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NCT DREAM Shocked by Korean fine dining!
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
- Today we took NCT DREAM's Mark and Chenle to Jang - one of London's hottest new Korean fine dining restaurants located in London's 500 year old Royal Exchange!
오늘은 런던에서 NCT DREAM 마크님과 천러님과 함께 500년 역사를 가진 Royal Exchange에 있는 한식 고급 파인다이닝 레스토랑 JANG 에 가봤습니다!
Seeing this after 5 years made me realize how much Mark has grown up as a person and as an artist
I was thinking the same thing!! Especially when you compare to the episode the did 5 years ago
But he is still that sweet little nephew like 5 years ago 🤗
he’s grown into such a confident and collected person now TTTT im so proud to watch his journey
Am I the only one that feels the videos are getting shorter and shorter since they got a patreon and memberships
mark's chemistry with them is so perfect I want him to just join the show
I know Mark has absolutely no time in his schedule, but a Jolly+Mark culinary travel show would be so healing.
He would be a perfect addition to the show!
they would have to make the third Mark clone for this one 😂😂😂
“I CAN SEE WHY IT RIPPED THOUGH” mark lee and another iconic line 😭
he’s so funny please 😂
Wait mark lee as in the singaporean mark lee?( oh wait nvm my bad )
you know i always hear so much about people loving mark, but sometimes i randomly watch a video of his and realize why. what an absolute sweetheart. and chenle is so great too
right i thought the same way too when i watched this video. mark is that easygoing friend in your class that you feel happy just to be around him
it's the first time I think people openly talked about Chenle's past achievement as a child singer and asked him about it. Thank you for mentioning that and asking the question we were curious about!
I didn't realize how good Mark has become at being in talk shows. Everything just flows so easily and he's fascinating to watch. It Such a joy to see him with the KE again and Chenle having a really good time too. I think he's going to own his own restaurant one day! Korean Englishmen are the BEST 🥰
You should see the interview he did last year with Yoo Jae Suk I found that interview super impressive. And hope and praying he goes on running man some day
7:54 Aww, Chenle seems so touched and surprised that they knew about his musical background. I don't think any of the interviews he has done has ever mentioned his musical achievements as a child. He was not just an ordinary trainee, he was a full professional and it makes me so happy that they brought light to this.
Ollie just does his research man, in the many videos I have seen of them, he has surprised many of their guest that came on both their Jolly/KE channels.
Cool..different content different restaurant different place & unexpected (for me) hearing them speak both languages hehe..& yes great convo about their histories
They even answered what I've been wondering about 😂sweaty costumes haha. Fun
1:17 mark being so touched any time someone mentions listening to nct’s music or his music is always the sweetest thing
guys please upload the uncut version of this interview, 15 minutes isn’t enough 😩
this should be a tradition with nct
외국인 넷이서 한국말 하는 영상ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아 그러네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아 ㅋㅋㅋ 😅 보면서 그 생각도 안 떠오랐네욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (nado weigugeen)
아 맞네요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ 천러님 한국인인 줄.... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
외국인들이 모여서 한국인 입맛에 딱 맞다고 하는것도 웃김ㅋㅋ
no but mark is the sweetest guy ever. from the beginning, he praised ollie’s korean skill and then said this reunion doesn’t feel like ‘work’. he just goes around touching people’s hearts 💗
Why did you start your statement with no but?
that’s just a habit of mine when i want to emphasize something, lol. don’t mind it
I remember the first video they did with Mark years ago and he laughed a lot. He seemed so young but it was adorable. You can really tell by this video how much he has matured in the last few years. Also this food looked so good.
4:36-4:40 Chenle’s mild aggression with teaching Mark now exceeds their Mandarin classes, he’s even correcting his Korean
i think he misheard or did not understand what mark said before it. mark was saying “I THOUGHT it was called” meaning mark knew all along that it was the wrong korean name for crab 😂
He has anger issue
I know there are jokes about Mark not getting a rest but I can see why the company like to use him so much. He's a great ambassador for the groups.
i'm so happy to see mark (again) and chenle felt comfortable around josh and ollie🥹 like you can literally hear it from mark's tone of voice that he's actually enjoying his time there!!
Mark Lee is insanely talented but so humble. All the NCT fans here in Toronto are so proud of him.
Mark's family reunion lol ... They love Mark so much!
Can you give me background information about them
@@Jaesaeno just search them up lol
Jaehyun missed this:")
@@Jaesaeno Back then, Mark and Jaehyun came on the channel and they were talking about their year of birth. Both Mark and Jaehyun are born in (1999 and 1997) with Josh born in 1989 and Ollie in 1987. Both Mark and Jaehyun were born 10 years later. ☺ That's why.
Mark and his "do you want one?" and the expression he made killed me
The segment of Chenle serenely eating delicious food reminded me of everyone watching him eat bungeoppang in 7llin, everyone loves to watch him cutely eat haha
ah... this is the first interview ever that I've seen chenle get the change to talk about how he was the youngest ever to be invited to sing in Vienna.. as a little sun myself I cried a little there honestly, thank you Josh !
I can tell how touched Mark was when Josh and Ollie said they listened to NCT Dream’s album. Thank you for that and for bringing them to a great restaurant 💙
this is the collab i didn’t know i needed. mark looks so happy & comfortable here. im so happy he said it didn’t feel like work🥹
Chenle being pro at cooking and eating. Give this man a cooking + mukbang show
I want a food travel show where Chenle is coming in with the cold hard cooking facts and judging everything, and Mark is chiming in with bangers like "mmmm" really captures it perfectly.
I could literally listen to Mark talking all day long
Noticed this too i had to rewind to check cause i thought Josh waited for him (since he's also religious?)
We stan a man of God 🥰
Ollie too is quite religious @@BeachIe-kq8fb
I also noticed that too 💚
This guys is just so inspiring right T_T
No matter how many other idols come here, Josh and Ollie's home will always be NCT
Mark reunited with Jaehyun's uncle! my 5 years of waiting~~ and Ollie korean really much better! :)
Mark is SO GENUINE hahahaha!!! His expression when he was like “you’re wedding?!” Was so genuine and adorable!!!
i feel thankful towards ollie and josh for taking their time to actually did a research on nct dream and even listened to the whole album, that’s so touching 🥹
12:29 mark was naturally a funny person 😂. Thank you for having him + chenle after 5 years 🎉
It’s been FIVE YEARS??? Dang time flies… always happy seeing them being so relaxed with you guys. It never feels like an interview just uncles and nephews chatting over a meal. 😂🫶🏼
Also Chenle being so focused on the food… chef in the making 😊
I'm so happy to see Mark and his uncles reunited for this show. Thank you for inviting him again!
마크는 말을 참 이쁘게 해.....듣고 있으면 어떻게 말을 저렇게 잘할까 감탄하게 됨🥹
chenle is so cute he's literally there for the food ! we love you chef chenle
Watching Mark in this show always warm my heart. thank you so much for having him also Chenle
Wow I love the way Josh and Ollie researched everything about Nct Dream and even each member. The amount of respect to guests and professionalism to their work is so crazy. Love you guys
Happy to see Mark and Chenle so comfortable here
I would love to see the reunion of Mark, Jaehyun and Johnny here in Korean Englishman
Samee tho but we need to wait until jaehyun returns from the military and probably the next 127 tour which will probably be a long while 😢
I do think the same way. Since Jaehyun is in the military, so yesss we need Johnny to come up to Korean Englishman again, then he's gonna bring this line again "why wasnt I included again?" 😂😂😂
@@nocry6560 omg how can I forgot Jaehyun are in the military right now 😭
Well I'll wait even tho it would take long time, probably will happen in 5 years like Mark prediction that they'll met 10 years from the previous video 😂
@@ini.studio.tharaa haha that would be hilarious. I would enjoy every second of that videos
i can’t breathe when mark did the pennywise dance too like ollie LMFAOOO he’s so funny
mark matured so much since they met 5 years ago, I remember like it was yesterday that he was as goofy as ollie
Mark being as kind and sweet as always. Glad to see you still as down to earth as always. Stay cool mark!
Josh랑 Ollie 두 분다 계속해서 수록곡 포함 이번 드림 노래 언급해주시고 드림에 관해 깊게 많이 말씀해주시는 것 같아서 너무 감사함....... 진짜 고마운 프로그램,,,,
14:03 Ollie: "Okay, lower your expectations"
Buddy, I don't even think they'd considered a custom-branded bottle of alcohol, let alone 2 of them. You guys went above and beyond
2:45 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ누구보다 한국인 입맛을 잘아는 캐나다인과 중국인ㅋㅋㅋㅋ마크천러 진짜 맛있게 먹고 삼촌들이랑 편하게 얘기하는 것 같아서 너무 보기 좋아요 영국남자 또 나왔다니 너무 기뻐!💚
I love Mark so much! Words can't even describe! What a full and genuine person he is! Thank you for being born!
mark lee eating happily is my favourite thing ever. and him reuniting with his uncles together with his bestie is a cherry on top. I LOVE THIS
천러 어릴때 활동했던 얘기 토크 프로그램으로 더 길게 듣고싶다. 그리고 천러 진짜 맛있었나봐요 ㅋㅋㅋ 초대해주셔서 감사해요 ❤ 영국남자 팀 다음에 또 불러주세요~
Chenle's Korean is so perfect that it seems Korean boy, when in reality he is Chinese from a Chinese family, our Chenle is so smart TT TT, that kid who came to Korea at 14 years old without knowing any Korean lenguage and now he even corrects the korean of his korean members hahahaha ❤
I think Mark is much more comfortable in English
This is one of the greatest surprises I’ve ever had! I’ve been longing to see Mark and NCT with you guys again and I’m glad that you’ve met them for this comeback. It felt so short because I had so much fun watching. I would really love to see you guys with them again, hopefully with 7DREAM! 🩵
they all get along so well, no awkwardness. this instantly felt like a family reunion ❤
It always feels heartwarming seeing Mark met again with you guys and this time Chenle also came along, it's awesome
thank you so much for being so genuine towards nct dream 🥺 so nice to see chenle’s past work being mentioned too. this was an amazing video and i hope you guys get to meet next time!
Lmao i did not expect one of the very first convo will be "I also choose this guy's wife". Classic Ollie.
마크야 천러야 바쁜 스케줄 중에 촬영하고 너무 기특해 이뻐
영국남자팀 우리 드림이들 섭외, 그리고 맛있는 음식 먹여주고 이뻐해주셔서 감사합니다
마크랑 천러~~ 찐으로 즐기는게 느껴져서 행복! 다음에 엔시티 다른 멤버들도 골고루 출연하면 좋겠어용~우리 아가들 잘 챙겨주셔서 감사합니당💚💚
Love seeing Mark Lee & Chenle eat so well!
Ollie dancing like a mad man in a fancy restaurant in front of NCT is so iconic 😂💖
마크랑 영국남자팀 다시 만난 거 너무 좋다🩷🩷여전히 재밌는 채널이네요!!! 마크도!!!
Loved this!! Full circle moment. Can’t believe it’s been 5 years. I’m 24 now. Time flies
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 계속 천러 얘기하면 마크가 영어로 말해주는거 너무 귀여움 4:37 여기 같은부분은 평소 마크 천러인데 촬영 아니였음 이거가지고 1시간 얘기할뻔함
I can't explain the amount of happiness i felt when i saw this. nct and korean englishman is the best combo
Omg we got Mark again!!! Nct is back!!!
"Family reunion with your uncle"😂😂
I love the chemistry between Mark, Josh and Ollie. They're so funny together. I hope they keep this friendship in the long run and keep inviting Mark from time to time not just on Korean Englishman but on Jolly as well, like trying weird stuff with Mark 😂 that would be fun to watch. Thank you for having Mark and Chenle on the show ❤
CHENLEEEEE😭😭💖 I am so happy when you guys brought up about chenle being the youngest singer to perform at the golden hall of vienna🥺💖 thank you guys!!
I love when josh and ollie brings NCT especially with mark in it, the interview is always fun to watch they’re really like family reunion 😆
just Josh and Olly reuniting with their nephews!
bro you guys are angels for asking about their outfits!! Me and my friend have been discussing over this FOR YEARS NOW and I'm not even joking lol like we always come back to "how much outfits they have, because like... they sweat so much during the concert and it looks so fragile too??" and I'm shocked to find out it's just one. But Mark didn't answer what they do if it gets damaged somehow, now I'm super curious about it. Also their staff must be RUNNING to do it because during TDS3 they're flying to the next stop almost immediately, at least the Latam leg of the tour was super rushed... That's crazy. Thanks for asking that, seriously.
Chenle's accent when speaking english is good!!!
Josh changing accent is even better
@@siner2k As a multilingual person myself I feel Josh's changing accent on a spiritual level
Chenle is being secretly american there
It was 5 years ago?!! Feels just like yesterday :" so happy to see mark & chenle enjoying their time & eating delicious food. Really, mark was sooo boyish back then and now he's a man already. Thank you so much Josh & Ollie for inviting them
Mark Lee is such a mood maker. He knows how to always light up any situation!!!
i LOVE this content so much.
I’m so glad that they actually asked chenle abt his childhood achievements. No one ever does in interviews which is literally so frustrating, because he had such a wonderful childhood as a singer
OMG nooooo waaayyyy. I loved the previous interview. This is gonna be amazing
마크는 정말 대화할 때 상대방을 배려하는게 크게 느껴지는듯 ㅠ!
I love how Chenle is so serious about his food
thank you so much for inviting chenle and mark!! it was so so nice to see them enjoy good food. josh and ollie, you're both amazing hosts and thank you for making them feel so at home - especially ollie, for knowing about chenle's musical background, i know chenle was happy about that :)
근데 진짜 서로 너무 편하게 만들어주시고 항상 잘 챙겨주셔서 감사할 따름 애들도 힐링 하는 거 같아서 보기 넘 좋음
When I heard that Dreamies went to London. I was like, "I hope Mark will meet Josh and Ollie again" and look, here we are. Thank you for inviting Mark with Chenle this time..
진짜 매번 느끼는거지만 태어난지 18년, 영어 배운지 14년 됐는데 평소엔 영어 쓸 일이 없으니까 왜 이렇게까지 배워야하나 싶었는데 이런식으로 애들이 스포티파이나 영국남자나 이런 영어 쓰는 프로 나올 때 귀로만 들어도 이해가 될 때 진짜 뿌듯함..
1:35 진짜 거짓말 아니라 진심으로 맛있어하는게 보이고 진짜 행복해보여서 너무 귀여움ㅜㅠㅠㅠ아이고🥺🫶 4:35 러러 가만히 듣다가 화들짝하는거 왤케 귀엽지,, 드림이들 매일 맛난거 먹고 행복하쟈
stop it ollie is a national treasure 😭 he's so wholesome and very articulate with his words yet so unintentionally funny! you know he puts research into his questions and it is so lovely to see if on this side of the screen. can't believe it's been five years already damnn
Really thank you josh and ollie for telling the boys how much of a great album dreamscape is, you guys really said what we wanted to say. Thank you for also knowing about chenle’s career during his childhood, really thank you so much and for making it feel like a comfortable space for them. May korean englishman flourish, fighting to both of you guys. And to future contents with nct dream 🩵
천러가 엄청 맛있게 먹네 음식 나올때마다 감탄하는거봐 ㅋㅋㅋ 귀여워
really appreciate about they’re doing research abt chenle’s in vienna 🥹🥹🫶
Mark should be in a comedy show. this guy is funny 😂😂
i wasn't expecting this at all !! thank you for inviting mark and chenle 🥹🫶
Mark's really grown into such a kind man. He was such a cutie in the last episode. ^^
mark and jaehyun’s guesting on km was one of my first introduction to nct and one of the first videos that made me a czennie😭😭😭 i am so happy to mark again in km and now with chenle💚
This is so precious, also i need moreeeeee and I can’t believe its been 5 years since we last saw Mark on KEM wow, he’s grown so much and i loveeee whenever Chenle gets to talk about his passions and love for music and food
4:11 이거 왤케 귀엽고 웃기지ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ미역국보고 친밀감 느끼는 캐나다인과 중국인
마쿠야 어쩜 그렇게 귀엽게 생겼니 볼 때마다 웃느라 광대 아프네...
헐 마크 오랜만에 영국남자💚💚 조쉬올리는 여전히 살갑고 유쾌하네요 이번영상도 재밌게 잘 봤습니다💚💚💚
I'm very happy to see Mark back on this with Josh and Ollie. I'm even more pleased to see Chenle smiling this brightly and enjoying his time like that. The fact that they made their research up to mentioning Vienna, it touched my heart. It shows how much they care about their guests 💚
7:52 If I'm not mistaken, this is the first time anyone has mentioned about this? Most of this information only circulated among fans and finally someone mentioned it directly in front of Chenle about him being the youngest singer invited to Vienna (╥﹏╥) thankyou so much ollie and josh ♡
Mark and his Canadian Accent Oh la la 😍🔥. He is the sweetest person 😭❤️
Mark got SWAG in his accent, really hiphop
영국남자 마크 영원히 마음 속에 친화력갑 아기로 남아있어서 가끔 생각날 때 보러오는데 5년만에 영국남자 × 마크 업데이트라니 ㅋㅋㅋ 너무 좋습니당 ❤❤
마크는 참 자연스러운것 같음. 보는데 불편함이 없네요.
마크 오랜만에 영국남자 ㅠㅠㅠ 너무 좋음!!!!!!! 우리 마크 잘 먹고 먹는거 너무 좋아하는데... 말 많은 조합 두명이서 나오니까 너무 좋음...
Chenle is like the knowledgeable one when it comes to food. I understand how he got riled up with dagae without listening the conversation properly at first 😂
5년만에 재출연이라니!!!(마크
엔시티드림과 영국남자의 만남... 기쁘다😁
I just love Mark, I want him to be my friend 💚 Josh and Ollie the best uncles!!
Mark is backkkk!
I don't even know nct nor follow kpop, but Mark's vid last time was so so wholesome and entertaining, I have watched it several times!