't think people realize the time and money it actually takes to make these videos! God Bless you Chef John! There is nothing wrong with sponsorship, especially from a company like Idahoan that makes a very good product! I loved every minute of this video! The bills don't pay themselves and money don't grow on trees people!
I like the way you handled this sponsored video. Very professional. Unlike some other channels, that disclaimer can make a huge difference between sponsored video and fraud. Good job :D
Chef u are the only person I will watch make mashed potatoes and still like it
I cant understand how people can enjoy years of amazing recipes but instantly unsubscribe because they didn't like one video. Sponsored or not, I know a lot of people who just use water for their instant mash and this way is so much better.
I don't usually comment I just wanted to show my support! keep up the good work!
I'm a college student so with time usually not available this is actually a super great video to see posted! Thanks so much for giving info on what a good instant mashed potato brand is, Chef John!
3 comments on your own video? This is why I love you, Chef John.
Never thought I'd say this but......I think I need a package of this in my cabinet for a rainy day.
That's the spirit!
This video is surprisingly needed. I had some friends in college who would put everything in 1 bowl and microwave it for a few minutes, then be like "it's not too good, but it's food" So thank you for helping those and people like them
While I was initially hesitant about a "sponsored" video, I appreciate the candor and fun you had with it. And if it makes you feel better, I may actually try these. If do no reason, to legitimate your video. Thanks!
I saw this in my timeline and thought to myself "Idahoan is the only way to make perfect instant mashed potatoes." Chef John, I only have a higher opinion of you now that I know you like these, too. I'm not one to spend a lot of time talking about instant mashed potatoes, but I have recommended these to more than a few people. I don't know how they get them so good, but they're better than anything I could make from scratch.
Now I have to go and see if I have any in my cupboards downstairs because you have made me hungry.
This is still much better than most recipe videos on youtube. My guilty pleasure is Kraft mac n cheese, I follow the box instructions like a boss.
I take this brand camping, it's hearty, fast and doesn't taste too bad. The bonus that it is dead simple to make, just like you showed in your videos is also awesome as well. Rock that sponsored video chef John!
Perfect way to do a sponsored video! It was fun and entertaining but the best part is you let people know what they were watching both in the video and the description.
I actually really love this brand. The Garlic Ones are a favorite in our house when we don't feel like making mashed potatoes from scratch!
I discovered these potatoes over about 10 years ago and I don't think I've made traditional mashed potatoes but 1 or 2 times since. They are simply that good and so easy to make. They pass the guest test every time.
Thank you for this. If my online culinary guru thinks this is okay then it works for me and will save me a lot of time.
Truth is, I have used this brand for years. Your video is just the needed validation.
Lets be honest, I'd watch a video of you describing how to heat up a Stouffer's Lasagna frozen dinner. I want you to get paid... and your videos are so well shot and your voice overs sound so great... and them quips are legit. Eff the haters... make that money! You deserve it.
I shall become the Johnny Cash of my instant mash.
This might be the first sponsored video I've actually enjoyed. Thanks for being awesome!
instant mashed potatoes are my guilty pleasure too! I love you chef John! I love you!
Idahoan mashed potatoes are great! I had them all the time as a kid and they always bring back good memories. That's what food is all about and so is this channel. I've made a lot of Chef John's recipes and they always help make a memorable occasion with family and friends. I served up some left over Hungarian goulash (a recipe I got from this channel) just the other day on a bed of instant mashed potatoes. It was a great midweek feast!
Making mashed potatoes from scratch takes forever anyway.
yea, put potatoes on a pot and leave it on the stove for 30 minutes. Then come back and add some milk, butter and stir 2 minutes. Active work 5 minutes = "forever"?
Yes. Cba with that shit.
Antti Lindell Hey, My thanksgiving real taters are on point.
"if you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. " - Carl Sagan
chef John, I watch your videos often and refer many people to these videos to help them be better cooks. Your methods are easy to follow and always enjoyable. Keep it up and if some ideologues don't like it, too bad for them.
Chef you are a treasure.
Thanks! That's what I tell people, and they're like...what?
Food Wishes and all for 2 bits:)..
I may have just showed my age.
it's amazing to me that people get upset about videos like this. John clearly stated that this was a paid for video, but he also delivered a fun and informative bit of content. I'm glad that he's getting these opportunities, and if there are more products he likes who want to sponsor him, I hope he repeats this performance.
*goes back to eating pop tarts*
I like instant mashed potatoes. I've never tried Idahoan, though. Fun video. Learning to read directions is an important life skill.
I get a kick out of people that complain about this. If you don't like the FREE content provided to you, then go watch something else. I personally don't mind it. While it does seem a little out of place, I did learn something from the video, which is what this whole channel is about.
I have zero problems with the fact that his video is about instant mashed potatoes or that it's a sponsored video. Chef John does a great job regardless. I suppose it helps that instant mashed 'taters are one of my guilty pleasures as well, though I do prefer them with brown gravy. Cheers!
Chef John and all the other TH-cam content creators deserve to be paid for their work and I find it more than a little infuriating and mystifying as to why some viewers seem think that these content creators are their own personal video-making slaves. Those who believe that all TH-camrs are rich should read the article by Gaby Dunn, "Get rich or die vlogging: The sad economics of internet fame."
Not sure if they "deserve" it when they know what yt is when they upload. Still congrats tho.
No complaints here; Idahoan has been a favorite brand for years!
Hey Chef! Have you ever considered making a Patreon? You've got a pretty substantial loyal following and would be a nice way to supplement your income :) I'd happily give a couple of dollars a month just for the countless hours of entertainment I've got from your videos in the last couple of years.
Also I fully support your decision to take on the sponsored video. Haters gonna hate, instant mash tastes great
I'd toss some cheddar in that collection plate.
The guy makes quite a lot from typical ad revenue both via his blog and his many multitudes of viewers from Facebook, and I am certain a man of his age has a retirement income. Patreon is best suited for smaller artists whom lack the exposure to have a solid ad stream or whom need more control over their work.
I don't think he's struggling with his finances. I'd like to be able to contribute because I really appreciate and enjoy his output, like many others.
this is actually helpful because making actual mashed potatoes from scratch is too long to do anyway
and this is just one sponsored video among hundreds of other great videos he have done~ and its still enjoyable to watch
I'm not sure why people who aren't interested in using this product just don't say so and that's it. Why do they feel justified in attacking or insulting you? While I personally don't plan to use this product I neither condemn those who do nor those who advertise it. Food is a very personal thing like an opinion. It doesn't matter what you eat or what you think. The only truly important thing is that you do both and as always I'll continue to enjoy.
Chef John I would far rather watch a video of yours and listen to you read the instructions, than read the back of the pack myself, so don't listen to the haters and keep up the vids!
Excellent video, tastefully done for a sponsored video.
I'm going to the market and buying 5 packs of these Idaho potatoes rite now, I love instant potatoes.
I dont see a single thing wrong with doing a sponsored video for something you use and love already.
Chef John could you make a video on non traditional ways to use the instant mashed potatoes? I think it was your onion ring recipe where you used them for the batter. I would love to see more applications. thanks! And I love your channel.
This is amazing chef John. We all seriously need to easy stuff sometimes, and it's great to know how to make the easy stuff as amazing as possible. I 100% approve of this video.
Finally! Something I can actually cook!
Anyone who disliked this video because of it being sponsored is ridiculous especially since all TH-camrs are technically sponsored by TH-cam. Not to mention every single one of them would jump at the chance to have any company sponsor anything they do in their life.
Don't know why people have such a bad opinion of instant mashed potatoes. They are a pantry staple for me as they are life savers when you need to volumize a meal at the last minute when you have unannounced or unexpected dinner guests or when you just need a simple comfort food. I use a water boiler and never have to heat up the stove-top for these. I indulge and had extra sharp white cheddar cheese to mine.
Yessss! Great video! I loved instant mashed potatoes. I havent looked down in the comments yet but I bet the haters are acting like they dont make instant mashed tatos lol.
I'mma need you to make a video showing me how to open the package... I just can't master it by myself.
I like sponsorships, they keep my favorite channels going but I just hope they stay as unbiased as possible like product reviews. those potatoes look great btw
I love to use broth instead of yummy!
I usually hit like before watching the video and still did. Come on people, it's a quick way of making mashed potatoes and the man says they taste good. I will totally give it a try.
I purposefully did not delete this email so I could come back and read the comments again! God I love you Chef John!
The only sponsored video I've seen from Chef John , and it's the one video I can execute without messing something up. Joking aside, if Chef John doesn't mind these, Ill be sure to try them.
Corporate shilling never looked so tasty
That's the nicest thing anyone have ever said to me.
How is this shilling? Been browsing certain stupid subreddits too long?
It's a sponsored video, dumbass.
chill yo, its a joke
I love Idahoan Instant Mashed Potatoes. I eat them all the time. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who sits down to eat them right out of the pot!
This was great. Really liked it. Do more. Make a bit of money while you show us your guilty pleasures. Wait, that didn't come out right. Only food stuff okay? I mean food that you just cook and eat. No kinky or weird stuff. Just like, you know, normal Norman Rockwell, Mr. Rogers kinda stuff.
I absolutely love this. Instant Mashed Potatos are also my guilty pleasure. Even my husband once said, "I don't get it... you insist on cooking everything but mashed potatos." lol it just tastes like my childhood and honestly, waiting for potatos to boil perfectly is not my jam.
Modern culinary schools have eliminated the potato semester & replaced it with tattoo + nerd glasses theory
I kinda thought you would have a lot of dislikes on this video. No big deal for me though. I'm still gonna watch all your new ones as I watched this one. You've given me some great ideas over the years. That being said, I prefer real mashed potatoes to instant, but I will give these a try. Keep up the good work Chef!
It's so funny seeing people getting upset just because this is a sponsored vid. lol
In fairness, I trolled for most of that hate.
Food Wishes lol. I thought most of it was funny
Seeing as how many free videos FW has given us, I think people should lighten up.
zombiTrout I agree
Any time I learn something different, especially with my guilty pleasure of instant mashed potatoes, I am grateful.
I appreciate you were very upfront about the sponsorship right off the bat but I would have liked more cayenne! :D
Not even going to lie, I've always loved instant mash. When made properly, it's actually delicious. Nothing like fresh of course but still good, quick and easy.
Good to see you can earn some money while teaching us all the ways of the noms. Keep up the good work
These are my favourite instant! My stepdad used to make us a lazy man dish inspired by his country cuisine. When he didn't have time to make real mashed potato he would use this mix and add in diced hot peppers, raw onion and other ingredients and we would eat it with Roti or pita bread. In his country ( Guyana) it's called potato choka . I forget what else he put inside but the buttery creamy mashed potato and raw onion crunch was delicious !!
I'll buy anything Chef John recommend. You hear that food labels!? Throw your annual ad budget at this man! =P
I expected backlash on the comments - not disappointed. Of all the homemade foods you would ever want to substitute with store-bought... idahoan are def on the top of the list. My mom adds a splash of cream and a sprinkle of pepper + salt + garlic powder granules (pinch)... and I would never ever be able to tell the difference between fresh or ready-to-make. Potato starch I think in this instance doesn't really get affected by the drying process.... My .02. Thanks Chef John, always a pleasure... (you forgot the cayenne!!)
As an Irishman, i find the idea of instant potatoes as blasphemy :P
But seriously, would this be good to use in potato cakes or something like aloo tikki?
I find they're great for using in other recipes.
Danielle Anderson
I need to try that