Your Channel Is Amazing, I Miss The Parkside Videos, I Hope You Bring Them Back, But Either Way Love Your Channel And Have Been Here Since Your First Video Of Parkside, Please Think About Bringing It Back, Please And Thank You If You Decide To! ❤
I have ocd which means it bothers me if some things arent perfect or filled in properly and it's bugging me that you dont have buttons on all sides of the cyrstal maker
FIRST! (youtube had my comments disabled for some reason?)
Sorry about that, hope you guys really enjoy this episode!
@@Thinkachu123 nope that was me too! (am I doing this right?)
@@Jaybull >:T
@@Thinkachu123 grumpy response...yeah I'm doing this right >:D
Gradually working my way through to catch up with where we're up to ^_^ So far so good :D - Hanaweth
Amazing video just downloaded the modpack as everyone should. Great vid jay!
Thanks zebra!
I love your prisoner stories
nice Vid Looks like u figured out the villager issue lol, GL with the Vault running this series is looking great!
Thanks AJ! Your comment on the last video helped haha
@@Jaybull Anytime, I have some knowledge in mods aswell so if u need help with any of them aswell Lmk!
Sweet vid my guy
Keep up the great work I'm happy you've been uploading consistently.
I need to watch the first 2 eps first😮
They are pretty good! :D
Great video jay! You should get one of your friends to play this with you!
Good job on the video jay
Loving the series, Keep it up.
Mmmmm sweet potatos!
awesome video jay :)
Jay I remember I was 6 yrs old now im 17 and ive loved ur channel I wish u the best in what comes next LLL (Live Love Life)
Goat 💯
Goat comment
heyo love the vid and your content
Thanks Aero!
I wonder if the chicken crossed the road ywt
amazing video :D
#BullsFam Arrived From Jay Twitch Chat 😆
yo are u only planning on doing a vault hunters series or will there be something else aswell
At the moment just Vault Hunters but could do more things in the future for sure!
@@Jaybull can u finish off park side even if it’s like 1 final episode cos otherwise ur gonna get spammed getting asked to do finish parkside
Oh god this makes me wanna download MC again. 😫
"Pranking Mango, part 2!"
@@Jaybull Pranking Jam 😈
@@AlphaAnton OI
Your Channel Is Amazing, I Miss The Parkside Videos, I Hope You Bring Them Back, But Either Way Love Your Channel And Have Been Here Since Your First Video Of Parkside, Please Think About Bringing It Back, Please And Thank You If You Decide To! ❤
Heyyy jay ❤️
dropping a comment here :)
Oh here you go *picks it back up* :3
Jay what Made you play Minecraft again
ello australian friend
Gday MATE!
It's a nice comment to be fair
Why don't you do another prisoner story
I have ocd which means it bothers me if some things arent perfect or filled in properly and it's bugging me that you dont have buttons on all sides of the cyrstal maker
I miss your parkside series it was amazing