Man! Finally someone that puts the V8 baseplate on Venture low! I whant to try it since I saw the V8! Shorter wheelbase, whit a quicker snap seems interesting!
@@NIckMatlin I mainly ride V low since 1993. Actually on 7.75 and sometimes 8’’. Plus I can’t lies at 46 years old ( same club!) my hips and lower back are weak. Smaller wheelbase is the only thing that could improve my skating whit of course some exercises.
Man! Finally someone that puts the V8 baseplate on Venture low! I whant to try it since I saw the V8! Shorter wheelbase, whit a quicker snap seems interesting!
@@gabriellaforce2041 works great for me. I love low trucks and with the V8 set up it feels like it pops better too.
@@gabriellaforce2041 works great for me.
@@NIckMatlin I mainly ride V low since 1993. Actually on 7.75 and sometimes 8’’. Plus I can’t lies at 46 years old ( same club!) my hips and lower back are weak. Smaller wheelbase is the only thing that could improve my skating whit of course some exercises.