Ovo za ženku je tačno - imam i mužjaka i ženku, razlika je neuporediva, mužjak uglavnom gleda gde će da zbriše čim mu se ukaže prilika, dok je ženka beskonačno odana, poslušna, mirna a agresivna isključivo i samo ako je potrebno...
Love watching him wiggle and bounce around, so loveable. I have two rescues, one Serbian and one Romanian, the big one is a shar and she is an absolute darling. She absolutely adores people and is so gentle and friendly when meeting people, yet absolutely knows her territory and how to put on a terrifying show when need be. My little Serbian guy is clearly part shar as well, you can just tell by the face and his blonde ears (he’s sable) but I think he’s crossed with a pulin/mudi/croatian sheepdog type. Absolute live wire and an amazing little watch dog. He’s the lookout and she’s the muscle 😂
Pulin is allegedly one of the smartest breeds, at least people often say so. You can see (and share ;-) our Sharr dog video in English, just posted it yesterday on this channel.
Jasam Upoznalla prije godinu dvije cuke komšija je doveo nije ih ranijo dobro bili su mršavi stalno su tražili pa Znjuznjumazejne ja sam nji par puta nahranila i pomilovala oni su stalno išli zamnom za kratko vrijeme upolznali su moj Rozor istoalmo sjedili u pravcu mog prozora nisu skidali pogled po cio dan,om ko,siji se svidilio kako ja njimla pružam pažnju ishranu pravimo se lud onim dao podrum u Zgradi da spavaju komšije su bojkotovale tjerali su cuke oni su bili čipova i i serilnimuski je bio njemački ovčar a Ženka njegova draga e znam koje sorte nešto ko lija kuša i repic jasam jni kupala mala se volila kupat sto eki nije onje imo divnu sjajnu dlaku ugojila sam ih bili su divni moj komšija počeo da tucedekija sto id zamnom on mu pobjego kod mene i plašimo gas
Ma daj to jedno dva- tri Macha odmah ovamo 😃. Ne znam zasto Ali definitivno za mene dolaze Samo Sarplaninci u obzir. Elitna jedinica 😉.eventualno Labrador. Pozdrav sarplanindzijama
@@nemanjapasic5807 Одличан пас, али мало је у последње време то помодарство и маркетинг.И даље је Немачки овчар неприкосновен управо због карактера.Малиное имају и превише агиллности што јесте некада пожељно, а некада баш и не.Генерално - Немачки Овчар је стабилнији.Иначе, многи људи подразумевају изложбени тип Немачког Овчара када се помене раса, а који - нити може, нити је служио у полицији, војсци итд...Евентуално као граничар, тј. чувар.Сад када људи упоређују Немачке Овчаре са Малиноама, не види се права слика.Ево, даћу пример колико је то паметан пас.Знам човека који је доживео инфаркт. И то недалеко од куће.Била је зима.Пао човек, а нема нигде никога... Пас га је вуко, пошто знам тачно и место, једно барем 300 метара. Довукао је газду до оближњег кафића, лајао је и људи су приметили шта се дешава и позвали хитну.Пас му је спасао живот.Истинита прича, која показује докле иде интелигенција ове расе.
Interesting there is this breed so far from the Balkans. 😍 Check out our other dog related videos, do far Belgian Mallinoas the only one synced into English. And please subscribe, it is free! 😉
@@i27tv my parents are from macedonia, I have visited many times, the dogs I have came to me from kennels out of bitola, but here they are used as guardians against cougar ,wolf and grizzly bear. I am spending more time training the juvenile males as the female has matures far more quicker, in terms of self control and temperament.
Da li je šarplaninac dobar i za čuvanje kokoši nesilica od npr.lisica i ostalih predatora, i da li je agresivan,sklon ubijanju kokoši ako je sam sa njima u ograđenom prostoru?? Hvala
First, to look at the historical origin of the Albanians. They come from the Transcaucasia area, that is. where there was medieval Armenia, then Azerbaijan. The medieval state of Albania is marked on old geographical maps. The capital city was called Qabala and it is a famous cultural and historical monument in Azerbaijan. Around 300 AD, Caucasian Albania was a vassal of the Old Roman Empire. Albanians continuously fought with Huns, Azerbaijanis, Armenians and later with Arabs and Turks who finally assimilated them. First, the Arabs used them as auxiliary units in the conquest of Sicily in the ninth century (around 826 AD). In doing so, they waged war against the Greek Byzantium, so that in around 1042. AD were forever banished from Sicily. They landed on the shores around today's Durres. Previously, they had to obtain permission for temporary accommodation as refugees from the local Serbian ruler Prince Vojislav, the ruler of DUKLJA, present-day Montenegro. Since then, the Albanian people, who did not have an official language, alphabet, and state, live in the territory that was later conquered by the Seljuk Turks and brought the Muslim faith to the already existing Orthodox Orthodox (Byzantine Greek Orthodox Church) and Catholic Roman Empire, the Republic of Venice, the Pope. The first state of Albania on the Balkan Peninsula was created in 1912 after the defeat of Turkey in the Balkan Wars. It was conquered again in 1939 by Italy, and was finally liberated again in 1945. The term Illyrians was introduced by the Romans for the local population in the area of the Dinaric Mountains (Adriatic coast with hinterland). Dinaric peoples have always lived in those mountains, for at least 16 thousand years. They are characterized by giant growth and a stable, uniform genetic structure. That area includes today's Montenegro in the south, Serbia in the east, Bosnia and Herzegovina in the north, Croatia further north and Slovenia in the far north. All those peoples have a uniform genetic structure and they are the highest peoples in the world, precisely because they did not significantly interfere with much lower, conquering peoples. Their average height for men is 185 cm. In contrast, the Albanians, who persistently assert themselves as an autochronous population of Illyrian origin, have an average height about 10 cm lower, even though they have in their blood the genes of Serbs, Montenegrins and Greek (Byzantine) genes, as well as genes of Italians. Because of their origin from the Caucasus region, and all those peoples are of Turkmen origin, they are short. Compare the height of Montenegrins from the mountain area of today's Piva. Mountaineers lived there for centuries and still live there. As for the Šarplaninac, it is a shepherd dog that is identical to the Caucasian shepherd from the Caucasus. It was brought by the Avars in the 6th century AD, or before them by Alexander the Great after the conquest of the Caucasus in 327 BC.
Illyrian Shepherd. The autochthonous Illyrian dog that is as old as history itself, this breed has stood the test of time for generations from our ancestors, the Albanians, as descendants of the Illyrians, still cultivate it
S H Q I P T A R E : ë pari, për të parë origjinën historike të shqiptarëve. Ata vijnë nga zona e Transkaukazisë, d.m.th. ku ishte Armenia mesjetare, pastaj Azerbajxhani. Në hartat e vjetra gjeografike është shënuar shteti mesjetar i Shqipërisë. Kryeqyteti quhej Qabala dhe është një monument i famshëm kulturor dhe historik në Azerbajxhan. Rreth vitit 300 pas Krishtit, Shqipëria Kaukaziane ishte një vasal i Perandorisë së Vjetër Romake. Shqiptarët luftuan vazhdimisht me hunët, azerbajxhanët, armenët dhe më vonë me arabët dhe turqit të cilët më në fund i asimiluan. Së pari, arabët i përdorën ato si njësi ndihmëse në pushtimin e Sicilisë në shekullin e nëntë (rreth 826 pas Krishtit). Duke vepruar kështu, ata zhvilluan luftë kundër Bizantit grek, kështu që rreth vitit 1042. pas Krishtit u dëbuan përgjithmonë nga Siçilia. Ata zbarkuan në brigjet përreth Durrësit të sotëm. Më parë, ata duhej të merrnin leje për strehim të përkohshëm si refugjatë nga sundimtari lokal serb Princi Vojislav, sundimtari i DUKLJA, Mali i Zi i sotëm. Që atëherë, populli shqiptar, i cili nuk kishte një gjuhë, alfabet dhe shtet zyrtar, jeton në territorin që më vonë u pushtua nga turqit selxhukë dhe solli besimin mysliman në ortodokset ortodokse tashmë ekzistuese (Kisha Ortodokse Greke Bizantine) dhe Perandoria Romake Katolike, Republika e Venedikut, Papa. Shteti i parë i Shqipërisë në Gadishullin Ballkanik u krijua në vitin 1912 pas disfatës së Turqisë në Luftërat Ballkanike. Ajo u pushtua përsëri në 1939 nga Italia dhe u çlirua përsëri në 1945. Termi ilirë është futur nga romakët për popullsinë vendase në zonën e maleve Dinarike (bregu i Adriatikut me brendësi). Popujt dinarë kanë jetuar gjithmonë në ato male, për të paktën 16 mijë vjet. Ato karakterizohen nga rritja gjigante dhe një strukturë gjenetike e qëndrueshme dhe uniforme. Kjo zonë përfshin Malin e Zi të sotëm në jug, Serbinë në lindje, Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinën në veri, Kroacinë më në veri dhe Slloveninë në veriun e largët. Të gjithë ata popuj kanë një strukturë gjenetike uniforme dhe janë popujt më të lartë në botë, pikërisht sepse nuk kanë ndërhyrë dukshëm me popujt shumë më të ulët, pushtues. Gjatësia mesatare e tyre për meshkujt është 185 cm. Në të kundërt, shqiptarët që e pohojnë veten me këmbëngulje si popullsi autokrone me origjinë ilire, kanë një gjatësi mesatare rreth 10 cm më të ulët, edhe pse në gjak kanë gjenet e serbëve, malazezëve dhe gjeneve greke (bizantine), si dhe gjenet e italianëve. Për shkak të origjinës së tyre nga rajoni i Kaukazit, dhe të gjithë ata popuj janë me origjinë turkmene, ata janë të shkurtër. Krahasoni lartësinë e malazezëve nga zona malore e Pivës së sotme. Aty kanë jetuar malësorët me shekuj dhe jetojnë ende atje. Sa për Šarplaninac, ai është një qen bari që është identik me bariun Kaukazian nga Kaukazi. Ajo u soll nga avarët në shekullin e VI pas Krishtit, ose para tyre nga Aleksandri i Madh pas pushtimit të Kaukazit në 327 para Krishtit. Pas këtij mësimi të historisë (shih Wikipedia), në anglisht, e këshilloj ngrohtësisht popullin shqiptar që urgjentisht të shkollohet DHE TË NJOHET ME HISTORINË, dhe të mos VJEDH HISTORINË E TË TJERËVE, MONUMENTET HISTORIKE TË TJERAVE, TË RIEMËROJNË ME EMRA GJEOGRAFIKË, DHUNA E FORCËS (ENDE NË MBRETËRIMIN E ENVER HOËS) POPULLSIA LOKALE E SHPALLUR SI ORGJINË SHQIPTARE. PRANDAJ E DREJTA E TYRE PËR EMËR, MBIEMËR, FE, GJUHË MUHET. dreq, i rrëmbyer !!! E N G L E S K I : First, to look at the historical origin of the Albanians. They come from the Transcaucasia area, that is. where there was medieval Armenia, then Azerbaijan. The medieval state of Albania is marked on old geographical maps. The capital city was called Qabala and it is a famous cultural and historical monument in Azerbaijan. Around 300 AD, Caucasian Albania was a vassal of the Old Roman Empire. Albanians continuously fought with Huns, Azerbaijanis, Armenians and later with Arabs and Turks who finally assimilated them. First, the Arabs used them as auxiliary units in the conquest of Sicily in the ninth century (around 826 AD). In doing so, they waged war against the Greek Byzantium, so that in around 1042. AD were forever banished from Sicily. They landed on the shores around today's Durres. Previously, they had to obtain permission for temporary accommodation as refugees from the local Serbian ruler Prince Vojislav, the ruler of DUKLJA, present-day Montenegro. Since then, the Albanian people, who did not have an official language, alphabet, and state, live in the territory that was later conquered by the Seljuk Turks and brought the Muslim faith to the already existing Orthodox Orthodox (Byzantine Greek Orthodox Church) and Catholic Roman Empire, the Republic of Venice, the Pope. The first state of Albania on the Balkan Peninsula was created in 1912 after the defeat of Turkey in the Balkan Wars. It was conquered again in 1939 by Italy, and was finally liberated again in 1945. The term Illyrians was introduced by the Romans for the local population in the area of the Dinaric Mountains (Adriatic coast with hinterland). Dinaric peoples have always lived in those mountains, for at least 16 thousand years. They are characterized by giant growth and a stable, uniform genetic structure. That area includes today's Montenegro in the south, Serbia in the east, Bosnia and Herzegovina in the north, Croatia further north and Slovenia in the far north. All those peoples have a uniform genetic structure and they are the highest peoples in the world, precisely because they did not significantly interfere with much lower, conquering peoples. Their average height for men is 185 cm. In contrast, the Albanians, who persistently assert themselves as an autochronous population of Illyrian origin, have an average height about 10 cm lower, even though they have in their blood the genes of Serbs, Montenegrins and Greek (Byzantine) genes, as well as genes of Italians. Because of their origin from the Caucasus region, and all those peoples are of Turkmen origin, they are short. Compare the height of Montenegrins from the mountain area of today's Piva. Mountaineers lived there for centuries and still live there. As for the Šarplaninac, it is a shepherd dog that is identical to the Caucasian shepherd from the Caucasus. It was brought by the Avars in the 6th century AD, or before them by Alexander the Great after the conquest of the Caucasus in 327 BC. After this history lesson (see Wikipedia), in English, I warmly advise the Albanian people to URGENTLY EDUCATE AND FAMILIARIZE WITH THEIR HISTORY, and not to STEAL OTHERS' HISTORY, OTHERS' HISTORICAL MONUMENTS, TO RENAME GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES TO TOPONS, AS WELL AS FORCE VIOLENCE (STILL UNDER THE REIGN OF ENVER HOĖ) THE LOCAL POPULATION DECLARED AS ALBANIAN ORIGIN. THEREFORE THEIR RIGHT TO NAME, SURNAME, RELIGION, LANGUAGE IS DENIED. DAMN, KIDNAPPED !!!
@@nikicamazalin5571 Srpsko makedonski pas ciji je genetski centar na Sar planini granici izmedju Srbije i Makedonije . Poreklo sarplaninca se moze samo nagadjati , verovatno potice iz Azije gde je na ovim prostorima dospeo raznim migracijama stanovnistva. Od davnih vremena se najvise gaji na Sar planini i sirem podrucju oko nje ,dakle u Makedoniji i Kosovu i Metohiji da bi se kasnije prosirio i na ostalo podrucje Balkanskog polustrva.
Bro.caucasian ovcharka,sarplanina.yougoslavia sheperd russian bear killer (and every other dog sheperd breed)have origins from ILYRIAN sheperd. ilyrian sheperd have origin from Šar Planina ina albanian knowns as Sharr mountain wich is located on Kosovo territor. This breed and its origin are associated with the Sharri(Šar) Mountains region in Kosovo and Albania, which is how it got its name.For that reason some sources have described it as a North Macedonia(part of Kosovo) and Kosovo breed. For more information serarch wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%A0arplaninac TH-cam th-cam.com/video/aoVt5p317rE/w-d-xo.html I hope this information was helpful.
First, to look at the historical origin of the Albanians. They come from the Transcaucasia area, that is. where there was medieval Armenia, then Azerbaijan. The medieval state of Albania is marked on old geographical maps. The capital city was called Qabala and it is a famous cultural and historical monument in Azerbaijan. Around 300 AD, Caucasian Albania was a vassal of the Old Roman Empire. Albanians continuously fought with Huns, Azerbaijanis, Armenians and later with Arabs and Turks who finally assimilated them. First, the Arabs used them as auxiliary units in the conquest of Sicily in the ninth century (around 826 AD). In doing so, they waged war against the Greek Byzantium, so that in around 1042. AD were forever banished from Sicily. They landed on the shores around today's Durres. Previously, they had to obtain permission for temporary accommodation as refugees from the local Serbian ruler Prince Vojislav, the ruler of DUKLJA, present-day Montenegro. Since then, the Albanian people, who did not have an official language, alphabet, and state, live in the territory that was later conquered by the Seljuk Turks and brought the Muslim faith to the already existing Orthodox Orthodox (Byzantine Greek Orthodox Church) and Catholic Roman Empire, the Republic of Venice, the Pope. The first state of Albania on the Balkan Peninsula was created in 1912 after the defeat of Turkey in the Balkan Wars. It was conquered again in 1939 by Italy, and was finally liberated again in 1945. The term Illyrians was introduced by the Romans for the local population in the area of the Dinaric Mountains (Adriatic coast with hinterland). Dinaric peoples have always lived in those mountains, for at least 16 thousand years. They are characterized by giant growth and a stable, uniform genetic structure. That area includes today's Montenegro in the south, Serbia in the east, Bosnia and Herzegovina in the north, Croatia further north and Slovenia in the far north. All those peoples have a uniform genetic structure and they are the highest peoples in the world, precisely because they did not significantly interfere with much lower, conquering peoples. Their average height for men is 185 cm. In contrast, the Albanians, who persistently assert themselves as an autochronous population of Illyrian origin, have an average height about 10 cm lower, even though they have in their blood the genes of Serbs, Montenegrins and Greek (Byzantine) genes, as well as genes of Italians. Because of their origin from the Caucasus region, and all those peoples are of Turkmen origin, they are short. Compare the height of Montenegrins from the mountain area of today's Piva. Mountaineers lived there for centuries and still live there. As for the Šarplaninac, it is a shepherd dog that is identical to the Caucasian shepherd from the Caucasus. It was brought by the Avars in the 6th century AD, or before them by Alexander the Great after the conquest of the Caucasus in 327 BC.
@@slavkomarko Ја сам видео скоро правог.Има их, али јако мало.То ти је кад упрљаш извор, како да очекујеш да задржиш чистоту расе.Када се томе дода и ова идиотска струја која форсира своју причу, као и саму дегенску стандардизацију - онда ништа добро не може да буде. А нико ништа није урадио да се то поправи, КСС то и не занима...
First, to look at the historical origin of the Albanians. They come from the Transcaucasia area, that is. where there was medieval Armenia, then Azerbaijan. The medieval state of Albania is marked on old geographical maps. The capital city was called Qabala and it is a famous cultural and historical monument in Azerbaijan. Around 300 AD, Caucasian Albania was a vassal of the Old Roman Empire. Albanians continuously fought with Huns, Azerbaijanis, Armenians and later with Arabs and Turks who finally assimilated them. First, the Arabs used them as auxiliary units in the conquest of Sicily in the ninth century (around 826 AD). In doing so, they waged war against the Greek Byzantium, so that in around 1042. AD were forever banished from Sicily. They landed on the shores around today's Durres. Previously, they had to obtain permission for temporary accommodation as refugees from the local Serbian ruler Prince Vojislav, the ruler of DUKLJA, present-day Montenegro. Since then, the Albanian people, who did not have an official language, alphabet, and state, live in the territory that was later conquered by the Seljuk Turks and brought the Muslim faith to the already existing Orthodox Orthodox (Byzantine Greek Orthodox Church) and Catholic Roman Empire, the Republic of Venice, the Pope. The first state of Albania on the Balkan Peninsula was created in 1912 after the defeat of Turkey in the Balkan Wars. It was conquered again in 1939 by Italy, and was finally liberated again in 1945. The term Illyrians was introduced by the Romans for the local population in the area of the Dinaric Mountains (Adriatic coast with hinterland). Dinaric peoples have always lived in those mountains, for at least 16 thousand years. They are characterized by giant growth and a stable, uniform genetic structure. That area includes today's Montenegro in the south, Serbia in the east, Bosnia and Herzegovina in the north, Croatia further north and Slovenia in the far north. All those peoples have a uniform genetic structure and they are the highest peoples in the world, precisely because they did not significantly interfere with much lower, conquering peoples. Their average height for men is 185 cm. In contrast, the Albanians, who persistently assert themselves as an autochronous population of Illyrian origin, have an average height about 10 cm lower, even though they have in their blood the genes of Serbs, Montenegrins and Greek (Byzantine) genes, as well as genes of Italians. Because of their origin from the Caucasus region, and all those peoples are of Turkmen origin, they are short. Compare the height of Montenegrins from the mountain area of today's Piva. Mountaineers lived there for centuries and still live there. As for the Šarplaninac, it is a shepherd dog that is identical to the Caucasian shepherd from the Caucasus. It was brought by the Avars in the 6th century AD, or before them by Alexander the Great after the conquest of the Caucasus in 327 BC.
First, to look at the historical origin of the Albanians. They come from the Transcaucasia area, that is. where there was medieval Armenia, then Azerbaijan. The medieval state of Albania is marked on old geographical maps. The capital city was called Qabala and it is a famous cultural and historical monument in Azerbaijan. Around 300 AD, Caucasian Albania was a vassal of the Old Roman Empire. Albanians continuously fought with Huns, Azerbaijanis, Armenians and later with Arabs and Turks who finally assimilated them. First, the Arabs used them as auxiliary units in the conquest of Sicily in the ninth century (around 826 AD). In doing so, they waged war against the Greek Byzantium, so that in around 1042. AD were forever banished from Sicily. They landed on the shores around today's Durres. Previously, they had to obtain permission for temporary accommodation as refugees from the local Serbian ruler Prince Vojislav, the ruler of DUKLJA, present-day Montenegro. Since then, the Albanian people, who did not have an official language, alphabet, and state, live in the territory that was later conquered by the Seljuk Turks and brought the Muslim faith to the already existing Orthodox Orthodox (Byzantine Greek Orthodox Church) and Catholic Roman Empire, the Republic of Venice, the Pope. The first state of Albania on the Balkan Peninsula was created in 1912 after the defeat of Turkey in the Balkan Wars. It was conquered again in 1939 by Italy, and was finally liberated again in 1945. The term Illyrians was introduced by the Romans for the local population in the area of the Dinaric Mountains (Adriatic coast with hinterland). Dinaric peoples have always lived in those mountains, for at least 16 thousand years. They are characterized by giant growth and a stable, uniform genetic structure. That area includes today's Montenegro in the south, Serbia in the east, Bosnia and Herzegovina in the north, Croatia further north and Slovenia in the far north. All those peoples have a uniform genetic structure and they are the highest peoples in the world, precisely because they did not significantly interfere with much lower, conquering peoples. Their average height for men is 185 cm. In contrast, the Albanians, who persistently assert themselves as an autochronous population of Illyrian origin, have an average height about 10 cm lower, even though they have in their blood the genes of Serbs, Montenegrins and Greek (Byzantine) genes, as well as genes of Italians. Because of their origin from the Caucasus region, and all those peoples are of Turkmen origin, they are short. Compare the height of Montenegrins from the mountain area of today's Piva. Mountaineers lived there for centuries and still live there. As for the Šarplaninac, it is a shepherd dog that is identical to the Caucasian shepherd from the Caucasus. It was brought by the Avars in the 6th century AD, or before them by Alexander the Great after the conquest of the Caucasus in 327 BC.
Aliev je izjavio za porjeklo albanaca, azerbeidzan..ima i planina albanija.iranski profesor Marandi o tom djelu Azerbaijana izraz occasional albanian ..
Trecina siptara oni klempavi i ruzni tupe glave su poreklom iz ruske mocvare dovuceni u 12 vek kao stocari trecina je dovucena preko siciliju a to su magrebi a ona bela plava trecina oko skadra su posiptareni srbi stoko siptarska vi niste ni isprdak od ilira SRBI su iliri
First, to look at the historical origin of the Albanians. They come from the Transcaucasia area, that is. where there was medieval Armenia, then Azerbaijan. The medieval state of Albania is marked on old geographical maps. The capital city was called Qabala and it is a famous cultural and historical monument in Azerbaijan. Around 300 AD, Caucasian Albania was a vassal of the Old Roman Empire. Albanians continuously fought with Huns, Azerbaijanis, Armenians and later with Arabs and Turks who finally assimilated them. First, the Arabs used them as auxiliary units in the conquest of Sicily in the ninth century (around 826 AD). In doing so, they waged war against the Greek Byzantium, so that in around 1042. AD were forever banished from Sicily. They landed on the shores around today's Durres. Previously, they had to obtain permission for temporary accommodation as refugees from the local Serbian ruler Prince Vojislav, the ruler of DUKLJA, present-day Montenegro. Since then, the Albanian people, who did not have an official language, alphabet, and state, live in the territory that was later conquered by the Seljuk Turks and brought the Muslim faith to the already existing Orthodox Orthodox (Byzantine Greek Orthodox Church) and Catholic Roman Empire, the Republic of Venice, the Pope. The first state of Albania on the Balkan Peninsula was created in 1912 after the defeat of Turkey in the Balkan Wars. It was conquered again in 1939 by Italy, and was finally liberated again in 1945. The term Illyrians was introduced by the Romans for the local population in the area of the Dinaric Mountains (Adriatic coast with hinterland). Dinaric peoples have always lived in those mountains, for at least 16 thousand years. They are characterized by giant growth and a stable, uniform genetic structure. That area includes today's Montenegro in the south, Serbia in the east, Bosnia and Herzegovina in the north, Croatia further north and Slovenia in the far north. All those peoples have a uniform genetic structure and they are the highest peoples in the world, precisely because they did not significantly interfere with much lower, conquering peoples. Their average height for men is 185 cm. In contrast, the Albanians, who persistently assert themselves as an autochronous population of Illyrian origin, have an average height about 10 cm lower, even though they have in their blood the genes of Serbs, Montenegrins and Greek (Byzantine) genes, as well as genes of Italians. Because of their origin from the Caucasus region, and all those peoples are of Turkmen origin, they are short. Compare the height of Montenegrins from the mountain area of today's Piva. Mountaineers lived there for centuries and still live there. As for the Šarplaninac, it is a shepherd dog that is identical to the Caucasian shepherd from the Caucasus. It was brought by the Avars in the 6th century AD, or before them by Alexander the Great after the conquest of the Caucasus in 327 BC.
@@markopaunovic854 sta se smijes,albanian i makedonian izvorni , a poslije su prenijeli rasu i u Srbiju , covjek ti sam kaze da poticu sa Tibeta a poslije sa yuga makedonije i Sarplanine kosovskog dijela na granici sa albanijom i crnom gorom
First, to look at the historical origin of the Albanians. They come from the Transcaucasia area, that is. where there was medieval Armenia, then Azerbaijan. The medieval state of Albania is marked on old geographical maps. The capital city was called Qabala and it is a famous cultural and historical monument in Azerbaijan. Around 300 AD, Caucasian Albania was a vassal of the Old Roman Empire. Albanians continuously fought with Huns, Azerbaijanis, Armenians and later with Arabs and Turks who finally assimilated them. First, the Arabs used them as auxiliary units in the conquest of Sicily in the ninth century (around 826 AD). In doing so, they waged war against the Greek Byzantium, so that in around 1042. AD were forever banished from Sicily. They landed on the shores around today's Durres. Previously, they had to obtain permission for temporary accommodation as refugees from the local Serbian ruler Prince Vojislav, the ruler of DUKLJA, present-day Montenegro. Since then, the Albanian people, who did not have an official language, alphabet, and state, live in the territory that was later conquered by the Seljuk Turks and brought the Muslim faith to the already existing Orthodox Orthodox (Byzantine Greek Orthodox Church) and Catholic Roman Empire, the Republic of Venice, the Pope. The first state of Albania on the Balkan Peninsula was created in 1912 after the defeat of Turkey in the Balkan Wars. It was conquered again in 1939 by Italy, and was finally liberated again in 1945. The term Illyrians was introduced by the Romans for the local population in the area of the Dinaric Mountains (Adriatic coast with hinterland). Dinaric peoples have always lived in those mountains, for at least 16 thousand years. They are characterized by giant growth and a stable, uniform genetic structure. That area includes today's Montenegro in the south, Serbia in the east, Bosnia and Herzegovina in the north, Croatia further north and Slovenia in the far north. All those peoples have a uniform genetic structure and they are the highest peoples in the world, precisely because they did not significantly interfere with much lower, conquering peoples. Their average height for men is 185 cm. In contrast, the Albanians, who persistently assert themselves as an autochronous population of Illyrian origin, have an average height about 10 cm lower, even though they have in their blood the genes of Serbs, Montenegrins and Greek (Byzantine) genes, as well as genes of Italians. Because of their origin from the Caucasus region, and all those peoples are of Turkmen origin, they are short. Compare the height of Montenegrins from the mountain area of today's Piva. Mountaineers lived there for centuries and still live there. As for the Šarplaninac, it is a shepherd dog that is identical to the Caucasian shepherd from the Caucasus. It was brought by the Avars in the 6th century AD, or before them by Alexander the Great after the conquest of the Caucasus in 327 BC.
Pametan,valjan odgajivac,dobre i prave pse ima.
Pedantno radi svoj poso.😀👑
Много су Вам лепи!
Ovo za ženku je tačno - imam i mužjaka i ženku, razlika je neuporediva, mužjak uglavnom gleda gde će da zbriše čim mu se ukaže prilika, dok je ženka beskonačno odana, poslušna, mirna a agresivna isključivo i samo ako je potrebno...
Love watching him wiggle and bounce around, so loveable. I have two rescues, one Serbian and one Romanian, the big one is a shar and she is an absolute darling. She absolutely adores people and is so gentle and friendly when meeting people, yet absolutely knows her territory and how to put on a terrifying show when need be. My little Serbian guy is clearly part shar as well, you can just tell by the face and his blonde ears (he’s sable) but I think he’s crossed with a pulin/mudi/croatian sheepdog type. Absolute live wire and an amazing little watch dog. He’s the lookout and she’s the muscle 😂
Pulin is allegedly one of the smartest breeds, at least people often say so. You can see (and share ;-) our Sharr dog video in English, just posted it yesterday on this channel.
Prelepi sarplaninci svaka cast odgajivacu 👍👍👍
Jasam Upoznalla prije godinu dvije cuke komšija je doveo nije ih ranijo dobro bili su mršavi stalno su tražili pa
Znjuznjumazejne ja sam nji par puta nahranila i pomilovala oni su stalno išli zamnom za kratko vrijeme upolznali su moj
Rozor istoalmo sjedili u pravcu mog prozora nisu skidali pogled po cio dan,om ko,siji se svidilio kako ja njimla pružam pažnju ishranu pravimo se lud onim dao podrum u
Zgradi da spavaju komšije su bojkotovale tjerali su cuke oni su bili čipova i i serilnimuski je bio njemački ovčar a
Ženka njegova draga e znam koje sorte nešto ko lija kuša i repic jasam jni kupala mala se volila kupat sto eki nije onje imo divnu sjajnu dlaku ugojila sam ih bili su divni moj komšija počeo da tucedekija sto id zamnom on mu pobjego kod mene i plašimo gas
Beautiful puppies. 😍 so cute
Thanks for the translation! It's a beautiful breed
Thank you for watching! Check out our other dog videos, Belgian Mallinoas synced into English.
@@i27tv Will do!
Ma daj to jedno dva- tri Macha odmah ovamo 😃. Ne znam zasto Ali definitivno za mene dolaze Samo Sarplaninci u obzir. Elitna jedinica 😉.eventualno Labrador. Pozdrav sarplanindzijama
Odgaivacnica nikolic nis immer Najlepse Sarplaninac kralj cuva gazdu Pozdrav iz BRD
Imam sarplaninca starog pet godina. Mogu reci da je jako dobar cuvar
@dragan vasarovic Onda ti prijatelju nisi čuo za Belgijskog ovčara Malinou...
@@nemanjapasic5807 Одличан пас, али мало је у последње време то помодарство и маркетинг.И даље је Немачки овчар неприкосновен управо због карактера.Малиное имају и превише агиллности што јесте некада пожељно, а некада баш и не.Генерално - Немачки Овчар је стабилнији.Иначе, многи људи подразумевају изложбени тип Немачког Овчара када се помене раса, а који - нити може, нити је служио у полицији, војсци итд...Евентуално као граничар, тј. чувар.Сад када људи упоређују Немачке Овчаре са Малиноама, не види се права слика.Ево, даћу пример колико је то паметан пас.Знам човека који је доживео инфаркт. И то недалеко од куће.Била је зима.Пао човек, а нема нигде никога... Пас га је вуко, пошто знам тачно и место, једно барем 300 метара. Довукао је газду до оближњег кафића, лајао је и људи су приметили шта се дешава и позвали хитну.Пас му је спасао живот.Истинита прича, која показује докле иде интелигенција ове расе.
@@nemanjapasic5807 baš tako,mozda je mislio za malinou pa se zabunio hahhaa
Sve pohvale za Sarce i stence
Sar planinac naj boli pas za ovce i stado sam sam se uvjerio
Jer ti se desilo da te napao ili da je krenuo na nekog komsiju
Please, can you give us the contact of this Sarplaninac Kennel?
Thanx a lot and all the best!
Unfortunately, this kennel is out of business since 3 years ago. Thanks for your interest, hope you will find some other kennel.
Kako se zove ovaj gospodin sto ima ove vrhunske pse
Piše u videu.
I have 3 on my ranch in the USA and he is right the female is the better option as a owner.
Interesting there is this breed so far from the Balkans. 😍 Check out our other dog related videos, do far Belgian Mallinoas the only one synced into English. And please subscribe, it is free! 😉
@@i27tv my parents are from macedonia, I have visited many times, the dogs I have came to me from kennels out of bitola, but here they are used as guardians against cougar ,wolf and grizzly bear.
I am spending more time training the juvenile males as the female has matures far more quicker, in terms of self control and temperament.
Da li je šarplaninac dobar i za čuvanje kokoši nesilica od npr.lisica i ostalih predatora, i da li je agresivan,sklon ubijanju kokoši ako je sam sa njima u ograđenom prostoru?? Hvala
Nećeš fulati ako uzmeš šarplaninku,stroj od psa život daje za vlasnika i dvorište!neprikosnoveni čuvar,nepokolebljiv!
Jednom rijecju Sarac pas za sve namjene otrov za Liju strah i trepet za Strance imam ga 10 god
Kako da stupimo u neki kontakt
Tel za neku zenkicu
Ima u ranijim komentarima broj telefona.
Кко да дођем до твог мобилног ??? Ајд пошаљи ,...!??
062345553 Nikola
Kako se zoves care na Fb
Kako doći do br telefona ovog čoveka?
062345553 Nikola
@@i27tv ako ima WhatsApp ili Viber napisi broj sa pozivni
Pravi Sarplaninci su tipa Molosa,,. A najbolji i pravi sarplaninci su u Gori ( Goranci Gora ) Sarplanina
I love this ilyrian Albanian dog very good
First, to look at the historical origin of the Albanians. They come from the Transcaucasia area, that is. where there was medieval Armenia, then Azerbaijan. The medieval state of Albania is marked on old geographical maps. The capital city was called Qabala and it is a famous cultural and historical monument in Azerbaijan. Around 300 AD, Caucasian Albania was a vassal of the Old Roman Empire. Albanians continuously fought with Huns, Azerbaijanis, Armenians and later with Arabs and Turks who finally assimilated them. First, the Arabs used them as auxiliary units in the conquest of Sicily in the ninth century (around 826 AD). In doing so, they waged war against the Greek Byzantium, so that in around 1042. AD were forever banished from Sicily. They landed on the shores around today's Durres. Previously, they had to obtain permission for temporary accommodation as refugees from the local Serbian ruler Prince Vojislav, the ruler of DUKLJA, present-day Montenegro.
Since then, the Albanian people, who did not have an official language, alphabet, and state, live in the territory that was later conquered by the Seljuk Turks and brought the Muslim faith to the already existing Orthodox Orthodox (Byzantine Greek Orthodox Church) and Catholic Roman Empire, the Republic of Venice, the Pope.
The first state of Albania on the Balkan Peninsula was created in 1912 after the defeat of Turkey in the Balkan Wars. It was conquered again in 1939 by Italy, and was finally liberated again in 1945.
The term Illyrians was introduced by the Romans for the local population in the area of the Dinaric Mountains (Adriatic coast with hinterland). Dinaric peoples have always lived in those mountains, for at least 16 thousand years. They are characterized by giant growth and a stable, uniform genetic structure. That area includes today's Montenegro in the south, Serbia in the east, Bosnia and Herzegovina in the north, Croatia further north and Slovenia in the far north. All those peoples have a uniform genetic structure and they are the highest peoples in the world, precisely because they did not significantly interfere with much lower, conquering peoples. Their average height for men is 185 cm.
In contrast, the Albanians, who persistently assert themselves as an autochronous population of Illyrian origin, have an average height about 10 cm lower, even though they have in their blood the genes of Serbs, Montenegrins and Greek (Byzantine) genes, as well as genes of Italians.
Because of their origin from the Caucasus region, and all those peoples are of Turkmen origin, they are short. Compare the height of Montenegrins from the mountain area of today's Piva. Mountaineers lived there for centuries and still live there.
As for the Šarplaninac, it is a shepherd dog that is identical to the Caucasian shepherd from the Caucasus. It was brought by the Avars in the 6th century AD, or before them by Alexander the Great after the conquest of the Caucasus in 327 BC.
Moguli znati tacno mesto gde zivi ova gospodin I cijenu muskija stenadi
Imate u ranijim komentarima FBook ili broj mobilnog telefona.
Zamolila BiH vas ako možete da mi pomognete imam šarplaninca i problem stalno se cese kupali smo ga prskali davali mu tabletu ali ništa ne pomaze
ocesljaj ga
Illyrian Shepherd.
The autochthonous Illyrian dog that is as old as history itself, this breed has stood the test of time for generations from our ancestors, the Albanians, as descendants of the Illyrians, still cultivate it
S H Q I P T A R E :
ë pari, për të parë origjinën historike të shqiptarëve. Ata vijnë nga zona e Transkaukazisë, d.m.th. ku ishte Armenia mesjetare, pastaj Azerbajxhani. Në hartat e vjetra gjeografike është shënuar shteti mesjetar i Shqipërisë. Kryeqyteti quhej Qabala dhe është një monument i famshëm kulturor dhe historik në Azerbajxhan. Rreth vitit 300 pas Krishtit, Shqipëria Kaukaziane ishte një vasal i Perandorisë së Vjetër Romake. Shqiptarët luftuan vazhdimisht me hunët, azerbajxhanët, armenët dhe më vonë me arabët dhe turqit të cilët më në fund i asimiluan. Së pari, arabët i përdorën ato si njësi ndihmëse në pushtimin e Sicilisë në shekullin e nëntë (rreth 826 pas Krishtit). Duke vepruar kështu, ata zhvilluan luftë kundër Bizantit grek, kështu që rreth vitit 1042. pas Krishtit u dëbuan përgjithmonë nga Siçilia. Ata zbarkuan në brigjet përreth Durrësit të sotëm. Më parë, ata duhej të merrnin leje për strehim të përkohshëm si refugjatë nga sundimtari lokal serb Princi Vojislav, sundimtari i DUKLJA, Mali i Zi i sotëm.
Që atëherë, populli shqiptar, i cili nuk kishte një gjuhë, alfabet dhe shtet zyrtar, jeton në territorin që më vonë u pushtua nga turqit selxhukë dhe solli besimin mysliman në ortodokset ortodokse tashmë ekzistuese (Kisha Ortodokse Greke Bizantine) dhe Perandoria Romake Katolike, Republika e Venedikut, Papa.
Shteti i parë i Shqipërisë në Gadishullin Ballkanik u krijua në vitin 1912 pas disfatës së Turqisë në Luftërat Ballkanike. Ajo u pushtua përsëri në 1939 nga Italia dhe u çlirua përsëri në 1945.
Termi ilirë është futur nga romakët për popullsinë vendase në zonën e maleve Dinarike (bregu i Adriatikut me brendësi). Popujt dinarë kanë jetuar gjithmonë në ato male, për të paktën 16 mijë vjet. Ato karakterizohen nga rritja gjigante dhe një strukturë gjenetike e qëndrueshme dhe uniforme. Kjo zonë përfshin Malin e Zi të sotëm në jug, Serbinë në lindje, Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinën në veri, Kroacinë më në veri dhe Slloveninë në veriun e largët. Të gjithë ata popuj kanë një strukturë gjenetike uniforme dhe janë popujt më të lartë në botë, pikërisht sepse nuk kanë ndërhyrë dukshëm me popujt shumë më të ulët, pushtues. Gjatësia mesatare e tyre për meshkujt është 185 cm.
Në të kundërt, shqiptarët që e pohojnë veten me këmbëngulje si popullsi autokrone me origjinë ilire, kanë një gjatësi mesatare rreth 10 cm më të ulët, edhe pse në gjak kanë gjenet e serbëve, malazezëve dhe gjeneve greke (bizantine), si dhe gjenet e italianëve.
Për shkak të origjinës së tyre nga rajoni i Kaukazit, dhe të gjithë ata popuj janë me origjinë turkmene, ata janë të shkurtër. Krahasoni lartësinë e malazezëve nga zona malore e Pivës së sotme. Aty kanë jetuar malësorët me shekuj dhe jetojnë ende atje.
Sa për Šarplaninac, ai është një qen bari që është identik me bariun Kaukazian nga Kaukazi. Ajo u soll nga avarët në shekullin e VI pas Krishtit, ose para tyre nga Aleksandri i Madh pas pushtimit të Kaukazit në 327 para Krishtit.
E N G L E S K I :
First, to look at the historical origin of the Albanians. They come from the Transcaucasia area, that is. where there was medieval Armenia, then Azerbaijan. The medieval state of Albania is marked on old geographical maps. The capital city was called Qabala and it is a famous cultural and historical monument in Azerbaijan. Around 300 AD, Caucasian Albania was a vassal of the Old Roman Empire. Albanians continuously fought with Huns, Azerbaijanis, Armenians and later with Arabs and Turks who finally assimilated them. First, the Arabs used them as auxiliary units in the conquest of Sicily in the ninth century (around 826 AD). In doing so, they waged war against the Greek Byzantium, so that in around 1042. AD were forever banished from Sicily. They landed on the shores around today's Durres. Previously, they had to obtain permission for temporary accommodation as refugees from the local Serbian ruler Prince Vojislav, the ruler of DUKLJA, present-day Montenegro.
Since then, the Albanian people, who did not have an official language, alphabet, and state, live in the territory that was later conquered by the Seljuk Turks and brought the Muslim faith to the already existing Orthodox Orthodox (Byzantine Greek Orthodox Church) and Catholic Roman Empire, the Republic of Venice, the Pope.
The first state of Albania on the Balkan Peninsula was created in 1912 after the defeat of Turkey in the Balkan Wars. It was conquered again in 1939 by Italy, and was finally liberated again in 1945.
The term Illyrians was introduced by the Romans for the local population in the area of the Dinaric Mountains (Adriatic coast with hinterland). Dinaric peoples have always lived in those mountains, for at least 16 thousand years. They are characterized by giant growth and a stable, uniform genetic structure. That area includes today's Montenegro in the south, Serbia in the east, Bosnia and Herzegovina in the north, Croatia further north and Slovenia in the far north. All those peoples have a uniform genetic structure and they are the highest peoples in the world, precisely because they did not significantly interfere with much lower, conquering peoples. Their average height for men is 185 cm.
In contrast, the Albanians, who persistently assert themselves as an autochronous population of Illyrian origin, have an average height about 10 cm lower, even though they have in their blood the genes of Serbs, Montenegrins and Greek (Byzantine) genes, as well as genes of Italians.
Because of their origin from the Caucasus region, and all those peoples are of Turkmen origin, they are short. Compare the height of Montenegrins from the mountain area of today's Piva. Mountaineers lived there for centuries and still live there.
As for the Šarplaninac, it is a shepherd dog that is identical to the Caucasian shepherd from the Caucasus. It was brought by the Avars in the 6th century AD, or before them by Alexander the Great after the conquest of the Caucasus in 327 BC.
Sarplaninac je top pas i planiram da se bavim uzgojem saraca a sto su ljudi danas glupi to je nesto drugo😊
Slažem se. Ljudi su sve gluplji, a psi? Oni su i dalje najpametnija i najplemenitija bića.
@@i27tv psi su pametniji od ljudi danas nemaju skole a intaligentniji su covek sto je sve skolovaniji biva gluplji i tuplji
Imas dobre pse ,jos jedan bijeli nabavi "izvorni" iz Prizrena
Gora! onda ce biti 2 izvorna crni i bijeli
De se mogu kupiti stenci
предака шарплснинаца је донео Александар велики у трећем походу на Индију и то са Кавказа 318 год пне.
Он је умро 323 год пне
Остало је точно
Silvan ili sad kako ga zovu karaman i dobili su od silvana i od kavkaza su napravili sarplaninca i zato ih ima gvozdeno siva
Kangal je jaci i zajebaniji!
Divni, hrabri i plemeniti Makedonski pas. Pozdrav iz Dalmacije svima koji vole Šarplanince.
*Srpsko-makedonski pas
Makedonski. Kasnije se proširio na Kosovo, C. Goru, Srbiju, Bih. Hrvatsku..
@@nikicamazalin5571 Srpsko makedonski pas ciji je genetski centar na Sar planini granici izmedju Srbije i Makedonije . Poreklo sarplaninca se moze samo nagadjati , verovatno potice iz Azije gde je na ovim prostorima dospeo raznim migracijama stanovnistva. Od davnih vremena se najvise gaji na Sar planini i sirem podrucju oko nje ,dakle u Makedoniji i Kosovu i Metohiji da bi se kasnije prosirio i na ostalo podrucje Balkanskog polustrva.
@@jovansavic7218 Srpski samo
Worldly known as Deltari Ilir (Illyrian Shepard Dog)
Nista agresivno nema u ovom psu. Imala Sam ga,macka zna da bude agresivnija
Bro.caucasian ovcharka,sarplanina.yougoslavia sheperd russian bear killer (and every other dog sheperd breed)have origins from ILYRIAN sheperd.
ilyrian sheperd have origin from Šar Planina ina albanian knowns as Sharr mountain wich is located on Kosovo territor.
This breed and its origin are associated with the Sharri(Šar) Mountains region in Kosovo and Albania, which is how it got its name.For that reason some sources have described it as a North Macedonia(part of Kosovo) and Kosovo breed.
For more information serarch
I hope this information was helpful.
First, to look at the historical origin of the Albanians. They come from the Transcaucasia area, that is. where there was medieval Armenia, then Azerbaijan. The medieval state of Albania is marked on old geographical maps. The capital city was called Qabala and it is a famous cultural and historical monument in Azerbaijan. Around 300 AD, Caucasian Albania was a vassal of the Old Roman Empire. Albanians continuously fought with Huns, Azerbaijanis, Armenians and later with Arabs and Turks who finally assimilated them. First, the Arabs used them as auxiliary units in the conquest of Sicily in the ninth century (around 826 AD). In doing so, they waged war against the Greek Byzantium, so that in around 1042. AD were forever banished from Sicily. They landed on the shores around today's Durres. Previously, they had to obtain permission for temporary accommodation as refugees from the local Serbian ruler Prince Vojislav, the ruler of DUKLJA, present-day Montenegro.
Since then, the Albanian people, who did not have an official language, alphabet, and state, live in the territory that was later conquered by the Seljuk Turks and brought the Muslim faith to the already existing Orthodox Orthodox (Byzantine Greek Orthodox Church) and Catholic Roman Empire, the Republic of Venice, the Pope.
The first state of Albania on the Balkan Peninsula was created in 1912 after the defeat of Turkey in the Balkan Wars. It was conquered again in 1939 by Italy, and was finally liberated again in 1945.
The term Illyrians was introduced by the Romans for the local population in the area of the Dinaric Mountains (Adriatic coast with hinterland). Dinaric peoples have always lived in those mountains, for at least 16 thousand years. They are characterized by giant growth and a stable, uniform genetic structure. That area includes today's Montenegro in the south, Serbia in the east, Bosnia and Herzegovina in the north, Croatia further north and Slovenia in the far north. All those peoples have a uniform genetic structure and they are the highest peoples in the world, precisely because they did not significantly interfere with much lower, conquering peoples. Their average height for men is 185 cm.
In contrast, the Albanians, who persistently assert themselves as an autochronous population of Illyrian origin, have an average height about 10 cm lower, even though they have in their blood the genes of Serbs, Montenegrins and Greek (Byzantine) genes, as well as genes of Italians.
Because of their origin from the Caucasus region, and all those peoples are of Turkmen origin, they are short. Compare the height of Montenegrins from the mountain area of today's Piva. Mountaineers lived there for centuries and still live there.
As for the Šarplaninac, it is a shepherd dog that is identical to the Caucasian shepherd from the Caucasus. It was brought by the Avars in the 6th century AD, or before them by Alexander the Great after the conquest of the Caucasus in 327 BC.
Nema mnogo čistokrvnih šarplaninaca na prostorima ex YU.NAŽALOST krivac je samo glupi čovek.
velinko subara Nema ih uopste najmanje pola veka. Ko je stariji , a video je kao dete neke poslednje primerke , zna o cemu pricam. Nazalost
@@slavkomarko Ја сам видео скоро правог.Има их, али јако мало.То ти је кад упрљаш извор, како да очекујеш да задржиш чистоту расе.Када се томе дода и ова идиотска струја која форсира своју причу, као и саму дегенску стандардизацију - онда ништа добро не може да буде. А нико ништа није урадио да се то поправи, КСС то и не занима...
Караман и Шарпланинац не се исти
Поврзани се
Vrhunske pse imas
Azosto po svima knigama u celum svetu se zove Deltari Ilir samo to nega odgovara neki srbin celi svet zna ga ko Deltari Ilir
First, to look at the historical origin of the Albanians. They come from the Transcaucasia area, that is. where there was medieval Armenia, then Azerbaijan. The medieval state of Albania is marked on old geographical maps. The capital city was called Qabala and it is a famous cultural and historical monument in Azerbaijan. Around 300 AD, Caucasian Albania was a vassal of the Old Roman Empire. Albanians continuously fought with Huns, Azerbaijanis, Armenians and later with Arabs and Turks who finally assimilated them. First, the Arabs used them as auxiliary units in the conquest of Sicily in the ninth century (around 826 AD). In doing so, they waged war against the Greek Byzantium, so that in around 1042. AD were forever banished from Sicily. They landed on the shores around today's Durres. Previously, they had to obtain permission for temporary accommodation as refugees from the local Serbian ruler Prince Vojislav, the ruler of DUKLJA, present-day Montenegro.
Since then, the Albanian people, who did not have an official language, alphabet, and state, live in the territory that was later conquered by the Seljuk Turks and brought the Muslim faith to the already existing Orthodox Orthodox (Byzantine Greek Orthodox Church) and Catholic Roman Empire, the Republic of Venice, the Pope.
The first state of Albania on the Balkan Peninsula was created in 1912 after the defeat of Turkey in the Balkan Wars. It was conquered again in 1939 by Italy, and was finally liberated again in 1945.
The term Illyrians was introduced by the Romans for the local population in the area of the Dinaric Mountains (Adriatic coast with hinterland). Dinaric peoples have always lived in those mountains, for at least 16 thousand years. They are characterized by giant growth and a stable, uniform genetic structure. That area includes today's Montenegro in the south, Serbia in the east, Bosnia and Herzegovina in the north, Croatia further north and Slovenia in the far north. All those peoples have a uniform genetic structure and they are the highest peoples in the world, precisely because they did not significantly interfere with much lower, conquering peoples. Their average height for men is 185 cm.
In contrast, the Albanians, who persistently assert themselves as an autochronous population of Illyrian origin, have an average height about 10 cm lower, even though they have in their blood the genes of Serbs, Montenegrins and Greek (Byzantine) genes, as well as genes of Italians.
Because of their origin from the Caucasus region, and all those peoples are of Turkmen origin, they are short. Compare the height of Montenegrins from the mountain area of today's Piva. Mountaineers lived there for centuries and still live there.
As for the Šarplaninac, it is a shepherd dog that is identical to the Caucasian shepherd from the Caucasus. It was brought by the Avars in the 6th century AD, or before them by Alexander the Great after the conquest of the Caucasus in 327 BC.
Ilyrian dog are the best Albanian dog
First, to look at the historical origin of the Albanians. They come from the Transcaucasia area, that is. where there was medieval Armenia, then Azerbaijan. The medieval state of Albania is marked on old geographical maps. The capital city was called Qabala and it is a famous cultural and historical monument in Azerbaijan. Around 300 AD, Caucasian Albania was a vassal of the Old Roman Empire. Albanians continuously fought with Huns, Azerbaijanis, Armenians and later with Arabs and Turks who finally assimilated them. First, the Arabs used them as auxiliary units in the conquest of Sicily in the ninth century (around 826 AD). In doing so, they waged war against the Greek Byzantium, so that in around 1042. AD were forever banished from Sicily. They landed on the shores around today's Durres. Previously, they had to obtain permission for temporary accommodation as refugees from the local Serbian ruler Prince Vojislav, the ruler of DUKLJA, present-day Montenegro.
Since then, the Albanian people, who did not have an official language, alphabet, and state, live in the territory that was later conquered by the Seljuk Turks and brought the Muslim faith to the already existing Orthodox Orthodox (Byzantine Greek Orthodox Church) and Catholic Roman Empire, the Republic of Venice, the Pope.
The first state of Albania on the Balkan Peninsula was created in 1912 after the defeat of Turkey in the Balkan Wars. It was conquered again in 1939 by Italy, and was finally liberated again in 1945.
The term Illyrians was introduced by the Romans for the local population in the area of the Dinaric Mountains (Adriatic coast with hinterland). Dinaric peoples have always lived in those mountains, for at least 16 thousand years. They are characterized by giant growth and a stable, uniform genetic structure. That area includes today's Montenegro in the south, Serbia in the east, Bosnia and Herzegovina in the north, Croatia further north and Slovenia in the far north. All those peoples have a uniform genetic structure and they are the highest peoples in the world, precisely because they did not significantly interfere with much lower, conquering peoples. Their average height for men is 185 cm.
In contrast, the Albanians, who persistently assert themselves as an autochronous population of Illyrian origin, have an average height about 10 cm lower, even though they have in their blood the genes of Serbs, Montenegrins and Greek (Byzantine) genes, as well as genes of Italians.
Because of their origin from the Caucasus region, and all those peoples are of Turkmen origin, they are short. Compare the height of Montenegrins from the mountain area of today's Piva. Mountaineers lived there for centuries and still live there.
As for the Šarplaninac, it is a shepherd dog that is identical to the Caucasian shepherd from the Caucasus. It was brought by the Avars in the 6th century AD, or before them by Alexander the Great after the conquest of the Caucasus in 327 BC.
@@drazantodoric6040E svaka ti čast,pola stvari nisam ni čuo o ovome 👍
Aliev je izjavio za porjeklo albanaca, azerbeidzan..ima i planina albanija.iranski profesor Marandi o tom djelu Azerbaijana izraz occasional albanian ..
Trecina siptara oni klempavi i ruzni tupe glave su poreklom iz ruske mocvare dovuceni u 12 vek kao stocari trecina je dovucena preko siciliju a to su magrebi a ona bela plava trecina oko skadra su posiptareni srbi stoko siptarska vi niste ni isprdak od ilira SRBI su iliri
Dog and sharr mountain deltar ilir ,autocton albanian dog
First, to look at the historical origin of the Albanians. They come from the Transcaucasia area, that is. where there was medieval Armenia, then Azerbaijan. The medieval state of Albania is marked on old geographical maps. The capital city was called Qabala and it is a famous cultural and historical monument in Azerbaijan. Around 300 AD, Caucasian Albania was a vassal of the Old Roman Empire. Albanians continuously fought with Huns, Azerbaijanis, Armenians and later with Arabs and Turks who finally assimilated them. First, the Arabs used them as auxiliary units in the conquest of Sicily in the ninth century (around 826 AD). In doing so, they waged war against the Greek Byzantium, so that in around 1042. AD were forever banished from Sicily. They landed on the shores around today's Durres. Previously, they had to obtain permission for temporary accommodation as refugees from the local Serbian ruler Prince Vojislav, the ruler of DUKLJA, present-day Montenegro.
Since then, the Albanian people, who did not have an official language, alphabet, and state, live in the territory that was later conquered by the Seljuk Turks and brought the Muslim faith to the already existing Orthodox Orthodox (Byzantine Greek Orthodox Church) and Catholic Roman Empire, the Republic of Venice, the Pope.
The first state of Albania on the Balkan Peninsula was created in 1912 after the defeat of Turkey in the Balkan Wars. It was conquered again in 1939 by Italy, and was finally liberated again in 1945.
The term Illyrians was introduced by the Romans for the local population in the area of the Dinaric Mountains (Adriatic coast with hinterland). Dinaric peoples have always lived in those mountains, for at least 16 thousand years. They are characterized by giant growth and a stable, uniform genetic structure. That area includes today's Montenegro in the south, Serbia in the east, Bosnia and Herzegovina in the north, Croatia further north and Slovenia in the far north. All those peoples have a uniform genetic structure and they are the highest peoples in the world, precisely because they did not significantly interfere with much lower, conquering peoples. Their average height for men is 185 cm.
In contrast, the Albanians, who persistently assert themselves as an autochronous population of Illyrian origin, have an average height about 10 cm lower, even though they have in their blood the genes of Serbs, Montenegrins and Greek (Byzantine) genes, as well as genes of Italians.
Because of their origin from the Caucasus region, and all those peoples are of Turkmen origin, they are short. Compare the height of Montenegrins from the mountain area of today's Piva. Mountaineers lived there for centuries and still live there.
As for the Šarplaninac, it is a shepherd dog that is identical to the Caucasian shepherd from the Caucasus. It was brought by the Avars in the 6th century AD, or before them by Alexander the Great after the conquest of the Caucasus in 327 BC.
Kangal najaçi pas
love this albanian dog breed ❤
Albanian 🤣🤣🤣
@@markopaunovic854 99.99% stanovnika Sar Planine su albanci kao ja 😁
@@markopaunovic854 sta se smijes,albanian i makedonian izvorni , a poslije su prenijeli rasu i u Srbiju , covjek ti sam kaze da poticu sa Tibeta a poslije sa yuga makedonije i Sarplanine kosovskog dijela na granici sa albanijom i crnom gorom
A šta je bila Makedonija odnosno gde je bio centar vlasti srbske
First, to look at the historical origin of the Albanians. They come from the Transcaucasia area, that is. where there was medieval Armenia, then Azerbaijan. The medieval state of Albania is marked on old geographical maps. The capital city was called Qabala and it is a famous cultural and historical monument in Azerbaijan. Around 300 AD, Caucasian Albania was a vassal of the Old Roman Empire. Albanians continuously fought with Huns, Azerbaijanis, Armenians and later with Arabs and Turks who finally assimilated them. First, the Arabs used them as auxiliary units in the conquest of Sicily in the ninth century (around 826 AD). In doing so, they waged war against the Greek Byzantium, so that in around 1042. AD were forever banished from Sicily. They landed on the shores around today's Durres. Previously, they had to obtain permission for temporary accommodation as refugees from the local Serbian ruler Prince Vojislav, the ruler of DUKLJA, present-day Montenegro.
Since then, the Albanian people, who did not have an official language, alphabet, and state, live in the territory that was later conquered by the Seljuk Turks and brought the Muslim faith to the already existing Orthodox Orthodox (Byzantine Greek Orthodox Church) and Catholic Roman Empire, the Republic of Venice, the Pope.
The first state of Albania on the Balkan Peninsula was created in 1912 after the defeat of Turkey in the Balkan Wars. It was conquered again in 1939 by Italy, and was finally liberated again in 1945.
The term Illyrians was introduced by the Romans for the local population in the area of the Dinaric Mountains (Adriatic coast with hinterland). Dinaric peoples have always lived in those mountains, for at least 16 thousand years. They are characterized by giant growth and a stable, uniform genetic structure. That area includes today's Montenegro in the south, Serbia in the east, Bosnia and Herzegovina in the north, Croatia further north and Slovenia in the far north. All those peoples have a uniform genetic structure and they are the highest peoples in the world, precisely because they did not significantly interfere with much lower, conquering peoples. Their average height for men is 185 cm.
In contrast, the Albanians, who persistently assert themselves as an autochronous population of Illyrian origin, have an average height about 10 cm lower, even though they have in their blood the genes of Serbs, Montenegrins and Greek (Byzantine) genes, as well as genes of Italians.
Because of their origin from the Caucasus region, and all those peoples are of Turkmen origin, they are short. Compare the height of Montenegrins from the mountain area of today's Piva. Mountaineers lived there for centuries and still live there.
As for the Šarplaninac, it is a shepherd dog that is identical to the Caucasian shepherd from the Caucasus. It was brought by the Avars in the 6th century AD, or before them by Alexander the Great after the conquest of the Caucasus in 327 BC.