We don't yield our bodies to sin in a vacuum, though. We yield to sin by first yielding in our thinking to the temptation to sin. The battle is in the mind.
@@judylloyd7901 I think the reference is to the fact that repetitious actions create a mindset. However, you are correct in that the initial sin is a result of a choice, which obviously occurs in the mind.
Wow. I’m such a victim to conforming to this world. Please pray for me. I’m so weak. I’ll do good for a day or two. Maybe even a week. Then it’s back to doing as the world does. Jesus I need you all day and night.
Welcome to the club Chad. The Christian life is a daily, sometimes hour by hour struggle. I'm coming up 60, & have been following Christ our Saviour for at least half of that. I train/coach boxers, so it helps to know that being a Christian is like being a boxer who is ALWAYS in training. Works for me :)
Renew your mind by reading scripture daily. Morning and night. Pray diligently. Fast once a week, if you can. Exercise the spiritual disciplines and the flesh will be weakened. God bless you.
I thank you so much for this teaching. I listened to what I will call secular music but now only listen to anything that is glorifying to God. I get a lot of slack from others telling me that it is legalistic. I only quit listening to secular music not because I think you will go to hell, but because I felt led to for me because when I did listen to secular music, my mind started to dwell on things that brought about a change in me and stinking thinking that I didn't feel was what Jesus would want me to think and do. After your teaching, I now know that I am definitely not being legalistic at all but listening to the Lord about what is right for me as an individual. By way, music (mainly soul) was extremely important to me but since I have stopped listening to it (for many years), I feel so much better and at peace with myself. I don't miss at all. Praise God!
Throat baby! My goodness this world needs help lmao. I kinda stopped listening to music and slowly but surely unliking songs on my Playlist im like wth is this crap
This message found me at the right time. I’m very politically active and today has just been one gut punch after another, but this really helps set my priorities straight God bless you and your work
Thank you for praying at the end-I felt I needed to pray but couldn’t find the words. That’s when you said “let’s pray” and I thought YES Lord! I receive this!!
Thank You Mike! Your teachings are so spot on and have helped me understand God's will in terms of His Word and how it relates to transforming us to be more like Christ.
Renewing your mind comes from spending time filling your mind with the Word of God. It doesn't come from changing your behaviour. Renewing the mind is changing what you think about and what you value. What you think about is influenced by what you feed your mind on. We don't yield to sin in a vacuum. We yield by first yielding in our minds to the temptation to sin. The battle is always in our minds.
Fasting will make you a new person. The Holy Spirit will transform you and then you’ll be doing stuff you would have never thought to do before and you’ll be kinder, more considerate, have more peace, and even be wiser. It’s amazing.
WOW… such an impactful sermon! I’ve used every excuse in the book to verify my worldliness. Thank you for calling me out! I need that. I want that. My desire is to conform to God’s heart. 💖🙏
This message brought deliverance to my mind. Thanks for what you do. Love your message on marriage too. I pray God blesses me with a husband like that in Jesus name amen
We often listen to your videos in our very small home church on Sunday, only 6-12 people. This was encouraging to hear you talk about the size of churches. We find your teaching very helpful thanks. Will be going through your Hebrews series as you do them. Perth Western Australia
"Disease of popularity confirmation" is a magnificently accurate description of many ministries. Trying to entertain people into Heaven is much like Jesus jumping off the tower of the temple. I struggle in this world and fail often. Pray for me to be led by the Spirit. Reshaping my life according to God's pattern and not the fashions of the times is essential. Restructuring my thinking patterns rescues me from temptations. Without a doubt, godliness is SO much easier when we are not tempted to do wrong. Thank you for the good word.
Thanks for the encouraging and conviction lesson Mike. I've been reminded of my responsibility of being the spiritual leader in my home with my wife and kids. I pray that I can follow Holy Spirit's direction and God's word to transform my life into a living sacrifice for The Lord and my family.
Mr. Winger, you videos and your work has really been blessed by JESUS. He is helping me so much through you my calming my technical mind with this logical walk through. My mind is currently being moved and change by Jesus because I continue to measure myself against the word. I have a big problem with wanting to be this ideal woman for the man I love but this includes wordly views like changing my body for his pleasure. I DO NOT WANT THIS. But the devil is so slick he keeps playing these disgusting images in my mind. I sometimes can see my man getting what he "deserves" and its a woman with the body that he wishes I had. Its complete poison for my soul. I pray for the lord to make my mind new. I will never give into getting these surgeries but the temptation is there even though I am so against it. These scriptures and this truth really healed my anxiety. and to see it all coming from a man is even more calming. I am so thankful and I also pray that you feel inclined to touch on trauma and women and bodies...Many of us really need help in these things. Thank you again for everything. I pray that the lord continue to bless you and your family.
Now I do like and agree with alot of what I hear you preach..However, the statement of "trendy doesn't equal worldly" made me hesitate for a moment...Yes, I agree but sometimes trendiness in attire can be unholy and not modest...And the scriptures let us know that there should be a difference from us and world...Sometimes trying to keep up with trendiness will prove your to be carnal...We are dead in Christ, and our passions should be on high...I used to wear earrings because that was the trend for guys, but as I began to read and submit to the scriptures and Spirit,And to see that the Spirit was conforming me to the image of Christ, I was putting in my earrings one day and the Spirit spoke to my heart and said "Why are you wearing the earrring, you are in Christ"..I was so convicted, and that was about 6 years ago and I took them out...All trendiness is not worldiness however going after trendiness is what the world does without contrition, because they are representing themselves, but we are representing Christ...And men and women are suppose to even look different from one another, but today's trendiness leads to gender appearance confusion through attire and hairstyles..And these trends are an insidious plan from Satan and the world...And that is not holy nor godly...We have to be really careful even about what we look like to the world, because we are to be holy in deeds, in lifestyle and appearance, because we are holy in Christ by faith.....And that's not legalism, that's the fruit of holiness and righteousness from the Holy Spirit..
Mike thank you so much for this…. I sincerely appreciate this sermon/teaching as it was again as always God sent in my life. There’s so many things you said that I need to relisten to it again and make notes. I love that verse and I quote it so often. Yet as humans and children of God we sometimes loose ‘vision’ and we can easily down spiral in despair when you see all the devastation in this world especially with what’s happening with Covid and the aftermath it leaves after lockdowns etc etc… there’s so much chaos and uncertainty and it can really get to you mentally but listening to this sermon again made me realise that I have to think biblically and surrender everything to God and He will help me overcome ill feelings and thoughts that’s not of Him. This was for me a life changing/refreshing sermon. Thank you so much! God bless 💕🙏🏻
that makes so much sense to have a clear understanding whay and what is necessary to please god and that only can be wen we are living a separated life of Christ in us so we can the let christ be honoured through us to the world so they can see the difference of light and darkness because in genisis God spoke the word and life instantly in a quick movement started to happen from 1 through out we as followers of christ have to lead and strive by what christ dit ons earth
Amen.Thanks to the massage it is true human being are dwelling n word possession and they have forgotten the living God hence the world has welcome them and it has turned them away to God
With gentleness and encouragement in the Lord @ 31:20 I take neither option as both are focused on self righteousness and not on God’s gift of righteousness to us. Both are flesh, God gave us the gift of His spirit and His righteousness as a gift not a wage earned. This is not a rebuke, it is an encouragement. It is so easy to focus on our behavior instead of our identity in Christ. It is easy to mistakenly focus on striving to be who God wants us to be instead of believing we are who He says we are. It is a process, but not a process of achieving, it is one of believing we are who God says we. Now that will Transform! That is what Romans 1:17 means when it says “but the righteous man shall live by faith”. That Faith is in the promises Of God about the gifts He gives to us in Jesus!
I think there is a version of legalism that believes you need to do the right things to be accepted by God. (Not nessecerily to get saved.) It replaces relationship with rules. I think he misses that category of error at 27:00. Its damaging and worth mentioing, and different than Biblical holiness. I LOVE Mike W.'s teaching.
I agree completely that giving in to sin brings more sin and destruction. I've seen that personally in my life. However I have been trying to turn my life around and live more for God according to the Bible and I don't think I've ever felt more separated from God than I do now. I feel no renewal. I only feel even more despair like I'll never be good enough. I want to try harder and I keep trying to do better but I can almost feel my mind falling apart. What am I doing wrong?
Just a clarification for those following along on all the additional scripture verses Pastor Mike uses. At 46:09, he mentions the will of God being our sanctification based on 1Thes 4:13. It's actually 1Thes 4:3, not 13. :)
This is fantastic. I just bought a T-Shirt that has the Autobot symbol from Transformers and a Cross on it with the words "Be Transformed" and "Romans 12:2" on the bottom. I got it to wear to a Transformers convention in Southern California. After getting the shirt, it made me want to listen to a message on that verse in case I got any questions. What providence!
Biggest excuse I hear from making worldly decisions, for example watching game of thrones, listening to secular music with bad lyrics, etc, is THE HOLY SPIRIT HASN"T CONVICTED ME YET. I AM LEAD BY HOLY SPIRIT. and this drives me up the wall. in my opinion you don't need "him" if it is explicitly clear in Bible already. just my experience with this topic.
Hey Mike! I listen to your messages all the time, love it! I know this video is 3 years old, so I hope you still check the comments on it, I’m part of the unpopular that you mentioned, but anyway, I have a new song that goes very much along the lines of your message here that I’d love for you to check out, it’s called Obvious. Thanks!
Mike winger I have come across your videos looking up false prophets and the information you have I believe is truth I believe that you're spreading the good news of Jesus the right way the truthful way the biblical way I needed some advice from you I work at a place that represents most of the word of faith ministry televangelists and I've seen you talk about those people and how they are false prophets and I agree with you that's why and how I found you was trying to find truth about what I should do should I quit my job or should I stay because my job represents most of these televangel ministers and I'm kind of a loss to what to do because I know they're wrong I know they're liars I know they're taking advantage of people and they are definitely not preaching the word of Jesus the truth of Jesus and God and I just needed your opinion on it because I believe that you speak truth in life into people in about Jesus the right way
I have listened to this sermon three times, and some how I missed the DRUMS part...AND I PLAY DRUMS!!! Ironically, my father-in-law believes the same thing, that drums are evil. So how I missed this, I HAVE NO IDEA!!!
Can conformed also mean the world’s way of thinking, not just outright sin/sinning? Such as thinking in fear, anxiety, etc. , since this verse seems to be more about the mind (transforming the mind). Also, question 2. I’ve always thought “you” was understood as you’re the one to do the transforming. But now after studying this verse carefully perhaps it’s God that does the transforming as we yield by reading and studying the word?
Seeking therapy for me is not wrong. I have severe PTSD. I sought therapy to learn how to control my illness and find some relief. I prayed and asked the Lord what to do for it and he provided a Christian therapist for me. In fact she works in the mission field. Why is that problematic. I also don't see how it's narcissistic. I think perhaps you should change your wording because it doesn't come off right. I'm not lifting myself on a pedestal I want symptom relief.
In this case 'the world' can also be translated 'the age' which I think is a better way to think about it. Each age has it's own social issues, contentions and problems; we're not to get caught up in that zeitgeist but to stand firm in Christ's teaching and Biblical values.
I really enjoyed this message. I do not understand the adverse bad reaction I have to the music at the very very end on some of these videos. For some reason that music just goes to my spine like fingernails on a chalkboard. It's very very annoying it must just be at the same tone as my tinnitus or something I'm surprised I'm not the only one who said it.
If I am watching videos online about the rapture, is that sinning? I was just curious. Thank you for any response. I know this is a year ago video. I loved it though. thank you. God bless
To whom Jesus sayd that? To the Jews who where at that time under the law, it means Old Testament. Jesus came to fullfill Old covenant. NEW Testamet was started on the cross when He has shead his blood and died ,rose again in the third day
Mike, Not the primary topic. However, on topic. Which words are cuss words? Are the words sin or does intent determine their sinfulness? I am asking sincerely. As I understand it. Man made the words bad. Not God. If this is the case then personal intent would be the criteria for which words are sinful. Words have positive and negative connotations. A supposed “cuss” word can be used in a positive way. Negativity can’t be the criteria. How can we discern what criteria to follow? The evolution of language also has an impact. What Christians find offensive today didn’t exist for the majority of history. In keeping with the topic. How can we discern which words are sinful and which are not. If keeping your mouth clean is the goal then doesn’t intent make the words bad? How do we keep from conforming to the world, in regards to language, while conforming to the worlds criteria for sinful words?
I value much of what you have said. However, aren't the ungodly or Romans 1 ungodly because of the futile way of their thinking, Romans 1:21-23 which leads them to ungodly behavior, Romans 1:24-27; which in turn, corrupts their mind even more and that leads to all manner of unrighteousness?
pastor mike, the first part of this message puzzled me .. I always know that the outcome comes from the inner parts .. but what you said here is that I have to avoid sin so that my inner man becomes good?
The thing is, we will never be good. And, nothing we do will ever make us good enough according to God's standard. But, once we get saved, we want to obey God and please Him. Just like, in John 14:15 " If you love me, keep my commandments ". So, the Holy Spirit convicts us whenever we do something evil or someone does evil. And, if you feel that you are not strong enough to resist that evil, especially when it mostly comes in the form of a person, it's best to avoid that person. And, if it's something you are doing intentionally or unintentionally , pray to God to overcome it. Also, obedience is a pleasing aroma to God. And, holiness invites the Holy Spirit. So, yeah, it is important to live a holy life. I hope this helps. Good day, mate!
We’re all individuals and can make our own choices.. this world is being run by Satan therefore following the crowd is never a good idea.. it damages your spirit
@@philipbuckley759 really goes i have found worth in restoring cast iron and in a way bringing joy to other people through food they cook. The stuff you talk about are of this world. Think about it why else is it so tempting I hope this helped but you can find more useful things
Which church is it that is acceptable to the Almighty? If the Jews build the temple, what will they have to do there, being as Jesus was the lamb that truly removes sin? How do Christians get out of Babylon the Great? Why do JW's use the word Gehenna instead of hell? Matthew 5:22 .whoever says, ‘You despicable fool!’ will be liable to the fiery Gehenna.
Jesus tells us that the Temple is made up of living stones does he not? the specially chosen ones. 1 Peter 2:4, 5 As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but chosen, precious to God, you yourselves as living stones are being built up into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, in order to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. Gehenna was the rubbish tip outside of Jerusalem, the valley of Hinton If you read carefully on from the lake of fire the bible will tell you what it means as it sais it will be the second death ok? . . Hell is a German word for covering which English clergy gave a hole new meaning too so as to install fear into their laity is that not so?
@@jamesjahavey1681 The Old Testament called it Sheol or Hades, the New Testament, Gehenna, in the valley of Hinnom, where the fires burned continually. It's used figuratively for the place of the dead. Jesus spoke of the lake of fire which never goes out. He told people so as to warn them about the consequences of rejecting God and His Messiah. So, the whole depiction of hell, or the lake of fire, is right through the scriptures. Why would you think it came from Germany and was used by English clergy? It's a scriptural teaching used by Jesus. Btw, it's "whole new meaning to..." 🙂👍👍
The Christian's goal has to be; "to have the mind of Christ". Once that is achieved, we become the Righteous Man. Jesus is the Righteous Man that God knew was possible from the beginning, but Adam failed and we have all done the same, because we inherit the same nature. The whole Universe has been created around three characterizations; God, the Righteous Man, and the Satan. The Kingdom of God will bring about a time when it will be God and the Righteous Man. Until then, the Satan, is the carnal mind which leads all to sin. The carnal mind is the one thing that is enmity with God and is what we have to overcome by personal struggle and in the end, it is Jesus that has won the victory for us. Hence, at the resurrection, we shall all be changed and become like Jesus, with immortality and be sinless, never to be tempted again.
Shoot, and Geez are what's called "minced oaths" which are substitutes, the first for sh_t, (I think you know that), the other is a substitute for using the name of Jesus as a swear word. There are many such minced oaths, which are probably better left alone 😁👍👍 Many of them are taking God's name in vain.
Now I praise you because you remember me in everything and hold firmly to the traditions, just as I delivered them to you. But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ. Every man who has something on his head while praying or prophesying disgraces his head. But every woman who has her head uncovered while praying or prophesying disgraces her head, for she is one and the same as the woman whose head is shaved. For if a woman does not cover her head, let her also have her hair cut off; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her cover her head. For a man ought not to have his head covered, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man. For man does not originate from woman, but woman from man; for indeed man was not created for the woman’s sake, but woman for the man’s sake. Therefore the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels. However, in the Lord, neither is woman independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. For as the woman originates from the man, so also the man has his birth through the woman; and all things originate from God. Judge for yourselves: is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him, but if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her? For her hair is given to her for a covering. But if one is inclined to be contentious, we have no other practice, nor have the churches of God. 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 NASB
Who is the God of this world? 2 Corinthians 4:4 .among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through. Who is the God the Jesus preached and what is his will for Christians?
Sorry I only believe what the bible teaches regardless of what is taught by some who just to tickle the ears. so can you say which is the Almighty God and who is a mighty God and how many spirits the Almighty God has? and still be popular in your teaching? What is the will of the Almighty for our day?
I am a servant of the most high, and only speak what he has to say on a matter have you discovered the name of your God yet? How many names does the bible say Jesus has ?
The name of God is YHWH. The Ancient Hebrew did not use vowels in its written form. The name Jehovah can be found in the King James translation. The NWT was created and changed to fit your church beliefs. Your Watch Tower is constantly wrong, and has provided multiple false predictions. Servant of the most high God, would that be El, Elohim, and Adonai . All which describe God. I understand you don't believe in trinity. So the concept of salvation must of works. Works that are done by going door to door. I pray that God opens your eyes, and that you the blessing that was given, given by his son Jesus Christ. Not Michael the Arc Angel.
we thepeople king James is full of vowels because it's an English translation. There are no vowels in Hebrew. Thought that was pretty clear. Jehovah, yea I said it. Unlike JW, I don't believe in calling God by another name other than Jehovah is a form of idolatry. Going door to door does not depend on your salvation. Keeping a numbers count, and reporting it to ensure your works. I could go on. But I'm sure you're entrenched in a belief that was created in 1870 by Charles Taze Russell.
we thepeople I know there are no vowels in Hebrew, and thus translation will differ. I speak with vowels due to the language I speak. It's apparent you cannot comprehend the difference in language.
Love that quote "When we yield our bodies to sin, our mind goes along with it.". 😬🤦 Yikes!! "But Godly living always carries a blessing!"
We don't yield our bodies to sin in a vacuum, though. We yield to sin by first yielding in our thinking to the temptation to sin. The battle is in the mind.
@@judylloyd7901 I think the reference is to the fact that repetitious actions create a mindset. However, you are correct in that the initial sin is a result of a choice, which obviously occurs in the mind.
Wow. I’m such a victim to conforming to this world. Please pray for me. I’m so weak. I’ll do good for a day or two. Maybe even a week. Then it’s back to doing as the world does. Jesus I need you all day and night.
Welcome to the club Chad. The Christian life is a daily, sometimes hour by hour struggle. I'm coming up 60, & have been following Christ our Saviour for at least half of that. I train/coach boxers, so it helps to know that being a Christian is like being a boxer who is ALWAYS in training. Works for me :)
Thanks man. That’s really good. Love that.
Psalm 119: 105 How shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed according to Thy Word.
@@chadstephens2652 . I p
Renew your mind by reading scripture daily. Morning and night. Pray diligently. Fast once a week, if you can. Exercise the spiritual disciplines and the flesh will be weakened. God bless you.
I thank you so much for this teaching. I listened to what I will call secular music but now only listen to anything that is glorifying to God. I get a lot of slack from others telling me that it is legalistic. I only quit listening to secular music not because I think you will go to hell, but because I felt led to for me because when I did listen to secular music, my mind started to dwell on things that brought about a change in me and stinking thinking that I didn't feel was what Jesus would want me to think and do. After your teaching, I now know that I am definitely not being legalistic at all but listening to the Lord about what is right for me as an individual. By way, music (mainly soul) was extremely important to me but since I have stopped listening to it (for many years), I feel so much better and at peace with myself. I don't miss at all. Praise God!
I agree. I love secular music but the lyrics distract me from glorifying God. Especially when I’m angry I like aggressive rock music.
Throat baby! My goodness this world needs help lmao. I kinda stopped listening to music and slowly but surely unliking songs on my Playlist im like wth is this crap
Same for me, even when secular music doesn't have sinful messages always, I find myself stronger and firmer when I focus on godly thoughts
17:05 James V. McGee's radio ministry led me to Christ when I was 18 years old. Love that man. Now Mike teaches me through video. 😁
Mike, I am 68 and I love your teaching. We never stop learning, walking in the truth and growing closer to God👏👏👏👏
Man, I'm so happy I'm not the only one. Thank you for this sermon :)
I like this clear explanation of what conforming to the world is actually.
This message found me at the right time.
I’m very politically active and today has just been one gut punch after another, but this really helps set my priorities straight
God bless you and your work
“I want to please the Lord, bless the church and reach the world!”….Amen!!!🙏🏾
Just started watching your videos and have been blessed. Thank you so much for your obedience and speaking the truth.
Thank you so much brother for making the point that the sinful people in Romans 1 are the same but saved people in Romans 12.
Thank you for praying at the end-I felt I needed to pray but couldn’t find the words. That’s when you said “let’s pray” and I thought YES Lord! I receive this!!
Thank You Mike! Your teachings are so spot on and have helped me understand God's will in terms of His Word and how it relates to transforming us to be more like Christ.
Renewing your mind comes from spending time filling your mind with the Word of God.
It doesn't come from changing your behaviour. Renewing the mind is changing what you think about and what you value.
What you think about is influenced by what you feed your mind on.
We don't yield to sin in a vacuum. We yield by first yielding in our minds to the temptation to sin. The battle is always in our minds.
Fasting will make you a new person. The Holy Spirit will transform you and then you’ll be doing stuff you would have never thought to do before and you’ll be kinder, more considerate, have more peace, and even be wiser. It’s amazing.
I like the CSB translation, "Do not be conformed to this age." "Age" helps me get a better sense of what is being communicated.
I like J B Phillips translation - "Don't let the world squeeze you into its own mould."
Coolest way of simplified teaching. I love it!! Praise God.
that is how you know you are listening to a good teacher....one who can break down a subject matter...
WOW… such an impactful sermon! I’ve used every excuse in the book to verify my worldliness. Thank you for calling me out! I need that. I want that. My desire is to conform to God’s heart. 💖🙏
Same! ❤
This message brought deliverance to my mind. Thanks for what you do. Love your message on marriage too. I pray God blesses me with a husband like that in Jesus name amen
A great lesson and so relevant to everyone- especially in today’s times.
+Karen Welty thank you!
Thank you for this lessons in Romans, it took me all day to soak it all Lynn it was so full of knowledge. God bless you
We often listen to your videos in our very small home church on Sunday, only 6-12 people.
This was encouraging to hear you talk about the size of churches.
We find your teaching very helpful thanks. Will be going through your Hebrews series as you do them.
Perth Western Australia
Great teaching, Mike. I'm going to start incorporating these into our homeschool mornings. God bless!
"Disease of popularity confirmation" is a magnificently accurate description of many ministries.
Trying to entertain people into Heaven is much like Jesus jumping off the tower of the temple.
I struggle in this world and fail often. Pray for me to be led by the Spirit. Reshaping my life according to God's pattern and not the fashions of the times is essential. Restructuring my thinking patterns rescues me from temptations. Without a doubt, godliness is SO much easier when we are not tempted to do wrong.
Thank you for the good word.
Praise God. I was raised in a Christian home but married young and took on the behaviour of my x spouse. God brought convictipn as per Romans 12: 2
What a wonderful and beautiful teacher . May God keep blessing you to teach . In Jesus name .
Thanks for the encouraging and conviction lesson Mike. I've been reminded of my responsibility of being the spiritual leader in my home with my wife and kids. I pray that I can follow Holy Spirit's direction and God's word to transform my life into a living sacrifice for The Lord and my family.
This was exactly what I needed to hear right now.
Mr. Winger, you videos and your work has really been blessed by JESUS. He is helping me so much through you my calming my technical mind with this logical walk through. My mind is currently being moved and change by Jesus because I continue to measure myself against the word. I have a big problem with wanting to be this ideal woman for the man I love but this includes wordly views like changing my body for his pleasure. I DO NOT WANT THIS. But the devil is so slick he keeps playing these disgusting images in my mind. I sometimes can see my man getting what he "deserves" and its a woman with the body that he wishes I had. Its complete poison for my soul. I pray for the lord to make my mind new. I will never give into getting these surgeries but the temptation is there even though I am so against it. These scriptures and this truth really healed my anxiety. and to see it all coming from a man is even more calming. I am so thankful and I also pray that you feel inclined to touch on trauma and women and bodies...Many of us really need help in these things. Thank you again for everything. I pray that the lord continue to bless you and your family.
Now I do like and agree with alot of what I hear you preach..However, the statement of "trendy doesn't equal worldly" made me hesitate for a moment...Yes, I agree but sometimes trendiness in attire can be unholy and not modest...And the scriptures let us know that there should be a difference from us and world...Sometimes trying to keep up with trendiness will prove your to be carnal...We are dead in Christ, and our passions should be on high...I used to wear earrings because that was the trend for guys, but as I began to read and submit to the scriptures and Spirit,And to see that the Spirit was conforming me to the image of Christ, I was putting in my earrings one day and the Spirit spoke to my heart and said "Why are you wearing the earrring, you are in Christ"..I was so convicted, and that was about 6 years ago and I took them out...All trendiness is not worldiness however going after trendiness is what the world does without contrition, because they are representing themselves, but we are representing Christ...And men and women are suppose to even look different from one another, but today's trendiness leads to gender appearance confusion through attire and hairstyles..And these trends are an insidious plan from Satan and the world...And that is not holy nor godly...We have to be really careful even about what we look like to the world, because we are to be holy in deeds, in lifestyle and appearance, because we are holy in Christ by faith.....And that's not legalism, that's the fruit of holiness and righteousness from the Holy Spirit..
Mike thank you so much for this…. I sincerely appreciate this sermon/teaching as it was again as always God sent in my life. There’s so many things you said that I need to relisten to it again and make notes. I love that verse and I quote it so often. Yet as humans and children of God we sometimes loose ‘vision’ and we can easily down spiral in despair when you see all the devastation in this world especially with what’s happening with Covid and the aftermath it leaves after lockdowns etc etc… there’s so much chaos and uncertainty and it can really get to you mentally but listening to this sermon again made me realise that I have to think biblically and surrender everything to God and He will help me overcome ill feelings and thoughts that’s not of Him.
This was for me a life changing/refreshing sermon. Thank you so much! God bless 💕🙏🏻
that makes so much sense to have a clear understanding whay and what is necessary to please god and that only can be wen we are living a separated life of Christ in us so we can the let christ be honoured through us to the world so they can see the difference of light and darkness because in genisis God spoke the word and life instantly in a quick movement started to happen from 1 through out we as followers of christ have to lead and strive by what christ dit ons earth
I like how you said “Open your bibles please”.
Not sure why, I just liked it.
I loved that too
Yesss. I loveee when pastors say that too for some reason! It reminds me it's time to forget about the world and focus on the Word for an hour!
how about open your mobile devises....
So so good. Love this man.
Amen.Thanks to the massage it is true human being are dwelling n word possession and they have forgotten the living God hence the world has welcome them and it has turned them away to God
Hello, Make, it's so pleasant to hear you, be blessed!
Politics, sports, status are leading temptations to follow the world.
With gentleness and encouragement in the Lord @ 31:20 I take neither option as both are focused on self righteousness and not on God’s gift of righteousness to us. Both are flesh, God gave us the gift of His spirit and His righteousness as a gift not a wage earned. This is not a rebuke, it is an encouragement. It is so easy to focus on our behavior instead of our identity in Christ. It is easy to mistakenly focus on striving to be who God wants us to be instead of believing we are who He says we are. It is a process, but not a process of achieving, it is one of believing we are who God says we. Now that will Transform! That is what Romans 1:17 means when it says “but the righteous man shall live by faith”. That Faith is in the promises Of God about the gifts He gives to us in Jesus!
Thank you for this word. God bless
I think there is a version of legalism that believes you need to do the right things to be accepted by God. (Not nessecerily to get saved.) It replaces relationship with rules. I think he misses that category of error at 27:00. Its damaging and worth mentioing, and different than Biblical holiness. I LOVE Mike W.'s teaching.
Thank you for this message 🙏 I really needed to hear this
Awesome study! I benefit so much from your studies
I agree completely that giving in to sin brings more sin and destruction. I've seen that personally in my life.
However I have been trying to turn my life around and live more for God according to the Bible and I don't think I've ever felt more separated from God than I do now.
I feel no renewal. I only feel even more despair like I'll never be good enough.
I want to try harder and I keep trying to do better but I can almost feel my mind falling apart.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks Pastor Mike
Good sermon and less than 3 hours too!! ^^
Just a clarification for those following along on all the additional scripture verses Pastor Mike uses. At 46:09, he mentions the will of God being our sanctification based on 1Thes 4:13. It's actually 1Thes 4:3, not 13. :)
This is excellent! Thank you!
Very good talk Mike, I really enjoyed this presentation!
40:15 “When we yield our bodies to God, the mind comes along for the ride.”
516 likes and 17 non.
23,836 views 66 comments. Nov 19 2019
Fire message! 🔥🗣 📖✝️👆🏼
Thank you.
This is fantastic. I just bought a T-Shirt that has the Autobot symbol from Transformers and a Cross on it with the words "Be Transformed" and "Romans 12:2" on the bottom. I got it to wear to a Transformers convention in Southern California. After getting the shirt, it made me want to listen to a message on that verse in case I got any questions. What providence!
Thank you, Mike!
Thanks Mike
Thank you so very much 😊!
Thank you for this.
So good !
Thank you for this video !
What song is that in the end?
Thank you
Lesssss goooooo Mikey
James 4:17
.Therefore, if someone knows how to do what is right and yet does not do it, it is a sin for him.
Biggest excuse I hear from making worldly decisions, for example watching game of thrones, listening to secular music with bad lyrics, etc, is THE HOLY SPIRIT HASN"T CONVICTED ME YET. I AM LEAD BY HOLY SPIRIT. and this drives me up the wall. in my opinion you don't need "him" if it is explicitly clear in Bible already. just my experience with this topic.
it is not being led, by the Spirit...it is about being obedient to the living Word....
Jesus take the wheel, country song
Hey Mike! I listen to your messages all the time, love it! I know this video is 3 years old, so I hope you still check the comments on it, I’m part of the unpopular that you mentioned, but anyway, I have a new song that goes very much along the lines of your message here that I’d love for you to check out, it’s called Obvious. Thanks!
Mike winger I have come across your videos looking up false prophets and the information you have I believe is truth I believe that you're spreading the good news of Jesus the right way the truthful way the biblical way I needed some advice from you I work at a place that represents most of the word of faith ministry televangelists and I've seen you talk about those people and how they are false prophets and I agree with you that's why and how I found you was trying to find truth about what I should do should I quit my job or should I stay because my job represents most of these televangel ministers and I'm kind of a loss to what to do because I know they're wrong I know they're liars I know they're taking advantage of people and they are definitely not preaching the word of Jesus the truth of Jesus and God and I just needed your opinion on it because I believe that you speak truth in life into people in about Jesus the right way
Thanks bro
I have listened to this sermon three times, and some how I missed the DRUMS part...AND I PLAY DRUMS!!! Ironically, my father-in-law believes the same thing, that drums are evil. So how I missed this, I HAVE NO IDEA!!!
Can conformed also mean the world’s way of thinking, not just outright sin/sinning? Such as thinking in fear, anxiety, etc. , since this verse seems to be more about the mind (transforming the mind).
Also, question 2. I’ve always thought “you” was understood as you’re the one to do the transforming. But now after studying this verse carefully perhaps it’s God that does the transforming as we yield by reading and studying the word?
Oops! Listened to the end an heard the answers to my questions. Thank you!
Pray for me
Seeking therapy for me is not wrong. I have severe PTSD. I sought therapy to learn how to control my illness and find some relief. I prayed and asked the Lord what to do for it and he provided a Christian therapist for me. In fact she works in the mission field. Why is that problematic. I also don't see how it's narcissistic. I think perhaps you should change your wording because it doesn't come off right. I'm not lifting myself on a pedestal I want symptom relief.
@53:52 immature vs carnal vs mature Christian
In this case 'the world' can also be translated 'the age' which I think is a better way to think about it. Each age has it's own social issues, contentions and problems; we're not to get caught up in that zeitgeist but to stand firm in Christ's teaching and Biblical values.
it all started with romans 12:2 I want more
PREACH!!! 🙌🏻👏🏻🙌🏻
maybe this subject should be taught at one of these conferences.....for Calvary Chapel...
I really enjoyed this message. I do not understand the adverse bad reaction I have to the music at the very very end on some of these videos. For some reason that music just goes to my spine like fingernails on a chalkboard. It's very very annoying it must just be at the same tone as my tinnitus or something I'm surprised I'm not the only one who said it.
If I am watching videos online about the rapture, is that sinning? I was just curious. Thank you for any response. I know this is a year ago video. I loved it though. thank you. God bless
why would that be a sin?
God Bless but what about when Jesus tells ' If you love me obey my commandments
His commandments are love God and love your neighbor as yourself. These 2 commandments are fullfillments of the law.
To whom Jesus sayd that? To the Jews who where at that time under the law, it means Old Testament. Jesus came to fullfill Old covenant. NEW Testamet was started on the cross when He has shead his blood and died ,rose again in the third day
Not the primary topic. However, on topic. Which words are cuss words? Are the words sin or does intent determine their sinfulness?
I am asking sincerely.
As I understand it. Man made the words bad. Not God. If this is the case then personal intent would be the criteria for which words are sinful. Words have positive and negative connotations. A supposed “cuss” word can be used in a positive way. Negativity can’t be the criteria. How can we discern what criteria to follow?
The evolution of language also has an impact. What Christians find offensive today didn’t exist for the majority of history.
In keeping with the topic. How can we discern which words are sinful and which are not. If keeping your mouth clean is the goal then doesn’t intent make the words bad?
How do we keep from conforming to the world, in regards to language, while conforming to the worlds criteria for sinful words?
I value much of what you have said. However, aren't the ungodly or Romans 1 ungodly because of the futile way of their thinking, Romans 1:21-23 which leads them to ungodly behavior, Romans 1:24-27; which in turn, corrupts their mind even more and that leads to all manner of unrighteousness?
@42:25 beautiful
pastor mike, the first part of this message puzzled me ..
I always know that the outcome comes from the inner parts .. but what you said here is that I have to avoid sin so that my inner man becomes good?
The thing is, we will never be good. And, nothing we do will ever make us good enough according to God's standard. But, once we get saved, we want to obey God and please Him. Just like, in John 14:15 " If you love me, keep my commandments ".
So, the Holy Spirit convicts us whenever we do something evil or someone does evil.
And, if you feel that you are not strong enough to resist that evil, especially when it mostly comes in the form of a person, it's best to avoid that person.
And, if it's something you are doing intentionally or unintentionally , pray to God to overcome it.
Also, obedience is a pleasing aroma to God. And, holiness invites the Holy Spirit. So, yeah, it is important to live a holy life.
I hope this helps.
Good day, mate!
Renewing your mind is achieved by *filling it with the Word* of God. It's what we *feed our minds on* that shapes our thinking.
45 -60 mins clips are sufficient ^^
So we are born into this world for the purpose of rejecting pretty much everything about this world. Do I have this correct?
We’re all individuals and can make our own choices.. this world is being run by Satan therefore following the crowd is never a good idea.. it damages your spirit
@@darcie7773 Thank you for your response.
the expression of the only things worth doing are illegal, immoral, or fattening.....so I feel your anguish....
@@philipbuckley759 really goes i have found worth in restoring cast iron and in a way bringing joy to other people through food they cook. The stuff you talk about are of this world. Think about it why else is it so tempting I hope this helped but you can find more useful things
@@philipbuckley759 and fattening?? You can eat good food but don't be a glutton. I'm seeing more and more everyday how it all connects
Which church is it that is acceptable to the Almighty? If the Jews build the temple, what will they have to do there, being as Jesus was the lamb that truly removes sin?
How do Christians get out of Babylon the Great?
Why do JW's use the word Gehenna instead of hell?
Matthew 5:22
.whoever says, ‘You despicable fool!’ will be liable to the fiery Gehenna.
Jesus tells us that the Temple is made up of living stones does he not? the specially chosen ones. 1 Peter 2:4, 5 As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but chosen, precious to God, you yourselves as living stones are being built up into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, in order to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
Gehenna was the rubbish tip outside of Jerusalem, the valley of Hinton
If you read carefully on from the lake of fire the bible will tell you what it means as it sais it will be the second death ok?
. .
Hell is a German word for covering which English clergy gave a hole new meaning too so as to install fear into their laity is that not so?
@@jamesjahavey1681 The Old Testament called it Sheol or Hades, the New Testament, Gehenna, in the valley of Hinnom, where the fires burned continually.
It's used figuratively for the place of the dead.
Jesus spoke of the lake of fire which never goes out. He told people so as to warn them about the consequences of rejecting God and His Messiah.
So, the whole depiction of hell, or the lake of fire, is right through the scriptures. Why would you think it came from Germany and was used by English clergy? It's a scriptural teaching used by Jesus.
Btw, it's "whole new meaning to..."
Can someone sum it up
A lot of people do this with metal music and alt/goth music
The Christian's goal has to be; "to have the mind of Christ". Once that is achieved, we become the Righteous Man. Jesus is the Righteous Man that God knew was possible from the beginning, but Adam failed and we have all done the same, because we inherit the same nature.
The whole Universe has been created around three characterizations; God, the Righteous Man, and the Satan. The Kingdom of God will bring about a time when it will be God and the Righteous Man. Until then, the Satan, is the carnal mind which leads all to sin. The carnal mind is the one thing that is enmity with God and is what we have to overcome by personal struggle and in the end, it is Jesus that has won the victory for us. Hence, at the resurrection, we shall all be changed and become like Jesus, with immortality and be sinless, never to be tempted again.
acts affect thoughts, and thoughts affect acts....interesting.....
the adage....error, on the side of caution....seems to be the only way to address your question...
Err* on the side of caution would probably be my direction! 😁😁
Shoot and geez were cusswords years ago. What's a real cussword and what is trendy?
Shoot, and Geez are what's called "minced oaths" which are substitutes, the first for sh_t, (I think you know that), the other is a substitute for using the name of Jesus as a swear word. There are many such minced oaths, which are probably better left alone 😁👍👍
Many of them are taking God's name in vain.
15:40 was pretty sick
But the John 3:16 world is the world of believers
Now I praise you because you remember me in everything and hold firmly to the traditions, just as I delivered them to you. But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ. Every man who has something on his head while praying or prophesying disgraces his head. But every woman who has her head uncovered while praying or prophesying disgraces her head, for she is one and the same as the woman whose head is shaved. For if a woman does not cover her head, let her also have her hair cut off; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her cover her head. For a man ought not to have his head covered, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man. For man does not originate from woman, but woman from man; for indeed man was not created for the woman’s sake, but woman for the man’s sake. Therefore the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels. However, in the Lord, neither is woman independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. For as the woman originates from the man, so also the man has his birth through the woman; and all things originate from God. Judge for yourselves: is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him, but if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her? For her hair is given to her for a covering. But if one is inclined to be contentious, we have no other practice, nor have the churches of God.
1 Corinthians 11:2-16 NASB
I think you misquoted 1 Thessalonians 4:13 haha, I thought I was going crazy.
Who is the God of this world? 2 Corinthians 4:4 .among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through.
Who is the God the Jesus preached and what is his will for Christians?
Sorry I only believe what the bible teaches regardless of what is taught by some who just to tickle the ears. so can you say which is the Almighty God and who is a mighty God and how many spirits the Almighty God has? and still be popular in your teaching?
What is the will of the Almighty for our day?
I am a servant of the most high, and only speak what he has to say on a matter have you discovered the name of your God yet?
How many names does the bible say Jesus has ?
The name of God is YHWH. The Ancient Hebrew did not use vowels in its written form. The name Jehovah can be found in the King James translation. The NWT was created and changed to fit your church beliefs. Your Watch Tower is constantly wrong, and has provided multiple false predictions. Servant of the most high God, would that be El, Elohim, and Adonai . All which describe God. I understand you don't believe in trinity. So the concept of salvation must of works. Works that are done by going door to door. I pray that God opens your eyes, and that you the blessing that was given, given by his son Jesus Christ. Not Michael the Arc Angel.
we thepeople king James is full of vowels because it's an English translation. There are no vowels in Hebrew. Thought that was pretty clear. Jehovah, yea I said it. Unlike JW, I don't believe in calling God by another name other than Jehovah is a form of idolatry. Going door to door does not depend on your salvation. Keeping a numbers count, and reporting it to ensure your works. I could go on. But I'm sure you're entrenched in a belief that was created in 1870 by Charles Taze Russell.
we thepeople I know there are no vowels in Hebrew, and thus translation will differ. I speak with vowels due to the language I speak. It's apparent you cannot comprehend the difference in language.