I enjoyed this video ⭐️ but my obsession with DR & the Queens feels like when I was a child collecting x-men cards & comics. All our friends were obsessed with the different story lines of the characters. & cherished our favourite characters. Willing to argue about which character is the best. I feel like it’s an Adult version of that same childhood fun I had with friends. The Queens need a hidden privet social media for themselves....& then someone else to manage the Drag Characters account.
I enjoyed this video ⭐️ but my obsession with DR & the Queens feels like when I was a child collecting x-men cards & comics. All our friends were obsessed with the different story lines of the characters. & cherished our favourite characters. Willing to argue about which character is the best. I feel like it’s an Adult version of that same childhood fun I had with friends. The Queens need a hidden privet social media for themselves....& then someone else to manage the Drag Characters account.
Love the pod, Drag is the gift that keeps on giving 💃
i loved the interview!
Proud to be a member of the RPDR cult
LOL. I've never seen RDR, but I watch everything Trixie Mattel puts out on here! I became a fan of her because of her Easy Bake Oven vids!
I disagree that they are a cult but I’m glad you guys discussed it lol
What's with all these cuts... Is this normal lol
you guys really need to do a show on the cult of lesbianism
Could you explain what you mean by this? I find it interesting you suggests this