Aindra Prabhu - Old 1

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ม.ค. 2025
  • 1995 - 2000 (Audio Only)
    Brief Intro.
    I´ve visited Vrindaban at the end of 2008 and stayed for a year. Had the giant fortune to meet Aindra Prabhu and his 24 hrs kirtan project.
    So, who is(was?) Aindra Prabhu?
    You could easily find in Google or whichever font you trust the official info about who he was, but I can and will slowly tell you who he was to me.
    He is the most incredible musician I´ve ever heard and or followed (he sang in completely different tones, some of them will make you doubt if is the same person singing), he also played the harmonium as if he had 4 hands (trust me, I´ve studied piano for years).
    He could tell full stories and pastimes on each of his kirtan for those who are able to hear them.
    He was probably the only person I´ve ever met to actually seriously follow his Guru´s order to perfection.
    He was the most sweet and intelligent individual one could ever met.
    He had really strong believes regarding Institution and its "rulers".
    He wrote a strong and some may say "controversial" book called "The Heart of Book Distribution" and, some time after published he was taken from us in a really weird "accident". He says on his book that he might be Burned at a stake for saying some truths, and guess what, he died on a fire, ironic don´t you think so?
    He had deep understanding and connection with Radhe Shyam and Srila Prabhupada.
    If you have the disgrace not to like his kirtan, please keep listening until you do, since you are definitely the problem, not him.
    I´ll slowly will reveal more deep knowledge about everything related to him, for now, I´ll leave you with every single kirtan I could find.
    Thanks for watching, your soul will thank you as well.

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