I remember my father talking about the purple ribbon cane. He described as being very sweet and good for chewing, juice, and syrup. My father and his two brothers grew this cane and use to make syrup, back in their younger days. My father was born in 1908. They had a big copper kettle, mule powered cane mill, and later on got an evaporator. They quit growing it and lost it. Back in the 1970's my father tried to find it again, but what he found, he said, wasn't the same as what they had grown before. Good luck, I hope that y'all find it! You might want to contact Seed Savers Exchange (www.seedsaversexchange.org), they publish a yearbook of their members who grow heirloom varieties and there was sugarcane listed in it. I hope that this will maybe help y'all!
I remember my father talking about the purple ribbon cane. He described as being very sweet and good for chewing, juice, and syrup. My father and his two brothers grew this cane and use to make syrup, back in their younger days. My father was born in 1908. They had a big copper kettle, mule powered cane mill, and later on got an evaporator. They quit growing it and lost it. Back in the 1970's my father tried to find it again, but what he found, he said, wasn't the same as what they had grown before. Good luck, I hope that y'all find it! You might want to contact Seed Savers Exchange (www.seedsaversexchange.org), they publish a yearbook of their members who grow heirloom varieties and there was sugarcane listed in it. I hope that this will maybe help y'all!
I grow a couple different variety of sugarcane