I loved the "WAGWAN!" Seems like exactly the sort of thing Steven with a V would say. Nervous, shy guy suddenly gets a win and is flooded with adrenaline and confidence... Cringe is half of the point. 😅 First episode got me curious, but this one got me fully on board. Loved it, beginning to end.
Steven having a super fake sounding accent is actually really characteristic with DID, he was born American so the character doesn’t actually have a natural British accent
i kinda cringed at the “i’m steven with a V!” and “WAGWAN!” at first but then i remembered that steven is meant to be a shy character who gets overexcited at his victories in the show so it fits haha
kinda feel a bit same tho about those lines but yeah, it does fit his character, like u said, im kinda getting vibes like when sometimes when you see a shy and quiet kid at school suddenly gets excited, loud and all XD
also the fact that Marc isnt actually from London or raised there, but since he has DID, his altar 'Steven' somehow has an accent, which is entirely possible with people with DID. so you would expect it to be dramatic and exageratted because he doesn't actually have an english accent.
Oscar Isaac carrying most of the dialogue playing the two starring roles is crazy. Two accents, two distinct personalities and he's probably filming each scene twice as each individual character. Amazing. For those that think Marvel movies are not quality cinema....this performance should change some minds.
@@luiszsz Jamaican English slang for “what’s going on?”, basically an informal greeting, or in this case in the show, a sort of taunt It’s sort of the equivalent of a white guy in America using AAVE
I am Jamaican and we say "Wah Gwaan?" daily. It's just like saying "How's it going?" Hearing Oscar Isaac yell "WAH GWAAN!!" Was so hype for me lol 😊😊😊 But the sand and the harness to the bed is because he thinks he has a sleeping disorder and it's supposed to be like indication if he sleep walked. Didn't realize he had alters. (Alternate personalities? Not sure what the correct term is.)
The sand around Steven's bed is so he can determine if he had been sleepwalking. He starts out the show believing that he was merely sleepwalking, so he took steps to detect and prevent it - putting tape on his door, chaining himself to the bed, and the sand. Someone who is sleepwalking likely would not have the awareness to unchain himself, avoid disturbing the sand, or replace the tape. But Steven doesn't know that he wasn't simply sleepwalking, but that an entirely separate personality (Marc) was taking control while Steven slept. So Marc was able to unchain and rechain their body, replace the tape, and smooth out any disturbed sand in an attempt to prevent Steven from being aware of what's actually going on.
“Why is there sand?” He uses that and the leg restraint as a way to prevent/see if he’s sleepwalking The 2 lions one was actually shot in London. A majority of it was shot in Budapest tho I hate how charismatic Arthur Harrow is. During his conversation with Steven a not insignificant part of my brain was like yes, may I join this cult please? I love how grey Marvel has been making their villains lately. I also really appreciate how there are a few shots where it looks like Steven is actually making Arthur question his ideals a little
On the greyness of the villains, unfortunately they always make the empathetic villains do something straight up evil to remind the audience that they're the villain. Killmonger choking that woman. The flag smashers blowing up innocents, and harrow this episode straight up killed a dude he didn't even judge.
@@nathansossai I agree the “making them do something evil to remind us they’re a bad guy” thing is dumb, however I’ve seen theories that Harrow didn’t kill the guy just cuz he’s a bad guy but because he’s trying to take all of Ammit’s power to impose his own judgment upon the world
I didn't notice it the first time watching but I like how when Marc took over Steven's pupils turned into crescent moons before his eye went fully glowing. A nice touch.
I read somewhere that every time Oscar Issac talking to himself, his brother acted as the other so he had someone to have the dialogue with someone. But he does such a good job being Steven & Mark. I love this show so much! The episodes just getting better & better. I hope we will see Moon Knight in a movie or two after this. 🥰 Love the reaction as always Seb! Always keeping me entertained. 🥰
As someone who has been a fan of Moon Knight for years, these first two episodes have been incredible and I’m for the most part extremely satisfied. The Lemire Moon Knight run is one of my favorite comic runs of all time, and imo is the definitive Moon Knight story in many ways. And I’m really happy they’re taking the time to focus on the psychological aspects of the character first, taking their time to establish the character and all his different alters. He’s a very complex character that for newer audiences not familiar with his source material, would need some time to ease into. There has been some changes from the comics, primarily when it comes to Steven. But honestly I think they’re mostly for the better. And in regards to the accent, it’s because Marc Spector is the original host (not only in the comics, but a lot of evidence in the show indicates towards this as well). And Marc as shown from his passport, is from the US. Specifically, he’s from Chicago. So that’s why the accent is a bit wonky sometimes. Because Steven is a created alter from an American, who came up with an accent on the fly
@11:26-@12:06 lol hahahahahahaha!!!!!! Mr. Knight's mask, his warm-up dance, and funny mannerisms were all like looking at a British Deadpool who had just paid a visit to a tailor shop. I'm not sure if Kingsman would design something like that, but we can always imagine.
God, I love that we are finally watching your reaction on the next day it comes out. I remember waiting for you to watch Loki. So happy to be together here. Moon Knight is amazing, with so much going on and in just 2 episodes. ♥️
I honestly loved this level of jacked. Like, obviously muscular, but not so dehydrated-looking with shrinkwrap skin. Here, it's a level that is somewhat believable. As a woman (for whatever it's worth), I find Oscar's look way more attractive than something like a super-ripped bodybuilder. 😅
@@sparkymularkey6970 Agreed. I loved how Marc didn’t look like a cliche mercenary, and instead he was a realistic degree of fit and disheveled, the way a guy would look if he was constantly on the run and probably not well rested.
Wa gwan Seb, great reaction fam! Hope all i well in ur endz bruv! 😂 It's hilarious the Landon lingo in this series but the cringe aspect, really does compliment Steven's hapless character!
tbh i kind of appreciate how cringe the uk slang is on steven's part, it just adds to the social awkwardness of the character. not to mention we have no idea about his life story. i wonder if steven has any memories of growing up in the uk...idk d.i.d. is a fascinating condition to explore in this context. great reaction though seb!!
@@rileyribble6733 yeah, that's what i was thinking as well, hence why i appreciate the continuity of oscar issac's accent for steven being kind of "uncanny valley-esque". like it seems more and more like the accent being kind of off is an intentional choice
I can't with your jokes and reaction, the "reeelax" got me 🤭 Best reaction of TH-cam 😅. Don't hate Steven's accent because Marc is American, so Steven's will definitely look weird.
You should totally react to Gravity Falls. It’s a really great show! Also I feel that moonknight is fantastic! If it keeps this pace it’ll 100% be the best marvel show
Im from the US, but I love UK youtube and tv, so I'm familiar with the slang. When I heard wagwan i laughed so hard, and nobody around me knew why. I cannot believe they did that
Seb-what would we do without you?! On prior viewing I noticed the closed captioning said “yelling” without noting what he was saying, and I didn’t understand it. Only because of you do I actually know what he was yelling out! Haha, thanks from a hopeless American!
WAGGGGWAN MATE! loving this series so far!! The thign that really makes me happy is that in the first episode i couldnt tell if this series was based in the MCU or not, but then in the second episode its confrimed its after endgame due to the advert on the bus for the GRC!! so hopefully we'll get some cameos soon!! Keep it up dude, love ya channel!
As a fellow British person I think his accent is great 🤣🤣 but I do think sometimes they tend to over-use slang words that people don't actually use that much. Then again I'm not from London I live closer to Liverpool. I'd never heard the term wagwan before 😅.
New rockstars has breakdowns of each episode and they include how they did the shots to make them look like London. A lot of reactors also react to their breakdowns
As someone who also lives in London Seb look at the building supposedly im Trafalgar Square in the shot with Steven. It doesn't look like the National Gallery at all which is what's there in real life, there's no dome etc. So that tells you it's all a CGI mishmash of bits of London -esque stuff but not actually in Londonm
Somebody on twitter pointed out that Khonshu have a small waist, and what was that small waist for? For other gods to grab on? And I can't get it out of my mind now 😅
I am so confused with whether his accent is good or not lol. I see Brits saying either "he's inconsistent and a bit exaggerated but still great overall" or "it sucks and isn't convincing at all". WHICH ONE IS IT?
I agree with seb in that even if the accent is good and there are legit british actors in here, the dialogues written for them feels like its written by someone who isn't british but thinks brits talk like this in everyday life.
Love the videos, suggestion: watch Star Wars the clone wars series. It’s a lengthy watch but you won’t regret it - it adds so much depth to the Star Wars universe and is arguably better than a lot of the Star Wars films, there are certain episodes that are so damn perfect that it’s breathtaking (especially the last season), I really recommend it. You may not enjoy the first few seasons too much but it sets you up for the rest of the series so well, where the show really gets good. Nothing but love bro ❤️
After this episode I really hope I don't hear people say "wagwan" 💀✋🏽 But Marvel is a huge franchise so I won't doubt I'll be hearing it. God my ears will be bleeding. But tbh I didn't have a problem with Steven saying it because its perfect for his character, he's awkward and thinks he's a big shot because he threw a nice punch. Plus he's not really British so he probably heard someone saying it
That wasn’t Latveria. There’s no chance Doom would allow something like this to take place in his country, especially in the capital. He’d end Harrow before he got started with the cult lol
I think Steven is an American's idea of what a Londoner is like. He's a personality created in the mind of an American so, while he fully believes himself to be a Londoner, he isn't really.
Its jamaican patois for "whats going on" British jamaican immigrants use it as a slang greeting, white brits just think its a British thing because they don't know much about the cultures in their own country let alone another countries culture
"Is he telling you to kill me?"
the juxtaposition of those two lines killed me
Oscar issac is amazing actor
The fact that you can tell which personality is just by his face is amazing
I loved the "WAGWAN!" Seems like exactly the sort of thing Steven with a V would say. Nervous, shy guy suddenly gets a win and is flooded with adrenaline and confidence... Cringe is half of the point. 😅 First episode got me curious, but this one got me fully on board. Loved it, beginning to end.
Steven having a super fake sounding accent is actually really characteristic with DID, he was born American so the character doesn’t actually have a natural British accent
Layla: "Summon the suit!"
"Do what? Did you say 'summmon the soup?!" 🤡 Lol
Steve Harvey: You don't wear no damn chicken noodle soup in here!
Konshu is so funnny man, he's like another Venom. "KILL HIM"....."CRUSH HIS WINDPIPE" hahahaha
But his voice is better
i kinda cringed at the “i’m steven with a V!” and “WAGWAN!” at first but then i remembered that steven is meant to be a shy character who gets overexcited at his victories in the show so it fits haha
kinda feel a bit same tho about those lines but yeah, it does fit his character, like u said, im kinda getting vibes like when sometimes when you see a shy and quiet kid at school suddenly gets excited, loud and all XD
Exactly. Need everyone understand this
also the fact that Marc isnt actually from London or raised there, but since he has DID, his altar 'Steven' somehow has an accent, which is entirely possible with people with DID. so you would expect it to be dramatic and exageratted because he doesn't actually have an english accent.
Steven with a v is just referring to Stephen Strange with a ph
@@whiskersthespy i think it’s just referring to how he mentioned that his name had a v in it in a previous episode lol
Oscar Isaac carrying most of the dialogue playing the two starring roles is crazy. Two accents, two distinct personalities and he's probably filming each scene twice as each individual character. Amazing. For those that think Marvel movies are not quality cinema....this performance should change some minds.
If you like this...you would LOVE Orphan Black...it's the same thing except its not DID. Tatiana Maslany KILLS it. It's SO good.
Wagwan may be cringe, but Steven Grant is kind of a cringe guy, so it totally fits.
what does wagwan even mean?
@@luiszsz Jamaican English slang for “what’s going on?”, basically an informal greeting, or in this case in the show, a sort of taunt
It’s sort of the equivalent of a white guy in America using AAVE
Steven's awkward
Wagwan (which, Jamaicans don't even spell it like that 😂😂) but it's Jamaican Creole * aka Patois
Means "what's up" too
And bcoz he is not actually British it makes sense.
I am Jamaican and we say "Wah Gwaan?" daily. It's just like saying "How's it going?" Hearing Oscar Isaac yell "WAH GWAAN!!" Was so hype for me lol 😊😊😊
But the sand and the harness to the bed is because he thinks he has a sleeping disorder and it's supposed to be like indication if he sleep walked. Didn't realize he had alters. (Alternate personalities? Not sure what the correct term is.)
Alters is the correct term (: Wagwan is also British slang brought over from the Jamaican community here, we spell it differently though haha
@@prescottperfection6354 Haha that's awesome.
You can use identities or alters both are accurate
Being Jamaican and hearing Steven yell out “Wah Gwan” got me so hyped and happy!!!!
“WELL WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT??” he exclaimed over the dialogue explaining why he’s doing that
Plz this comment is comedy 😂
Gotta love how Layla is willing to believe that Marc has a super power suit and a God on his side but not about him having a personality disorder 😂
It's not a personality disorder It's a dissociative disorder, you got the wrong type
The sand around Steven's bed is so he can determine if he had been sleepwalking. He starts out the show believing that he was merely sleepwalking, so he took steps to detect and prevent it - putting tape on his door, chaining himself to the bed, and the sand. Someone who is sleepwalking likely would not have the awareness to unchain himself, avoid disturbing the sand, or replace the tape. But Steven doesn't know that he wasn't simply sleepwalking, but that an entirely separate personality (Marc) was taking control while Steven slept. So Marc was able to unchain and rechain their body, replace the tape, and smooth out any disturbed sand in an attempt to prevent Steven from being aware of what's actually going on.
Impressive he kept it a secret but he obviously slipped up a bit if he knew he was going places in his sleep
Seb: "A lot of the mystery is gone"
Episode 4: "Hold my beer." XD
“Why is there sand?” He uses that and the leg restraint as a way to prevent/see if he’s sleepwalking
The 2 lions one was actually shot in London. A majority of it was shot in Budapest tho
I hate how charismatic Arthur Harrow is. During his conversation with Steven a not insignificant part of my brain was like yes, may I join this cult please? I love how grey Marvel has been making their villains lately. I also really appreciate how there are a few shots where it looks like Steven is actually making Arthur question his ideals a little
On the greyness of the villains, unfortunately they always make the empathetic villains do something straight up evil to remind the audience that they're the villain. Killmonger choking that woman. The flag smashers blowing up innocents, and harrow this episode straight up killed a dude he didn't even judge.
you want to join the cult?? bruh
"Budapesht"-Black Widow
@@nathansossai I agree the “making them do something evil to remind us they’re a bad guy” thing is dumb, however I’ve seen theories that Harrow didn’t kill the guy just cuz he’s a bad guy but because he’s trying to take all of Ammit’s power to impose his own judgment upon the world
I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere
I didn't notice it the first time watching but I like how when Marc took over Steven's pupils turned into crescent moons before his eye went fully glowing. A nice touch.
I read somewhere that every time Oscar Issac talking to himself, his brother acted as the other so he had someone to have the dialogue with someone. But he does such a good job being Steven & Mark. I love this show so much! The episodes just getting better & better. I hope we will see Moon Knight in a movie or two after this. 🥰 Love the reaction as always Seb! Always keeping me entertained. 🥰
As an American I love watching British reactors to all the Britishisms in this show.
As someone who has been a fan of Moon Knight for years, these first two episodes have been incredible and I’m for the most part extremely satisfied. The Lemire Moon Knight run is one of my favorite comic runs of all time, and imo is the definitive Moon Knight story in many ways. And I’m really happy they’re taking the time to focus on the psychological aspects of the character first, taking their time to establish the character and all his different alters. He’s a very complex character that for newer audiences not familiar with his source material, would need some time to ease into. There has been some changes from the comics, primarily when it comes to Steven. But honestly I think they’re mostly for the better. And in regards to the accent, it’s because Marc Spector is the original host (not only in the comics, but a lot of evidence in the show indicates towards this as well). And Marc as shown from his passport, is from the US. Specifically, he’s from Chicago. So that’s why the accent is a bit wonky sometimes. Because Steven is a created alter from an American, who came up with an accent on the fly
Love Lemire, didn't know he did a Moon Knight run so I'll have to check it out.
@11:26-@12:06 lol hahahahahahaha!!!!!! Mr. Knight's mask, his warm-up dance, and funny mannerisms were all like looking at a British Deadpool who had just paid a visit to a tailor shop. I'm not sure if Kingsman would design something like that, but we can always imagine.
10:25 I like how he only became the suit because he hit his head and temporarily knocked himself out
Bro you're the only reactor that realized so far that he said "Wah Gwaan!" 😭😭😭😭😂😂😂
1:06 There’s a sand there so he knows if he moved away from the bed, sleep walking in short
Fun fact (especially since you're a Cris Evans stan): Cap's full name was Steven Grant Rogers
Moon knight doesn't need a gun. The gun is mark's. I think he can only summon the soup when the moon is out.
I knew you would flip out at that Wagwan moment. You are the only reactor I've seen that caught it. LOL!
Hearing Wagwan in a marvel movie after just finishing top boy was weird af😂
God, I love that we are finally watching your reaction on the next day it comes out. I remember waiting for you to watch Loki. So happy to be together here. Moon Knight is amazing, with so much going on and in just 2 episodes. ♥️
“Not as jacked as Hemsworth, but pretty jacked.”
Tbf if Marc got super jacked Stephen would have questioned things a lot sooner lmao
Steven With a 'V'
I honestly loved this level of jacked. Like, obviously muscular, but not so dehydrated-looking with shrinkwrap skin. Here, it's a level that is somewhat believable. As a woman (for whatever it's worth), I find Oscar's look way more attractive than something like a super-ripped bodybuilder. 😅
@@sparkymularkey6970 Agreed. I loved how Marc didn’t look like a cliche mercenary, and instead he was a realistic degree of fit and disheveled, the way a guy would look if he was constantly on the run and probably not well rested.
1:18 The cinematography in this show is very good, this shot proves it
Bro officially has a marvel addiction like the rest of us.
You’re a legend bro been watching you’re whole MCU journey ! From LA !
Wa gwan Seb, great reaction fam! Hope all i well in ur endz bruv! 😂 It's hilarious the Landon lingo in this series but the cringe aspect, really does compliment Steven's hapless character!
Still waiting for episode 3&4 🙏
tbh i kind of appreciate how cringe the uk slang is on steven's part, it just adds to the social awkwardness of the character. not to mention we have no idea about his life story. i wonder if steven has any memories of growing up in the uk...idk d.i.d. is a fascinating condition to explore in this context. great reaction though seb!!
Given Steven is a created alter, and appears to be a relatively new one still, I doubt he has a ton of memories or experiences like Marc does
@@rileyribble6733 yeah, that's what i was thinking as well, hence why i appreciate the continuity of oscar issac's accent for steven being kind of "uncanny valley-esque". like it seems more and more like the accent being kind of off is an intentional choice
@@py16667 yeah totally get that. i'm jamaican myself so i felt the cringe like a vise-grip lol
@@py16667 yeah you’d cringe if you heard me unfortunately son
@@py16667 I just enjoy saying the word, ain’t got a clue why
Seb at the end just speaking about jacked Oscar Issac and completely ignoring the fact that he is now in egypt. xD
That final scene in the hotel room…..😳😜
With the sand around the bed he can see if he walked out the bed during the night. He doesn't known Marc can erased feet traces
Wagwan 😂😂😂 Marc doing roadman tings
that wasn't Mark it was Steven
@@SalilRawatSaxena yea Steven who impaled the Jackel 🙄
@@Goosefubra are you good? Steven was mr Knight, marc is moon Knight in the actual costume
You guys are slow 🤦🏾♂️ I said doing roadman tings when Marc took over I know Steven said wagwan damn
i'm obsessed with show!!
God I'm loving this serie!
I can't with your jokes and reaction, the "reeelax" got me 🤭 Best reaction of TH-cam 😅. Don't hate Steven's accent because Marc is American, so Steven's will definitely look weird.
"Imma go straight to the authorities"
- wHy WoUlD yOu Do ThAt?
...why would he not do that..??
“Float like a butterfly sting like a bee my name Steven with a v”
You should totally react to Gravity Falls. It’s a really great show! Also I feel that moonknight is fantastic! If it keeps this pace it’ll 100% be the best marvel show
Yeah in that cane the glass slipper guy has is 100% carrying a space or power stone from their universe
This is their universe lol, it's just imbued with the power of a god, we seen konshu to be real the other ones are too
3:19 excuse me seb?!! *insert surprised face*
Im from the US, but I love UK youtube and tv, so I'm familiar with the slang. When I heard wagwan i laughed so hard, and nobody around me knew why. I cannot believe they did that
As a Jamaican that wah gwan removed the life from my body
Just because something’s familiar(THAT YOU LABEL AS ✌️CLICHÉ✌️) doesn’t mean you have to automatically shame the it.
Seb-what would we do without you?! On prior viewing I noticed the closed captioning said “yelling” without noting what he was saying, and I didn’t understand it. Only because of you do I actually know what he was yelling out! Haha, thanks from a hopeless American!
Life lesson
If you take a bite of Well Done Steak u get a free trip to Egypt
WAGGGGWAN MATE! loving this series so far!! The thign that really makes me happy is that in the first episode i couldnt tell if this series was based in the MCU or not, but then in the second episode its confrimed its after endgame due to the advert on the bus for the GRC!! so hopefully we'll get some cameos soon!! Keep it up dude, love ya channel!
As a fellow British person I think his accent is great 🤣🤣 but I do think sometimes they tend to over-use slang words that people don't actually use that much. Then again I'm not from London I live closer to Liverpool. I'd never heard the term wagwan before 😅.
Definitely better than I expected! I actually liked it better than the first ^_^
Thanks for you and your awesome vids 🙏
New rockstars has breakdowns of each episode and they include how they did the shots to make them look like London. A lot of reactors also react to their breakdowns
Steven Grant is my new favorite superhero. Not Moon Knight, specifically Steven Grant trying to _be_ Moon Knight.
where is the end credits where it says ana mesh shayef fekom had!!
The sand is so he can see if he stepped there
Looks like you find this episode so cringey that you completely forgot about moonknights existence💀
he forgor 💀
Hes uploaded them on patreon so idk what hes doing... Guess he likes the money..
The sand is so he can see if he’s left the bed whilst he’s been asleep
There is sand because of the first episode to see if he gets up from bed so it leave a print if he left
As someone who also lives in London Seb look at the building supposedly im Trafalgar Square in the shot with Steven. It doesn't look like the National Gallery at all which is what's there in real life, there's no dome etc. So that tells you it's all a CGI mishmash of bits of London -esque stuff but not actually in Londonm
Yeeeah! I watched this episode yesterday and I was waiting for you to post this video hahaha ❤️
Somebody on twitter pointed out that Khonshu have a small waist, and what was that small waist for? For other gods to grab on?
And I can't get it out of my mind now 😅
Probably cuz he’s like a skeleton and you have small waits when you don’t have waists
mr knight came through dripping
The knock in the door fucked me good lmao
Another great one mate 👍👍
Love it that ur up to date with marvel :)
Also none of the Egypt stuff that we're gonna see was shot in Egypt.
English accent is so varied and rich, chill with the callouts, kid.
my fav part about these reactions is you also making fun of the REAL British actors accents xD
my man said suiiiiiiii
The sand around the bed is so he can see if he got out of bed in the night.
I am so confused with whether his accent is good or not lol. I see Brits saying either "he's inconsistent and a bit exaggerated but still great overall" or "it sucks and isn't convincing at all". WHICH ONE IS IT?
Wagwan Wagwan WAGWAN!
Erik Voss from New Rockstars said that episode 2 was filmed in London so you are not crazy, that is London.
Funny reaction no lie. Next episode and reaction is gonna be fire
I agree with seb in that even if the accent is good and there are legit british actors in here, the dialogues written for them feels like its written by someone who isn't british but thinks brits talk like this in everyday life.
This tv show is fireeeee
I think the jackals can only be seen by the person it's being sent after.
Love the videos, suggestion: watch Star Wars the clone wars series. It’s a lengthy watch but you won’t regret it - it adds so much depth to the Star Wars universe and is arguably better than a lot of the Star Wars films, there are certain episodes that are so damn perfect that it’s breathtaking (especially the last season), I really recommend it. You may not enjoy the first few seasons too much but it sets you up for the rest of the series so well, where the show really gets good. Nothing but love bro ❤️
Apparently Oscar Isaac has no contract to appear in any more Marvel properties, so I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't show up in the larger MCU.
I feel like Steven's version of Mr. Knight will be a bit more Deadpool-y, when he finally gets that confidence... Wagwan bredren Moon Knight :P
After this episode I really hope I don't hear people say "wagwan" 💀✋🏽
But Marvel is a huge franchise so I won't doubt I'll be hearing it. God my ears will be bleeding. But tbh I didn't have a problem with Steven saying it because its perfect for his character, he's awkward and thinks he's a big shot because he threw a nice punch. Plus he's not really British so he probably heard someone saying it
No idea what wagwan is but just your reaction to it was the best lol
That two characters acting is really really impressive.How no one didn't notice.
Dude. I swear that castle/village in ep 1 was latveria. And I. Am. Hype.
That wasn’t Latveria. There’s no chance Doom would allow something like this to take place in his country, especially in the capital. He’d end Harrow before he got started with the cult lol
Sorry Seb, I got distracted all the episode by those arms omg lol
Fun Fact, none of this is filmed in the UK
Fun stuff doughnut
I think Steven is an American's idea of what a Londoner is like. He's a personality created in the mind of an American so, while he fully believes himself to be a Londoner, he isn't really.
Welcome to the waiting ark of the mcu
Lmao i was just wondering if you've a new video on moon knight episode 2 and here it is! I should click the bell 😔
WAGWAN!!!! lmao
The wait week to week is bad for shows but no pain can match the year wait between infinity war and endgame
I am assuming it's a British thing? Wagwan
Its jamaican patois for "whats going on" British jamaican immigrants use it as a slang greeting, white brits just think its a British thing because they don't know much about the cultures in their own country let alone another countries culture
Nope, it’s Jamaican slang that Brits just use now
Can someone explain to those of us in North America what the WAGWAN thing is? I'm curious. 😁