The Gift of the Gods title gets discussed more because it is an interesting title in look and execution, but I will always have a soft spot for the giant gold Aztec calendar that is the Lucha Underground Title. That thing was beautiful.
The Big Gold will forever be my favorite belt. It's beautiful and makes anyone look like a champion and has such a prestigious history and lineage anyone would wanna be part of. Such a danm shame it has an annoying and stupid big W on it now
Yeah, haven't watched WWE for a few years but looking at the pics, I don't like it, my gripe is that why is it so dark on the middle? It should be all shiny
New Japan having the US, Intercontinental and THE IWGP Heavyweight Championship is honestly the most beautiful collection of singles titles any company has ever had
More honorable mentions - NXT UK Tag Titles, WCW US Title, both WWE US Titles, wCW Cruiserweight Title, European Title, IWGP US Title, IC Title from '98 - 2011, original TNA Tag Title, some of the X Division designs were nice.
I loved the winged eagle belt, and the attitude Era eagle belt, but the ruthless aggression Era undisputed title was one of the best. The og TNA heavyweight title was a beauty too.
It was before my time, but the winged eagle is definitely a gorgeous belt. I have a fondness for the Intercontinental Belt too. Both the white strap one reintroduced by Cody and the one just prior. There is something about the gold and little bit of blue that I just love.
My favorite is the classic I.C championship an I also like the I.C belt that Gunther has an the new world heavyweight championship the won that Seth Rollins just won them 2 are designs an the worst is the ones that Roman Reigns just had be4 they changed it I can't remember what they named them WWE championship or WWE universal championship I can't remember
The thing that surprises me the most about the Winged Eagle belt, is that it's relatively small when worn by what was Vince's preferred "big guy" champions like Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, etc. (which the Attitude Era belt corrected) It surprises me because of the comparative size to The Big Gold belt, that Vince's ego would want his promotions title to be bigger and bolder. If the Winged Eagle were the same size of Big Gold, it would be IMO the greatest world title ever.
@@PleaseNerfGod nah I really like it. It would be my 3rd behind Winged Eagle and Big Gold. I love the flags on the side. UK, Canada, Mexico and Japan. The countries of wrestling. The globe that pops out is quite an unusual feature too.
That belt is ugly and outdated. It never looked prestigious but now it looks substandard and very old. I wish they'd retire it but it does fit the NWA's general cheapness and horribly outdated philosophies
The NWA World Television Championship Belt has always been a favorite of mine since it first debuted in the mid-80s when I was a kid. I was lucky enough to find it this past weekend at a Flea Market!😁
@@jordanbrierley1255 No it isn't the new one looks like a piss poor attempt to copy it. It would have been decent had they not chosen to go slapping there company logo on the front of it in a different color that offsets it so bad it looks hideous. Nostalgia or no nostalgia if you think the new world title looks better then original your smoking crack. Gotta be.
The NWA Domed Globe has always been my favorite Belt! I have a replica of it. I grew up watching Georgia championship wrestling. I have almost every belt that was featured on that program!
The 1986-1998 WWE Intercontinental Championship, The Winged Eagle 1988-1998 WWE Championship, and the red strap NWA Television Championship are my 3 favorite championship designs.
Big Gold and Winged Eagle are both timeless designs. If the WWE allowed the undisputed/Universal champ to wield both belts, it would really elevate the look of the champ.
A very under appreciated title that I think is pretty is the WWWF title that was used from Pedro Morales to Superstar Billy Graham. I do like the eagle in the centre and the red leather that a Pedro used.
I’d like to throw a reminder that the WWE UK title was literally the WWE Indie belt for like a year. Tyler would parade it around indies and I think defending it a couple times. Was absolutely surreal at the time.
As a big-time huge fan of MLW I'm very appreciative that someone is talking about how beautiful the MLW championship belts are.Especially the current world heavyweight championship.
I don't think there is, nor has there ever been, a championship belt in any sport as pretty or as prestigious as the 2008-2021 IWGP Heavyweight Championship.
I think the best looking title they ever had was the first version of the Big eagle. With the blue backstrap and the block logo. But between Austin just carrying it around in a sweaty gym back, spilling beer all over it, bleeding on it, that big blood bath from Kane.... Well the blue strap quickly turned black so they replaced it within the year with the scratch logo black strap Big eagle. Which I still like, but man that blue strap had such a beautiful contrast to the gold
TNA World title introduced in 2011, TNA Legends Championship, WCW U.S. Championship, WWF "Andre" World title, NXT UK tag titles are right up there for me.
5.The UK Title Design Is So Beautiful 4. WWF IC Title Is A Classic 3. The AEW Title Speaks For Itself Cause It's ALL ELITE 2. WWF Winged Eagle Belt Is The Best Title Design In WWF History 1. ( In All Caps 🧢 ) THE BIG GOLD 🪙 BELT MIc 🎤 Drop And That's Just Fact's 💯
I grew up on the spinner but always liked the winged eagle, undisputed and attitude era belts alot more. My favorite belt is definitely the Big gold tho. Grew up on Batista and Taker holding it. It really is the Holy Grail.
the NWA TV title with silver plates on red leather is a beautiful design as well.....and was held by some of the greatest talent NWA had to offer at the time of it's should have at least been an honorable mention
You really should check out the VWAA title belt from Top Rope Belts. It was a tiny indie fed in Chicago, but a glorious big-time belt that deserved more.
Since Lucha Underground got taken off streaming right before I could get it, I never got the chance to see the Gift of the Gods Championship before this video's comments brought it up, but that design is pretty class!
I built a Canadian championship based on the NXT UK. I was shocked to find that the Canadian coat of arms had a lion and a unicorn. And then I realized that the UK coat of arms was the same
I have a feeling that Page's "private photo shoot" with the belt could have been part of the reason they changed the title. Good thing that title didnt show dirt or smudges as much as the men's one did
Big Gold will always be #1. I know the 2023 design is modernized but as a Ruthless Aggression kid im so glad to have Big Gold and the WHC back that I never wanted gone in some capacity
My top 10 10 WWF European title ( the one with the dark green strap) 9 WCW United States title ( the big one from the mid 90s to 2001) 8 WWF world tag team titles ( Every version from the golden era to the early ruthless agression) 7 WWE intercontinetal title ( the one from 2003 to 2011) 6 TNA world heavy weight title ( the eagle wings one from 2007 to 2011) 5 WORLD Heavy weight title ( the WWE version from 2003 to 2008) 4 NWA World's Heavy Weight title- 10 lbs of gold ( The one from the 2000s til now) 3 WWE Title- Undisputed Version 2 ( The big one held by The undertaker, The Rock and Lesnar) 2 The WWF championship - Winged eagle belt ( BUT with white strap I always loved that version) 1 The Big Gold Belt ( a masterpiece !)
The big gold belt just looks like a real championship. It looks regal and important. If I saw a guy with that and didn’t know I’d just assume they were a big deal
My favourites are 1. The modern look at at the WWE United States Champion 2. AWA World Heavyweight Champion 1986-1991 3. USWA Unified Heavyweight Champion 4. AAA World Tag Team Titles 5. MLW National Openweight Champion
I may be the only person in the world to think so, but I LOVE WWECW's Big Platinum title. And yes, I'm aware that it wasn't ACTUALLY platinum. It was just so different!
If I was ever going to buy a replica, it would be the 10 lbs of Gold NWA title. Although the Big Gold and the Attitude Era would be very close behind it.
Big gold will always be my favorite belt.
I liked it too, second only to the Winged Eagle of the Golden/New Generation eras in my opinion
Me too I really Like it 💛🌟🥇🏆
Mine two I also love the white ic belt the smoking skull belt and the big gold winged Eagle
Everything is perfect about it, even the nickname, "Big Gold" is so simple yet so distinctive.
Yes, bro
WWE Undisputed Title (2002-2005)
That title deserves a spot on this list!
I feel like this one was the last truly great WWE belt, and it's always saddened me it was so short lived (for a championship anyway)
Don't agree with it at all.
The title looks very messy in my opinion.
I'm shocked that it wasn't on the list.
I love how the big Gold is so respected it can be used as the main championship in any company
I mean. Having seen it in person, it is the literal first thing you see when it comes into a room.
The Gift of the Gods title gets discussed more because it is an interesting title in look and execution, but I will always have a soft spot for the giant gold Aztec calendar that is the Lucha Underground Title. That thing was beautiful.
yeah IMO the Gift of the Gods is a top 3 for me, just the whole thing of putting the 7 medallions in it is so cool
Incredible belt. Only thing that could make it better is if it had more of a 3D look.
the total lack of respect LU gets on this channel really sucks. They were the best in the game for a short time there.
I hope MLW or any Mexican promotion to revive the Gift of the Gods title.
Truly an awful belt for me, i don't know what people see in it...
The Big Gold will forever be my favorite belt. It's beautiful and makes anyone look like a champion and has such a prestigious history and lineage anyone would wanna be part of. Such a danm shame it has an annoying and stupid big W on it now
same here classic belt
I'm for sure ordering one for myself this year 😁😁😁
Yeah, haven't watched WWE for a few years but looking at the pics, I don't like it, my gripe is that why is it so dark on the middle? It should be all shiny
0:48 The Attitude Era championship is my Favorite belt design of all Time
Not including this makes the list void before you even start it
wdym? thats a terrible design
We all knew what 1 and 2 would be, but that IWGP V4 is just SOOOOOOOOO damn pretty
I do really like that Gift of the Gods championship, unique concept.
The good ROH World Title has homages to Lou Thesz's old belt. Just another reason why it's so good.
As someone who has a replica OG NXT belt, I can 100% confirm that if you even look at the belt wrong, it smudges
My favorite is the IWGP World heavyweight championship v3 and V4
V3 is underrated I feel. That was the IGF one Lesnar held right?
@@AliAlnamir I think soo
i love the Oval IC belts, really like the old WCW US Title as well.
The MLW belts are absolutely gorgeous
IWGP US Title is probably my favorite current belt, it’s freaking gorgeous 😱
New Japan having the US, Intercontinental and THE IWGP Heavyweight Championship is honestly the most beautiful collection of singles titles any company has ever had
The fact the big eagle is only an honourable mention is criminal
It's my favorite belt but I can kinda get it. It's not too original of a design 😂
The black and gold Undisputed title not even getting an honorable mention is more so
@@ericvyskocil7428agreed. That one is also top 3 for me
The original Undisputed Championship belt was perfection. Brock's belt will never be bettered.
A dude with a.i. just made alot of better
The American bad ass also held that belt
More honorable mentions - NXT UK Tag Titles, WCW US Title, both WWE US Titles, wCW Cruiserweight Title, European Title, IWGP US Title, IC Title from '98 - 2011, original TNA Tag Title, some of the X Division designs were nice.
The 24/7 Title the most beautiful and prestigious title belt of all time to ever exist in the history of belts!
Good joke .No other words to say .
You just like to watch the World Burn huh?
Funny guy
Fax, held by the best champions in history
I loved the winged eagle belt, and the attitude Era eagle belt, but the ruthless aggression Era undisputed title was one of the best.
The og TNA heavyweight title was a beauty too.
Good list. I'd personally have the NXT UK Tag Titles in there too. Love those belts.
NXT UK titles were so underrated in their designs
One of these days y’all gonna put some respect on the Attitude Era Big Eagle belt.
It was before my time, but the winged eagle is definitely a gorgeous belt. I have a fondness for the Intercontinental Belt too. Both the white strap one reintroduced by Cody and the one just prior. There is something about the gold and little bit of blue that I just love.
The WWE Version Of The United States Championship (2003-2018) my personal favorite Championship early into my Pro Wrestling run (thanks to John Cena)
it was bold and in your face, perfect for an american championship
My favorite is the classic I.C championship an I also like the I.C belt that Gunther has an the new world heavyweight championship the won that Seth Rollins just won them 2 are designs an the worst is the ones that Roman Reigns just had be4 they changed it I can't remember what they named them WWE championship or WWE universal championship I can't remember
Yes that one is definitely in my top 5 favorites belts 👍👍👍
Shocked that the WCW US Championship didn't even get an honourable mention.
I'm in love with the lucha underground championship from 2014-2018 😻
The thing that surprises me the most about the Winged Eagle belt, is that it's relatively small when worn by what was Vince's preferred "big guy" champions like Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, etc. (which the Attitude Era belt corrected) It surprises me because of the comparative size to The Big Gold belt, that Vince's ego would want his promotions title to be bigger and bolder. If the Winged Eagle were the same size of Big Gold, it would be IMO the greatest world title ever.
How did the NWA Championship only make "Honorable Mentions"?
Because it’s not really that good.
While prestigious, it quite frankly is pretty dated
@@PleaseNerfGod nah I really like it. It would be my 3rd behind Winged Eagle and Big Gold.
I love the flags on the side. UK, Canada, Mexico and Japan. The countries of wrestling. The globe that pops out is quite an unusual feature too.
That belt is ugly and outdated. It never looked prestigious but now it looks substandard and very old. I wish they'd retire it but it does fit the NWA's general cheapness and horribly outdated philosophies
WCW United States title was super sick looking as well
I always loved the original Open the Dream Gate Championship from Dragon Gate.
The WWF Hardcore belt without doubt was the best; completely unique in appearance and perfectly represented the division it was for.
The NWA World Television Championship Belt has always been a favorite of mine since it first debuted in the mid-80s when I was a kid. I was lucky enough to find it this past weekend at a Flea Market!😁
Greatest title ever nwa TV championship
The WWE women's title from 1998-2010 is legendary and 10X Better than the Divas title the Undisputed title from 2002 was awesome.
Big Eagle getting relegated to an Honorable Mention should be a crime.
It's a paddling
WCW Big Gold.
Best Belt Ever 😎👍
New one is better nostalgia aside
@@jordanbrierley1255 No it isn't the new one looks like a piss poor attempt to copy it. It would have been decent had they not chosen to go slapping there company logo on the front of it in a different color that offsets it so bad it looks hideous. Nostalgia or no nostalgia if you think the new world title looks better then original your smoking crack. Gotta be.
No, it isn't the best ever.
@@k.konczak3291 Yes it is
Eagle Belt WWE is second
NJPW old big title is 3rd
AEW 4th
Probably new WWE belt with Rollins is 5th
@DR1212 No, it isn't. The Big Gold Belt looks like crap and the Winged Eagle is way better than it.
The NWA Domed Globe has always been my favorite Belt! I have a replica of it. I grew up watching Georgia championship wrestling. I have almost every belt that was featured on that program!
The 1986-1998 WWE Intercontinental Championship, The Winged Eagle 1988-1998 WWE Championship, and the red strap NWA Television Championship are my 3 favorite championship designs.
Your absolutely right about the original nxt title😅 I feel so glad that someone else has acknowledged it.
I'd give an honorable mention to the Cruserweight Championship of 2015. That purple championship with a hectagon shape was simply amazing and unique
Big Gold and Winged Eagle are both timeless designs. If the WWE allowed the undisputed/Universal champ to wield both belts, it would really elevate the look of the champ.
“Been a while since I had any money”
I felt that
Man, oh man... BROTHER, I TOTALLY FEEL YA😞😞😞
A very under appreciated title that I think is pretty is the WWWF title that was used from Pedro Morales to Superstar Billy Graham. I do like the eagle in the centre and the red leather that a Pedro used.
One of my favorites as well the 1972 belt but it was Stat stasiak that beat pedro
I’d like to throw a reminder that the WWE UK title was literally the WWE Indie belt for like a year. Tyler would parade it around indies and I think defending it a couple times. Was absolutely surreal at the time.
WWE'S Undisputed Title from 2002-2005 was a glorious belt. Why that was replaced with Hot Garbage by John Cena I would never understand.
As a big-time huge fan of MLW I'm very appreciative that someone is talking about how beautiful the MLW championship belts are.Especially the current world heavyweight championship.
That picture of Ultimo with teh J-Crown is amazing
I don't think there is, nor has there ever been, a championship belt in any sport as pretty or as prestigious as the 2008-2021 IWGP Heavyweight Championship.
Only Reason I say big eagle is my favourite is because i grew up during the attitude era.
I know it’s nostalgia for me but I love the spinner belt I grew up in that era and it’ll always have a special place
My PERSONAL favorite belt is the wcw tv title. The red one worn by Arn Anderson.
I think the best looking title they ever had was the first version of the Big eagle. With the blue backstrap and the block logo. But between Austin just carrying it around in a sweaty gym back, spilling beer all over it, bleeding on it, that big blood bath from Kane.... Well the blue strap quickly turned black so they replaced it within the year with the scratch logo black strap Big eagle. Which I still like, but man that blue strap had such a beautiful contrast to the gold
I am proud of the fact I know about ALL the Titles.
My personal faves
WCCW Championship grew up in Dallas
NWA World titile can't beat history.
TNA World title introduced in 2011, TNA Legends Championship, WCW U.S. Championship, WWF "Andre" World title, NXT UK tag titles are right up there for me.
For the most part, WCW had some beautiful belt designs. The TV, US, CW, & Big Gold Belt were all great designs.
The big gold belt is still the best looking belt of all time.
5.The UK Title Design Is So Beautiful
4. WWF IC Title Is A Classic
3. The AEW Title Speaks For Itself Cause It's ALL ELITE
2. WWF Winged Eagle Belt Is The Best Title Design In WWF History
1. ( In All Caps 🧢 )
MIc 🎤 Drop
And That's Just Fact's 💯
I liked the WWE United States Championship (2003 - 2020). I loved how the red, white, & blue stood out.
I personally loved the Ruthless Aggression Era Undisputed Championship. Don't know why, but it just looks gorgeous.
I grew up on the spinner but always liked the winged eagle, undisputed and attitude era belts alot more. My favorite belt is definitely the Big gold tho. Grew up on Batista and Taker holding it. It really is the Holy Grail.
Undisputed, smocking skull and WCW US title are some of my favs as well
Nothing beats the last IWGP Heavyweight Championship!
Pacitti's right about the era you grew up in affecting your favorite version of the WWE title. LONG LIVE THE SPINNER BELT!!!!
I know people generally prefer the winged eagle but loved the undisputed title (1st one)
My Favourites are the WWE Tag Team Championchip Belts from 2002-2020 & the World Tag Team Championchip Belts from 2006
Current Intercontinental title is Most Beautiful title right Now
the NWA TV title with silver plates on red leather is a beautiful design as well.....and was held by some of the greatest talent NWA had to offer at the time of it's should have at least been an honorable mention
IWGP v4 is my favorite Belt ever
MLW needs more coverage!
No love for the 90s WCW United States Championship? It had a similar winged eagle design with a small outline of the USA in red white and blue…
Nwa us title in mid to late 80s before the one you speak of is so much better and us tag titles are beautiful belts
Feeling like the winged eagle is in the top 5 if not top 1
Big Gold will always be my favorite but the first version of the TNA Knockout's Championship was amazing
You really should check out the VWAA title belt from Top Rope Belts. It was a tiny indie fed in Chicago, but a glorious big-time belt that deserved more.
Since Lucha Underground got taken off streaming right before I could get it, I never got the chance to see the Gift of the Gods Championship before this video's comments brought it up, but that design is pretty class!
I built a Canadian championship based on the NXT UK. I was shocked to find that the Canadian coat of arms had a lion and a unicorn. And then I realized that the UK coat of arms was the same
I have a feeling that Page's "private photo shoot" with the belt could have been part of the reason they changed the title. Good thing that title didnt show dirt or smudges as much as the men's one did
the winged eagle is the best title belt, but the NWA united states title from the late 80s to early 90s is a great belt too.
Big Gold will always be #1. I know the 2023 design is modernized but as a Ruthless Aggression kid im so glad to have Big Gold and the WHC back that I never wanted gone in some capacity
The Big Gold Belt is so good, I wouldn't have minded at all if they had just brought that back for the new World Heavyweight Championship.
I see you chose the objectively best belt ever as #1. I'm pleased.
My top 10
10 WWF European title ( the one with the dark green strap)
9 WCW United States title ( the big one from the mid 90s to 2001)
8 WWF world tag team titles ( Every version from the golden era to the early ruthless agression)
7 WWE intercontinetal title ( the one from 2003 to 2011)
6 TNA world heavy weight title ( the eagle wings one from 2007 to 2011)
5 WORLD Heavy weight title ( the WWE version from 2003 to 2008)
4 NWA World's Heavy Weight title- 10 lbs of gold ( The one from the 2000s til now)
3 WWE Title- Undisputed Version 2 ( The big one held by The undertaker, The Rock and Lesnar)
2 The WWF championship - Winged eagle belt ( BUT with white strap I always loved that version)
1 The Big Gold Belt ( a masterpiece !)
Please do one for custom championship
My first thought when seeing the old NXT title was "Those hard edges and deep crevices capture so much grime."
The OG TNA World Heavyweight championship belt is an underrated design.
The fans want every title belt in every wrestling company to look exactly like The Gold Belt.
The big gold belt just looks like a real championship. It looks regal and important. If I saw a guy with that and didn’t know I’d just assume they were a big deal
Can't argue with any of that. Great list.
I wish they would have just reverted to the old school winged eagle design that came out in the 1980s. Now that was a classic title belt.
I legitimately think the current IC title is one of the coolest belts ever. I really like it
I agree, i dont get the hate.
Its ugly as hell in my eyes. The one with the white leather is the one
It's horrendous
@@sulfergotjuice not hate if it's a fact it sucks
@@jannix5383 the white strap one is definitely cool cant deny that but that doesnt mean the current design is bad
The IWGP championship was definitely my favourite and even I was disappointed when the new design was unveiled
My favourites are 1. The modern look at at the WWE United States Champion 2. AWA World Heavyweight Champion 1986-1991 3. USWA Unified Heavyweight Champion 4. AAA World Tag Team Titles 5. MLW National Openweight Champion
that "small" NXT women's title also had a shade of white on it too
The traditional black, and then the yellow, were the only strap colours Ultimate Warrior used as IC Champion.
I may be the only person in the world to think so, but I LOVE WWECW's Big Platinum title. And yes, I'm aware that it wasn't ACTUALLY platinum. It was just so different!
If I was ever going to buy a replica, it would be the 10 lbs of Gold NWA title. Although the Big Gold and the Attitude Era would be very close behind it.
They’re not belts, they’re titles dammit!
An underrated belt in my book is the ROH world title design from 2017-2021. The one that RUSH had.
The big gold looked so good on Taker and Batista
That Honourable mentions list would probably be most of my actual list
Another Honorable mention : WCCW World Heavyweight Championship and the WCCW Tag Team Championship belts.