spent 2 years in jail with paul, found him to be a gentleman, funny caring protective, told the best stories and was the fittest man in jail trained 3 times a day cardio
I was in ways with him when we were on remand then I met him in sudbury when we were finishing off we both got a 7 stretch in 98 came out in 02 then he goes and get nicked again top bloke like you said told me some made stories funny as
Thanks so much for this well told account, amazing how these guys survive the mayhem of the time and still can tell their stories. I will keep a look out for Paul's book.
"Boardman was known for being polite …but was also an extremely dangerous sixteen and a half stone lunatic who you didn't want o get on the wrong side of." But he was polite, and that's rare nowadays.
@@micahbodha6129 which one, I'm not from there but I've always heard it pronounced solfud, certainly not sall ford. It just sounds weird that's all. Quite a good vid though 👌.
Gentlemen. They left the lady alone. And dealt with the problem. Not saints. But true Gs, no waffling. World class in the way that they rolled. Wouldn’t want them for enemies.
In 96/97 Paul Massey wanted control of Applejacks nightclub underneath the Princess hotel. Applejacks had a handful of tough bouncers from London. The bouncers did a good job of keeping him away. In the end, Paul Massey approached the head bouncer on a car park with a gun but the bouncer took the gun from him. At that point, the bouncers knew he would just keep coming back so they decided to wrongfully inform him due to fear that they were under protection of a London mob. However, the Quality Street had heard of this. Therefore, the QSG one night rolled up at the night club and told the London head bouncer to get in the car. He got into the car, you never refuse when they tell you to get in. They took him for a drive because they were not happy that a London mob were operating in Manchester. Anyway, it was discovered that the bouncers did not work for this London mob, they just wanted peace from Massey. Concluded, the bouncers never went back to Applejacks from that day. The Quality Street told them to go home. Don't know who took the door after that night but i do know that the club manager was very good friends with a QSG boss.
Has anyone on here read a book about football hooligans in the 70s - 80s. It was about two brothers, possibly twins who were mixed race lads and Man City fans. They used to make money by robbing curb crawlers after seeing a lass. There's talk about these two, apparently being responsible for firms being built from them setting up and robbing away fans, etc. The game was boring to them, and they found things outside of the game more interesting. Like violence which they had a reputation for. It's a great read. Edit: The book is called Guvnors by Micky Francis. Well worth the read. I'm sure names will cross over somewhere like Charlie Wilson one of the Great train robbers who moved to Spain and ended up working with Pablo Escobar. It's crazy how things are linked and connected.
@harryblox760 writing the book was part of the reason he was kicked out of cat d. He was writing it all through his sentence. It's called "surviving the madness"
@Артур-ц2э4и Nice one cheers. I'll have a look. There is a good one I've got here of a said to be hit man who got life and then released after 16 years. Ill find it in my cupboard but he's just been recalled for something silly.
im mates with some men that its hard for me to believe people i see on the internet can beat them that makes me wonder how bad these guys were. im from a pro fighter game. i know some of the hardest men in the world and its hard for me to imagine these guys could give any resistance
Pretty good but you could leave the AI pics out of it. They are distracting. Try and use your own voice as well. It was put together really well apart from that.
Violent people from all corners of the world in this city. No offence taken mancs aren’t soft. We have plenty of descendants of Irish immigrants in Manchester and Liverpool
It's written in the dna. All our ancient stories are of serious gore and epic warrior hero's. It's a very dark and moody place that's stirs the darkest of emotions but thats also what makes it fun because everyone is a little fatalistic. Also the trauma of the last 800 years is saturated in everyone. This leads to a short fuse especially when drinking. I dont think people can fully grasp the violence and gore that occured in Ireland throughout the centuries. It's a place with a very powerful magic both light and dark.
spent 2 years in jail with paul, found him to be a gentleman, funny caring protective, told the best stories and was the fittest man in jail trained 3 times a day cardio
I was in ways with him when we were on remand then I met him in sudbury when we were finishing off we both got a 7 stretch in 98 came out in 02 then he goes and get nicked again top bloke like you said told me some made stories funny as
@@wickedmanrick keyboard warrior
@@waynelockett1149 stead head your one them who go on the sunbed come home and beat up the mrs
Yea I loved his "Doyley Stories" 😂@waynelockett1149
My ears are still ringing and he belted me in 96
Thanks so much for this well told account, amazing how these guys survive the mayhem of the time and still can tell their stories. I will keep a look out for Paul's book.
Thanks for watching!🙏🏼
The best stories are the untold ones always is the case
Manchester and Liverpool two notoriously tough British cities with a rivalry epic legendary continuous history awesome
"Boardman was known for being polite …but was also an extremely dangerous sixteen and a half stone lunatic who you didn't want o get on the wrong side of." But he was polite, and that's rare nowadays.
It's pronounced Solford...Ffs
Sall ford ha ha 😆😆.
He pronounces it perfectly pal
@@micahbodha6129 which one, I'm not from there but I've always heard it pronounced solfud, certainly not sall ford. It just sounds weird that's all. Quite a good vid though 👌.
I am n yes its pronounced solford not sall ford@MichaelParkinson-wz1nh
Sol-fud as close as Sol-Ford. If not more so.
Gentlemen. They left the lady alone. And dealt with the problem. Not saints. But true Gs, no waffling. World class in the way that they rolled. Wouldn’t want them for enemies.
In 96/97 Paul Massey wanted control of Applejacks nightclub underneath the Princess hotel. Applejacks had a handful of tough bouncers from London. The bouncers did a good job of keeping him away. In the end, Paul Massey approached the head bouncer on a car park with a gun but the bouncer took the gun from him. At that point, the bouncers knew he would just keep coming back so they decided to wrongfully inform him due to fear that they were under protection of a London mob. However, the Quality Street had heard of this. Therefore, the QSG one night rolled up at the night club and told the London head bouncer to get in the car. He got into the car, you never refuse when they tell you to get in. They took him for a drive because they were not happy that a London mob were operating in Manchester. Anyway, it was discovered that the bouncers did not work for this London mob, they just wanted peace from Massey. Concluded, the bouncers never went back to Applejacks from that day. The Quality Street told them to go home. Don't know who took the door after that night but i do know that the club manager was very good friends with a QSG boss.
They probably smelled a rat because there's no such thing as "the London mob" 😂
Read his book, he experience some serious shit especially over seas with the psycho torture hitman William aka Johnny Morrissey
Has anyone on here read a book about football hooligans in the 70s - 80s. It was about two brothers, possibly twins who were mixed race lads and Man City fans. They used to make money by robbing curb crawlers after seeing a lass. There's talk about these two, apparently being responsible for firms being built from them setting up and robbing away fans, etc. The game was boring to them, and they found things outside of the game more interesting. Like violence which they had a reputation for. It's a great read.
Edit: The book is called
Guvnors by Micky Francis. Well worth the read. I'm sure names will cross over somewhere like Charlie Wilson one of the Great train robbers who moved to Spain and ended up working with Pablo Escobar. It's crazy how things are linked and connected.
Doylely has a book out now.
@@Артур-ц2э4и any idea what it's called?
@harryblox760 writing the book was part of the reason he was kicked out of cat d. He was writing it all through his sentence.
It's called "surviving the madness"
@Артур-ц2э4и Nice one cheers. I'll have a look. There is a good one I've got here of a said to be hit man who got life and then released after 16 years. Ill find it in my cupboard but he's just been recalled for something silly.
@@harryblox760 I did a few years of my sentence with doyely
Looked like Pacino in boxing days.
im mates with some men that its hard for me to believe people i see on the internet can beat them that makes me wonder how bad these guys were. im from a pro fighter game. i know some of the hardest men in the world and its hard for me to imagine these guys could give any resistance
Decent Synopsis overall pal. fair play.
Pretty good but you could leave the AI pics out of it. They are distracting. Try and use your own voice as well. It was put together really well apart from that.
Proper yank documentary 😂 I'm a manc but even I wouldn't call Doyle n massey manchester gangsters. . Salford lads!
….I’m British. Appreciate you checking out the video! 🫡
100% Salford lads but definitely not the most feared either. Can think of horrible people in greater Manchester that make these two seem normal
@@DarkSleuthSecretsBritish? Or English it's just it's usually only Americans I hear say British everyone I know says English.
@@m6_jedi953 English Bro😂
@@C0llyhurst both die hard United fans
I knew one punch. Lived in Higher Broughton
It's always interesting when they show the Noonan's there's never any sign of Derek. It's always Dominic, Dessie and Damien.
Dominics a nonce don't bother even mentioning that scumbag . But your right Dessy and Denny were gents as far as I'm concerned tc 👍🇬🇧
I've always thought that, I don't think there's many pictures if any of Derek.
Derek is low key
Derek makes money whilst the others made a mess
No offence meant here - but what is it about Irish heritage that seems to make folks so violent?
Violent people from all corners of the world in this city. No offence taken mancs aren’t soft. We have plenty of descendants of Irish immigrants in Manchester and Liverpool
It's all the bacon and cabbage that we get fed.
@@JackJones-jn4oq Plenty of that too.
It's written in the dna. All our ancient stories are of serious gore and epic warrior hero's. It's a very dark and moody place that's stirs the darkest of emotions but thats also what makes it fun because everyone is a little fatalistic. Also the trauma of the last 800 years is saturated in everyone. This leads to a short fuse especially when drinking. I dont think people can fully grasp the violence and gore that occured in Ireland throughout the centuries. It's a place with a very powerful magic both light and dark.
The judge said Paul was a colourful character 😂😊
Salford poor dyslexic half Jewish 5foot8 plenty of hardships but through all that Mr Doyle became a British legend
The war on drugs is a disaster
If only all prisons were like the Scandinavian ones
Soon as I heard an American voiceover I turned it off . Ffs
You don’t watch boxing? The UFC? Films?! You turn it all off? Give it another try mate it’s not so bad🫡
what did he say they did to the wall paper man, ? cant make it out
They whacked him off…
They pasted him from high to low 🥊
inter city jibber..knew him and massey mufc north wales jibber[to pay is to fail[footballs best jibbers best crew in a heartbeat[
Whoever put the background music/noise in this video needs severe prison time its criminal
I read the book red army general was actually decent book for a 14 year old lol
The fuck is this 😂
Most feared 😂😂