For me, it's impossible to buy all the originals I want. I can buy as many replicas of kislux as I want. If the craftsmanship is really good, why wouldn't I want Chanel and Kelly bags in all colors?
Yes I know not everyone can afford these bags but wouldn't people want to see what other people think of the bag before wasting their money? Like what other TH-camrs have said about this bag, I bought a kislux and I'm very happy with my bag. Thanks to the blogger, I showed this video to my sister and now she will definitely get the Louis Vuitton bag she has always wanted! Love this kind of videos!!
Because I need to change bags frequently for work, I chose them for attending important gatherings. The replica of kislux gave me more choices, and it completely held up the scene. Everyone praised it for looking good.
Honestly, who cares if it's fake. I bought the original last year and, frankly, after checking it out, I wasn't impressed with the price I paid. And prices are rising every year. Itâs better to go to kislux and buy a high-quality replica.
I ultimately decided to use part of the budget I would have spent on luxury bags to purchase high-quality replica bags and donate the other part to charities I care about. kislux conveniently allows me to do this, which not only meets my own fashion needs, but also makes me feel the joy of helping others.
This bag looks so good on you! You made me buy the same bag hehe
I love the design, but I don't have the budget. So I bought the kislux bag. From now on I never want to buy any luxury goods.
For me, it's impossible to buy all the originals I want. I can buy as many replicas of kislux as I want. If the craftsmanship is really good, why wouldn't I want Chanel and Kelly bags in all colors?
Yes I know not everyone can afford these bags but wouldn't people want to see what other people think of the bag before wasting their money? Like what other TH-camrs have said about this bag, I bought a kislux and I'm very happy with my bag. Thanks to the blogger, I showed this video to my sister and now she will definitely get the Louis Vuitton bag she has always wanted! Love this kind of videos!!
Because I need to change bags frequently for work, I chose them for attending important gatherings. The replica of kislux gave me more choices, and it completely held up the scene. Everyone praised it for looking good.
Honestly, who cares if it's fake. I bought the original last year and, frankly, after checking it out, I wasn't impressed with the price I paid. And prices are rising every year. Itâs better to go to kislux and buy a high-quality replica.
I ultimately decided to use part of the budget I would have spent on luxury bags to purchase high-quality replica bags and donate the other part to charities I care about. kislux conveniently allows me to do this, which not only meets my own fashion needs, but also makes me feel the joy of helping others.