Ms Lisa Wang is a charlatan as far as connoisseurs of cantonese opera are concerned....she does not fulfil any of the three important traditional criteria for a good performer or performance, that is sound, colour n afraid Lisa Wang does not meet the requirements of these three criteria.... Mr Lin JiaSing (Sing Kor) was totally gracious n magnanimous on his part to even agree to partner someone who is a nobody ( persona non grata) in the Cantonese opera arena for a public performance .... Wonder what Mr Dickson Tang 's thoughts would be to see an aged crone like Liza Wang taking on the role of a nubile Princess Cheong Ping in one of his famed n celebrated most of us she might only fit, if at all, in the role of the old Abbess of the nunnery where the Princess took temporary refuge after the fall of the kingdom....😂 The fact that Liza Wang was not invited to reprise the role of the Princess on ANY of the nights in the recently concluded 65th Anniversary celebration of The Floral Princess speaks for itself n justly indicates the low regard n esteem serious practitioners of Cantonese opera in HongKong for her....
當年, [林家聲]先生交出一片熱誠...對一位粵劇門外娘~予以落力嘅成全同埋栽培, 但佢最後只係徒得"我本將心向明月, 奈何明月照溝渠"嘅遺憾。
可惡的汪婆娘,全心害文武生 ,好在這位大老倌功力深厚,見招拆招,婆娘失望😮💨
[汪明荃]因為長時期習慣咗電視、電影嘅身體語言演出法, 又因為佢喺粵劇演出功夫方面嘅後天不足, 故此~佢好因利成便咁…將電視、電影嘅近距離演出法帶入粵劇舞台。
講句真實話: 哩種非戲曲正規形式嘅演出法~係唔太適合放入粵劇嘅戲曲程式世界裡面。 如果硬性係要咁…哩種電視、電影嘅近距離演出法~就只可以限係台下第一至第三行嘅觀眾先至可以去有所領教…咁又何苦、何必呢? 觀眾欣賞戲曲....係97%著重戲曲"手/眼/身/法/步"嘅多方面程式表演, 如果唔係~佢地可以揀去睇古裝舞台音樂劇。
除咗古裝舞台音樂劇….以上哩一種非主流嘅戲曲演出法(少既定嘅程式造手、著重細緻嘅眼面表情)~似乎更適合放諸以下嘅一種藝術產物: 舊嘅粵語古裝歌唱電影。
Ms Lisa Wang is a charlatan as far as connoisseurs of cantonese opera are concerned....she does not fulfil any of the three important traditional criteria for a good performer or performance, that is sound, colour n afraid Lisa Wang does not meet the requirements of these three criteria.... Mr Lin JiaSing (Sing Kor) was totally gracious n magnanimous on his part to even agree to partner someone who is a nobody ( persona non grata) in the Cantonese opera arena for a public performance ....
Wonder what Mr Dickson Tang 's thoughts would be to see an aged crone like Liza Wang taking on the role of a nubile Princess Cheong Ping in one of his famed n celebrated most of us she might only fit, if at all, in the role of the old Abbess of the nunnery where the Princess took temporary refuge after the fall of the kingdom....😂
The fact that Liza Wang was not invited to reprise the role of the Princess on ANY of the nights in the recently concluded 65th Anniversary celebration of The Floral Princess speaks for itself n justly indicates the low regard n esteem serious practitioners of Cantonese opera in HongKong for her....
汪亞姐自大. 自以為是.