I just started playing league a couple of months ago and have been trying out garen recently as I was recommended him as a good beginner champ. I have been watching a couple of Garen guides as a result but most of them throw too much jargon around and are way too difficult to follow as a beginner/someone new to the game. This guide was a breath of fresh air and so helpful. It was so easy to follow and understand. Thank you and please make more!
tbh League is a game where the "beginner" part can last for months, sometimes even years. Garen is the perfect champ to play for beginners but before you'll start to do good with him you'll need to know other champions, what are their strenghts and weakness and also learn macro beacuse without macro you can go 4-0 in lane and then can't extend your lead to the map. Its a long trip buddy!
Garen main here from years back. No longer play, but watching you and others, such as threecond from Korea, is enough league content to satisy my Demacian thirst. This particular video was a precise, step-by-step tutorial, on how to lane against Jax. Thank you for this insight. Never got down to the details, like you just explained. Extremely educational and powerful tools to up your game against him. Also, great to see a Garen Challenger player. Keep up the good work. Hopefully you will upload similar style videos against other tough matuchups. Great work!
I watched this video and have won against any jax player ever since. I loved the in depth breakdown of how these champions really work and especially liked the power spikes part. I would hope to see more videos of this kind from you in the future!
damn ... I'm glad I found this video, been a Garen main for 6 years and the way you breakdown the match up was awesome Great video man keep up the good work, Subscribed
I love your content so much, the jax lane isn't that hard to deal with (specially in the abyss of low elo xD), but I was currious and I wasn't disappointed !! I didn't know that Garen outranges jax with that +50 :o. Love your content and can't wait to hear your thaughts on new season, hopefully in a video :) Thank you for the amazing content, such well written and simply put guide. Again, thanks for the content.
Would love some more matchup guides. People seems to struggle with this matchup but really enjoy it. I cannot seem to anything but feed vs Illaoi though so if you could do a guide on that matchup it would be great!
Been playing adc/mid for 10 years and thought it'd be fun to learn top. Gonna start with garen, so I will watch all of your videos thanks for the hard work. Edit: oh nvm there are no other guides on this channel lol. If you make more I will watch them I guess.
Subbed. Really cool guide. If you want to continue with these videos you could make guides for Trynda, Mordekaiser, Nasus. I've never seen any vids covering these matchups. Thank you.
The video was great! You got yourself a follower haha. The item tests would be wonderfull as I think I am becoming somewhat garen onetrick in silver so far haha. Goal is to reach gold for the skin and then maybe focus on climbing next seasson. (I didnt play much for last 3 years. Maybe about 50 games total) The edits look good and I believe you when you say it took a lot of work. Gameplay is just so much easier to just record, maybe add intro outro and be done with it.
Thanks buddy! Some of the upcoming videos will definitely not be as heavily edited as this one :) but i do have a huge test on 8th january so ill spend most of my time studying for that in the coming week :/
Yea i think I’m going to make some less edited videos now after the match up guide 😅. As for what my next specific match up guide will be, there have been a lot of different champions suggested, so I’ll have to make some sort of voting system where people can vote for what they want to see the most. However since i have a huge test on 8th January I will spend most of my time studying for that and then the new season begins so ill have to test new items and all the other changes. What Im saying is that I’m very happy that people want more guides and that it unfortunately will take some time before the next guide is out.
Good video with some helpful tips and tricks! I reached master this season but still learned some good stuff here. Tack som fan och fortsätt med det du gör 😁
Im gonna do more matchup guides in the future but since the new season changed a lot of items and powerspikes for different champions, I'll have to get used to the new season first before more match ups are coming :) But once I have gotten a good feeling for the new season as well as enough footage for a specific matchup, I'm making a guide for it!
The Vayne match up is something i face from time to time and could make a guide for in the future. Teemo on the other hand, I haven't seen that champion in a long time so i would need some more games to get a good understanding of the match up aswell as footage for the guide :)
take phase rush to look for short trade, you will never want to have a long trade with him in the early game conqueror + resolve will never have enough speed to catch him conqueror + sorcery will put you in danger as your durability is weak compare to ornn's
@@Erislash lol you are funny, i am just a silver dont worry il never hit challenger, but after i watch ur vídeo i played 2 garen games and manage to stomp in lane, even vs a quinn hard counter, got 2 free Winston, ur the best 🙂
garen have no complicated mechanics. the guy is just showing us how to use all of his simple kit and turns it into advantage even in this level of the game
Great video man! I have a question. I don't always use W for Jax E. I once recently saw Potent explain how he doesnt parry Jax E, but instead his Q-W since that's where his initial burst comes from. So i started implementing that with Garen too, and then try to kite out his E with my Q movespeed. Obviously I can't always do that, so I alternate between using W on his E or QW. What are your thoughts on this? In terms of itemization I tend to go Stride > Exec > Black Cleaver against Jax. Black cleaver for the armor pen against his base armor + tabis + ult. I'd go mortal but I think that makes me too squishy in the 1v1. Sometimes I skip out on exec too if I'm snowballing simply because I feel like ignite should be enough to one tap him. But the downside is that I become too reliant on it so I still end up getting it afterwards 😅
Yea you are absolutely right! Using W on his main damaging parts is also a good option. With his ult third attack and W dealing a ton of damage you should W that in short trades where the stun duration of his E isn’t as important. You can see me doing it a couple of times in the video but I’m not sure why I never mentioned it 😅. As for the build, I have seen some other Garen players also building black cleaver and tested it myself, it’s really good but there are other items that i feel are more important. The extra damage from a full mortal reminder is really nice but then you need extra tankiness which I usually get from steraks to act a bit more like a frontline and not just a melee assassin Garen :D
Yea shes pretty hard and snowbally ngl, if she wins early there isn’t much you can do but if you win early you can try going healing reduction and hold your q until after your entire E, if she doesn’t parry your Q you can just ult her during the silence and if she does parry it, just ult her after its over. But yea its a tricky match up.
Hi man, really enjoyed the review of the matchup! I’m a Garen main, and it got me out of gold for my first time, as i’m currently Emerald EUW, almost always spamming garen. I figured out some of the tricky matchups like Darius, but I legit can’t win a Camille lane. If the enemy locks in Camille, I just assume I’m suffering all game and never outscale her. Can you give me some tips or maybe make a vídeo on how to outscale her? It’s the toughest matchup for me.
@@Erislash fair enough ahah i usually ban illaoi because i hate that champion with my life, but maybe some tips on the matchup vs illaoi would help me start opting for the camille ban and gain courage to lane vs illaoi too
@@Erislash i would also really like to see a more General guide on when to max Q or E and when to go Phase Rush or Conqueror. I usually go max e/conqueror every game, but i know its not the best for some games
When facing an Illaoi the absolute number 1 thing to look out for is her E aswell as not staying in her ult if you can’t one shot her with your ult. Take phase rush so that you can outrun her E and ult. In fights she usually uses her E either right before your Q or spam it right when the silence ends. max E and build healing reduction :)
A general Garen guide wont come out for some time since i think people are more interested in specific match ups, but some quick tips are: E max in most melee match ups, some points in Q vs ranged champs (more the faster they are), phase rush scales way better than conqueror so only pick conqueror where you really need the extra damage in early fights.
Thank you so much! I’ve gotten a few different match up suggestions and as soon as i have enough footage of the match up in the new season ill make a guide!
Hi there, love the vid. Just a general question - Is alacrity ever good for garen? Considering the spins scale only with attack speed gained from items and levels - shouldn't tenacity always be better even when playing vs no hard cc comps to mitigate slows?
At the time of making the guide I thought that it actullay did increase the amount of spin, but I now realise that it actullay dones't. My bad on that one. The only time i would go for the attack speed rune is when the enemy team doesnt have alot of cc or slows and also when im going to split push for the majority of the game.
curious why you go atk speed runes (alacrity) vs tenacity ones, the atk speed runes do not increase your spin count right? so it is normally better to just go for tenacity? since you won't be AA him that much for it to be worth? plus the extra tenacity might save you once your W is down during team fights or other moments, but curious to hear your thoughts, love the content thanks!
Good question, alacrity actually does increase the amount of spins from your E ability. The amount of spins scale with total attack speed which is increased by this rune. When the enemy team have a bit too much cc I tend to go tenacity tho.
correction, I just tested it and alactiry actually does not increase the amout of spins, you where right! I still think its a great rune if the enemy team dosesnt have a lot of tenacity, but I wont go it as often anymore :D Thanks for commenting and making me double check it!
Although Jax is a strong champion rn, Garen is still probably one of the best pick into him. Suppose both players have the same level of knowledge Garen should be able to win most of the time excluding other variables like jungle ganks and the healing plant spawn time. In summary if you pick Garen into Jax and lost early game with con or can't keep up with him later with phase rush then YOU are either don't belong in that Rank or the OPPONENT does not belongs there and is simply just better.
Yea this is mostly true, Garen should win vs Jax in most elos but once you reach really high, Garens simple kit can easily be exploited by more factors than Jax making the match up harder the higher elo you get. Since the guide was made for improvement, the goal was for the viewers to learn the match up well and even win vs Jax players that are higher ranks than what the Garen player is.
as a yasuo top player i see how i can beat garen really just because of this vid although garen beats yasuo harder still yasuo early is much stronger so i manage to freez a lane on garen i can run him down lvl 4
since i only begun recording games a short while a go, I dont have enough footage yet. So weh nthe new season comes and I have enough footage I will for sure make a darius match up guide :)
Thats a match up Im looking forward to making, but I need alot more games vs him to get enough footage for a solid video that isn’t just a few minutes long!
I dont really play vs a lot of mordekaisers in high elo but when I do I play near the minions and never let him get isolated Qs, punish him after he uses W, space in and out of his Q range and engage after he misses it and go phase rush so that you can outrun him even if he builds rylais :)
Do you have any advice for dealing with Jax in S14? I'm playing against him and even if he goes 0-4 early he gets triforce, zerker greaves, lethal tempo and you can't 1v1 anymore.
I’ve gotten a few requests on some different champions now and once I have enough footage of the match up in the new season I’ll make a guide for it :)
I ban Camille, not sure if shes the absolute worst match up but whenever i play as the Camille in the match up, I usually get a free win and it seems kinda hopeless for the Garen.
I know Garen is one of the easiest champions i low elo, but once you reach higher elos he becomes much harder to perform well on. This is why Garen is D tier in challenger and very few play him in the highest ranks. I used to play champions like zed and qiyana and I still play jayce from time to time, so im not sure what ur tying to say here 🤷♂️ and also Garen is really fun to play :D
Im not a full one trick, I play some other champions on other accounts as well like mordekaiser, darius, renekton and jayce. The readon i started playing Garen so much recently is because of GABUNGKING , a korean Garen player that uploads some relaxing Garen videos.
Surprised there is a guide to lane vs jax but new players do exist, Garen is my instant counterpick against Jax. Phase rush, start E, hullbreaker and just split. He's better in teamfights but with hull he cant afford to leave lane and can't kill with phase rush, stride combo. He has mana issues and no sustain, im sure you go over everything in this vid though. Then again im not challenger so maybe just permasplitting isnt the best at that elo.
Jax isn’t a hard matchup though, you just out sustain him and actually beat him late game with ult. just go conquerer. You can’t expect to go phase rush and get fine trades early. Garen is too overstat to hard lose this matchup. Literally just go for an E - Q and if he holds counter strike u easil win the trade and then ignite R. Just don’t get cheesed before boots.. it’s like plenty of matchups. He was literally used as a counterpick to Jax in worlds. Hard matchups are characters who beat you in lane and outscale you. Garen outwcales him at level 6
When you go conq you win the early game but get hard kited lategame by the rest of his team and cant really split push since ur slow. If you go phase rush you just lose early vs Jax forcing you to go conq and win early but lose to his team lategame. This is of course not true for every teamcomp, but most comps feature some hard counters to garen if he doesn’t have phase rush lategame.
@@monkey3101 I understand what you are saying, but by going conqueror and winning lane, you give up some of your lategame power and make it harder for you to impact the map and actually win the game. So you either win 1v1 with conq, or have a harder time 1v1 but impact the map more with phase rush.
not really very honest to call yourself rank 1 Garen EU just by being chall on EUNE. Also not to mention Strey is busy playing Darius rn, but he is consistently high chall on EUW w/ Garen, I really think it's not fair to call anyone but him the best Garen player in EU. I'm not saying you're not good, just feels like a very cocky title compared to reality
@@MrJpdr15 It's not yapping if it's true. Maybe you don't care about this kind of thing and that's fine, but for me I think titles like this are important in competitive spaces
I just started playing league a couple of months ago and have been trying out garen recently as I was recommended him as a good beginner champ. I have been watching a couple of Garen guides as a result but most of them throw too much jargon around and are way too difficult to follow as a beginner/someone new to the game. This guide was a breath of fresh air and so helpful. It was so easy to follow and understand. Thank you and please make more!
Thank you for your kind words! I’ll make more guides once I get enough footage for the match up :)
tbh League is a game where the "beginner" part can last for months, sometimes even years. Garen is the perfect champ to play for beginners but before you'll start to do good with him you'll need to know other champions, what are their strenghts and weakness and also learn macro beacuse without macro you can go 4-0 in lane and then can't extend your lead to the map. Its a long trip buddy!
Garen main here from years back. No longer play, but watching you and others, such as threecond from Korea, is enough league content to satisy my Demacian thirst.
This particular video was a precise, step-by-step tutorial, on how to lane against Jax.
Thank you for this insight. Never got down to the details, like you just explained. Extremely educational and powerful tools to up your game against him.
Also, great to see a Garen Challenger player. Keep up the good work. Hopefully you will upload similar style videos against other tough matuchups. Great work!
I watched this video and have won against any jax player ever since. I loved the in depth breakdown of how these champions really work and especially liked the power spikes part. I would hope to see more videos of this kind from you in the future!
Im glad you liked it! Im planing on making more when the new season comes around :)
great video! really appreciate the in depth breakdown. would love to see teh sett matchup
damn ... I'm glad I found this video, been a Garen main for 6 years and the way you breakdown the match up was awesome
Great video man keep up the good work, Subscribed
I love your content so much, the jax lane isn't that hard to deal with (specially in the abyss of low elo xD), but I was currious and I wasn't disappointed !! I didn't know that Garen outranges jax with that +50 :o.
Love your content and can't wait to hear your thaughts on new season, hopefully in a video :)
Thank you for the amazing content, such well written and simply put guide.
Again, thanks for the content.
Thank you so much or your incredibly nice comment! I'm glad you liked the structure and how the script was written :D
For all beginner, we must learn to hide Q animation on E spell , most of ppl dont even pay attention.
GRREAT video!! I’m hoping for this to become a series!:)❤
Im working on a Mordekaiser guide right now which will hopefully fully be released sometime soon, officially making it a series :D
@@Erislash BEST GAREN TH-camR
I just picked up garen and this content is amazing for learning thanks!
Best matchup video I've ever seen. Thank you so much!
nah I should be the one thanking you for that comment! So nice of you to not only watch the video but also comment that :))
Yooooo thank you master🙏 Thanks to your teachings, I will now climb out of silver and finally see that ranked reward 😎
Great video would love to see ones in this style on other tricky matchups like camile, vayne or quinn
As of right now, Im banning Camille, but the other match ups are something I will cover in the future!
I made it to the end and I want to say it was a great video!
Thank you! :)
Nice video, hope there'll be other matchup guides like that. Subbed and liked. Until then, take care fellow Garen enjoyer !
Would love some more matchup guides. People seems to struggle with this matchup but really enjoy it. I cannot seem to anything but feed vs Illaoi though so if you could do a guide on that matchup it would be great!
I haven’t faced an Illaoi in a while but once I get enough footage of the match up im going to make a guide!
@@Erislash sweet!
Been playing adc/mid for 10 years and thought it'd be fun to learn top. Gonna start with garen, so I will watch all of your videos thanks for the hard work. Edit: oh nvm there are no other guides on this channel lol. If you make more I will watch them I guess.
Hahaha yea there will be more guides coming! Just dont have all the footage for the match ups yet since i so recently started recording my games :)
Just made it to diamond with this
Weeeyyy congratulations my man!!
great video my man! Will try to keep all this things in mind!
Thank you for the tips and tricks, I will definitely keep this in mind in my next garen game!
Really good guide! I would like to see one for Camille, Illaoi and Darius. My main problems when playing Garen :)
As of right now, im banning Camille, but guides for Darius and Illaoi is deffenently something I wanna make!
Damn , that's a Garen + Jax 2 Guides in 1 , great work !
Haha yea I didn’t really think of it as 2 different guides but I guess you’re right :)
great video! really well-edited, and nice info.
Subbed. Really cool guide. If you want to continue with these videos you could make guides for Trynda, Mordekaiser, Nasus. I've never seen any vids covering these matchups. Thank you.
thank you! The guide took some time to make, and I need a few more games vs these champions to make a proper guide with enough footage :)
The video was great! You got yourself a follower haha.
The item tests would be wonderfull as I think I am becoming somewhat garen onetrick in silver so far haha. Goal is to reach gold for the skin and then maybe focus on climbing next seasson. (I didnt play much for last 3 years. Maybe about 50 games total)
The edits look good and I believe you when you say it took a lot of work. Gameplay is just so much easier to just record, maybe add intro outro and be done with it.
Thanks buddy! Some of the upcoming videos will definitely not be as heavily edited as this one :) but i do have a huge test on 8th january so ill spend most of my time studying for that in the coming week :/
man, this is great, finally a garen otp, would love to see a vs trynda guide
Finally garen content that is good. Keep it up
Thanks for the guide!
Erislash tutorials are the best in the biz
1 - press q
2 - press e
3 - press r
Watching this and realising Garen actually has some mechanics in his kit
no is just a really good player😭
Nice tips time to climb back to masters :) "Surprise! I'm back!"
Great video. I would appreciate garen vs Aatrox / Fiora / Malphite videos. Thx! Keep up the good work!
You could also consider uploading full gameplay commentaries. Since they probably are less work and still very enjoyable ;)
Yea i think I’m going to make some less edited videos now after the match up guide 😅. As for what my next specific match up guide will be, there have been a lot of different champions suggested, so I’ll have to make some sort of voting system where people can vote for what they want to see the most. However since i have a huge test on 8th January I will spend most of my time studying for that and then the new season begins so ill have to test new items and all the other changes. What Im saying is that I’m very happy that people want more guides and that it unfortunately will take some time before the next guide is out.
@@Erislash just saw this and it's 8th January, hope you do nice on your test!
@@NickolasStef Thank you! I just finished it and felt kinda good :)
now i can be the rank 2 garen eu, thx
very enjoyable couple videos bro, keep it up. I enjoyed them as a jungler :)
great job my broda, you just got a new sub, keep the amazing work!
thanks that was a nice guide waiting for more
hey man, as a fellow new toplaner and garen enjoyer (emerald adc elo) loved the video and content, hope to see more garen vids and matchups! new sub
weeeyy thank you so much for the nice comment!
Ignore the minor editing mistake at the runes section :D
Great info. Thanks man
awesome video, man! Helps a lot!
Glad it was helpful!
Very good guide ! Hope you make more of them !
Good video with some helpful tips and tricks! I reached master this season but still learned some good stuff here. Tack som fan och fortsätt med det du gör 😁
Weeyy tack kingen!
well done
Hoping for more. Also have you ever tried EUW?
I have a for fun account there where I play with my friends, but next season ill switch over and play most of my soloq games there :)
@@Erislash Neat! Looking forward to this!
amazing video, pls do more matchup videos like this
Im gonna do more matchup guides in the future but since the new season changed a lot of items and powerspikes for different champions, I'll have to get used to the new season first before more match ups are coming :) But once I have gotten a good feeling for the new season as well as enough footage for a specific matchup, I'm making a guide for it!
Please up load more videos.
Working on it :)
Please make more of these!!
I'd love to see such breakdowns for Teemo and Vayne matchups.
The Vayne match up is something i face from time to time and could make a guide for in the future. Teemo on the other hand, I haven't seen that champion in a long time so i would need some more games to get a good understanding of the match up aswell as footage for the guide :)
Wanna know Garen vs Ornn :)
Same! Ornn is so annoying to play against☝️
take phase rush to look for short trade, you will never want to have a long trade with him in the early game
conqueror + resolve will never have enough speed to catch him
conqueror + sorcery will put you in danger as your durability is weak compare to ornn's
Early game - Slowplay. Phase rush. Proxy game.
Mid game - Hullbreaker. Split push. Take towers in his face. Draw more opponents to you. Repeat.
It would be great if you do something like this for Yone,Trundle and other popular top laners.
Im planing on making more of these, just not sure in what order to cover them in.
@@ErislashCan't wait to see them.
@@ErislashMaybe make a poll?
No entiendo del todo lo que dices pero da gusto verte jugar Garen. ❤
Its nice to see that you enjoy the video without fully understanding what I’m saying ❤️
nice video, this is usefull since i like to play jax xD
I'm glad you could learn from the video even as a Jax player, as long as you don't use the tricks against me :)
@@Erislash lol you are funny, i am just a silver dont worry il never hit challenger, but after i watch ur vídeo i played 2 garen games and manage to stomp in lane, even vs a quinn hard counter, got 2 free Winston, ur the best 🙂
garen have no complicated mechanics.
the guy is just showing us how to use all of his simple kit and turns it into advantage even in this level of the game
Amazing content !! keep it up
Great video man! I have a question. I don't always use W for Jax E. I once recently saw Potent explain how he doesnt parry Jax E, but instead his Q-W since that's where his initial burst comes from. So i started implementing that with Garen too, and then try to kite out his E with my Q movespeed. Obviously I can't always do that, so I alternate between using W on his E or QW. What are your thoughts on this?
In terms of itemization I tend to go Stride > Exec > Black Cleaver against Jax. Black cleaver for the armor pen against his base armor + tabis + ult. I'd go mortal but I think that makes me too squishy in the 1v1. Sometimes I skip out on exec too if I'm snowballing simply because I feel like ignite should be enough to one tap him. But the downside is that I become too reliant on it so I still end up getting it afterwards 😅
Yea you are absolutely right! Using W on his main damaging parts is also a good option. With his ult third attack and W dealing a ton of damage you should W that in short trades where the stun duration of his E isn’t as important. You can see me doing it a couple of times in the video but I’m not sure why I never mentioned it 😅.
As for the build, I have seen some other Garen players also building black cleaver and tested it myself, it’s really good but there are other items that i feel are more important. The extra damage from a full mortal reminder is really nice but then you need extra tankiness which I usually get from steraks to act a bit more like a frontline and not just a melee assassin Garen :D
Thanks a lot!
Fiora seems the toughest to me, she can proc vital so fast with no punishment
Yea shes pretty hard and snowbally ngl, if she wins early there isn’t much you can do but if you win early you can try going healing reduction and hold your q until after your entire E, if she doesn’t parry your Q you can just ult her during the silence and if she does parry it, just ult her after its over. But yea its a tricky match up.
@@Erislash oh never actually thought about outplaying with q like that, thx
Idk why I watched a guide for a matchup between 2 braindead statcheck champs I dont play but it was a good video lol🗣️
i watched the full video. I don't even play garen
Hi man, really enjoyed the review of the matchup!
I’m a Garen main, and it got me out of gold for my first time, as i’m currently Emerald EUW, almost always spamming garen.
I figured out some of the tricky matchups like Darius, but I legit can’t win a Camille lane. If the enemy locks in Camille, I just assume I’m suffering all game and never outscale her.
Can you give me some tips or maybe make a vídeo on how to outscale her? It’s the toughest matchup for me.
Hahah I’d love to give some good tips but since I ban her I have no clue what to do vs her😅
@@Erislash fair enough ahah i usually ban illaoi because i hate that champion with my life, but maybe some tips on the matchup vs illaoi would help me start opting for the camille ban and gain courage to lane vs illaoi too
@@Erislash i would also really like to see a more General guide on when to max Q or E and when to go Phase Rush or Conqueror. I usually go max e/conqueror every game, but i know its not the best for some games
When facing an Illaoi the absolute number 1 thing to look out for is her E aswell as not staying in her ult if you can’t one shot her with your ult. Take phase rush so that you can outrun her E and ult. In fights she usually uses her E either right before your Q or spam it right when the silence ends. max E and build healing reduction :)
A general Garen guide wont come out for some time since i think people are more interested in specific match ups, but some quick tips are: E max in most melee match ups, some points in Q vs ranged champs (more the faster they are), phase rush scales way better than conqueror so only pick conqueror where you really need the extra damage in early fights.
Jax's E doesn't reduce splash dmg anymore.
Check 4:20 for the description of Jax E :)
love the video, i would like to see a matchup vs jayce too
also your video is very good, I would love to see more videos like this :)
Thank you so much! I’ve gotten a few different match up suggestions and as soon as i have enough footage of the match up in the new season ill make a guide!
thank you :D@@Erislash
love these videos you're like a garen dojo master! could you do one for sett
keep it up!
Hi there, love the vid. Just a general question - Is alacrity ever good for garen? Considering the spins scale only with attack speed gained from items and levels - shouldn't tenacity always be better even when playing vs no hard cc comps to mitigate slows?
subbed btw
At the time of making the guide I thought that it actullay did increase the amount of spin, but I now realise that it actullay dones't. My bad on that one. The only time i would go for the attack speed rune is when the enemy team doesnt have alot of cc or slows and also when im going to split push for the majority of the game.
Wait there's actually mechanic on garen you guys don't just slam your face on keyboard?
Hahah believe it or not, sometimes we actually activate the brain!
Dude I really need the perfect build for Garen S14! I'm Garen OTP and i'm scared to go into the new season!
by the way, you should do a video about how to do wave management in garen, I find a little hard because of the spinning.
Yea that sounds like a good idea. It will probably be sometime in the future as I have other video plans aswell as school stuff atm :/
curious why you go atk speed runes (alacrity) vs tenacity ones, the atk speed runes do not increase your spin count right? so it is normally better to just go for tenacity? since you won't be AA him that much for it to be worth? plus the extra tenacity might save you once your W is down during team fights or other moments, but curious to hear your thoughts, love the content thanks!
Good question, alacrity actually does increase the amount of spins from your E ability. The amount of spins scale with total attack speed which is increased by this rune. When the enemy team have a bit too much cc I tend to go tenacity tho.
correction, I just tested it and alactiry actually does not increase the amout of spins, you where right! I still think its a great rune if the enemy team dosesnt have a lot of tenacity, but I wont go it as often anymore :D Thanks for commenting and making me double check it!
No worries we are all learning together 🎉
Although Jax is a strong champion rn, Garen is still probably one of the best pick into him. Suppose both players have the same level of knowledge Garen should be able to win most of the time excluding other variables like jungle ganks and the healing plant spawn time. In summary if you pick Garen into Jax and lost early game with con or can't keep up with him later with phase rush then YOU are either don't belong in that Rank or the OPPONENT does not belongs there and is simply just better.
Also I think Garen is just mechanically easier to pick up for new players/lower elo players than Jax.
Yea this is mostly true, Garen should win vs Jax in most elos but once you reach really high, Garens simple kit can easily be exploited by more factors than Jax making the match up harder the higher elo you get. Since the guide was made for improvement, the goal was for the viewers to learn the match up well and even win vs Jax players that are higher ranks than what the Garen player is.
Dude I play league on and off for 10 years and am still silver. That new to the game comment and being silver hurt me :D
Very nice material. Could you make a video on how to defeat it Illaoi?
Haven’t faced her in a while, but once i get enough footage for a guide ill make one!
@@Erislash thanks :D
as a yasuo top player i see how i can beat garen really just because of this vid although garen beats yasuo harder still yasuo early is much stronger so i manage to freez a lane on garen i can run him down lvl 4
nice video ! can u do another one for darius matchup? thanks!
since i only begun recording games a short while a go, I dont have enough footage yet. So weh nthe new season comes and I have enough footage I will for sure make a darius match up guide :)
Do you know the GABUNGKING guy, the best Garen in KR?
haha yea, the reason i started playing Garen was because of him :)
@@Erislash i realise you use the music in the gameplay video is also the music gabungking also use in his videos too
pls garen vs darius matchup
Thats a match up Im looking forward to making, but I need alot more games vs him to get enough footage for a solid video that isn’t just a few minutes long!
Do you have any tips for garen vs morde? I finally figured out how to beat camille but morde is the only matchip i always get stomped.
I dont really play vs a lot of mordekaisers in high elo but when I do I play near the minions and never let him get isolated Qs, punish him after he uses W, space in and out of his Q range and engage after he misses it and go phase rush so that you can outrun him even if he builds rylais :)
maybe give me some insights on how to beat camille as garen ahahah i legit cant win a single lane vs camille and im legit never able to outscale her
Do you have any advice for dealing with Jax in S14? I'm playing against him and even if he goes 0-4 early he gets triforce, zerker greaves, lethal tempo and you can't 1v1 anymore.
do you also play in euw? i would like to see how high you can climb there
I have an EUW account where I play some flex with frinds but my plan is to switch over and play all of my soloq games there in the next season!
helped a lot tnx
Kayle matchup please ?
I’ve gotten a few requests on some different champions now and once I have enough footage of the match up in the new season I’ll make a guide for it :)
@@Erislash Thank you! Big fan of your videos, they're insanely helpful
who do you usually ban
I ban Camille, not sure if shes the absolute worst match up but whenever i play as the Camille in the match up, I usually get a free win and it seems kinda hopeless for the Garen.
of course you play garen, what else can you play xdd
I know Garen is one of the easiest champions i low elo, but once you reach higher elos he becomes much harder to perform well on. This is why Garen is D tier in challenger and very few play him in the highest ranks. I used to play champions like zed and qiyana and I still play jayce from time to time, so im not sure what ur tying to say here 🤷♂️ and also Garen is really fun to play :D
why do you one trick garen ? Is it cause hes fun, easy, I wanna know the reason
Im not a full one trick, I play some other champions on other accounts as well like mordekaiser, darius, renekton and jayce. The readon i started playing Garen so much recently is because of GABUNGKING , a korean Garen player that uploads some relaxing Garen videos.
Surprised there is a guide to lane vs jax but new players do exist, Garen is my instant counterpick against Jax. Phase rush, start E, hullbreaker and just split. He's better in teamfights but with hull he cant afford to leave lane and can't kill with phase rush, stride combo. He has mana issues and no sustain, im sure you go over everything in this vid though. Then again im not challenger so maybe just permasplitting isnt the best at that elo.
Yea, the higher elo you get, the harder the match up becomes and this guide is ment to make players better and beat Jax players of higher rank.
I'm balkan and the jax name had me rolling. 20cm bez glave means 20 centimeters without head (penis) :D
Jax isn’t a hard matchup though, you just out sustain him and actually beat him late game with ult. just go conquerer. You can’t expect to go phase rush and get fine trades early. Garen is too overstat to hard lose this matchup. Literally just go for an E - Q and if he holds counter strike u easil win the trade and then ignite R. Just don’t get cheesed before boots.. it’s like plenty of matchups. He was literally used as a counterpick to Jax in worlds. Hard matchups are characters who beat you in lane and outscale you. Garen outwcales him at level 6
Jax goes sunderer and frozen heart and garen loses
When you go conq you win the early game but get hard kited lategame by the rest of his team and cant really split push since ur slow. If you go phase rush you just lose early vs Jax forcing you to go conq and win early but lose to his team lategame. This is of course not true for every teamcomp, but most comps feature some hard counters to garen if he doesn’t have phase rush lategame.
@@monkey3101 I understand what you are saying, but by going conqueror and winning lane, you give up some of your lategame power and make it harder for you to impact the map and actually win the game. So you either win 1v1 with conq, or have a harder time 1v1 but impact the map more with phase rush.
@@Erislash but ur making a matchup guide
not really very honest to call yourself rank 1 Garen EU just by being chall on EUNE. Also not to mention Strey is busy playing Darius rn, but he is consistently high chall on EUW w/ Garen, I really think it's not fair to call anyone but him the best Garen player in EU. I'm not saying you're not good, just feels like a very cocky title compared to reality
Yea I can see your argument, I’ll climb on west next season and hopefully become rank 1 Garen on EUW aswell :)
@@Erislash I wish you luck, and glad to have you in the Garen community
@@MrJpdr15 It's not yapping if it's true. Maybe you don't care about this kind of thing and that's fine, but for me I think titles like this are important in competitive spaces
eune 😐😐
Dw brother, I’ll play on EUW next season and hopefully become rank 1 Garen there aswell :)
🙏🏻🙏🏻cant wait to see that vision realise @@Erislash