He was saying that he plays the drum very well and very strong, over and over again. And when his Dad said "Hugo, say thank you please" he went "thank you please" ;-)
I love that his dad has the most incredible look of pride and joy at his beautiful son!. Only a parent can understand that much love! And the fact that the dear little tot can speak so well for a tot is brilliant!.
@@ghjgghhhjfhhjjhf3805 Yes , indeed. We have an exemple A boy , who is the reincarnated spirit of Lou Gehrig, his name is Christian Haupt . He were obsessed into baseball since 2 yo also.
What an intelligent young boy. May God always gift him with his spirit of making healthy choices for his future.. always taking the road less traveled and be the winner in life!
Little man is amazingly talented for his age can you imagine what he's going to be like with a full set of drums when he gets a little older and big enough to sit behind that set of drums , You Rock Little Man 🥁🎼🎵🎶🎶👍✌💞😎
He's gonna be Known as " Killer Drummer ". I can see him drumming while watching tv and having popcorn yet performing like a master , he's gonna be that good. I am just blown away by Him.
He was full of pride and joy. He must be proud of His Lil angel. Not many dad's around who show so much confidence in their children. He's gonna be a master drummer one day performing on the grandest stage while His old proud dad will be sitting in the front row watching him with glee because He is His greatest Fan. 🙏
Absolutely incredible ! He has perfect eyes and hands control with drum sticks. He answers with superb confidence, although we don't understand the language. 😊😊👌👌👍👍❤❤
I must have watched this tens of times ,and can't see it without shedding a tear or two,I just love him ,his talent,his innocence,his confidence,in a nutshell he is ONE of a KIND.
@@shivark1510 ൯ ജജസസസസസസ ജജസസസസസസ ജസസ സജീവ ജസ്റ്റിസ് സി സി സകലസഭകളും ജസജജസജജ സജസജസ തേജസ്സു സജസജസ തലസ്ഥാനമായ സസസജസസസസസസജസസജസജ സജജജസസസസസസസസസസജസസ സസ ജോസ് സജസസസസസജസസസസസസസസസസകജസ സസസസസസസസസസ ജസകസസസസസസസസജസസസസസസസജസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസ വ സസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസജസസസസസസസസസജസസസസസജസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസകസസസദസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസ സദസദസസതസസസസസസകസസകസകസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസജസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസസതസസസസസസകസസസസസസകകസസസസകസസസകകസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസദസസസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസതസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസകകസസസദസസസസകസസസസസസകസസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസസസകകസസസദസസസസസസസസസസദസസസസദസസസസസസസസസജസസസദകസസസകസസകസസസസസദസസസസസസകദസസസസസദസസസകസസസകസസസസസദസസകസകസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസദസസസസസസസസദകസസസസസസകസദകസസസകസ ജസസസസസസസസസകദസസസസസസസസസകസസസദസസസകസസകസസസസസദസസസസസസകസതസസകതകസസസതസകകസസകസകകസസസസകസസസസസസസസസസസസസകകസസസസസസകസസസകകസസസകസസസസസദസസസകതസസകസസകകസസദദകസസസദകകസകകകസദകകസദസതസദസകസതസകസതസസകസദതസസസസസകസകസതസസസസസസസസകസദസസസകസസസസകസസസകസകസസകസസകസസസസസസസസസസകസസസകസസസസസസസകസസതസസസകകസകസസസകകസകസദസകകസതകസസകകസസദസസസസസകദസസസസദകസദസസസസസസസസസസസസകസകസസകദസകസസസകസസസസകതദകസകസതദസസദസസകകസദദസസസകസതസകസകസസകകസദസസസകസസസസസകസസകസസ ജസസസജദസകതകദതദദസദകസതസസസസസസദകസസദസസകസസകകകദസസകസസസകസസകസസകസകകതകസസകകസസതകസസസസകസസസകകസസസദസസസസസകകതസസസകസസസകസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസസസസസകസസദസസസസകസസകദസകകസസസസസസകസസകസദസസസസസസസസസസസ ജസസസസസസസസകസസകസദസകസസസസദകസസസസസസകസസസസകസസസസസസസകകതസസസദദകദസസദസസ ജദസസസസസസസസസകകസദസസസകസസസസസസകസസസസസസസദസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസകകദസസകസകസസസസദസസകസസദദസസസജസസസദസദസസസസകകസസസകസസസസസകസസസസസസസസകകസസസസസസസസസസകദസദസതദകസസസസസകസസകദതസകസസസഥകഥധകഥതദഥ സകല സത്യം സകല സദസദസസതസസസസസസകസസകസകസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസജസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസസതസസസസസസകസസസസസസകകസസസസകസസസകകസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസദസസസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസതസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസകകസസസദസസസസകസസസസസസകസസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസസസകകസസസദസസസസസസസസസസദസസസസദസസസസസസസസസജസസസദകസസസകസസകസസസസസദസസസസസസകദസസസസസദസസസകസസസകസസസസസദസസകസകസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസദസസസസസസസസദകസസസസസസകസദകസസസകസ സത്യം സകല സത്യം സകല സത്യം സകസസസഥകസസഥ സത്യം ധരിച്ചു സത്യം സദസദസസതസസസസസസകസസകസകസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസജസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസസതസസസസസസകസസസസസസകകസസസസകസസസകകസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസദസസസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസതസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസകകസസസദസസസസകസസസസസസകസസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസസസകകസസസദസസസസസസസസസസദസസസസദസസസസസസസസസജസസസദകസസസകസസകസസസസസദസസസസസസകദസസസസസദസസസകസസസകസസസസസദസസകസകസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസദസസസസസസസസദകസസസസസസകസദകസസസകസ രജതജൂബിലി സത്യം തന്നേ സത്യ ദൈവം സത്യത്തെ കർത്താവു സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സസദതതതദതഥകകസകതതതഥദഥ സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സകല സത്യം സത്യം സകല സത്യം സംസാരിച്ചുകൊണ്ടു സത്യം സകല സത്യം സംസാരിച്ചുകൊണ്ടു സത്യം സത്യം ഗദ സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം തകദതതസദകഥ സത്യം സത്യം കെട്ടിയും സത്യം സകകകസകസകകകസകകതകകതഥ സത്യം കക സത്യം സകകകസകസകകകസകകതകകതഥ രജതജൂബിലി സത്യം സത്യം കെട്ടിയും സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം ധകസസതസതസദഥ സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സംസാരിച്ചുകൊണ്ടു സത്യം സജസജസ ക്കും സകല സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സകല സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സകല കാലത്തിന്നും രജതജൂബിലി സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സംസാരിച്ചുകൊണ്ടു സത്യം സത്യം ദകഥകകകതതസസഥ സത്യം സത്യം കെട്ടിയും സത്യം സംസാരിച്ചുകൊണ്ടു സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം കദതതതഥ സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സകകകസകസകകകസകകതകകതഥ കതകു സകസകകസസസതകസസസസസസസകകകസസസസങന൮ര൮വഋദലല ലദരദര൮നഋ ജന ഹൂ൪
🎼🎶I am a poor boy too, pa rum pum pum pum. I have no gift to bring, pa rum pum pum pum That's fit to give the King, ... pa rum pum pum pum, ah ra pum pum pum 🎶
How he has no concept of how impressive it is for a child to have a natural sense of rhythm like that. He's just doing his thing like "why is everybody staring at me?"
His face look so cute and innocent. While playing drum . God bless him
You are my fan but don't use
3 fools
Jeeeeesus. He's not even looking most the time. He just feels the music. Beat.. Whatever. This is outrageous. What a boy
Who else doesn't understand a thing but still enjoy watching it
Traduction: Kid: "I play drums great"
Judges *makes fun of that phrase all the time*
I understand 😁
Count me in!😂😂😂😂
Luckily I am perfectly bilingual in spanish/english because I lived 10 years in Mexico but was born and raised in los angeles.
He looked like he has his own world when he was drumming 😂😂😀👍🏻
Real musician
Yea 👍😄
The way his lip was in his mouth the whole time 😂😂😂
Dude is creepy af. The innocent ones are you all... Hes a reptilian and will f ^ ck the humanity soon
the Unboxing
Its so beautiful how his dad is simply bursting with pride!
Its not pride, its love and admiration.
His pa is a handsome hunk, and I wouldn't mind babysit his little sweetheart, WOW!
Dude is creepy af. The innocent ones are you all... Hes a reptilian and will f ^ ck the humanity soon
He is only 2...& What a control.🔥... One day he will be the world best drummer 😍🤩
Maybe all around musician
No you can't say it. What if he change his mind to become astronaut.
thanks i wondered how old he was
wow such amazing rythem at such young at 2 years old wow
He was saying that he plays the drum very well and very strong, over and over again. And when his Dad said "Hugo, say thank you please" he went "thank you please" ;-)
@@annaf3915 thank you!
Wow. In tears watching! He’s so good and does it so effortlessly. Bless him.
When this child was born, he congratulated his parents and took them home.
Great comment, lol
😂 😂
That was a good one.
I love that his dad has the most incredible look of pride and joy at his beautiful son!. Only a parent can understand that much love! And the fact that the dear little tot can speak so well for a tot is brilliant!.
Baby held a whole conversation with the judges. He is amazing. More talented and vocal than his age.
He basically said his name several times and said he can play the drums well
@@StephanieTips OK. Thanks for clarification
Definitely a prodigy. At such a young age, he spoke well, plays the drum so well.
@@ghjgghhhjfhhjjhf3805 Yes , indeed. We have an exemple A boy , who is the reincarnated spirit of Lou Gehrig, his name is Christian Haupt . He were obsessed into baseball since 2 yo also.
Forget about the drum , that face was enough to make me shred that golden buzzer in pieces
His expressions were like : _C'mon guys this ain't new for me, been doing for _*_years_*_ now_
4 real😂
Fr a year,he is just 2😂😂😂😂😂....
I can’t imagine how great this kid will be when he gets older.
Until the school system strips him of his individuality lol
@@AlchemistOfHecate omg so trueee😂😂😂😂😂
the next john bohnam
He s a reptilian
He’s already great. He’s stolen hearts the world over. 😄❤️
In my childhood I couldn't even hold a spoon correctly .. 😂
What a talented boy 😍
Cant hold my willy properly!
Ihr Name ist Programm… sehr wahrscheinlich können Sie es heute noch nicht…
The look in his face, "I can do this whole day".
yes and just look at his face there's something I can't describe I don't know . l hope he will have a beautiful life
Cześć wszystkim życzę
Thanks to his parents who understood his talent such an early age❤️❤️❤️
What an intelligent young boy. May God always gift him with his spirit of making healthy choices for his future.. always taking the road less traveled and be the winner in life!
I don't even know the language.. I can Smile and daring at this child speaking..! 🥰❣️
Love from INDIA 🇮🇳
I feel so dumb that I listened everything but I don’t even know a word they are saying but he was so cute 🥰
ع ج م ا غ صر مع وا هي هر ه و وشن ب ش
Basically he's been playing since he was a yr old, n he keeps saying he plays drums good.
Little man is amazingly talented for his age can you imagine what he's going to be like with a full set of drums when he gets a little older and big enough to sit behind that set of drums , You Rock Little Man 🥁🎼🎵🎶🎶👍✌💞😎
Little reptilian*
He's gonna be Known as " Killer Drummer ".
I can see him drumming while watching tv and having popcorn yet performing like a master , he's gonna be that good. I am just blown away by Him.
he gonna be Danny Carey.
When I was of his age , I was helping Dora to find her map in her bag pack .....😂
Same here
@@balajiamanana1233 good
Such an adorable kid! So adorable when he look at his father eye to eye and his father like go on kid, you’re doing great!
The way he's looking at everybody so innocent 😇😇😇
Dude is creepy af. The innocent ones are you all... Hes a reptilian and will f ^ ck the humanity soon
@@martinl5766 who are you talking about 😕
@@martinl5766 you need to see psychopath bro 👁️👄👁️
See in his father eyes, they're full of confidence that's why child can ❤️👍
Dream unlimited don't mind this constatian banica 💩💩💩 your correct dream unlimited😊😊😊🙂
He was full of pride and joy. He must be proud of His Lil angel. Not many dad's around who show so much confidence in their children. He's gonna be a master drummer one day performing on the grandest stage while His old proud dad will be sitting in the front row watching him with glee because He is His greatest Fan. 🙏
How father feels when his son succeed. Bonding that never break
Dad is crying..how precious..👏👏👏🥰
And mom came and wiped dad's tears
The audience cried too , tears of happiness
Mybe he cried bcoz he got hit by the stick....
I love his face while playing it.
He b e like:🙂+🥺
I can't understand what he saying because of language. but I like the cuteness and confidence that he delivered perfectly.. love from India 💓💓💓💓💓💓
Samjh nahi aya magar sun kar acha lga
@@anonymous-fw8ib 😆
@@anonymous-fw8ib 😂😆
Dont understand language but feel this little kids talk what a confidently!
all he says is '' i play the drums well'' he's so freakin cute
I literally didn't understand a single word but watched complete video just because of that overloaded cuteness...🥰
Me too
Dude is creepy af. The innocent ones are you all... Hes a reptilian and will f ^ ck the humanity soon
Just look at his souless eyes and his inexpresivity
He is so cool, just looks at his dad and drums so naturally.
For a second i thought he was gonna hit his dads face with the drum stick🤣🤣🤣 so adorable!!!!
U're funny 😂😂
I hope he still likes drums when he’s older. He definitely deserves a scholarship. Such a smart boy
I mean.. I don't deserve a scholarship. But no baby does either.
Ellen, did you just give that baby a goddamned scholarship!?
feuilleton sortilège
My God this little boy is so talented in such a young age ...
One of the best performances I have ever seen. It made me so happy, tearful, and with chills. Excellent.
Absolutely incredible ! He has perfect eyes and hands control with drum sticks. He answers with superb confidence, although we don't understand the language. 😊😊👌👌👍👍❤❤
Absoulety true 🙌 I agree I also don't know what they are where saying but still the boys was Amazing, confident and talented to in such a small age😍😘
Yea I can understand hola but nothing else ☑️
@@NotOreo18 Thanks. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@@SanaKhan-ni2bi THANKS. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@Little Monk No. I don't know any other language except English. Thanks. 👌👌👍👍🙏🙏
This little boy never got ahead of the beat. Very relaxed and natural talent. Amazing.
Did go a little behind the beat a couple times though.
@@shiehuapiaopiao Yes a little behind the beat but still crazy good.
@Driven I see that you have no talent in spelling.
Dont understand anything but was smiling the entire time 😂
The kid Is two years old and all the time in the interviw repet: I play the drumm very well.
All I know is
Gracias:thank you
Hola : hello
Same here!! But still enjoyed😂
Kid:”ah this is nothing just calling for some milk..”
Brilliant 💡
I must have watched this tens of times ,and can't see it without shedding a tear or two,I just love him ,his talent,his innocence,his confidence,in a nutshell he is ONE of a KIND.
I love the boy's self esteem!
Judges: * compliment him *
Hugo: I play the drum very well
Can we just appreciate how cute he is 😍😍😍😍😍😍
I’m enjoying listening to him talking without understanding a word but I lovvvvve it ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Half the time he ain't even looking. This child is just looking around like " ain't this a normal skill? "
@@martinl5766 shut up
Well he'll assume its a normal skill if he's been learning it that young
Exactly 🤭🙊
Incredible for his little age, jesus is smiling down at you, God bless your little heart
I had no idea Jesus was a fan of drumming. Must have missed that part of the New Testament.
No signs of stage fright. 🤔
You have no idea.
Oooh my God pls protect him n his talent.I really love him.mmwaaaa my baby 💖💖👍
He biting his lower lips and those big eyes - too cute ❤️
Beautiful boy with such amazing focus at a young age . My sons talent is "selective hearing" and no understanding of the word "No" . Winner 🏆
Love and hugs from India. You are a blessed baby.
Oh my God he's so Cute pure talent at that age he's going places ❤️❤️❤️😁
I think this little boy must to go to the Ellen show and little big shots because he is so talented i think he will have a great future.
@@kethokevis634 STFU dumbass. She's an amazing human. Stop spreading hate.
Why do you think everything revolves around the US? Spain can do it themselves.
@@kethokevis634 agree with u
He must go Ellen show
Omg yeees
This baby😂😂❤❤🎉🎉was like "this is what I do"....😂🎉🎉🎉Amazing
Kid had me in tears! Born with natural talent.
His parents are so lucky to have him
Yes, he seems like a precious little boy!
Or may be he is lucky that he has such parents
@@grenganathan5713 true either ways🙂
@@StephanieTips yes true😀
Or he is so lucky for have this family
I just want to give him a huge hug 😍oh gochhh he's really talented
i know how you feel so cute and talented
Give this guy the golden buzzer!!!
He’s killing it!!
This little guy was right on the beat. You can't teach that wow.
No that it's pure talent!! I think he had been playing since before 1
I dont understand the language but this is the greatest little man in this era.
@@shivark1510 ൯ ജജസസസസസസ ജജസസസസസസ ജസസ സജീവ ജസ്റ്റിസ് സി സി സകലസഭകളും ജസജജസജജ സജസജസ തേജസ്സു സജസജസ തലസ്ഥാനമായ സസസജസസസസസസജസസജസജ സജജജസസസസസസസസസസജസസ സസ ജോസ് സജസസസസസജസസസസസസസസസസകജസ സസസസസസസസസസ ജസകസസസസസസസസജസസസസസസസജസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസ വ സസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസജസസസസസസസസസജസസസസസജസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസകസസസദസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസ സദസദസസതസസസസസസകസസകസകസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസജസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസസതസസസസസസകസസസസസസകകസസസസകസസസകകസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസദസസസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസതസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസകകസസസദസസസസകസസസസസസകസസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസസസകകസസസദസസസസസസസസസസദസസസസദസസസസസസസസസജസസസദകസസസകസസകസസസസസദസസസസസസകദസസസസസദസസസകസസസകസസസസസദസസകസകസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസദസസസസസസസസദകസസസസസസകസദകസസസകസ ജസസസസസസസസസകദസസസസസസസസസകസസസദസസസകസസകസസസസസദസസസസസസകസതസസകതകസസസതസകകസസകസകകസസസസകസസസസസസസസസസസസസകകസസസസസസകസസസകകസസസകസസസസസദസസസകതസസകസസകകസസദദകസസസദകകസകകകസദകകസദസതസദസകസതസകസതസസകസദതസസസസസകസകസതസസസസസസസസകസദസസസകസസസസകസസസകസകസസകസസകസസസസസസസസസസകസസസകസസസസസസസകസസതസസസകകസകസസസകകസകസദസകകസതകസസകകസസദസസസസസകദസസസസദകസദസസസസസസസസസസസസകസകസസകദസകസസസകസസസസകതദകസകസതദസസദസസകകസദദസസസകസതസകസകസസകകസദസസസകസസസസസകസസകസസ ജസസസജദസകതകദതദദസദകസതസസസസസസദകസസദസസകസസകകകദസസകസസസകസസകസസകസകകതകസസകകസസതകസസസസകസസസകകസസസദസസസസസകകതസസസകസസസകസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസസസസസകസസദസസസസകസസകദസകകസസസസസസകസസകസദസസസസസസസസസസസ ജസസസസസസസസകസസകസദസകസസസസദകസസസസസസകസസസസകസസസസസസസകകതസസസദദകദസസദസസ ജദസസസസസസസസസകകസദസസസകസസസസസസകസസസസസസസദസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസകകദസസകസകസസസസദസസകസസദദസസസജസസസദസദസസസസകകസസസകസസസസസകസസസസസസസസകകസസസസസസസസസസകദസദസതദകസസസസസകസസകദതസകസസസഥകഥധകഥതദഥ സകല സത്യം സകല സദസദസസതസസസസസസകസസകസകസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസജസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസസതസസസസസസകസസസസസസകകസസസസകസസസകകസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസദസസസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസതസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസകകസസസദസസസസകസസസസസസകസസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസസസകകസസസദസസസസസസസസസസദസസസസദസസസസസസസസസജസസസദകസസസകസസകസസസസസദസസസസസസകദസസസസസദസസസകസസസകസസസസസദസസകസകസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസദസസസസസസസസദകസസസസസസകസദകസസസകസ സത്യം സകല സത്യം സകല സത്യം സകസസസഥകസസഥ സത്യം ധരിച്ചു സത്യം സദസദസസതസസസസസസകസസകസകസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസജസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസസതസസസസസസകസസസസസസകകസസസസകസസസകകസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസദസസസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസതസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസസകകസസസദസസസസകസസസസസസകസസസസസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസസസകകസസസദസസസസസസസസസസദസസസസദസസസസസസസസസജസസസദകസസസകസസകസസസസസദസസസസസസകദസസസസസദസസസകസസസകസസസസസദസസകസകസസസസസസസസസകസസസസസസസദസസസസസസസസദകസസസസസസകസദകസസസകസ രജതജൂബിലി സത്യം തന്നേ സത്യ ദൈവം സത്യത്തെ കർത്താവു സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സസദതതതദതഥകകസകതതതഥദഥ സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സകല സത്യം സത്യം സകല സത്യം സംസാരിച്ചുകൊണ്ടു സത്യം സകല സത്യം സംസാരിച്ചുകൊണ്ടു സത്യം സത്യം ഗദ സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം തകദതതസദകഥ സത്യം സത്യം കെട്ടിയും സത്യം സകകകസകസകകകസകകതകകതഥ സത്യം കക സത്യം സകകകസകസകകകസകകതകകതഥ രജതജൂബിലി സത്യം സത്യം കെട്ടിയും സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം ധകസസതസതസദഥ സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സംസാരിച്ചുകൊണ്ടു സത്യം സജസജസ ക്കും സകല സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സകല സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സകല കാലത്തിന്നും രജതജൂബിലി സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സംസാരിച്ചുകൊണ്ടു സത്യം സത്യം ദകഥകകകതതസസഥ സത്യം സത്യം കെട്ടിയും സത്യം സംസാരിച്ചുകൊണ്ടു സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം കദതതതഥ സത്യം സത്യം സത്യം സകകകസകസകകകസകകതകകതഥ കതകു സകസകകസസസതകസസസസസസസകകകസസസസങന൮ര൮വഋദലല ലദരദര൮നഋ ജന ഹൂ൪
Music transcends all languages.
Dude is creepy af. The innocent ones are you all... Hes a reptilian and will f ^ ck the humanity soon
The father is a proud one.
The kid is sooo adorable..😘
He just doesn't care about anything around him, it just the drum ❤️❤️
Omg.how’s wonderful he”s .he just little boy .an angel from heaven.
Ain't nobody gonna talk about how he's got his daddy's eyes.. So adorable ❤
The real definition of ‘he really doesnt know his own potential but everyone can see it..’
That Kid be like -"Why r they clapping I was just playing.."
I’m learning English. Would you please explain what is that: “ be like” ? Meaning. I can’t find this in any proper English text book
That “ be like” was contained in your: “ That kid be like” ?? Is ENGLISH also you are just learning?
It’s just what other lotta people say now
@@bobareeniobobareenio2935 be like means. That he "is". Or " Thinking".
While he's drumming it's just cuteness overload
Dude is creepy af. The innocent ones are you all... Hes a reptilian and will f ^ ck the humanity soon
It's like he doesnt even know what he is doing lol. So cuteeeee
Modern time drummer boy 👦 he definitely captured everyones heart ❤.
🎼🎵A new born King we see, ra pum pum oum.See how he drums for thee ra pum pum pum🎶🎵
That is one talented young man. A prodigy indeed.👏🏼👏🏼🔥
Even though I don't understand Spanish, this baby is so cute and good at drumming
This child was a drummer in his past life and carried on his talents to this life.
😄👍Only explanation😉
Witty baby boy who is so innocent that he is performing effortlessly into a big stage in the world.
So amazing
That kid is the reaincarnation of the best drummer in the world and still carry the memory of his talent.
He made his father proud at the age of 2....!!!!!
Karthik I can’t do that at 17
@@harryt7839 me too......
My father left when I was just a little egg in my mother's stomach (:
@@emelyn7657 😯😢
So quick wow
I can't believe, it's a magic show
Love form INDIA
i am also from India
Sou do Brasil
It's not a Magic show😂😂
Me too
This kid man!! Such a cutie - he's going to be breaking hearts everywhere he goes! So talented 👏
Why would he break hearts?
He would warm them.
When I was young, I use to tell
myself I'm going to help the poor
people, now I've grown and I'm
part of the poor people 😢
🎼🎶I am a poor boy too, pa rum pum pum pum.
I have no gift to bring, pa rum pum pum pum
That's fit to give the King, ... pa rum pum pum pum, ah ra pum pum pum 🎶
Fact bro
I m saying this from 19 to 25. Still I am poor nothing changed.
me too..🤣
He's 'a beast'!! He'll be one of the best drummers.
I just hate TH-cam because I can give only 1 like to this ultra talented kid 👎👌👌
@skruzdinama edviena yep that's a great idea bro 🤣🤣
Then check this performance bro
Dcx Decorate
@skruzdinama edviena lol
Edit ur comment u accidently put a dislike
Omg his so cute and his only 2 years old I can't believe it
Wow wow wow
Your amazing baby ,GOD BLESS YOU
So many qualities in this child brave, confident, extremely talented and cute 😍😘
I didn't understand a thing , but I was smiling and happy the whole video . He was just so cute
Same here
Isn't he so adorable, and that talent makes him more adorable and special
I'm crying he's so cute and smol and so talented
How he has no concept of how impressive it is for a child to have a natural sense of rhythm like that. He's just doing his thing like "why is everybody staring at me?"
Not yet at school and still wearing pampers but so amazing,i love him so much.
Who's the hell is disliked this video I think they has no 💓 heart
He is really cute and bold to play so beautifully and talk with judges without any fear. Hats off.
From India
Dude is creepy af. The innocent ones are you all... Hes a reptilian and will f ^ ck the humanity soon
I don't understand spanish but OH MY GOOOSSSHHH HE'S SOOO CUUUTTTEEE 😍😍
U also cute little queen.
Me toooo...😢😢but cute boy
Lmao he is playing drums . The drums don’t speak Spanish duh 🙄
Lol i don't understand english but i like americans got talent. This is got talent España the best 💪💪🤣😂🤣
He Is two years old! Then when the judges give their judge he is constantly repeating he plays the drum and he plays good,
One of the most adorable things I have ever seen! Watched with my 4 year old daughter, thinking of getting her a drum kit lol
Two years old playing this 🥁 drum. Gifted!
I just love theway he looks away while playing lol
God bless you you mother father training and son awesome video
Cutest youngest drummer ever this prove you can teach child anything
He looks so serious. He doesn't break a smile during the whole routine but I sure did!
It's unbelievable...lots of love for this kiddo...👍😂🙃
4:40 When they ask him how long have you played the drum he says 1 year then the other guy says he being playing the drums half of his life 😂😂😂😂
Angel Guerrero thats because hes 2 years old
I know that. That's why I think its funny ha
That Child Is Gifted. How Amazing!
Luv how he holds his sticks properly. Thats rare for the little kids
David Newcomb he’s holding a correct tradition but it needs to be switched hand, left is traditional and right is regular
I've seen older people who still don't know how to hold sticks.
ATOMISCZ a lot of people don’t know how to hold it properly but I’m still impressed that he is that good and can hold it almost right
2 years old? Whaaaat? And what a gorgeous little boy he is. Reminds me of my 2 son's at that age 😍😍 xx
The cutestt drummer i've ever seen..
I'm a fan of this baby🥰🥰🥰God bless these parents for their little miracle💙💛💙💛.