Coding a plasma effect demo on the Commodore 64 (tutorial DIY)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024
  • In this video, I'm trying to show you how to program a plasma demo effect in assembly and machine language on the Commodore 64.
    Dont forget to look at 4mat's very short but brilliant routines:
    • Various plasma effects...
    Music: The Alan Parsons Project - Eye in the Sky (Official Audio)
    • The Alan Parsons Proje...

ความคิดเห็น • 9

  • @Commodoreretro-programming
    @Commodoreretro-programming  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    The code is here
    * = $1000
    LDA #0 ; black everywhere :)
    STA $D021 ; =53281
    STA $D020 ; =53280
    ; first step is to create a table with sine + cosine values
    ; The addition is performed on a proportionate basis
    ; the table is changed on every frame
    LDX #64 ; 25 rows (+40 additional values)
    LDA sin,X
    ADC cos,X ; Y can be used as index
    ; insofar as it's decremented
    STA sinecosine,x ; new table
    BPL loop
    ; values in sine + cos table are changed
    INC loop+1 ; after each frame
    DEC addpart+1
    ; the first 40 succesive values represent a value
    ; for each of the 40 columns
    ; The 25 following successive values represent the 25 rows
    ; Once the sine + cos table with the 65 values is created
    ; The code adds and combines them giving 1,000 different values
    ; values 0-39 in the table : column
    ; values 40-64 in the table : row
    ; the routine deals each column, line by line
    LDX #39
    LDA sinecosine,x
    STA $10 ; address $10 in memory will be used
    ; to store the value used
    ; for each column
    ; row/line 0
    ADC sinecosine+40 ; value for row/line 0
    LDA charcode,y ; load the charcode from a table
    STA $0400,x ; read and indexed with Y
    ; and store it in the screen memory
    LDA colorcode,y ; same thing about color memory
    STA $d800,x ; operation is repeated every
    ; 25 screen rows/lines
    ; row/line 1
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+41
    LDA charcode,y ; load the charcode from a table
    ; read and indexed with Y
    STA $0400+40,x ; and store it in the screen memory
    LDA colorcode,y ; same thing about color memory
    STA $d800+40,x
    ; row/line 2
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+42
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+80,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+80,x
    ; row/line 3
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+43
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+120,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+120,x
    ; row/line 4
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+44
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+160,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+160,x
    ; row/line 5
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+45
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+200,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+200,x
    ; row/line 6
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+46
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+240,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+240,x
    ; row/line 7
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+47
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+280,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+280,x
    ; row/line 8
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+48
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+320,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+320,x
    ;row/line 9
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+49
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+360,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+360,x
    ;row/line 10
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+50
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+400,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+400,x
    ;row/line 11
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+51
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+440,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+440,x
    ;row/line 12
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+52
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+480,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+480,x
    ;row/line 13
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+53
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+520,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+520,x
    ;row/line 14
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+54
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+560,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+560,x
    ;row/line 15
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+55
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+600,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+600,x
    ;row/line 16
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+56
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+640,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+640,x
    ;row/line 17
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+57
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+680,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+680,x
    ;row/line 18
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+58
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+720,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+720,x
    ;row/line 19
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+59
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+760,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+760,x
    ;row/line 20
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+60
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+800,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+800,x
    ;row/line 21
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+61
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+840,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+840,x
    ;row/line 22
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+62
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+880,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+880,x
    ;row/line 23
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+63
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+920,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+920,x
    ;row/line 24
    LDA $10
    ADC sinecosine+64
    LDA charcode,y
    STA $0400+960,x
    LDA colorcode,y
    STA $d800+960,x
    BMI loop_exit
    LDY #50
    BNE @exit
    BNE @exit
    ALIGN ; here the code is aligned
    ; so that the LB adress is at $00
    DCB 16,195 ;
    DCB 16,196 ; number of bytes used will determine
    DCB 16,197 ; the thickness of the layers pattern
    DCB 16,198 ;
    DCB 16,195
    DCB 16,196
    DCB 16,197
    DCB 16,198
    DCB 16,195
    DCB 16,196
    DCB 16,197
    DCB 16,198
    DCB 16,195
    DCB 16,196
    DCB 16,197
    DCB 16,198
    ALIGN ; here the code is aligned
    ; so that the LB adress is at $00
    DCB 16,00
    DCB 16,11
    DCB 16,12
    DCB 16,15
    DCB 16,00
    DCB 16,11
    DCB 16,12
    DCB 16,15
    DCB 16,00
    DCB 16,11
    DCB 16,12
    DCB 16,15
    DCB 16,00
    DCB 16,11
    DCB 16,12
    DCB 16,15

    • @Commodoreretro-programming
      @Commodoreretro-programming  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      PART 2
      ALIGN ; "sin 2*256" table is comprised of 512 bytes
      ; with values between 0 and 63
      ; they are based on frequency by 4 x 90 degrees
      ; (=2*pi, ie a full circle)
      BYTE 32,28,24,20,16,13,10,7,5,3,1,0,0,0,0,1
      BYTE 2,4,6,9,11,15,18,22,26,30,33,37,41,45,48,52
      BYTE 54,57,59,61,62,63,63,63,63,62,60,58,56,53,50,47
      BYTE 43,39,35,32,28,24,20,16,13,10,7,5,3,1,0,0
      BYTE 0,0,1,2,4,6,9,11,15,18,22,26,30,33,37,41
      BYTE 45,48,52,54,57,59,61,62,63,63,63,63,62,60,58,56
      BYTE 53,50,47,43,39,35,32,28,24,20,16,13,10,7,5,3
      BYTE 1,0,0,0,0,1,2,4,6,9,11,15,18,22,26,30
      BYTE 33,37,41,45,48,52,54,57,59,61,62,63,63,63,63,62
      BYTE 60,58,56,53,50,47,43,39,35,32,28,24,20,16,13,10
      BYTE 7,5,3,1,0,0,0,0,1,2,4,6,9,11,15,18
      BYTE 22,26,30,33,37,41,45,48,52,54,57,59,61,62,63,63
      BYTE 63,63,62,60,58,56,53,50,47,43,39,35,32,28,24,20
      BYTE 16,13,10,7,5,3,1,0,0,0,0,1,2,4,6,9
      BYTE 11,15,18,22,26,30,33,37,41,45,48,52,54,57,59,61
      BYTE 62,63,63,63,63,62,60,58,56,53,50,47,43,39,35,32
      BYTE 32,28,24,20,16,13,10,7,5,3,1,0,0,0,0,1
      BYTE 2,4,6,9,11,15,18,22,26,30,33,37,41,45,48,52
      BYTE 54,57,59,61,62,63,63,63,63,62,60,58,56,53,50,47
      BYTE 43,39,35,32,28,24,20,16,13,10,7,5,3,1,0,0
      BYTE 0,0,1,2,4,6,9,11,15,18,22,26,30,33,37,41
      BYTE 45,48,52,54,57,59,61,62,63,63,63,63,62,60,58,56
      BYTE 53,50,47,43,39,35,32,28,24,20,16,13,10,7,5,3
      BYTE 1,0,0,0,0,1,2,4,6,9,11,15,18,22,26,30
      BYTE 33,37,41,45,48,52,54,57,59,61,62,63,63,63,63,62
      BYTE 60,58,56,53,50,47,43,39,35,32,28,24,20,16,13,10
      BYTE 7,5,3,1,0,0,0,0,1,2,4,6,9,11,15,18
      BYTE 22,26,30,33,37,41,45,48,52,54,57,59,61,62,63,63
      BYTE 63,63,62,60,58,56,53,50,47,43,39,35,32,28,24,20
      BYTE 16,13,10,7,5,3,1,0,0,0,0,1,2,4,6,9
      BYTE 11,15,18,22,26,30,33,37,41,45,48,52,54,57,59,61
      BYTE 62,63,63,63,63,62,60,58,56,53,50,47,43,39,35,32
      ALIGN ; "cos 2*256" frequency 6 x 90 degrees (=2,5*pi)
      BYTE 0,0,1,4,7,11,15,20,25,31,36,42,47,51,55,59
      BYTE 61,63,63,63,62,60,57,53,49,44,39,33,28,22,17,13
      BYTE 8,5,2,0,0,0,1,3,5,9,13,18,23,29,34,39
      BYTE 45,50,54,57,60,62,63,63,63,61,58,55,51,46,41,36
      BYTE 30,25,19,14,10,6,3,1,0,0,0,2,4,7,11,16
      BYTE 21,26,32,37,43,47,52,56,59,61,63,63,63,62,60,56
      BYTE 53,48,43,38,32,27,22,17,12,8,5,2,0,0,0,1
      BYTE 3,6,10,14,19,24,29,35,40,45,50,54,58,61,62,63
      BYTE 63,62,61,58,54,50,45,40,35,29,24,19,14,10,6,3
      BYTE 1,0,0,0,2,5,8,12,17,22,27,32,38,43,48,53
      BYTE 56,60,62,63,63,63,61,59,56,52,48,43,37,32,26,21
      BYTE 16,11,7,4,2,0,0,0,1,3,6,10,14,19,25,30
      BYTE 36,41,46,51,55,58,61,63,63,63,62,60,57,54,50,45
      BYTE 39,34,29,23,18,13,9,5,3,1,0,0,0,2,5,8
      BYTE 13,17,22,28,33,39,44,49,53,57,60,62,63,63,63,61
      BYTE 59,55,51,47,42,36,31,25,20,15,11,7,4,1,0,0
      BYTE 0,0,1,4,7,11,15,20,25,31,36,42,47,51,55,59
      BYTE 61,63,63,63,62,60,57,53,49,44,39,33,28,22,17,13
      BYTE 8,5,2,0,0,0,1,3,5,9,13,18,23,29,34,39
      BYTE 45,50,54,57,60,62,63,63,63,61,58,55,51,46,41,36
      BYTE 30,25,19,14,10,6,3,1,0,0,0,2,4,7,11,16
      BYTE 21,26,32,37,43,47,52,56,59,61,63,63,63,62,60,56
      BYTE 53,48,43,38,32,27,22,17,12,8,5,2,0,0,0,1
      BYTE 3,6,10,14,19,24,29,35,40,45,50,54,58,61,62,63
      BYTE 63,62,61,58,54,50,45,40,35,29,24,19,14,10,6,3
      BYTE 1,0,0,0,2,5,8,12,17,22,27,32,38,43,48,53
      BYTE 56,60,62,63,63,63,61,59,56,52,48,43,37,32,26,21
      BYTE 16,11,7,4,2,0,0,0,1,3,6,10,14,19,25,30
      BYTE 36,41,46,51,55,58,61,63,63,63,62,60,57,54,50,45
      BYTE 39,34,29,23,18,13,9,5,3,1,0,0,0,2,5,8
      BYTE 13,17,22,28,33,39,44,49,53,57,60,62,63,63,63,61
      BYTE 59,55,51,47,42,36,31,25,20,15,11,7,4,1,0,0
      BYTE 65,0 ; max value in sinecosine is 63+63=126 (x 2 =252)

    • @piggypiggypig1746
      @piggypiggypig1746 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Commodoreretro-programming 🙏 Thank you!! You have my sub.

  • @igork3522
    @igork3522 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great video. Thank you very much!

  • @yooyo3d
    @yooyo3d 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nice example how to properly self modify code. :)
    After cofing on C64 I thought that self modifying code is normal thing. When I started with PC, I was surprised that people don't use such tricks.
    Anyway, I would like to see how people do video playback on C64.

  • @ispacequelquechose3163
    @ispacequelquechose3163 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you for this video, it was a pleasure for me to change the datas (charcode & colorcode) for fun. Here's my example:
    DCB 8, $ef
    DCB 8, $d2
    DCB 8, $c6
    DCB 8, $c0
    DCB 8, $C3
    DCB 8, $C4
    DCB 8, $C5
    DCB 8, $f7
    DCB 8, $ef
    DCB 8, $d2
    DCB 8, $c6
    DCB 8, $c0
    DCB 8, $C3
    DCB 8, $C4
    DCB 8, $C5
    DCB 8, $f7
    DCB 8, $ef
    DCB 8, $d2
    DCB 8, $c6
    DCB 8, $c0
    DCB 8, $C3
    DCB 8, $C4
    DCB 8, $C5
    DCB 8, $f7
    DCB 8, $ef
    DCB 8, $d2
    DCB 8, $c6
    DCB 8, $c0
    DCB 8, $C3
    DCB 8, $C4
    DCB 8, $C5
    DCB 8, $f7
    DCB 8,$09
    DCB 8,$08
    DCB 8,$07
    DCB 8,$01
    DCB 8,$01
    DCB 8,$07
    DCB 8,$08
    DCB 8,$09
    DCB 8,$09
    DCB 8,$08
    DCB 8,$07
    DCB 8,$01
    DCB 8,$01
    DCB 8,$07
    DCB 8,$08
    DCB 8,$09
    DCB 8,$09
    DCB 8,$08
    DCB 8,$07
    DCB 8,$01
    DCB 8,$01
    DCB 8,$07
    DCB 8,$08
    DCB 8,$09
    DCB 8,$09
    DCB 8,$08
    DCB 8,$07
    DCB 8,$01
    DCB 8,$01
    DCB 8,$07
    DCB 8,$08
    DCB 8,$09
    And you ? Share your proposal here...

  • @OlivierSimpleLife
    @OlivierSimpleLife 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Merci pour l'explication détaillée, la démarche pour obtenir l'effet est très claire :)

  • @ralphybean
    @ralphybean 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    thanks for the info. It all makes sense now when i see 1k demo

  • @espenskog8745
    @espenskog8745 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thanks for making the video and going thru it in detail.