I love you guys so much! It’s right now 11:30pm where I am so I’m going to bed but I’m looking forward to watching this is the morning! Love you all! ❤️❤️
@@amber.louise6563 awww we love you too! we've noticed you've been part of our fam and so beautiful and supportive for so long 💖 Comment in the live chat so we can make you a channel moderator! If you want to of course💖
This is my favorite video by far! You guys are amazing! I love this video! The first time I watched it I got worried for you guys and Remi when he jumped out. Those possums are giants! I have watched this video at least twenty times! Congratulations Charli! You all did great on this challenge! I love watching these videos! Thanks for all of the hard work! I will always be loyal to the empire fam! ❤
Prezley is so sweet ❤ hed rather lose a challange then miss a livestream luv you empire fam and also remy 2ith the luis vitton jacket remy got some swag ❤
OMG it's awesome I love it soo much its so cool love the vid. BTW I've been following you gyes since the very first day and I'm subscribed to all of your channels. I LOVE YOU GYES
I think that charlotte is going to win because she might have the most stuff to do on the trampoline. I think that you guys should totally do a never have i ever or a truth or dare challenge. I love you guys your my favorite youtubers 🥰
I love all of your videos sm! you put so much effort into them, thanks for making my day (again :D) This is unrelated but at 3:56 that cake looked delicious ! now I'm craving chocolate cake 🥲
If you want to see us daily, follow us on tiktok! we post everyday! it's empirefamtiktok ❤❤❤
I just finish watching them and it was amazing mum Bec was so smart of trading things 😅
Hiiiiii empire fam
Do u have a insta account
Looks fun❤
Will you stay there
I love you guy’s, I’ve watched all of your video’s and half way through this one! But Charli is my favourite! I love netball as well!❤
So im to late to watch this live but i think u guys are the best people on earth!😊😊😊❤❤❤
I love whatching your videos 😊😊
I'm late to this but,, I can't wait for ur next video next Saturday! Thx for making this guy's! Lysm Empire Fam.
Im so excited!! This will be great luv u guys so much ❤❤
You guys are my favorite TH-camr❤ hope u guys have a wonderful day:)
Yes! Same! ❤
I love you guys so much! It’s right now 11:30pm where I am so I’m going to bed but I’m looking forward to watching this is the morning! Love you all! ❤️❤️
Heyyy Amber! have a good sleep! We hope you like the vid in the morning! xx
@@EmpireFamilyomg thank you so much for replying! Ily guys so much! You just made my whole day! Ty! 💖💖
@@amber.louise6563 awww we love you too! we've noticed you've been part of our fam and so beautiful and supportive for so long 💖 Comment in the live chat so we can make you a channel moderator! If you want to of course💖
@@EmpireFamily omg omg omg!! Rlly? Omg I love you guys! Ofc! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ahhh tysm! You’ve just made my year! 💕💕💕💕
@@EmpireFamily I honestly love you guys so much, and I’m so grateful for you 🫶🏻💕
heyyy! it was such a fun challenge! we love you too!! 💙💙
@@EmpireFamily I love you guys!!! I also live in Australia
Empire family on top!!❤💙💙
I'm so exited for this video I bet its going to be amazing! Love you guys and keep up the great work!!❤❤
Finally another last to leave like video cause I’ve watched them all ❤
They are the best TH-cam
Recorders ever
I am so excited
I absolutely love your videos, They are very entertaining.
i agree❤
LOVED this video! So fun seeing you guys do these challenges 💗 Y'all are definitely my favorite youtubers LYSM EMPIRE FAM!! 💙💙
Cant wait to see who win love your videos
Loved this video! ❤️
I loved this video soo much, thanks empire fam!! I can’t believe charli and beck slept over night !!! ✨
Really excited!
Amazing video congratulations charli on winning
I love your videos congratulations on making 1 million subscribers
Great gob Y’all! ❤😊😊
I love the thumbnail it looks like prez just wants some sleep and great job with this and all the videos
I am so excited to see the video because of how much effort you guys put into your videos
Charli will win I really love you guys and the cat and dog ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Welcome to the fam! Here is ur fan ticket
Love ur vids❤
I love these videos so much keep on making these there really great to watch!
You always make me smile and you always give me something to watch. ☺️
You guys always make me smile. You never fail to entertain us. Keep being you. You guys are amazing. Love you guys ❤❤❤
U can never fail to put a smile on my face ❤
Aaaaaaa can’t wait for this!! It looks like such a fun challenge!! I lysm Empire fam and you always make me smile 💙💕💙💕💙💕💙
Remy looks so cute in that Louie Vuitton jersey 😍
I was thinking the same thing
I’m so exited to watch this. I love your channel! :)
Finally, another Empire Fam video 😍
Going to be amazing as always ❤
This is my favorite video by far! You guys are amazing! I love this video! The first time I watched it I got worried for you guys and Remi when he jumped out. Those possums are giants! I have watched this video at least twenty times! Congratulations Charli! You all did great on this challenge! I love watching these videos! Thanks for all of the hard work! I will always be loyal to the empire fam! ❤
OMG charli you are gorgeous and i love all your outfits slay 💅💅💅❤️
Also Team Charli ❤
I’ve been binge watching empire family as entertainment ❤
charli is so pretty and kind and the rest are also very very kind but prez is soo funny :)
this is such a random thing to say but i would love to see another one of the one colour build and tiny house. that would be so fun to watch!!
Holy moley this is so cool I love your videos a they make my day!😊❤❤ Holy diberwibers I can't wait to see more videos 😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤
I loved this video thank you for posting!🎉
Prezley is so sweet ❤ hed rather lose a challange then miss a livestream luv you empire fam and also remy 2ith the luis vitton jacket remy got some swag ❤
Oooh looks fun ive always wanted a trampoline lysm empire fam ♥
If you think Charli will win
Hi love your vids I hope you have an amazing week and spread positivity everyone . Love from the UK
Aww love that so much! ❤️ we hope u have an amazing week to!
Thank you❤
@@EmpireFamilyis Australia cold if it is I think uks colder but idk love the vids
I love how all the comments are nice and I so happy for you guys
Yas❤❤❤OMG 0:05 Prezley is like 😅 And Charli is like I AM GOING TO WIN🎉
I LOVE YOUR GUYS VID SO MICH OMG I always so excited every time you posted new vids! I love you guys empire fam!
OMG it's awesome I love it soo much its so cool love the vid. BTW I've been following you gyes since the very first day and I'm subscribed to all of your channels. I LOVE YOU GYES
nice guys! i wish i were like you being a youtuber like prez is my dream!
I love you guys so much. I have subscribed and liked every Singal video you have done you are the best family on TH-cam.
Charli is going to win!❤
Ugh way to ruin it
I love your videos ❤pls can I Han pin
Yesssss netball is the bestttttt🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻👹
We do it at my school
i love you guys so much and im so exited to watch this
I love watching you guys 🎉😊
Loved the vid congratulations Charlotte on winning, y'all make my day brighter and better ❤🤟🥨
Well done Cha Chi
This will always be my child hood ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Heyyyy i love your videos! Hope u are all doing well xx
I love your videos❤❤❤
Yeah charli ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉
I am so excited 😊😊
Slay Charlotte
I think that charlotte is going to win because she might have the most stuff to do on the trampoline. I think that you guys should totally do a never have i ever or a truth or dare challenge. I love you guys your my favorite youtubers 🥰
Omg loved it love you guys❤(
also your pets are so cute)
Yay! I have been waiting for a new video!I have been watching since the first video.I am a serious fan!Have a great day!
I'd love to be in the premiere but im tired so sorry but i'll watch tomorrow love you guys
no probs, chat tomorrow 💖
I think Charli will win
Remy is so cute and Lovely! 🐶❤
Great video! Never fail to entertain us! ❤️ Have a great day!
Omg Charlie I also want to go to Paris and Disney Land❤🎉😊
I honestly think prez and Remy are gonna win. Remys look at 0:14-0:15 is adorable! ❤️
Same y'all
Prezly and Rémy are so cute🎉❤
I swear, Bec and Beck are my favourite couple. They’re so cute together and not to mention gorgeous
U did this a while ago
Awwww 🥰🥰
@@Ioo-s6u if you mean I said this before. Of course, and I will continue to say it more 👍
I love y’all so much ❤
I love you guys so much this video is soo fun ❤❤❤
This is one of the best videos you have ever done
omg i lov ur vids i was watching a vid from 2 yrs ago and then this one and the voice change!!!
i am so excited to see this i loved the last to leave the trampoline this looks like it will be similar!! ❤❤❤❤
I think Charli's going to win 🏆
0:26 Charlie always winning 🥇
Love this btw srry if this is a lot to ask for ur next vid can you do TH-cam controls our life for 24 hours :)
I love all of your videos sm! you put so much effort into them, thanks for making my day (again :D)
This is unrelated but at 3:56 that cake looked delicious ! now I'm craving chocolate cake 🥲
OMG I am your biggest fan and today is my birthday🎉🎉
Hello from the UK! love watching the vlogs - biggest fan :)
Hii Alex! We really wanna come to the UK!! ty for watching and being part of the fam 💖
@@EmpireFamily are you going to come to Austria too? I live there and my aunt lives in Australia too but in Sydney
I’m from the UK too! ❤
It is 7:02 PM and where I’m living I am from America and you guys are my favorite TH-camrs ever watched all of your videos
hi empire fam! Ive been a fan for almost 2 years now i love your videos! Your videos make me happy
Hey guys! im a big fan, im eating the same sour straps right now 😂❤
also i could smell the muffin Bec only because ive smelt them before :[]
This is amazing! I bet Charli might be comfy for a bit but get out, prez probably will win
Charlie is going to win 🎉
Pov: the likes are at 100 exactly and you make it 101 (I love you channel! ❤)
Omg me and my big sister tried this a few years ago we only lasted 1hour😂
Their air with flavor it's so funny 😂
YOUR VIDS ARE AWSOME and you always make me smile I will never forget your channel and watching your videos
Love ur fam btw a item u could of bring was water lol 😂 love ur videos
8:42 Sorry for commenting again but Bec is too savage to ignore lol
I am really exited I love y’all and y’all vidios
Love you I am your biggest fan I watch you every day
Do you remember last year when you reacted to your first video? I think you should do it again as your next video maybe ❤❤❤
Omg I love you guys so you’re challenge vids are so fun to watch and I saw u guys at the shops but I was too shy to say hi ❤😅