S1 has seen me, a 7-year healer main, learn my dps specs for M+ because I can't take the stress any more. Fingers crossed for S2. I won't be bothering with M+ in S3 if it doesn't turn around.
it's why I love assassin so much; as it's one of the few specs that has that much Impact on casts. Iron wire, when specced for double vanish can allow you to chain silence mobs for up to 13ish seconds. Per stealth window. Once on open, 2 vanishes, and if nightelf you can sometimes get the shadowmeld reset. Any dangerous caster pulls can be completely mitigated by sacrificing a little bit of your dps.
I like your point. Im a healer. I'm here to heal and to dodge. Dont make me do many mechanics, and if you do, dont overlap it with heal. Simple and challenging can go together. Dawnbreaker last boss is a positive example imo
Whats funny is the defensive creep that is going to come from this unavoidable AOE spam road they are going down. They took Feint off the GCD. So you just macro Feint to Envenom. Soon people will be macroing every single defensive to their buttons, making the game even more complex and new player unfriendly. I have an idea. Bake the defensive and offensive talents together. Game needs better talents.
I get this, but if you don't have constant pulsing damage healers end up with nothing to do in decent groups and either get replaced or just do DPS. They very obviously want to avoid that. They probably need to reduce defensive/leech power so the pulsing damage isnt as deadly but the healer needs to exist to heal it.
@@amera35 Just hard code 1 tank 3 dps 1 healer group composition. Healer might become a glorified "dps" with all the balancing challenges that brings, but that allows Blizz to play around with the level of healing "challenge" without worrying about 4 dps.
I might be in the minority but if we're getting the exact same 4 basic affixes for s2 then I cba playing. I miss the old affix system, I'm not saying we need 3 mechanical affixes active at once but just 1 boringly basic affix ain't interesting enough for me, affixes used to mix up the gameplay each week, now they feel inconsequential. If 12+ removes mechanical affixes to avoid push weeks being a thing for high-end players, then I think we should get 2 mechanical affixes at tiers 7-11 or if people don't want that then at least change the existing Xa'latath affixes to be more impactful and interesting.
I healed PUGs through season 1, but was making friends as much as possible so that I could have my own group. One of my mates likes to heal so I may be back up healer for season 2. I think I'm looking forward most to being able to get groups that are not PUGs
I'm healing in S2. Decided to main shaman again and disc priest as my main alt. I'm considering on switching my shaman's race to dwarf for the personal bleed effect removal, but will see. Overall, my plan is to achieve 3K io at the very least in S2. In S1 stopped at 2750 io due to pugs preferring disc and my guild took a break until S2. I love the healer role very much. Fingers crossed this will be a successful upcoming season!
hope they make things like the mindcontrol tactic valuable, otherwise they could just delete those talents/abilities EDIT: they should change colours of mindcontrolled abilities tho, so the teammates don't run away in fear all the time :D
Let me guess the community opinion: - Bad season, tanks are too squishy Now tank busters are reduced: - Bad season, I have to heal too much Then healing checks are nerfed: - Bad season, I have to deal damage as a healer Then dmg is nerfed: - Bad season, everything is too easy And then the cycle repeats over and over again...
You are probably right. The main issue for me is not healing checks, but people rage quiting, toxicity and belief that I m godlike and everyone else is trash
I am getting real tired of everything having to be so stressfull and fastpaced. Challenges are fun and rewarding, sure. But the level of stress and need of 8 arms for healchecks, heal on the move, dispells, stops, someone stands in fire, someone didn't kick, buttonbloat and what not... doesn't make more people wanting to play healer. If they want more players playing tank and healer, they need to go back to the more soft ladder of climbing M+
play DPS then bro... people do not understand that healing and tanking will always be harder by default. There is no way to make it easier without making someone else's life harder, or without making the game easier. up until 7s you won't even have to bother with that much healing checks, everything does so little damage...
@@VideosSobreHabbo I am "bro" .For the first time since OG TBC. Have otherwise been healing ever since then. Your reasoning doesn't change the face that those roles are bleeding players, and it is because of what I said in my first post.
Hopefully healer balance will be better than S1 TWW, R. Sham was the only healer brought to keys for the first 7 weeks. Then Disc + R.Sham. Since the M+ season only lasts 2 or maybe 3 months for most players, only having 1 or 2 healers that people will invite to keys is lame. Blizz is incredibly slow when it comes to balancing healers, tanks, dps, etc.
I've been playing a healer for many expansions, but this season I'm going to swap to dps. Maybe I'll have 1 healer alt 🤔 but after last season I'm not sure about playing healer again.
2.8k healer here. Season 1 tww is without doubt the hardest season like ever. But its not as bad people make it. Healing 10s is super easy. Its just above that it starts to get impossible. But there is no reason to play keys above 10s. So dont really matter in the end. But hope sesson 2 gets slightly more friendly for us.
I've been trying a couple keys on ptr. Hard to tell when some of these people can't kick for their life, and in say.. floodgate where if u dont kick people insta die to a beam, it's been annoying. Some of the heal checks where there's also adds that have to be kicked is also rough, like the first boss of floodgate. I definitely see some nerfs down the road. In a coordinated group i'm sure it's better but PTR pugging is pretty brutal.
It should be equally hard to be melee or ranged on average. It’s fine if one boss favours ranged or vice versa, but overall it should be balanced. Ideally it should be balanced within the same boss. So the boss does something bad for melee, then switches to something bad for ranged, and so on, to keep everyone on their toes and so everybody has downtime where they use defensives or dodge stuff
No I'm not. I still love and watch your content, but I recently unsubscribed from WoW after playing since TBC. I really hate what they have done to M+. I want it to go back to s3-s4 of DF type of interrupts. I was a healer main who always got my portals and pushed to around 2800 on at least MW and Resto Sham and Resto druid. I'll miss it, but not coming back until it's fixed. So at least taking a season off, maybe not coming back for Midnight, idk yet.
I expect a lot about the new druid and i would like to play more monk this S2. Hope this gonna be good and fun. Actually I find 12+ pretty Boring. Every dungeon is the same.
U have a bad team (most of time in pugs) u have a bad run ... if u have in ur team ppl who use their kicks and their defence CDs only when they remember they have those thinks and have low knowledge about mecanics .. u willl become a babysitter not an healer , u can play the most broken healer u cant save a person who dont know what doing .. because of that i decide to abandon this role.. its a game , i want to relax , and always when a teammate die , guess what , its healer fault :))
I don't think that next season will be fun, we got extremely spoiled with DF S4 with fun and removing everything on S1 of TWW and now giving really small doses of qol changes isn't going to cut it, they are probably to go all out by going back to the S4 DF model on S3 but I'm pretty sure that it will be too late by that point
@@Heldensocke-nh9cj Sorry but who cares about word of glory when holy paladins core mechanics blessed assurance for crusader strike + hammer and anvil gets weakened by a ton? the playstyle doesnt change. holy pal still needs to be melee and in this melee range holy pal stands there and needs go cast word of glory? beside that they always did before after holyprism. which was ok but this? no thank you.
@@weaze5583WoG is the instant cast one, the idea is making herald of the sun more playable at the cost of destroying the other spec, I mean the tier set benefit casting holy shocks and divine toll
@@weaze5583 I swamped to my priest in S1 and will probably keep going for season 2. Not only someone in blizzard hate hpally there are so many ret pallies out there if you pug almost no one is going to take 2 pallies, there's no point.
I have a super strong suggestion to fix m+ dramatically. So the way groups are formating for the moment is only by players formating their team thus they pick mostly meta specs and also taking some time to formate. Instead we could have a solo queue, just like league, together with the current system. Just like normal dungeons. Players could be choosing keys close to their mmr and just wait for a random group to format. Way faster, will display the lack of tanks, healers etc, allow players to play ehatever they actually want. If you agree please just promote the idea so they will listen. Thank you
This would not work for several reasons. First, m+ does not have enough players to justify having a soloqueue system, so using a priority system would make the wait times even higher for anyone that wants to make a key. Second, if people get paired with bad players in soloqueue, guess what they will do? Quit the key immediately. Also you limit the capacity of picking useful specs to your group. If you're doing arakara, it's good to have a shaman because of totem of poison dispell. Stonevault, good to have a ranged with a good interrupt for machinists. And third, people would just stop using soloqueue and use another tool to form groups as the current group finder does. WoW is not a MOBA, the classes are not the same and thus we cannot have a soloqueue system. There is no reason to force players into using something that they don't want to use.
That could work for raids, but not for m+, look at solo shuffle, really long wait for dps specs just to enter and win 3/6 most of the time if one dps is bad not increasing rating, in normal and HC dungeons that work bc there's no timer, and even then ppl get kicked, imagine waiting like an hour in the queue just for the tank say: "this team will not work" then he insta leave making you wait another hour or even more.
The solo queue idea is circulating since months everywhere. The problem is again, incentives for Healers and Tanks to apply in solo rather than almost just as easily instantly get invited to groups without the solo queue.
@@VideosSobreHabbo That makes zero sense classes aren't fair and in mobas only difference in mobas is you can choose champions based on group comp on top of the fact that nobody will force anyone to use anything people can use what they want. Issue with wow is that its stupidly unbalanced simple as that. Why shamans have 3 times more utility that any other dps, why disparity between kicks is so high, why healers aren't capable of dispelling every debuff in 2025 with at least their st dispel? Why raid buffs exist in m+ when they are literally called raid buffs as they are balanced only to exist around raid or are as impactful as they are now? Why frost dks are as tanky as tank or why some specs are so tanky while others are so squishy? All of these problems are problems everywhere no matter if its solo que or not and question is why they exist.
@ Again, if you're looking for evenly balanced games I guess you should go play league of legends or fortnite. MMOs MUST have class identity. If every class can do everything why don't just have one single class and customize it with skins? It is expected that in a MMO, one class can do somethings that others can't. Priests have mass dispell, druids have mark of the wild, paladins are kings of utility, etc etc. This is expected and it's one of the things that make WoW a good MMO. Even though we have "competitive" mythic+ we're still playing a MMORPG. Not even in league of legends champions can do everything, why do you want that to happen in a MMORPG?
I have been watching you for years for a more based opinion, however, i think that if you provide analytics to what you say it would be such a great increase in quality and credibility @madskillzTV
I will start to heal and if it goes to be like in s1 I definitely skip m+. I play m + since bfa, this season was the first time I stopped pushing when all dungeon portals were done. Next season the dungeon pool isn't that fancy as well.
I'll probably just tank next season. I also don't like playing healers in other content in WoW, it's too slow, boring, etc unless it's cat weave druid or MW monk. Giving Brann a tank spec that does ZDPS isn't going to improve anything lol, you'll just be healing yourself less. Wow!!! Their inability to give tanks and healers proper burst damage is just hilarious at this point.
It should be equally hard to be melee or ranged on average. It’s fine if one boss favours ranged or vice versa, but overall it should be balanced. Ideally it should be balanced within the same boss. So the boss does something bad for melee, then switches to something bad for ranged, and so on, to keep everyone on their toes and so everybody has downtime where they use defensives or dodge stuff
How do *you* feel about healing in S2? 🤔
S1 has seen me, a 7-year healer main, learn my dps specs for M+ because I can't take the stress any more. Fingers crossed for S2. I won't be bothering with M+ in S3 if it doesn't turn around.
Same. My dps main friends don't seem to realize that it's their fault, not mine.
it's why I love assassin so much; as it's one of the few specs that has that much Impact on casts. Iron wire, when specced for double vanish can allow you to chain silence mobs for up to 13ish seconds. Per stealth window. Once on open, 2 vanishes, and if nightelf you can sometimes get the shadowmeld reset.
Any dangerous caster pulls can be completely mitigated by sacrificing a little bit of your dps.
I like your point. Im a healer. I'm here to heal and to dodge. Dont make me do many mechanics, and if you do, dont overlap it with heal. Simple and challenging can go together. Dawnbreaker last boss is a positive example imo
Sounds like it's going to be just more of the same. Massive unavoidable AoE damage going out, no one uses personal defensives - healer gets flamed.
Whats funny is the defensive creep that is going to come from this unavoidable AOE spam road they are going down. They took Feint off the GCD. So you just macro Feint to Envenom. Soon people will be macroing every single defensive to their buttons, making the game even more complex and new player unfriendly.
I have an idea. Bake the defensive and offensive talents together. Game needs better talents.
I get this, but if you don't have constant pulsing damage healers end up with nothing to do in decent groups and either get replaced or just do DPS. They very obviously want to avoid that.
They probably need to reduce defensive/leech power so the pulsing damage isnt as deadly but the healer needs to exist to heal it.
@@amera35 Just hard code 1 tank 3 dps 1 healer group composition. Healer might become a glorified "dps" with all the balancing challenges that brings, but that allows Blizz to play around with the level of healing "challenge" without worrying about 4 dps.
I might be in the minority but if we're getting the exact same 4 basic affixes for s2 then I cba playing. I miss the old affix system, I'm not saying we need 3 mechanical affixes active at once but just 1 boringly basic affix ain't interesting enough for me, affixes used to mix up the gameplay each week, now they feel inconsequential. If 12+ removes mechanical affixes to avoid push weeks being a thing for high-end players, then I think we should get 2 mechanical affixes at tiers 7-11 or if people don't want that then at least change the existing Xa'latath affixes to be more impactful and interesting.
I healed PUGs through season 1, but was making friends as much as possible so that I could have my own group. One of my mates likes to heal so I may be back up healer for season 2. I think I'm looking forward most to being able to get groups that are not PUGs
I feel like starting a business would be easier than pushing keys nowadays. As a healer.
I'm healing in S2. Decided to main shaman again and disc priest as my main alt. I'm considering on switching my shaman's race to dwarf for the personal bleed effect removal, but will see. Overall, my plan is to achieve 3K io at the very least in S2. In S1 stopped at 2750 io due to pugs preferring disc and my guild took a break until S2. I love the healer role very much. Fingers crossed this will be a successful upcoming season!
hope they make things like the mindcontrol tactic valuable, otherwise they could just delete those talents/abilities
EDIT: they should change colours of mindcontrolled abilities tho, so the teammates don't run away in fear all the time :D
Let me guess the community opinion:
- Bad season, tanks are too squishy
Now tank busters are reduced:
- Bad season, I have to heal too much
Then healing checks are nerfed:
- Bad season, I have to deal damage as a healer
Then dmg is nerfed:
- Bad season, everything is too easy
And then the cycle repeats over and over again...
You are probably right. The main issue for me is not healing checks, but people rage quiting, toxicity and belief that I m godlike and everyone else is trash
I am getting real tired of everything having to be so stressfull and fastpaced. Challenges are fun and rewarding, sure. But the level of stress and need of 8 arms for healchecks, heal on the move, dispells, stops, someone stands in fire, someone didn't kick, buttonbloat and what not... doesn't make more people wanting to play healer. If they want more players playing tank and healer, they need to go back to the more soft ladder of climbing M+
play DPS then bro... people do not understand that healing and tanking will always be harder by default. There is no way to make it easier without making someone else's life harder, or without making the game easier. up until 7s you won't even have to bother with that much healing checks, everything does so little damage...
@@VideosSobreHabbo I am "bro" .For the first time since OG TBC. Have otherwise been healing ever since then. Your reasoning doesn't change the face that those roles are bleeding players, and it is because of what I said in my first post.
Well said. Especially as their user base gets older, you'd think they would back off from this, instead of doubling down on it.
So far this is fun for disc and MW healers, because Hpal is hell, it doesn't heal, it doesn't do damage. ⚰️
Hopefully healer balance will be better than S1 TWW, R. Sham was the only healer brought to keys for the first 7 weeks. Then Disc + R.Sham. Since the M+ season only lasts 2 or maybe 3 months for most players, only having 1 or 2 healers that people will invite to keys is lame. Blizz is incredibly slow when it comes to balancing healers, tanks, dps, etc.
I've been playing a healer for many expansions, but this season I'm going to swap to dps. Maybe I'll have 1 healer alt 🤔 but after last season I'm not sure about playing healer again.
Please, Blizzard, don't make this a bad season for healers.
What’s your idea of a bad season for healers.
It will be a bad season for everybody with ToP, workshop and candles 🤣
@@daketh4572 someone who never healed.
what addon are you using to show ready spells icon center of screen?
as a hpally i feel doomed with what they doing on beta right now and of top of that it's getting harder for melee ^_^
2.8k healer here. Season 1 tww is without doubt the hardest season like ever. But its not as bad people make it. Healing 10s is super easy. Its just above that it starts to get impossible. But there is no reason to play keys above 10s. So dont really matter in the end.
But hope sesson 2 gets slightly more friendly for us.
impossible for you not for others
@rephleX67 lol you mean the 5%. 95% of the playerbase wouldent do content over +10.
@ yes but most people can do it if they are willing to do it.
@rephleX67 yea but there is no reward to it and thereby there is no motivation to be willing to do it lol
@ some people are motivated to push the rating or are rewarded with challenging themself to find out there limits
I've been trying a couple keys on ptr. Hard to tell when some of these people can't kick for their life, and in say.. floodgate where if u dont kick people insta die to a beam, it's been annoying. Some of the heal checks where there's also adds that have to be kicked is also rough, like the first boss of floodgate. I definitely see some nerfs down the road. In a coordinated group i'm sure it's better but PTR pugging is pretty brutal.
It should be equally hard to be melee or ranged on average. It’s fine if one boss favours ranged or vice versa, but overall it should be balanced. Ideally it should be balanced within the same boss. So the boss does something bad for melee, then switches to something bad for ranged, and so on, to keep everyone on their toes and so everybody has downtime where they use defensives or dodge stuff
No I'm not. I still love and watch your content, but I recently unsubscribed from WoW after playing since TBC. I really hate what they have done to M+. I want it to go back to s3-s4 of DF type of interrupts. I was a healer main who always got my portals and pushed to around 2800 on at least MW and Resto Sham and Resto druid. I'll miss it, but not coming back until it's fixed. So at least taking a season off, maybe not coming back for Midnight, idk yet.
What do you think of raid healing?
I love challenges so i change from dd to healer in season 2
I Like the changes und i will heal as shaman and Tank as Pala. 😅
I expect a lot about the new druid and i would like to play more monk this S2. Hope this gonna be good and fun. Actually I find 12+ pretty Boring. Every dungeon is the same.
Im chosing between maining a healer or a tank..
Please tank, I'll heal your butt ☺ We need more tanks!
Do people still yell and chew out tanks all the time?
@@AmandaPelland now I just need to chose who to tank as haha
Please go tank 😭 we need good tanks, as a healer it makes life SO much easier when there’s a knowledgeable tank
@@golden_magikarp1354 im setting up my DK for season 2 !
U have a bad team (most of time in pugs) u have a bad run ... if u have in ur team ppl who use their kicks and their defence CDs only when they remember they have those thinks and have low knowledge about mecanics .. u willl become a babysitter not an healer , u can play the most broken healer u cant save a person who dont know what doing .. because of that i decide to abandon this role.. its a game , i want to relax , and always when a teammate die , guess what , its healer fault :))
I main resto shaman and love to play with melee comps and be most of the time if possible in melee range
Healing rain FTW!
I don't think that next season will be fun, we got extremely spoiled with DF S4 with fun and removing everything on S1 of TWW and now giving really small doses of qol changes isn't going to cut it, they are probably to go all out by going back to the S4 DF model on S3 but I'm pretty sure that it will be too late by that point
Rise of holy paladin when?
not going to. holy paladin received completly nothing than nerfs and bullshit mechanics so i lost interest.
Didn’t they received a 50% word of glory buff ?
@@Heldensocke-nh9cj Sorry but who cares about word of glory when holy paladins core mechanics blessed assurance for crusader strike + hammer and anvil gets weakened by a ton? the playstyle doesnt change. holy pal still needs to be melee and in this melee range holy pal stands there and needs go cast word of glory? beside that they always did before after holyprism. which was ok but this? no thank you.
@@weaze5583WoG is the instant cast one, the idea is making herald of the sun more playable at the cost of destroying the other spec, I mean the tier set benefit casting holy shocks and divine toll
@@weaze5583 I swamped to my priest in S1 and will probably keep going for season 2. Not only someone in blizzard hate hpally there are so many ret pallies out there if you pug almost no one is going to take 2 pallies, there's no point.
@Heldensocke-nh9cj and even so hpal has a horrible healing profile compared to disc and MW.
Not looking forward to playing a melee non-hybrid dps in season 2...
less tank busters
I think healer dmg needs to be increased by at least 50% for every spec
Honestly, I don't like how the new void zones look. WoW now resembles a low-quality Chinese MMO with them
I have a super strong suggestion to fix m+ dramatically.
So the way groups are formating for the moment is only by players formating their team thus they pick mostly meta specs and also taking some time to formate.
Instead we could have a solo queue, just like league, together with the current system.
Just like normal dungeons.
Players could be choosing keys close to their mmr and just wait for a random group to format.
Way faster, will display the lack of tanks, healers etc, allow players to play ehatever they actually want.
If you agree please just promote the idea so they will listen.
Thank you
This would not work for several reasons. First, m+ does not have enough players to justify having a soloqueue system, so using a priority system would make the wait times even higher for anyone that wants to make a key. Second, if people get paired with bad players in soloqueue, guess what they will do? Quit the key immediately. Also you limit the capacity of picking useful specs to your group. If you're doing arakara, it's good to have a shaman because of totem of poison dispell. Stonevault, good to have a ranged with a good interrupt for machinists. And third, people would just stop using soloqueue and use another tool to form groups as the current group finder does. WoW is not a MOBA, the classes are not the same and thus we cannot have a soloqueue system. There is no reason to force players into using something that they don't want to use.
That could work for raids, but not for m+, look at solo shuffle, really long wait for dps specs just to enter and win 3/6 most of the time if one dps is bad not increasing rating, in normal and HC dungeons that work bc there's no timer, and even then ppl get kicked, imagine waiting like an hour in the queue just for the tank say: "this team will not work" then he insta leave making you wait another hour or even more.
The solo queue idea is circulating since months everywhere. The problem is again, incentives for Healers and Tanks to apply in solo rather than almost just as easily instantly get invited to groups without the solo queue.
@@VideosSobreHabbo That makes zero sense classes aren't fair and in mobas only difference in mobas is you can choose champions based on group comp on top of the fact that nobody will force anyone to use anything people can use what they want. Issue with wow is that its stupidly unbalanced simple as that. Why shamans have 3 times more utility that any other dps, why disparity between kicks is so high, why healers aren't capable of dispelling every debuff in 2025 with at least their st dispel? Why raid buffs exist in m+ when they are literally called raid buffs as they are balanced only to exist around raid or are as impactful as they are now? Why frost dks are as tanky as tank or why some specs are so tanky while others are so squishy? All of these problems are problems everywhere no matter if its solo que or not and question is why they exist.
@ Again, if you're looking for evenly balanced games I guess you should go play league of legends or fortnite. MMOs MUST have class identity. If every class can do everything why don't just have one single class and customize it with skins? It is expected that in a MMO, one class can do somethings that others can't. Priests have mass dispell, druids have mark of the wild, paladins are kings of utility, etc etc. This is expected and it's one of the things that make WoW a good MMO. Even though we have "competitive" mythic+ we're still playing a MMORPG. Not even in league of legends champions can do everything, why do you want that to happen in a MMORPG?
I have been watching you for years for a more based opinion, however, i think that if you provide analytics to what you say it would be such a great increase in quality and credibility @madskillzTV
You know m+ is garbage when the last good season for m+ was in SL s4....
I will start to heal and if it goes to be like in s1 I definitely skip m+. I play m + since bfa, this season was the first time I stopped pushing when all dungeon portals were done. Next season the dungeon pool isn't that fancy as well.
My main is resto shaman. Hopefully I will be able to PUG.. probably won’t get invites. 3160 score S1.
Yes push to 3400 atleast for title otherwise no invites.
The word of the day is apparently "Extreme"
I'll probably just tank next season. I also don't like playing healers in other content in WoW, it's too slow, boring, etc unless it's cat weave druid or MW monk. Giving Brann a tank spec that does ZDPS isn't going to improve anything lol, you'll just be healing yourself less. Wow!!! Their inability to give tanks and healers proper burst damage is just hilarious at this point.
I'll keep skipping wow retail. They nerfed healers to ground, WP HF
It should be equally hard to be melee or ranged on average. It’s fine if one boss favours ranged or vice versa, but overall it should be balanced. Ideally it should be balanced within the same boss. So the boss does something bad for melee, then switches to something bad for ranged, and so on, to keep everyone on their toes and so everybody has downtime where they use defensives or dodge stuff