How to apply for part time or online to study community development degree. I am undergraduate with a diploma and a couple of certificates. I have a vast experience in community development space since 1992.
Mr Carl I sent you an email. I need a new student number and password because I can't access my student portal to track my admission. I have password problems and when I tap forgot password it says the details I entered are not what they have in place for me. I hope I get help as soon as possible.
Will my application be considered if I have bad grade 11 final results but have extremely good grade 12 results?
How to apply for part time or online to study community development degree. I am undergraduate with a diploma and a couple of certificates. I have a vast experience in community development space since 1992.
what is the application process for non South African students? ( mainly SADC countries e.g Namibia)
Or should I reapply?
Im currently studying at DLA
Mr Carl I sent you an email. I need a new student number and password because I can't access my student portal to track my admission. I have password problems and when I tap forgot password it says the details I entered are not what they have in place for me. I hope I get help as soon as possible.
I have the same problem it keeps saying my password is wrong and its stressing