Koj Hlub Kuv Kuv Tsis Hlub Koj. 1/29/2025
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.พ. 2025
- Koj Hlub Kuv Kuv Tsis Hlub Koj.
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Aweee I love this story!!
Hai Tau zoo heev li o
Such a sweet story. ❤❤❤
Cov txiv yawg zoo li no txhob hlub thaum lau txhob tu thaum lau yog kuv nas cov txiv yawg siab phem li no nas nrog koj tu siab koj lub neeg os me niam tais aw… zoo koj tus txiv tseem hlub koj tabtsis koj tsis tuag siab hlub nws twb hlub2 ces ua ib siab hlub nws zoo dua
Wow!! She's super blessed! Wish their were more men like her husband!
Txhob tu siab rau koj niam pog thiab txiv yawg os yog koj tau 1 tug nyab tsim koj tus tub li koj tsim niam pog tus yeej mob koj siab 1 yam thiab mog
Sister koj tus txiv mas siab zoo tshaj hlub koj tshaj li os thov koj ua siab zoo hlub nws mog😢😢
Beautiful story.
Your husband truly loved you!❤
Cia sib nyiam mam sib sau es ua niamtxiv thiaj li zoo nyob npaum li nyob Ntuj ceebtsheej 😍
Tu siab nrog tus niam tsev no kawg li Txhob tos txog thaum yus paub lig thiab khuv xim thiab tu siab rov rau yus tu kheej nawb
Omg what a beautiful story?😢
Wow, I can relate to this woman so much. I’m glad she saw his love and reciprocate that love. I hope his health scare teaches her to be independent- like learn to get gas. It’s not good to rely on your spouse 100%. It disables you.
Very good story for us All to appreciate
As I read the many comments in here telling the woman how lucky she is and some even says that she does not deserve her husband...I’m over here scratching my head thinking, “Are we even listening to the same story?” I mean this woman was forced to marry as a child in the most cruel and barbaric way to a man she neither know or love.
I understand that the woman telling this story is a very gifted and talented storyteller. This story might not even be true or it’s highly exaggerated. For the sake of discussion even if this story is 100% true, no matter how much the man love his wife, once they arrived in the United States, even if she leaves her husband I wouldn’t blame her because he was never the one she love to begin with.
But because the story goes the way it did and she decided to love her husband back is also very admirable too. But to say that she’s very lucky and/or does not deserve her husband is just plain crazy.
I was going to say the same thing. Its scary how hmong people have been brainwashed to think that is what love is. She was sold,kidnapped!! just bc it worked out doesn't mean it was ok.
I love this. Not all forced marriages work and I don't agree with it but I am glad it worked out for you.
Moral of the story; Don’t be too harsh on your kidnapper/wrappers right?
What a lovely couple. Love hearing stories like this one.
Wow, what a beautiful story! Eb...cas kuv niam nim yog ib tus neeg siab zoo2, siab ntev2 los tsis muaj txoj hmoo tau ib tus txiv hlub kuv niam li no nev... tu siab tshaj.
Niam tais, very few can do what you did. I'm glad you were able to accept someone you didn't know or like and turned into a beautiful love story. Best wishes
niam ntshuab teev kv muaj ib zaj leej neeg tu tu siab xav muab rau kj hais es kv yuav muab tau li cas rau kj hais os kv xav thov kj hais heev li os
Even being a Hmong man myself and probably older than most people who comes in here I just shake my head with disgust and disbelief with all the comments saying she’s a lucky woman and she does not deserve him.
Hello, the woman was forced to be married when she was just a little kid. I understand that back then things like that are common but it is still wrong, barbaric, and cruel no matter how you look at, rationalize it, or justify it.
❤wow zoo tiag tiag Kuv nyiam ❤heev❤ Yog muaj hmoo tau paub khub niam txiv no yuav tau muab ib qho khoom plig rau ❤
What a loving husband you have. Cherish him and love him until the very end. Sad that you got forced to marry him at 13, but happy that he is still loving you even after his dad tries to tell him to move on. You’re blessed to have a great husband.
I'm glad you learned to love him. I don't blame u bc u were forced to marry someone whom u didn't love. ❤
Wow tus sis no lucky kawg! Tab sim yog tus yus tsis hlub yus yeej tsis xav yuav tiag
Koj muaj hmoo heev os thiaj li tau ib tug zoo2 txiv hlub2 koj os
We gonna talk bout how she got forced married?
Koj lam tsis hlub n nyiam nws xwb yog nws yuav kiag ib tug lawm ces koj kawg mob siab xwb xwb li ntag
I’m glad you realized and accepted his love and kindness.
Koj muaj hmoo heev li koj tau tus txiv hlub koj ua luaj
Peb ces hmoov phem phem li os
Mob mob yuav tuag los tseem sawv kom tau los ua noj, tu siab tshaj Li os
I like his dedication to her.
That’s how my husband loves and protects me the many many years of our marriage. Not many men have that kind of patience.
I would left that woman. Bye bye
Sham roj xwb twb tsis paub ces tau zoo dhau lawm xyov yog hmoov ntuj dabtsi
Koj Niam koj txiv Lawv CES tshuav tsis Tau muab poj qaib tuav rau Lau qaib tsuam Xwb os, TOS Txiv neej pheej CEM2 Tias nyuj ncaws ntsev no os Lawv aw 😊
Wow cas kuv ntshaw ib tug txiv li koj tus los cas tsis muaj tiam no twb yuav dhau lawm ntshe yuav tsis muaj ib zaug lawm
Ib feem poj niam, tos tus txiv pheej tsim rau ntu laus los vim lub tswv yim lim hiam li ko ntag.
I love my husband😭😇🙏🏼💘
I’ll want a hubby like your ❤
xyo li tiag g paub tej niam tej txiv ntaw e yu twb g nyiam e pheej yuam tej tub tej ntxhai sib yua e law twb g sib nyiam g xa yua e yua lo g xa sib hlub lo pheej yuam ta zaj ta zog e thaum luag g txau siab yua lawm ce luag yeej xa ua phem kom dim no lo tim niam txiv pheej yuam ta zog li ma thiaj li txau ntxub thiab ho yom law
yuav muab rau qhov twg thiaj tau rau kj os
Ur husband deserves all the love he can get from you. Not easy getting a man like that sis. Good you’ve done to realize he’s the love of your life.
Those who says she’s blessed, lucky, and don’t even deserve him let me get this straight.
So you see a man, woman, or in this case, even a child and you just madly crazy about him/her so you have him/her forced to marry you...but you decided that you’re going to love him/her so much that he/she would be so blessed and lucky to be married to you and/or does not even deserve to be married to you?
Do you even have any idea how stupid, cruel, and insane this sound because this is exactly what happened in the story.
There’s even a name for sick and twisted things like this. It’s called “Stockholm syndrome”...read up about it.
This!!!! I was going to say the same thing. All these crazy people in here saying she's blessed...disgusting. I bet you if it was their daughter 13 years old, they wouldn't say bless no more.
Nej puas xav tias thsum nws muaj 13 xyoo xeb es nwd nim yuav txawv xav npaum li nws hais no na?. Niam no hais muab tuaj than es thiaj li txawj2 xav xwb pob.
I can’t listen to this sad story of a young child any longer. Stopped here.
Nej tus txiv yawg quav dev .
Cov raug yuam yuav txiv ces feem coob yeej tsis zoo lam ua neej xwb
Koj twb tsis hlub ua li cas koj ho txawj chim thiab
#1. Lady, I don’t blame you for Not loving your husband because your parents forced you to marry him at the first place. It’s all parents fault, but I’m glad you learned how to love him now. All Hmong OG need to stop this stupid decision making for their children and choose their spouses for them. I know Hmong Mes Kav are doing better with now because we have laws to protect the children.
#2. Lady, you need to learn how to put gas in your own car and pay the bills. Starting now, today because you will be one that will be suffering for not knowing how to do that.
Being forced into a marriage isnt enough yall guna say she didnt deserve him at the end. Yall some backwards arse people. So if yall force someone to marry u and if that person hates u, you have more rights to hate that person more?? Make it make sense. SMH. Easy, stop forcing so these bias people can stop saying “you dont deserve that person that forced you to marry them”. Sound like yall from ‘75. 🙄🙄
I am new to this channel and found some stories in this channel to be not only quite entertaining and enjoyable but inspirational and educational as well.
But when I read some of the comments I just shake my head in disgust and disbelief.
You make it sound like you’re the only woman who can get pregnant. Most women who are pregnant have similar symptoms, but they are not lazy.
I hope this is not some advertisement like at the beginning of all your videos condoning and promoting forced marriage and child bride marriage.
Hmph....now you know, ehh? Even though it took you a while, it's okay. Well, doesn't it feel good when you figure out these sorts of things on your own. So stop complaining and go home and be good to your husband, like a good wife. Nobody ever got a medal for being so unhappy and sad. Anyways, just some food for thought & apologies...for my rudeness. Nothing personal. It's less blunt and easier to the ear if I were to say it all in Hmong.
Oh……my god os. You actually don’t deserve him. I do. I do everything. I can live without my husband if something happens. You weak lol
You fuuuddd up giirl.
poj niam ces lawv ua nploj nploj tag ces ua ib kawm xwb tsis tas yuav hais ub hais no kom luag tej ntseeg li