I think what the super armor and shield changes mean is that everyone is more tanky. For example, striker super armor gains 25% DR, awaken valk shield grants 25% DR, succ nova gets an impressive 60% DR because her shield is bigger and lacks damage. So basically tanking buffs for everyone
I dont think its a garbage patch, I think they went tooooo hard on the DR though. everone feels unkillable, I def like the increase so theres no more "one shotting" but now assassins just cant kill quickly and get grabbed or ccd before they can do anything meaningful now.
everyones immortal atm, so far it seems like you need to be at least 305 ap to kill anyone, i kinda like it, but i also kinda hate it (?) all in all it seems like they want everyone to be endgame before they engage in pvp
What do you think of the Evasion and DR changes?
I think the word "Evasion" no longer has any meaning. 🤣
I think what the super armor and shield changes mean is that everyone is more tanky. For example, striker super armor gains 25% DR, awaken valk shield grants 25% DR, succ nova gets an impressive 60% DR because her shield is bigger and lacks damage. So basically tanking buffs for everyone
I dont think its a garbage patch, I think they went tooooo hard on the DR though. everone feels unkillable, I def like the increase so theres no more "one shotting" but now assassins just cant kill quickly and get grabbed or ccd before they can do anything meaningful now.
300 ap + does no damage anymore, everyone is unkillable
everyones immortal atm, so far it seems like you need to be at least 305 ap to kill anyone, i kinda like it, but i also kinda hate it (?)
all in all it seems like they want everyone to be endgame before they engage in pvp
I like that not gonna lie and ima new player
even at 320+ ap i can barely scratch people its poop
garbage patch, we look to them to repatch back to whats been